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Valete 1956

D. L. JARVIS. School, 1948-55; Deputy School Captain, 1954-55; House Captain, Mallinson House ; Captain of Cricket ; Colours, Essex Grammar Schools' Cricket XI; 1st XI Foot ball and Half-colours ; Secretary of Football and Cricket; Editor of Bulletin; School Council; Senior Circle.
David (more often referred to as 'Jiv', a nickname he disliked heartily) was one of the most outstanding leaders of the School in recent years. There were few aspects of School life with which he had not some connection, but his best work was done as Deputy School Captain and Captain of Cricket. To these jobs, both of which made heavy demands on his time and energies, he brought a devotion and enthusiasm which was an immense help to those above him and an inspiration to those below him.
His real love was the cricket of the School, for he was immensely keen on a game at which he was himself so good. but, although he was one of the School's best batsmen of recent years, it was his emphasis on the team rather than on the individual which made his year as captain such a successful one and, from the players' point of view, such a happy one.
His leaving has left a gap which the School will find it hard to fill, but it can also feel proud to have numbered him amongst its boys.

D. E. JENKINSON. School, 1950-55; Prefect, 1954-55; House Captain, Morris House; School Table Tennis Champion; State Scholarship ; Open Exhibition to Trinity College, Cambridge.
' Jenks ' was one of the best brains the School has had for some years. A tremendous capacity for hard work characterised the whole of his School career and his application was justly rewarded by his high academic success, which he achieved at the remarkably young age of seventeen.
Though he lived, to some extent, in a position of academic isolation, he was never happier than when arguing, and this was particularly true when his opponent was Frank Smith, with whom he had many protracted and vehement verbal tusslesmade more amusing by the fact that very often the arguments on neither side were particularly sound.
He was also an accomplished self-taught pianist, whose interest in music was extensive and enthusiastic. He was also very widely travelled in Europe, a factor which should stand him in good stead in his career at Cambridge.

P. E. GOODMAN. School, 1949-55; Prefect, 1954-5; Captain, Badminton Team; School Tennis and Colours; 2nd XI Football; School Council; County Major Exhibition.
Pete will always be remembered for his reticent smile and his good-natured toleration of much banter. He was always keen on his duty and in his leisure played in many sports in the same steady conscientious way.
To his work, he applied himself with vigour and was awarded as a result a County Major Exhibition. He was respected for always getting his teeth into any job he undertook. We wish him the best of luck therefore in his studies of dental surgery at King's College, London.

A. R. MARSKELL. School, 1948-55; Prefect, 1954-5; Higham House Captain; lst XI Football, Colours and Vice-Captain; l st XI Cricket and Half-Colours; School Basketball and Athletics Teams; School Council; County Major Scholarship.
Alan was best known for his sporting activities. Not only was he proficient in all branches of sport, but also, which is more important, he was by temperament a sportsman of the highest calibre. One cannot speak too highly of his example and leadership.
Together with his sporting activities, Alan combined a great capacity for hard work and, as a result, was awarded a County Major Scholarship. With him go our best wishes for his career in the Executive Civil Service, following his National Service in the Royal Air Force.

R. H. PUGH. School, 1948-55; Prefect, 1954-5; School Athletics Team; Choir, Madrigal Group; School Council.
Bob will be remembered best for his work in the Choir and Madrigal Group where his services, first as a tenor and later as a bass, were much in demand. He never failed to arouse comment by his amorous appendages on Old Vic visits, and his shot-putting efforts have left a deep impression on all, not least on the School field. In the Prefects' Room, he had outstanding success as a spin bowler and he was particularly efficient at making our morning tea. He will be able to increase this proficiency in his chosen career, the Postal Department of the Civil Service, to which he goes with our best wishes.
P. B. SCOTT. School, 1947-55; Prefect, 1954-5; County Major Exhibition.
Peter brought an air of culture into the barbarism of the Prefects' Room. Being a year older than the rest of us, he was considered one apart and his sage advice was often sought. He was happiest when immersed in his Manchester Guardian or when discoursing at length on his favourite subjects, which appeared to be the I.Q. of the salamander and the genetic effects of the hydrogen bomb. Those whom he conveyed regularly to the Old Vic have a great respect for his ability as a driver, although one would have thought that the Highway Code was written in Swahili for all he cared. Though to all appearances (and these were not often) he was a gentleman of leisure, he was awarded a County Major Exhibition and is now studying engineering at Bristol University prior to becoming (as he himself was not slow to testify) a captain of industry.

A. E. STEVENS. School, 1947-55; Prefect, 1954-5; Captain of 2nd XI Football and Cricket; Acting A.S.M., School Scout Troop; Dramatic Society.
Steve had perhaps the most forceful personality amongst the prefects. The frequency with which he relayed the jokes from the Hackney Empire was often exhausting, but at least he was always cheerful. His avid application to duty and his willingness to perform any task was appreciated by all with whom he came into contact.
His acting of the General in The King of Barvender proved that even in a serious play he was, at heart, a comic of great versatility. One of the most remarkable things about him was his writing and it was not uncommon to find three words taking up a whole foolscap line. Like his writing, his overflowing personality has made its mark on Monoux, and our best wishes go to the R.A.F., who with Steve are now encumbered. We cannot help feeling that under his influence some drastic reorganisation is imminent.

W. H. WALKER. School, 1949-55; Prefect, 1954-5; Vice-Captain of Higham House; Secretary, School Council; Editor, The Monovian; County Major Scholarship.
Tubs, coming to the School late from South Africa, was remarkably quick to catch up with and pass his classmates. His tremendous desire for knowledge and amazing capacity for learning were made manifest in his examination successes. He astounded us all by being awarded the Westminster Abbey Service Prize for Religious Knowledge and by passing, on his own initiative, Logic at Ordinary Level.
He was a practical convert of the eminent psychologist, Dr. Jung, and deprecated the decaying morals of his own contemporaries, He was urged on by a pedantic sense of duty and was, as a result, one of the most efficient prefects. As Editor of The Monovian, his extensive vocabulary and command of the English language was given full vent. He will be remembered for his coal-shovel participation in the archaeological "digs" at Salisbury Hall and the Monoux Almshouses.
His locquaciaus admonitions will be missed in the Prefects' Room and he takes with him our best wishes for his service in the R.A.F. and, following that, in the Law profession.

A.W. WILSHAW. School, 1948-55; Prefect, 1954-5; Historical Society.
It is surprising that Wilshaw was not more widely known in the School. He was one of those characters who, whilst not wishing to impose himself upon society, endear themselves to their immediate collegue's by their subtleties.
In the Prefects' Room, he was an excellent mimic, and a keen member of the celebrated chairleg cricket team. His dry humour and touches of sarcasm made light of many awkward situations. He was notorious for his punctuality and his adherence to strict working hours. This should stand him in good stead in his Civil Service career, into which he goes with our best wishes.