Valete 1954
K. J. BARNES. 1951-1953; Prefect 1952-53; Whittingham House; 2nd XI Cricket; School Athletics; Librarian; Editor of Bulletin; County Major Exhibition. Keith came to us late but was very welcome none the less. At first he worked very hard which was understandable though perhaps regrettable, but he soon achieved that happy marriage of work and pleasure that most Sixth formers strive for. He came as a supposed musical genius, and by the time he left we all realised that this was indeed the case. He developed little, idiosyncratic habits like criticising the School Song, and he cultivated a supreme disdain of examinations, a disdain which he carried to its logical conclusions last July! This indeed he considered his crowning glory at Monoux.
There was, however, much glory of a different order to precede it. He founded the Short Story Society to encourage the reading of short stories in the School, a labour which was considered useful and indeed was in spite of the society's more recent lamented demise. His performances in school plays unlike some of his lines will always be remembered. His tone in 'Ernest' was especially well received.
As an editor of The Bulletin he accomplished very useful work. He was also an efficient librarian.
His cricket gained him a place in the school second XI last season and he represented the school as a runner on several occasions. Outside school his main interest after music was perhaps cycling, a pleasure which he developed suddenly and with startling success.
We wish him all success at the Royal Academy of Music and in his anticipated musical career.
G. HEWITSON. 1946-53; Prefect 1946-53: Spivey House Captain; School Football Captain; School Tennis;2nd Xl Cricket; Essex Grammar Schools' Football XI; State Scholarship.
Hugo did nearly everything. He was School Football Captain, a position dealt with more fully on another page; he was one of the finest tennis players in the School, if sometimes erratic; he played Cricket lustily and successfully for the 2nd X I: and while he was captain of Spivey the House won the Schol Sports twice running. Besides this he played for the Essex Grammar Schools' Football XI, gained a State Scholarship, was sports editor of the Bulletin, and one of the few prefects in recent years to be made in the first year sixth. He was also knowledgeable and enlightening on the theory and practice of jazz, and a prodigious cyclist, whence his nickname. In this last he was very successful as an amateur rider in various local and Southern England road meetings. In particularly violent Prefects' Room, he was perhaps the most violent, altogether a most useful and welcome influence.
Geoff is in the R.A.F. now, where he should get a chance to continue most of these extremely active activities. Good luck, Hugo.
M.D. HOOPER. 1947-53; Prefect 1952-53; Morris House; 2nd XI Football; 2nd XI Cricket; 1st team Basketball; Librarian; State Scholarship; and Opem Inter-Collegiate Scholarship at London University.
Max won our only Open Scholarship in 1953, the Inter Collegiate at London University College. His main interest was in the Field Club, for which he produced authorative papers and essays from time to time. His natural industry extra curricula, enabled him to snap up various essay prizes regularly during his last two years at School.
As a prefect he was both popular and efficient, and his constructive arguments brought flashes of sanity to the Prefects' Room. He was proficient in both of the School's major games, gaining places in the 2nd XI's for football and cricket. Basketball attracted him and hewas soon a member of our first team. He was very welcome on the rugger field, he was one of the few who knew what was going on.
We hope his studies will progress successfully and wish him well in his future career.
P.M.W. KELHAM. 1945-53; Prefect 1951-53; School Vice-Captain; Morris House Captain: School Cricket Captain; 2nd Football Captain; School Chess and colours; Sports Editor, The Monovian, County Major Exhibition.
Wa1's extraordinary height made him one of the most distinctiv eand distinguished of the School's prefects. In any case he would have been remarkable, for there was scarcely any school activity in which he did not take a successful part. His very hard work was rewarded by a place at Hertford College, Oxford, where he will take up residence in 1955. He was always prominint in School chess, took many parts in Dramatic Society productions, and was besides, vice captain of the School, and one of the most enthusiastic and energetic House Captains we have seen for a long time. His great sporting abilities are acknowledged in later pages and his services to School cricket have been written on in more magazines than this.
Michael was certainly the most popular boy at Monoux and deservedly so, for he devoted more of his time to the good of the School, his house, and the School's sport than seemed possible considering his many other interests. In the Prefects' Room he was, the best of company. His cricket there was revered, for he could turn a tennis ball at right angles or more; and he could hurl a football boot or a chair, as occasion required, with the best.
He is now in the Army: we are told his uniform is not such a bad fit after all!
A. J. KNOCK. 1945-53; Prefect 1951-53; sometime Spivey House Captain; Librarian; Secretary to Inter-Schools Discussion Group; Editor, The Monovian; School Chess and Colours; State Scholarship.
As one grew to know Allen, one grew to respect his opinions less and his person more. Although notoriously inefficient as a prefect, he did an enormous amount for the School as the records of the Dramatic and Operatic Societies, the Debating Society, Inter-Schools Discussion Group, and of School chess will show. He was also for several years an editor of this magazine. His extreme intelligence brought him, with a minimum of work, or at least of organisation, a State Scholarship, and he only narrowly missed an Open Scholarship at University College, Oxford, where he has a place.
In all, he was remarkable, even peculiar. When writing on the artistic and literary oddities of the past at Monoux, it has been usual to make some comment about exceptional way in which they spent their last year at school. Allen was most exceptional, he sensibly spent the greater part of it at home reading, occasionally writing, and learning exotic languages with uncommon zeal. His fine intelligence was admirably backed by a deplorable tenacity in all argument which could be liberally interpreted as calculated obtuseness, bad artistic taste, and lack of perception. All this made him a first-class instructor and an unfailing friend. He had a rewarding sense of humour and his understanding made him a delightful companion. He was in addition the finest verse reader of his age I have ever heard.
lf he leaves half the mark on Oxford that he has on Monoux, then his career and his life are assured.
P. MOSS. 1946-53; Prefect 1952-53; Allpass House; Chief Librariau: Editor, The Bulletin; 2nd XI Football: School Athletics; School Councillor; State Scholarship.
Peter was exceptionally good at nearly everything he attempted. His work brought him a State Scholarship and a place at Hertford College, Oxford, where he will read geography, and yet, although he worked very hard, he was probably the least restricted person in the Sixth Form. He was extraordinarily well-read and could often discuss subjects completely alien to his work and immediate interests, with great freedom and startling knowledge.
His greatest pleasures were, however, physical. He always enjoyed football, cricket, and more especially rugby, but his main interests were in mountaineering and rock-climbing. Peter was a very fine rock-climber, exceptionally good for his age, and while in Skye last year did some extremely difficult. and daring climbs. He was a founder-member of the celebrated Cioch Mountaineering Club.
He was also a keen cyclist, for recreation and not far sport, but of late the demands of mountaineering and the inaccessibility of the best British mountains have turned him to the art of hitch-hiking. The British Army has enabled him to continue this sport-at the weekends at least. I hope that it may soon give him the chance to do some climbing as well!
J. S. STOKES. 1946-53; Prefect, 1952-53; Morris House; Librarian; Editor, The Bulletin; State Scholarship.
Jeff, who was somewhat curiously nicknamed "Swetty" (a Shakespearian reference I believe), is at the moment in the same Army camp as Peter, which is most appropriate for they share the same interests and almost the same distinctions. Jeff too, won a State Scholarship last July. He has a place at Trinity College, Cambridge, for 1955. He too will read geography.
Jeff, however, was not a universal athlete. He excelled at same sports, but his football, for instance, was most amusing. He was, on the other hand, a fine gymnast, and his vaulting, when he was in training, was a joy to watch. His swimming and his badminton were extremely good, but his main interest was again mountaineering. He too was a founder-member of the celebrated Cioch Club, and he took pant in the historic first club ascent of the Cioch pinnacle in 1952, One of his finer achievements is his success in hitching. Last year he reached Edinburgh from London in 24 hours, but like all the best people he prefers to feel independent and waits for the moment when he can stop hitching and begin walking on the mountains he's making for. His cycling must be stupendous, because on his bike, which is really a fantastic parody of one, he manages to cycle at a respectable pace for miles.
The Army does not give much opportunity for such odd industry, nor does it allow Jeff to wear his extremely odd mock Tyrolean hat, but let us hope that the time before he can again will pass both quickly and enjoyably.
M.L. TWYMAN. 1945-53; School Captain 1951-53; Higham House Captain; 1st XI Football and Colours; 1st XI Cricket and Colours; School Athletics, and Colours; School Chess and Half-Colours; County Major Scholarship.
Without intending any disparagement to those who have gone before, Michael was most certainly one of the finest School Captains. we have had for many years. While at the School he devoted all his time and all his energies to its good. He saw to the well running of nearly everything in the School and took an exceptional part in most of our major activities. He was awarded full Colours for cricket, football and athletics and ha1f-Coloursfor Chess. He was a fine gymnast and ably led Higham House for several years. He hopes, as one might almost expect, far a teaching career, and to this end he is now reading for a Fine Arts Degre at the University of Reading. He is an artist of great ability and has helped the School considerably by painting scenery for School plays, one will recall especially his contribution to Make Believe, by running the extremely popular Art Society.
But most important of a11, he was School Captain, and by his example brought a tremendous amount out of his school and his prefects. At first in the Prefects' Room we thought he perhaps took it all a bit too far. He seemed a little too ascetic, too abstemious, but it soon came upon us not so much as a realisation, but, by the formation of a habit, that we were doing twice as much work, and enjoying it, because of his example! He was certainly an inspiration to us all and we were all, every one of us, very, very grateful to him. We wish him every success at Reading and in whatever he decides to do after university.
R. N. TAMPLIN. 1946-54; School Vice-Captain; Secretary of School Council; Editor of The Bulletin; Editor of The Monovian; Senior Debating Society; Short Story Society; French Film Club; County Major Exhibition.
Ron was sometimes known as "Tiger" Tamplin, a sobriquet that dates from his pugilistic encounter with Kelham, the Monoux colossus. It serves to illustrate one important trait of his character his unbounded keenness and versatility. He was interested in almost all School activities. The Senior Debating Society, the Short Story Society, and the French Film Club, all had his ardent support.
For two years he was Editor of The Monovian, a position that he fulfilled with the greatest zeal. Writing was his particular element and his editorials always displayed a wealth of thought and erudition, which probably accounts for much of the criticism that was levelled against them. In the Debating Society he was an eloquent speaker. Nothing was more interesting and entertaining than to hear him and Knock grappling in a battle of words.
His academic career was equally good, and for his labours he was awarded a place at Merton College, Oxford, where he will take up residence in 1955. At present, however, he is working as a junior clerk for Associated British Cinemas. His ultimate aim, I think, he was, always rather secretive, is to be a film-editor. But he does not intend to allow his literary talents to lie idle; for he hopes to spend much of his spare time writing poetry. Judging from some of the line verse he has produced for The Monovian, such as The Conquest of the Matterhorn, his success in this field is assured.
Ron's own general comment on his school career is: "Three parts misunderstood genius, four parts misunderstanding idiot."
B. S. BERRY. 1946-53; Prefect 1952-53; Basket Ball 1st Team; 2nd XI Football; 2nd XI Cricket; County Major Scholarship.
Brian took part enthusiastically in almost every branch of School life, athletic and academic, and achieved a large measure of success in them all. Academically he was by inclination a scientist and mathematiciau, but unlike many with these tastes, he was in no way limited to them. He would argue hotly yet coherently any point on anything which interested him. For this reason he was always a useful member of the many discussion groups in the School.
The sturdy manner in which he played football gained him a regular place in the School 2nd XI as a back, and his cricket, though not as competent, earned him a place in the Cricket 2nd XI last season. When basket-ball was introduced in the School, he began to play that as well and soon held a regular place in the School 1st team.
Outside School his main interest was cycling, which he regarded both as recreation and sport. He took part in closed track racing and also enjoyed several tours on the Continent and in the British Isles,
At present he is at Birmingham University and we wish him every success there.
J. COWLING. 1948-53; Prefect 1952-53; Morris Vice-Captain and School Councillor; 3rd XI Football; Bickersteth Cup; County Major Exhibition.
John was another enthusiast for any and everything. In the Prefects' Room he was indispensable, for he would endure successions of practical jokes and some highly improbable ones with an admirable and incomprehensible calm. He was at one time an exponent of Order which may have assisted this. As vice-captain of Morris he helped considerably in organising and maintaining that House's high sporting level, and represented it in many capacities, on the sports, field. He was especially proficient with the javelin, and he threw for the School in the Bickersteth Cup. He also played football for the 3rd XI.
He was school councillor for his House, and to his great credit was one of the few who took the Council really seriously. He was an extremely able prefect.
His hobby outside School was amateur dramatics, and indeed, he appeared in several School productions besides. His most notable role was as the Cassowary in Make-Believe.
He is at present studying at the London Hospital Dental School, training as a dentist. Incidentally, we have remarked on his enthusiasm for many and various things. We might have mentioned bizarre sports, for the last time we saw him he was playing hockey for London Hospital! Good luck, John!
D. H, DAVIS. 1945-53; Prefect 1952-53; Allpass House; School Chess Colours; School Chess Captain; Football 3rd XI; State Scholarship.
Don, one of our State Scholars in 1952, stayed on for a third year in the Sixth principally to improve his time for solving the Daily Mail crossword. Most of his notable skills were of this order: he was a mathematician, as far as we could gather, of exceptional ability, and his chess was of an extremely high standard.
He was, however, interested in more athletic sports, gained a place in the 3rd XI for football, and was a proficient umpire in the summer. As a prefect he was efficient and popular.
He is at present at University College, London, working for a Special Degree in Physics. We wish him all the success he undoubtedly deserves in his career.
P. J. MADONNA. 1945-53: Prefect 1951-53; Whittingham House; School Councillor; 2nd XI Cricket Captain; 2nd XI Football; Essex County Major Exhibition.
Peter had a quiet but effective sense of humour, good nature, and was bald in the execution of any enterprise that was risky or fantastic. He had good taste too, which in last year's prefects was, to say the least, unusual. His hard work got him a place at University College, Oxford, which he takes up in 1955, and an Essex County grant. He was a keen, useful cricketer, captaining the School 2nd XI and played football for the 2nd XI too. Potentially he was a very fine actor as all who saw his impressive performance as Jock in a distant Rag Concert well know!
He is now in the R.A.F. in Germany, and we wish him every success there and at Oxford. Good luck, Peter, and 'Scots wha hae.'
C. T. THORNE; 1946-53; Prefect 1952-53; Whittingham House Captain; 1st XI Football, Secretary and Full Colours; 1st XI Cricket and Colours; Essex Grammar Schools' XI; Sports Editor The Bulletin.
All the way through School, Cliff was very quiet, never pushing himself, but doing a very great deal for the School. He was secretary of' the School's football and at centre-half one of the mainstays of the 1st XI. He played also for the Essex Grammar Schools' XI. On the cricket field he was one of the finest fast-medium bowlers the school has had for a long time. He captained Wihittingham ably in his last years, at School and was sports editor of The Bulletin besides.
Cliff was one of the few people you ever meet, whom you could really call modest, and that was his prevailing characteristic:. He had a quiet, sardonic humour, that hurt no one, and his manner was such that everyone agreed with him except, occasionally, an irate history master, for he had a charming attitude towards work, especially history. He was a popular prefect, and well-liked by everyone who knew him, everyone in the School.
We wish him all good fortune in the R.A.F. and in his future career.