No. 95 Spring 1970
School, it will he realised, is the epitome of society, yet should it mirror true society, or attempt to produce a better system? Certainly, if Monoux is supposed to be mirroring the world it epitomises, the reflection it gives is not a true one: we have no vehement disagreements ending in violence of any considerable magnitude, and all differences are resolved in a civilised fashion in the belief that the tongue is the most powerful weapon of civilisation. The vehicles of expression which exist within the school, although not always utilised to the full, are never abused. The principle that public opinion and majority assent are the prime motivation of change and innovation is adhered to naturally in Monoux, and all ideas are duly considered by various bodies in the school and if they are practical and an improvement to the welfare of this Monoux community, then all possible efforts are made to ensure their introduction in a tangible form. All matters are resolved finally, without abuse or anger, a far cry it would seem, from the world around us. Where civility prevails, progress is a natural condition- perhaps this is the crack in the mirror.
No. 96 December 1970
The present volume of "the Monovian" welcomes its readers and wishes them pleasant reading. Its new appearance is an intentional development: the ommissions made, however, are not, and for these I apologise. For the record, 1969 will go down in Monoux history as a year sans soccer, unless anyone can unearth a record of that activity! I feel that I should mention speech day 1969 - again, "For the record" F.Sylvester M.P. kindly visited the school and spoke to both the afternoon and the evening congregations, even contriving to deliver different speeches. Notable points mentioned during the Headmasters speech were the (it was then thought) imminent addition of the science and engineering blocks to the school's facilities, and the phenomenal number of boys entering Universities from the school that year. This issue of our magazine is in some ways experimental: it went to press so fast that a number of contributions were left behind. I ask readers to bear with us and, please; if any critics are there who consider that they could help to revitalise the Monovian - step forward! Wanted - An editorial team.