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No. 44 Spring, 1942.


EDITOR C. J. Plouviez.

The third evacuation number of the Monovian is a specially interesting issue, recording as it does, the appointment of Mr. J.F. Elam as our new Headmaster. He took over at the beginning of the year from Mr Emery, who carried on so ably since Mr. Goodall left last summer. We wish him every success and happiness with the Monoux School and we hope that he will not spend too much of his time and energy directing a sadly reduced School under novel conditions, but that he will return with us soon to the familiar atmosphere of our own building, where his quiet, but firm influence can be turned to a more positive use than is at present possible. There is no doubt that he believes in action and already has the best interests of the School at heart. He certainly knows more of the history of Walthamstow than most of us It is our intention now to produce a Magazine every term so as to have a complete history of our life away from home. We want to express, not the big issues, but the trivial, everyday affairs which make up a community life such as we are living, so that future generations looking back, and past generations looking forward, notice how vastly different from, yet how closely similar to, their school days were ours. If we have less ''moving'' incidents to report now than in either of the two preceding numbers, it is because we have settled here so readily and for so long that life seems almost normal. We are as cheerful, hard-working and comfortable as circumstances allow. Faulty black-outs, smoking fires, or cold rooms no longer amuse us; have, indeed, almost ceased to annoy us. In the past few months the social side of Monoux life has greatly increased. The Societies and House competitions, the concerts and socials have revived the out-of-school life, details of which used to take up so much of the Magazine. It is true that we have not produced a full-length play since Richard of Bordeaux, but even that may not be impossible later in the year. Meanwhile, we have found that we are not lacking in talent, either on the sports field or on the stage. We can and will, maintain, the high standard reached by our predecessors. Talking of our predecessor, we are justly proud of the growing Honour List of Old Boys in the Forces. It is, unfortunately, impossible to have a large section edited by Old Boys themselves, but we will gladly print any news of them which is sent to us. Indeed, we would welcome many more details of Old Boys, especially of those whose names have not yet been recorded in the Monovian.
