Valete 1950
C.O. Morgan, School, 1942-50. Prefect, 1948; Editor of Monovian, 1947-50; member, Committee of Dramatic Society; Gramophone Society.
Much of Colin's work was done away from School for the church in Walthamstow with which he was connected. As one of the oldest inhabitants of the Sixth Form, he was to be seen almost any day chatting with his clique in his slow drawl with a book open and seemingly unread in front of him. He had probably never done any work in school-time since the Fifth Form, and yet obtained a place at Hertford College, Oxford, just before he left for the Air Force. He was a prolific writer of plays (Bathsheba was produced at School), of short stories, and of humorous sketches. Some of his work was narrowly rejected by Punch and he was interviewed by the Director of Television Drama. His work for the Monovian was of a very high standard. His interests were music, literature and cultured living (fine fabrics, gastronomy), and we wish him the best of luck for the future. He is at present marking time in the Educational Corps.
R.R. Gunton, Prefect, 1947-48; School Captain, 1948-49: Captain Mallinson House; Member, Editorial Board of Bullettin ; Dramatic Society Committee; Secretary, Inter-Schools Discussion Group.
The bare list of positions held hardly does justice to Roy's share in the smooth running of the School, particularly in the difficult task as School Captain, a position which he held for a year, and which acts as a link between the School and Prefects and the Staff. He fulfilled the task admirably: it was one he was particularly suited for. His natural aptitude for responsibility expressed itself also in his secretaryship of I.S.G. and in his acting as treasurer and chairman of the London and Epping Forest branch of the Council for Education in World Citizenship. He had a fine committee manner and now, as an Old Boy, is on the committee of the O.M.A.
Roy was rarely to be seen in the Prefects' Room because of his work as assistant secretary in the office. Nevertheless he was on the committee of the now defunct but immortal Bullettin and, moreover, was the printer of that paper-a tiresome and thankless task. He took a prominent part in I.S.G. discussions and he will be remembered for his performances as, Bottom, as Lucius Septimus in Caesar and Cleopatra and for his very fine Malvolio in Twelfth Night.
Roy's scholastic career was very successful: he by-passed the Third Forms, took his Matriculation in 1945, his Higher (with a County Major) in 1947, and obtained his Postmastership to Merton College, Oxford, in 1948. He will be at Oxford for the next four years. His range of interests was wide, including (surprisingly enough for a scientist) literature (he had an immense stock of quotations), ballet, world affairs, and his own brand of philosophy. On the athletic side his activities were frankly sporadic, he played cricket for the Staff v. the School and (he says) finished behind Hurst, in the 100 yards heats.
We wish him the best of luck in his scholastic career, a career in which we feel sure he will excel, and bid farewell to him with regret.
B. G. Chaplin, School, 1941-49, School Captain, 1949; School Vice-Captain, 1948-49; Prefect, 1947-49; Captain of Spivcy House, 1948-49; House Football, Cricket and Athletics Captain; Secretary of
School Council and Dramatic Society; 1st XI Colours, Cricket; _2nd XI Captain, Football.
Brian was famous throughout the School for his enthusiasm and stout work on behalf of Spivey House. Nothing was too much trouble for him and he communicated to his House much of his own zest and ardour. Under what he jocularly called his "dictatorship," Spivey won the Sports Cup in 1948, came second in 1949, and won the Gym. Competition two years running. For the Dramatic Society he took many parts (notably Caesar in Gaesar and Cleopatra) and jointly produced two one-act plays. And the post of secretarv to file School Council is not the pleasantest of jobs,.
He will be remembered for his singing in the Operatic Society (he played the Pirate King in The Pirates of Penzance), the Choir, and what one can only call " Mr. Hyde's group "---His singing of the Gendarme's Duet with Round will be a pleasant memory to all who heard it, with Chaplin's sternness as he grimly resolved 'to run them in' and the happy sadistic: glee with which Round indicated the size of the little boys he was about to arrest.
Amidst all eulogies on Brian's community spirit one tends to lose sight of the fact that he was a very good companion and a staunch friend. We will long remember the successful insurrection he and Harpin led in an agricultural camp for better living conditions. He wrote some wicked parodies on our holiday in Paris and led the singing during it. The Prefects' Room as well as Spivey House will miss him now that he has left for the Civil Service.
D.F. NORFOLK, 1946-49; School Captain. 1949; Prefect, 1947-49: President of School Council, 1949: member of the 1st XI Football; Vice-Captain, Football: Football Secretarv: Full Colours, Football:
Captain of Gymnastics; member of 1st XI Cricket; Half Colours, Athletics; member of School Table-Tennis team; member of Choir, Operatic Society, Inter-Schools Discussion Group; House Captain, Allpass; Captain of Allpass Football, Cricket, Athletics, Gymnastics and Table Tennis.
Don became a Monitor just over a year after coming to Monoux. When elected he was fifteen years old, and when he left Monoux over two years later, after rising to the rank of School Captain, he was
still younger than any contemporary Prefect or Monitor. This was something of a record and one to be proud of, for Don was a good Prefect and a very fine School Captain, managing the very difficult job with his unvarying natural tact and good nature.
The wide range of his duties did not prevent his having, many other interests. Throughout his career at Monoux he was a member of the Football 1st Xl. He gained full Colours in his first season.
He was Football Secretary, 1947-8, and Vice-Captain, 1949. He was a brilliant full back and a capable deputy for any position on the field. He always played with unruffled calm and this coolncss served him well in all the other games he took part in. For two seasons he played for the Cricket 1st Xl, and he was a fine left -handed table tennis player with flowing (and often unorthodox) strokes.
In addition to cricket, he went in for swimming and athletics during the summer. For three years he was a member of the athletics team. He was a very keen member of the Gym, Club for which he did an immense amount of hard work. With his ability went keenness and he made a good Gymnastics Captain. The record of Allpass House under his single-handed captaincy bears witness to the fact that he was yet able to find time to do work there.
In spite-perhaps because-of his successes and achievements Don was unusually quiet and modest, exercising rather a sobering influence on the mad atmosphere of the Prefects' Room. He was always very friendly with a disposition invariably pleasant. He was popular throughout the School, a quality often rare among those with high and varied offices. He will be missed by all connected with Monoux, as much on the social as on the athletic side. He leaves with our very best wishes for every success in the future and in his career of osteopathy.
B. W. BAKER, School, 1942-47: Prefect, 1948-49.
Baker's quiet and retiring manner shielded a far more lively personality than was generally appreciated. He revealed some of his worth in his school work and his duties as a Prefect; but it was unfortunately true that his Sixth Form years, the most interesting part of one's time at school, were curtailed. Bryan, along with T. J. Murphy, achieved the remarkable feat of completing his Higher School course (and in passing the examination with four 'goods') in one year after obtaining Matriculation exemption. This meant, of course, that his social and outside interests had to be severely curtailed. Consequently the School saw practically nothing of Baker outside school hours, and so the variety and range of his interests which included cycling, reading, music and ballet, and the countryside-were known to few. During his second year in the Sixth Form he devoted his time to scholarship hunting, working to such purpose that, of the three Open Scholarships for which he sat, he gained two awards-an Open Exhibition and a Royal Scholarship to the Royal College of Science, Imperial College, Kensington. There he is. reading for a "Special" degree in Chemistry. We wish him well and hope that his college career will be as successful as his career at School.
T: E. Barth, School, 1941-48; Athletics Captain, Spivey House; Prefect, 1947-48; 2nd XI Football; 1st XI Cricket; Athletics Colours; Gymnastics Colours.
Barth, one of the hardy specimens who endured the exile at Lucton, will be remembered chiefly for his ability in athletics and games, and for his complete indifference to the taunts of his less active fellows.
His keenness in matters athletic: brought him many successes, both in the School Sports and in the Essex Competitions, while towards the end of his School career he demonstrated another talent by his successful organisation and captaincy of Spivey athletics. Both his football and cricket were characterised by determination, resulting occasionally in some startling performances. Academically he achieved good results in both School and Higher School Certificate. We wish him well in his present occupation, which, we understand, is concerned with military operations in Malaya.
A. A. Collins; Prefect, 1948-49; Captain, 1st XI Cricket, 1949; Captain, Essex Grammar Schools XI, 1949; Captain, _2nd XI Football: Captain, Football, and Cricket Captain, Mallinson House; Sports Editor, Monovian; member School Choir and Operatic Society.
"Vobbs," a nickname of uncertain origin, was the label by which we knew Alan, who was a character in the best sense of' the word. His great love was cricket. Not only did he bring by his own efforts his own play, without coaching, to a very high standard, but he had an almost incredible knowledge of the game and of its history, rules and theory. In the 1949 season he not only captained the School XI (having been Vice-Captain the previous season), but captained the Essex Grammar Schools XI. He shared in the record first wicket partnerships for both the 1st and 2nd School XIs.
He was very fond of music and his deep voice was prominent at performances by the Choir and the Operatic Society and at Old Monovians' functions, where he sang many solos. In The Pirates of Penzance his performance as the Sergeant of Police aroused much controversy because of the comic actions with which he accompanied his singing. Perhaps his critics forget that it was a comic opera.
"Vobbs" did many other things for the School. He was a very good Prefect, Sports Editor of the Monovian, played a bustling game at centre-forward for the Football 1st XI, and captained the 2nd; he
was Vice-Captain, then Captain, of Mallinson, and guided its cricket and football.
His friends knew him as a great "character." He had an original fund of humour which expressed itself in the weirdest of grins and gestures. With a philosophical cheerfulness and pity for our lack of taste he accepted all the jokes made against him on account of his passionate devotion to cricket (which he would willingly have played day and night), his jealousy of other forms of sport, his immensely deep voice, and his loathing of the jazz loved by most of his, colleagues. And behind his happy disposition lay the sincerity and reliability which made him so fine a friend. We wish him all the success and happiness that he so well deserves in his future years in the R.A.F. and at London University, where he will study modern languages.
E.B. FAIRMAN, School, 1941-49; Prefect, 1946-49; Captain, Allpass House, and Football Captain, 1948-48; Athletics Captain; Gymnastics Captain; Colours for Tennis.
He was a fine sportsman of all-round ability and unbounded energy, an inspiring leader and one of the most popular of Prefects. Under his leadership, Allpass House in one year won the cricket, football and tennis competitions and the "Workman " Cup for scholastic attainments. His captaincy of the School's football team in France was one of the chief reasons for the outstanding success of the tour. Whilst at School he broke the School Mile and Half-Mile records and won the Cup for these events fours years in succession, a feat not likely to be equalled-and he also excelled in the discus and pole-vault events. Along with his ability as a tennis-player and gymnast we remember his shot at cricket-Henry Cotton would have been proud of it-and his brief but telling appearances in the Christmas one-act plays. In the Prefects' Room his cheerfulness and ability to " mar a curious tale in the telling " made him a welcome resident. A loyal Prefect and a very good friend, Eddy leaves, with our best wishes for his success both in the Army and at the London School of Economics.
B. G. W. HIGGINS; 1st XI Cricket, 1948-49; 2nd XI Football, 1947-49; Allpass House Cricket Captain, 1948-49.
Although he only joined the School in 1947, coming from Wi1liam Morris School, Higgins soon became a prominent member of the Fifth (and later the Sixth) Form, and was an invaluable addition to the School's cricket team. He was very popular in Upper School circles for his invariable geniality and good humour. He has left us now for the Civil Service and no one but will wish him the best of luck in his new appointment.
P. C:. Hurst, School, 1946-49; Prefect,, 1947-49; 2nd Xl Football.
Pete's jovial and good humoured nature was in keeping with his massive figure which became so well known and liked throughout the School. The wholehearted manner with which he performed every task made him an admirable Prefect. He was a keen sportsman, his ability being most marked as 2nd XI goalkeeper, referee and Arsenal's most enthusiastic supporter; he was in fact. an "all-rounder." As goalkeeper he was master of the spectacular: who will ever forget the look of absolute horror on his face, when, having played a 'blinder ' for the Prefects v. the Rest, he punched a ball six feet outside the post into his goal. As referee he always took complete control of the game and the pointing finger intimated the finality of his decisions. Perhaps Pete will be missed in the Prefects' Room more than anywhere else. He had a grand sense of humour-his particular method of silencing those who would jibe at the expense of his figure, will be long and affectionately remembered by his fellow Prefects. He celebrated the end of the examinations by a virtuoso leading of in the Prefects,' Room of a three hour jam session. His language was cheerful and unorthodox. His leaving has indeed left a gap which is very difficult to fill.
J. W. Rutherford. School, 1947-49; Prefect, 1st XI Football; Captain, 2nd XI.
Johnny came to Monoux late in the second term of the Sixth Form, but settled down so quickly that he was elected Monitor within a few months of his arrival. In the Prefects' Room his good humour ensured his popularity, and he fulfilled his duties capably.
One could wish for no better companion. He was, always ready with help, advice and encouragement, going far out of his way to help a friend. Yet he never seemed to do quite the best for himself.
He studied as he played games and as he laughed, with a gay abandon: he gained a good Higher School Certificate and achieved a brilliant result in the Civil Service Executive Examination, coming twentieth out of the two thousand entrants. He could, without undue strain, have done even better, and matched with his results his ability.
At games he played on occasion for the Football 1st XI and captained the 2nd. He played cricket which would have delighted any village, and when he turned to a game seriously (tennis) he was outstandingly successful.
Those who were on the Paris trip perhaps knew him at his most abandoned. Without the least embarrassment he would march boldly into a cafe and demand " orfs du'ers ": in cafes in the evening
lean forward and assure the barman, "Monsieur, vous etes un pratt": and the sailor-like sway that characterised his walk was as well known down the staircase of the Cite Universitaire as along the corridors of the School.
It was typical of Johnny that, having gained so dazzling an entry into the Executive Grade of the Civil Service, he should throw up the job to help his father run his business. We all send our very best wishes to him for his future happiness and success.