No. 47 Autumn. 1944.
Editor : J. PERCIVAL.
The period since the last issue of the Manovian, which recorded the School's return to Walthamstow after nearly four years of evacuation, has been spent in settling down once more in our old home. The life of the School is now largely back to normal, although there are still many reminders of the fact that "there's a war on"-ladies in the Staff room, blast walls in the corridors, black-outs, fire-watchers, and of course, flying bombs, to name but a few.. One is reminded even more strongly of this fact, however, when reading the Old Boys' section of this magazine, which continues to record the deaths of Old Monovians on battle fronts all over the world. It is impossible for us to convey adequately our admiration for the exploits of our Old Boys, many of whom have been decorated for their valour, or to express the full measure of our sympathy for the relatives and friends of those who have died. We who are still at school can do little to help bring this war to a speedy conclusion, but we can and must prepare ourselves to take a full and responsible part in the affairs of to-morrow. Unless we, as active citizens of a democracy, are ready to work for peace, nothing can prevent a new and more terrible war in twenty or thirty years' time. Democracy can only work when everybody plays his part to the full. It is we who are the future rulers of this country, and we shall have the choice of working for peace and civilisation or for war and annihilation. Meanwhile, the Monovian continues to reflect, as faithfully as possible, the life of the School. Two things stand out. The reports on youth conferences are an encouraging feature and, although we arc unable to omit the perennial complaint of the Debating Society that a does not receive enough support, we are pleased to note that the Junior Discussion Society shows much more promise. The Harvest Camp is another excellent institution which should be continued after the war, as it will help to continue the good work of evacuation in breaking down the barriers between town and country. One further point seems worthy of mention. One of our correspondents recently stated : "I note with regret the unfortunate dying-up of the fount of Monovian poetic inspiration." This has been rectified in the present issue.