Valete 1946
Philip B. Browne: 1938-46 (Prefect 1943-46; School Captain 1945-6; Football Captain 1944-5; lst XI. Cricket; House and Football Captain, Allpass; Athletics Colours, Athletics Captain 1945; President School Council).
Browne was a popular all-round sportsman and played a great part both in athletics and football. He was a very efficient School Captain. He is now in the Civil Service, and in his own words, " playing plenty of football."
Peter Selwood: 1938-46 (Prefect 1943-46; School Captain 1946; Football Captain 1946; Tennis Captain 1945-6; House and Football Captain, Higham; President School Council).
Selwood was extremely popular throughout the School, and was prominent both on the academic and the sporting side of School life. In him we have lost one of the best tennis players the School has had for some time. All his duties as School Captain were performed efficiently and cheerfully, and we wish him the best of luck in his future career.
John Percival: 1938-46 (Prefect 1943-46; Editor of Monovian; Secretary of School Council; Secretary of Inter-Schools Discussion Group).
The excellence of the Magazine during Percival's editorship is beyond question, and his wide interests made him well known and popular in every department of School life. His work was really outstanding, and everything he undertook was performed capably.
Eric M. Baker: 1938-46 (Prefect 1944-46; House Captain, Mallinson). Baker was, to all outward appearances, extremely quiet and reserved, but he was deservedly popular among all who knew him.
Bernard G. A. Barnes: 1937-46 (Prefect 1944-46; lst XI. Colours Football and Cricket; House and Football Captain, Whittingham; Sergeant A.T.C.). Barnes's figure was well known throughout the School, and he was extremely popular. He was an indispensable member, of both the Football and Cricket lst XLs, and was a loyal member of the A.T.C. throughout its most difficult period.
Brian A.Williams: 1939-46 (Prefect 1945-46; lst XI. Colours Football and Cricket). Williams was also well known and popular throughout the School, and he was prominent in football and cricket; his bowling will long be remembered by many. We wish him every success at Shoreditch Training College.
Norman J. Maynard: 1945-6 (Prefect 1946; Member of Dramatic Society). Maynard was here an extremely short time, but even then established himself firmly in the life of the School. He will probably be remembered best for his performance as General Burgoyne in The Devil's Disciple.
Kenneth J. Schrouder: 1939-46 (Prefect 1946; Assistant Editor of Monovian; School Librarian; Secretary School Council; Member of Dramatic Society). Schrouder did good work on the Monovian as assistant to Percival, and as Librarian he worked conscientiously and well. He is now at Leicester University College.
Peter T. Vicary: 1944-46 (Prefect 1945-46; 2nd XI. Colours Cricket; 2nd XI. Cricket Captain; Gramophone Society). "Vic" was one of the quietest and most unassuming persons it was possible to meet, but he was popular with all who knew him. He performed his duties well, if unobtrusively.