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Article Index


No. 48. Summer. 1945.

Editor : J. Percival

Assistan: Editor: R. J. Lander

We had hoped. now that the School has returned home, to produce the Monovian once more at termly intervals. Fortunately, however, we refrained from making any promises, and the wisdom of this course has  been demonstrated by the regrettable fact that exceptional conditions made it impossible to produce the magazine last term. Again we shall make no promises, but we sincerely hope that we shall now be able to resume regular publication. The dramatic course of world events since our last issue has prevented the School from settling down completely to its normal routine. The rocket attacks on London proved a very disturbing factor: more than once the School building was damaged, and the Juniors were again sent into exile at another school in the neighbourhood. We arc glad to say that the School suffered no serious casualties as a result of this bombardment. The celebration of the end of the war in Europe, coming immediately before Whitsun, resulted in the School's enjoying nearly a fortnight's holiday, a very delightful experience for the Juniors, but not perhaps an unmixed blessing for boys about to sit for examinations Meanwhile, life at School continues as normally as possible. Boys have played football and cricket, given a gym demonstration, acted in a School play, attended the various School clubs and societies, discussed weighty motions at the School Council, attended youth conferences, and done all, the hundred-and-one little things that make up school life. It should not be forgotten, of course, that they are also expected to indulge in a certain amount of academic study. We hope that the Monovian provides a fairly accurate reflection of all this activity. If it does not, please do not blame the Editors. We have no objection to writing the whole magazine, if necessary: but if it is to he representative of the whole School, boys must be prepared to write for it. There is one further point. Many boys approach the Editors at various times-usually very inconvenient times-and ask what they should write for the magazine. Naturally, the Editors arc not able to suggest a suitable subject for every prospective contributor, and therefore give the boy a suitably vague answer. Need1ess to say, nothing more is ever heard of the matter. Let us state that we cannot be responsible for telling you what to write about. If you want to write for the magazine, choose a subject that interests you and may interest others, and write about it. We can then tell you if it is suitable.
