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No. 7 March, 1928.

Editor: J. H. PAYLING.

The composition of an Editorial is ever a thorn in the flesh; but lest you should scornfully cry out that it is a fashion amongst editors to bemoan the hardness of their lot, let us hasten to assure you that we are on this particular occasion in a truly sad plight. For we are quite unable, we confess it with deep contrition, to embellish this, our all too plain introduction, with some apt quotation from the Latin tongue. The Classic Muse disdains to walk with us. But why, to be sure, should we lament this desertion? Why, indeed, should we seek the aid of the proud Latin tongue? We have no great thoughts to express, no momentous events to chronicle or to herald. For times are not what they were. The new building is no longer new, alas! We are sensible now only to its faults, and almost ignore its many advantages. Moreover,

we, in the manner of human kind, have forgotten the enthusiasm of those "July days." No longer now do we consort with mayors and aldermen, and the glamour of 1927's celebration has been dissipated by the advent of 1928. Nothing remains but to chronicle the ordinary, every-day events of school-life. We of the Monoux School pursue our placid existence, content with the round of debates, chess, paper-chases, and football, all of which come as pleasant diversions in lives of otherwise unremitting devotion to the acquisition of knowledge. This, we hope, will in some measure explain the comparatively small proportions of this number. But enough of this. We weary you, and so, our prologue spoken, we make our bow and bid the curtain rise.

No.8 Summer 1928

Editor J.H.Payling

Rejoice! Fling far and wide the tidings, that all who love the name of Monoux may hear and he glad with us! Ye scions of that ancient name, don your most festal garments, and with triumphal music hail the victors' return! Rend the heavens with your songs! Shout aloud, for victory is yours! Rejoice, rejoice, and again we say, rejoice! Patient reader, bear with us awhile. Spare your condemnation of these editorial ravings. Have we not, after years of striving on the Drapers' Company's ground, made ourselves at last the victors at the Inter-School Sports? Come, let us wipe from the tablets of memory all thoughts of trivial everyday events, all guilty fears of tell-tale examination results, all glad longings for summer holidays, and remember this alone-that the victory is ours, is ours at last. Year after year have we turned our backs upon the field of contest, disappointment in our hearts, dejection on our faces. This year we returned to Walthamstow with glad hearts and happy faces. But enough-a pen mightier than our own has described this, the latest of Monovian triumphs. Next term we hope to present the Monovian to you in a new garb. We trust that you will receive it kindly. The colour scheme and the design, reminiscent of the School tie, will be, we feel sure, more truly Monovian than those of the present cover. And now, having duly prefaced this, the eighth number of the Monovian's efforts, we will put off our editorial state, conferring it on younger strengths, while we become once more an ordinary, though singular, member of society.

No. 9 November 1928.

Editor: D. THOMSON. Christmas, 1928.

In spite of the rumours circulated the Monovian again appears in its customary, garb. Little radical change has been made. One or two features have unavoidably been dropped. The space allotted to the Old Monovians' Section is now somewhat larger, and more in proportion to the number of Copies bought by the O.M. Association. This section of the magazine is now under the editorship of R. G. F. Sutton. One word more, gentle reader, before we depart. We would beg you, like Dr. Johnson, to spare your criticism, for if anything has been omitted, much also has been done. Spare your criticism until No. 11 has appeared. For only then will you he able to form a fair and just estimate for the year-and by that time we shall probably he beyond reach of your wrath! Extend to us the Christmas spirit of goodwill, and resign yourself, like us, to the festivities and other joys of the season, which we hope will be a happy one for you all.