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The Headmaster writes:
It. is always easy to be wise after the event, but since the present buildings were occupied in 1927 many generations of how, must have wondered why changing rooms for games were not built when labour was available and building was cheap. However, no good purpose will be served by recriminations. The fact remains that we have neither changing rooms nor showers. For nearly ten years I have tried without success to persuade the authorities to remedy a state of affairs which I consider to be deplorable.
Consider the position,
On 4 days in the week we have 3 forms, approximately 100 boys, changing for games, on Wednesdays the number is even higher, and this large number is swollen when we have School matches at home and have to accommodate visiting teams.
Our boys change in the cloakrooms. Underclothing as well as jackets and trousers have to be hung on the same peg as a raincoat, frequently wet. After the game the teams leave the field, try to remove some of the mud in the hand basins, drv and dress in a restricted space, on a muddv floor, while non games boys are retrieving raincoats from neighbouring pegs. Under the best weather conditions the position is bad enough, but when the weather is bad the position is chaotic. Mothers, in particular, must have been almost in despair at the state of some of the clothes.
The Staff position is even worse. Masters in charge of games change in the staff common room and have the same sort of hand basins as the boys in which to wash. How can we preach decent standards of personal cleanliness and hygiene in such conditions?
These considerations led me to decide that we must not wait until an improved financial position enabled the Local Education Authority to build what we need. If it has not been possible in the last 30 years I could see no prospect of the money being available in the foreseeable future. Visits were made to the Royal Liberty School at Romford where the courtesy of the Headmaster enabled us to examine the changing facilities which that school has acquired by combined efforts. After consultation with the Chairman of Governors and the Borough Education Officer, I decided in July to launch an appeal to all friends of the School to help us to raise the money for the necessary building.
Support was promised by the Parents' Association and the Old Monovians, and the Parents' Association started the fund with £250, most of which had remained from the bazaar in 1954.
The School entered enthusiastically into the scheme. Old Boys and friends have subscribed and promised donations and the volume of support has illustrated beyond doubt not only the sympathy which is felt for the objective but the loyalty and affection in which the School is held. We hear of enormous sums being donated by Old Boys of the Public Schools for the benefit of their successors. Our own Old Boys are showing that this feeling of loyalty is not restricted to the Public Schools.
In four months we have raised £1,260. The bazaar on December 7th which was organised by the Parents' Association resulted in a profit of £450, which was made up to £500 by the generous gift of a friend of the School.
The School is deeply indebted to the Court of the Drapers' Company, which most generously promised us £100 when it heard of our need, and to the Legal and General Assurance Co. (with whom the School has had close links through W.A,Workman), which sent a cheque for £50. I do not want this to be an effort which is to go an indefinitely. I have set a limit of 2 years in which to raise £5,000. This means we must raise about £5 per year for every boy in the School, surely a target well within our reach.
Other donations so far received are
School collections ... .. ..............................160..0 ...0
Old Monovians (individual) .......................100..12..0
Old Monovians' Association ........................3 ..9 ..0
Old Monovians' F.C. ... ............................... 23..10..1
Indicidual Parents ...............................11..12...0
Staff and Headmaster ... ............................... 9...2...7
Hitchman's Dairies ...............................5...5.....0
Norman Trevor -- ... .................................. 10... 0... 0
Miscellaneous ...................................23..15....0
In July last, Sir Stuart S. Mallinson, C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., D.L„ J.P., Chairman of Wm. Mallinson & Sons, spoke to me of the great service done to education by the Federation of British Industries in instituting a fund to help the independent schools to provide science facilities which otherwise they would not be able to afford. Sir Stuart said that he was sure that local firms which were not in the Federation felt the same desire to help individual schools but naturally their resources are much more limited. His own firm had decided annually to set aside a sum of money to benefit boys from certain schools (of which Monoux is one) by means of a Deed of Covenant.
We acknowledge with gratitude this evidence not only of the public spirit of the company but also the practical display of the friendship which the firm, and particularly Sir Stuart Mallinson, feels for the School.

At the beginning of the Autumn Term a Young German student reading law at the University of Goettingen came to see the School and some Masters he knew. He was staying, as he had done several times before, with the parents of an Old Monovian with whom he had been in close contact ever since he had come to this country on an exchange visit. When had that been? In 1950.
We were fortunate this year to have a comparatively strong group of twelve boys of the fourth and sixth forms who undertook exchange visits with Germany, accepting a German boy into their family for three weeks and then going to Weilberg (near Frankfurt) with him for another three weeks. Some of
them had been on exchange before. We would like to thank all those who contributed to the success of the exchange: the parents concerned, and particularly those who took in a German boarder, not on behalf of their own son, but to make possible the exchange of another English boy; the ladies in the office; and the organisers on the German side, Dr. Mainzer. Mrs. Kirsch and Mr. Glockner. Our particular thanks are due to Mrs.J.Moore of Woodford Green, who co-ordinated the arrangements for the various English groups (our School was not the only one to take part in the exchange), who looked after them on their journey and in Weilberg, and whose untiring efforts can be appreciated only by those who knew the extent of the work to be done.
There was a reception at the School for the German boys by the School Captain, the Prefects (and the Skiffle Group!). During their stay in London the German guests visited Woburn Abbey, St, Albans, Oxford and Canterbury. From Weilberg our boys made excursions to Bonn, Cologne, Frankfurt, Wiesbaden and Rudesheim. Some of them took the opportunity of visiting Weilberg Grammar School and getting an idea of the differences between the educational systems of the two countries. All of them can record a happy experience of having a foreign guest as well as being one.
The German student said in September:
" My friendship with the Monoux boy introduced me to a new world. I shall always be grateful to have had the opportunity of getting into such close contact with people outside my country."
There may be among this year's exchange boys, some who think the same now.

This year The Bulletin has got off to a flying start under the chief editorship of R.J.Dean, whose guiding hand has been responsible for the production of a near maximum number of editions. In his work he has been nobly assisted by R.W.Ram, R.B.Marks and A.J.Maxwell.
Sales have risen, but to be frank the editors have to admit that this may be partially due to the apparent confusion in the journalistic circles of the Lower School.
Although The Bulletin is at the moment thriving, there is one factor which is of concern to the editorial staff and that is the seeming unwillingness of the School to contribute to its own paper. If the paper is to achieve maximum success this situation must be altered and reverted to the position of last year when the contributions were many.
Once again The Bulletin staff has the privilege of thanking Mrs.Wright for all the painstaking and invaluable work which she undertakes for the paper.

A new junior paper, The Junior Gen, has been introduced to the School. It has a quiz, crossword puzzle, stamp news, book reviews, riddles, and other articles. The editors are John Ansell and John Kuhns. R.C.Honey is the sports editor, and the cartoonist is R.G.Hamer.
All the editions have sold successfully, the profit going to the Pavilion Fund.

The annual Schools' Conference of the Economics Association was held on Tuesday, September 24, at the London School of Economics. As usual, a select band of Monovians attended the conference; an assortment of sixth-form economists and upper-fifth formers under the leadership of Mr. Couch.
The packed house was welcomed by Sir Arnold Plant, who then had to depart to sit on a Government Committee. The morning lecture was given by Mr. G.D.N.Worswick, of Oxford University, who delivered a meticulous exposition on "The Distribution of the National Income and its Problems." This was familiar ground for most of the Monovians present, and there was general agreement among them that the subject was not an ideal choice for such an occasion.
A forum on pensions, which followed the lecture, was rather more interesting, for the speakers' personalities were as widely separated as their fields of specialisation. Their differing points of view, clearly expressed, proved very informative, although no real conclusions were drawn.
Traditionally the most popular item. the 'Brains' Trust' followed the adjournment for lunch. The 'panel' did not contain staunch retainers of the two main political parties as in previous years, but nevertheless the session was the liveliest for some time. George Schwartz animated the 'panel' and endeared himself to the conference by his unorthodox views. Mrs. Shirley Williams, of the Financial Times, who unfortunately had to leave a little early, Mr. Healey, an Oxford agricultural economist, and Dr.A.J.M.McIntosh, of the City of London College, completed the 'panel' which stimulated unusual enthusiasm and comment on the floor. It was a pleasant climax to an eventful day.

L.T.Baxter, who left in 1942, and is now living in Victoria, Australia, recently nominated the School for membership of the Australian Geographical Society. We receive each month a copy of the journal Walkabout and some other Publications of that Society.
We are grateful to Baxter for a welcome addition to literature on Australia. Baxter writes that he is in contact with B.C.Pegram and they were able to meet Jim Lewis when he was in Australia with the English Olympic Football team.

We recall how few took seriously the excuse from the person responsible for that controversial dining room mural, but sigh with relief that this "symbol of the surge forward of the scientists at Monoux towards art" was no true portent of the future.

"The important thing about approximate answers is that they should be right AS FAR AS THEY GO."-Arithmetic textbook.

The powers-that-be think it inadvisable to put a swear-box by the hall lectern in aid of the Pavilion Fund.

"It is very difficult to say which of these 2 poems is the better: it depends to a certain extent on the effect of the two on the individual reader." - Sixth-Form essay.

Wha negroid holiday makes free
With such priapic revelry?
What songs? Wha gongs? What nameless rites?
Aldous Huxley.

Sixth-form scientists officially deny that Monoux is to launch a space satellite. "We have not yet completed our nuclear reactor," explained a spokesman.

Since the Pavilion Fund was opened in September of last year the sum of £1,700 has been collected. During the Spring Term we had no major effort and the increase in the fund has been due to a large number of small events.
I wish to pay particular tribute to boys of the Sixth Form who ran a Jazz Band Ball in February and raised nearly £33, and to other members of the Sixth Form who are running a series of Whist Drives, to Mr. Sergeant and his helpers who are selling plants raised from seed, to the Staff, the Parents, Old Boys and to the following local firms
Austinsuites ... ... £10 10 0
Micanite ... .............10 10 0
Boots Drug Stores.............3...3..0
Kingfisher Press .............10 0 0
Henry Taylor & Co. ..........10..0..0
Warners Estates ..............50. 0. 0
Fuller Electric..................25..0.. 0
Saville Pianos .....................10...6
Houghton & Co.................3...3...0
The Essex Education Committee has included in its main building programme for 1959-60 plans for building a new gymnasium and, subject to Ministry approval, work should start in the financial year 1959-60. It is important that the physical training block should be completed as a whole, and I therefore want to make sure that every effort is maintained to raise the sum of money we need by the time the building is planned.
The School Captain is organising a Garden Party and Fete on July 19, when we shall have various activities of interest to all, whether Parents, Old Boys or children, and we hope that we shall have a large attendance and a day of great financial success to round off our first year's efforts.
As I wrote in the last issue of The Monoaian, Wm. Maliinson & Sons Ltd., through its Chairman, Sir Stuart S. Mallinson, C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., D.L., J.P., expressed a wish to enter into a Covenant in order to provide funds to help individual members of the School. Arrangements have now been completed and as a result of the agreement the School will receive £87 annually for the next seven years. The money will be used to augment the prize fund and to help individual boys going for interview to University who find the financial burden excessively heavy.
All Monovians will know of the Allpass Awards for Courage and Endeavour and for Declamation. These awards were made by Mr. Allpass in a Deed of Covenant which expired last year. He has now most generously renewed his Covenant for a further seven years so that the Allpass Awards may continue as before.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Payling have completed an agreement whereby they have covenanted to give to the School a sufficient amount of money to provide for the establishment of special prizes for History.
To all these good friends the School offers its most sincere thanks.

The Bulletin
No change has occurred in the staff which started the paper in its present year of publication, except that D. Holm has replaced A.J.Maxwell as an editor. There were eleven publications during the term, almost one a week, culminating in a two-page end-of-term edition. A point of particular interest which appears when one glances through last term's complete output is the apparent inability of anonymous writers to write anonymously; they insisted on pseudonyms constructed in moments of imaginative inspiration.
Take this conclusion to a letter enquiring about the genuineness of a School notice-board:
Yours faithfully,
Eurydice St. Clair Schmuff,
Society for the Prevention of Sacred Relics
and Monkish Fables.
Evidently readers and editors are rarely without something to uphold their sometimes blase efforts. Again, The Bulletin extends thanks for the help from the Office staff in publication.

The Junior Outlook
For the past two terms the appearances of this periodical have been, at best, periodic. Circulation figures have not been as high as expected; apathy has greeted our competitions; there have been
frequent pleas for contributions. Yet the quality of the material has been of a high standard and thanks are due to regular contributors. The Outlook should soon make fairly regular appearances on the School scene. And, though so far unable to donate to the Pavilion Fund, we hope to do so as soon as possible.

Monoux Writing
This new magazine was launched, with Mr. Chapman's help, at the end of the Spring Term. It was designed to provide an outlet for the literary genius, serious or humorous, of the middle and senior School. Contributions were received in good quantity from all save the "lit." side of the Sixth Form. We hope they are saving their efforts for the second edition. The first one was very successful, and support came up to the wildest hopes of the editors. 150 copies were printed, published on April 30, and soon sold. Thanks are due to all who have helped with the magazine which awaits their support for the second edition, to appear soon after the summer examinations.

The Junior World
This new paper, now in its second volume, has hit the Lower School with its fresh style. It is edited by Richard Raymond in association with Peter Quilley and Roger Meadows. It is the only School paper to print across the page and it gives more Club reports than its older contemporaries. It perhaps has not had the support it deserves, but it is going strong nevertheless.
It owes much to Mrs. Wilkinson, who is always more than willing to give assistance and advice.

On Saturday, March 29, a motley group was to be seen collecting beneath the "Johnny Walker" sign on Waterloo Station. After many anxious glances at the clock and the growing queue for the Swanage train, the party, consisting of first and second year Sixth geology and geography students, was led to the barrier by Mr. Salmond. Soon we were being rushed along on the efficient Southern Railway. Much to the delight of Mr. Salmond, an admirer of British Railways, and to the disgust of other members of the party, the train drew into Swanage ten minutes early. We found and settled into our comfortable hotel, appearing some time later in colourful hiking gear.
Our first field study was carried out in the afternoon. We walked along the sea shore to study the rock structure and formation of Swanage Bay. The party returned successfully laden with fossils and rock specimens. After a large dinner, with numerous second helpings (even thirds and fourths by one member), we spent the evening by note-taking and discussion directed by Mr. Salmond.
This pattern was followed throughout the week. The party visited all the places of geological interest in the area which includes Durlston Bay, Chapman's Pool, Lulworth Cove and Studland Bay.
Walks were usually short and at an easy pace over firm grass in good weather. The week was most enjoyable. We covered everything of interest in the Isle of Purbeck and learned much. The value in the practical work was shown clearly by such questions as "What is a Frome, sir?" and "Why are the North Downs here, sir?" (These howlers were not repeated after the field study.) The party wishes to thank Mr. Salmond for his leadership and guidance, especially with complicated details of the area, for his arrangement and help with travel and accommodation, and for devoting a week of his own holiday to us.

By the time somebody reads this article, if anyone does read it, the 'bus strike will have faded into the misty past. But, writing this in the middle of the stoppage, it seemed faintly incongruous to say we travelled to Westminster.... Most of that journey was serene and effortless with no thumbing or walking, but the last twenty minutes were spent in fighting to get through endless hordes of Daily Worker sellers. These people had nothing directly to do with the actual lectures, organised in the holiday by the Council for Education in World Citizenship, under the auspices of the U.N.A. The subject was "Britain's place in a changing world".
On December 30 at 10.30, Lord Hailsham ascended the platform to the ringing of a large handbell. His professional, political harangue could have been interpreted to mean almost anything and was, at least in the case of the above-mentioned journal. The Hon. C.M.Woodhouse lectured on: "The nature of change in the world", discussing the rise of important Asian and African countries which he compared with the comparatively stable two thousand years' old civilisation of Ancient Egypt. Next, Professor Asa Brigg talked about "The nature of change in Britain". He explored the paradox of the apparent apathy and the startling progress of the British in the last fifty years.
On the second day that champion of the rights of scientists, Dr. J.Bronowski, asked: "How great is Britain?" He stated that Britain's greatness was decreasing and Russia's increasing because in the latter country the average person was acquainted with the basic facts about heredity and nuclear science and why things fall down and not up. He said it was as important to know the difference between a proton and a neutron as it was to be able to recite Gray's "Elegy" (Dr. Bronowski can, of course, do both). He was followed by Mr. John Pinder on "Britain in Western Europe". In the afternoon Mr. Lindsay Anderson, sporting a red cloth tie (a rather angry young man, one thought), tub-thumped happily and made some interesting observations. This gentleman (if he approve the term) is a documentary film maker and was thrown amid the lectures for light relief. He presented film excerpts showing Chris Barber's Band, an interview with what has lately come to be known as a Teddy-Boy and a half-hour at Piccadilly Circus.
On Thursday Professor Goodhart of London University, talking on "Britain in NATO", made the significant and memorable remark that "the greatest contribution which Mr. Dulles could make to world peace would be to resign"; this was wildly applauded. Mr. Colin Jackson, in a brilliant piece of jingoism about Britain and the U.N., spoke of our abilities as "moral leader of the world". Mr. Gaitskell, introduced as the future Prime Minister (mixed reception), closed the lectures, favourably comparing with his Lordship as regards verbal contortions.
Questions were excellent and answers provoking. The discussion groups came up with some good comments amid the hot air. The Daily Worker (by the way) by printing photographs and reports of the meeting, sold an extra 1,500 copies to those present. The twelve boys who went had nothing but praise for the lectures and we got our fares back from the authorities. Next year the theme will be: "Asia and the West".

This year, it is decreed, sensitive chests must not be protected by high-necked pullovers. Liberty bodices, however, may be worn, provided they are in the School colours.

An expert on astronautics, Mr. Arthur C. Clarke, at the Festival Hall recently, said that a shilling a head per week was enough for a space programme. Not that we want to discourage the Headmaster....

Physics master to Sixth form: "At the last place where I worked they had twelve little cells."

We congratulate Mr. Colgate on his appointment as Headmaster at the London Nautical School: a colleague there tells us at break in the staff-room, rum is drunk instead of tea.

If it is true that an enterprising record company proposes to preserve for posterity intriguing conversations between Sixth-formers and a member of Staff which take place each morning before assembly on the balcony, it would seem that we have at last reached the reductio ad absurdurn of summit talks.

Owing to apathy the membership of one School society at least appears to be diminishing in ever decreasing senior circles.

Accumulation of litter behind a large cupboard outside room 23 shows definite geological strata, but Mr. Salmond is not yet welcoming offers for an expedition to the site.

Mr. Purkis (March 31) : "We expect to lose about £10 on Twelfth Night."
Bulletin (April 1, of course): "The Pavilion fund will greatly benefit from the profits of Twelfth Night:"

The growth of the School during the last ten years, particularly the growth of the Sixth Form, has exposed the total inadequacy of the gymnasium to cater for the large number of young men who are scheduled to use it. A review has therefore been undertaken of the needs of the School under modern conditions. As a result of this it has been recommended that considerable re-modelling will be necessary and among other alterations a new gymnasium is planned. Originally this was expected to be started during the 1959-60 financial year and I therefore aimed to produce the money for our new changing rooms to be ready at the same time. However, certain alterations in timing have resulted in the programme being brought into the current (1958-59) financial year. This means that our efforts must be increased in order to have the money for our project in time (say by the end of 1959). In my appeal to the School and Old Boys I suggested that the money could easily be raised if we all put aside one shilling per week for two years. I would very much like to have a message from all who are doing this so that I can gauge the extent of support to be expected and so estimate what extra efforts (if any) we must make to achieve our needs.
The name "Pavilion Fund" is a convenient one, but of course the main rooms will be for changing and showers. During the next few weeks I hope to have a plan available to show exactly what is in my mind.
The School has worked magnificently and has raised £969 by its own efforts. The Parents' Association, by two bazaars, has made available £750 and friends and some local firms have provided £351; Old Boys to date have given £208. Total £2,278.
I appeal now for the utmost efforts on the part of all members of the Monoux family so that we can complete and furnish the Pavilion in a manner worthy of the School. If everybody will make the little effort necessary to complete a donation of £5 during the next twelve months we can all feel that we have played our part in bringing to fruition a worthy enterprise.
We have, since our last issue, received a donation from A. Boake Roberts of ten guineas, and a personal gift from Sir L.P.B. Merriam, M.C., Managing Director of The British Xylonite Co. Ltd.
The Bulletin
During the Summer Term The Bulletin lost the services of the chief editor, R.J. Dean, and one of the editors, R.W. Ram, owing to the pressure of work before the examinations. Dean was responsible for the publication of no fewer than twenty editions during the Autumn and Spring Terms, and The Bulletin offers him sincere thanks for the guidance and direction which he gave to the production of the paper at this time.
For the length of the Summer Term the paper ran with continued efficiency and seven editions were published. The editorial body consisted of R.B. Marks, acting chief editor, D. Holm, H. Marcovitch and D.B. Tillyer. For part of the term Holm was absent in Germany, but this was not a disadvantage since the editors received from him, and were able to publish, interesting and stimulating reports of German life both at home and at school.
Once more the editors find it necessary to appeal for contributions. Their quality has improved, but what material is given in usually comes from members of the Sixth Form. The Bulletin is not only a Sixth Form paper, but one that is produced for the whole School and it cannot be fully representative unless material is received from all sections of the School.
The editors also express their sincere thanks to Mrs. Wright for all the hard work she does to see that The Bulletin appears week by week. Without her efforts the paper could not be published regularly.

If the present "bulge" continues, not only will the gym, library and Scout Hut have to be used as form-rooms, but also the pavilion.

Extract from a fifth form essay : ". . . there is nothing wrong with the continuation of the manufacture of atomic weapons, providing they are used for peaceful purposes."

Perhaps one day we shall like to remember even these things. -Virgil, Aeneid I, 203.

The discovery of a hoard of board rubbers, inscribed "P.S.C.," has been reported from Room 27. This has been variously translated as: Please Send Cash; Post Servitium Gelaturn; Place Safely in Cupboard; Passed Staff College.

"Latin says what it means." Well, that's something to get on with.

Where is Clicky Bar?

The Editors are considering a change of cover for The Monovian as the present one has been in use for several years. Designs from boys of the School or Old Monovians may be submitted at any time.

The exchange visits between the Gymnasium Philippinum in Weilburg (near Frankfurt) and a group of grammar schools in North-East London took place from July 11th to August 31st.
As in previous years, the German party came over first and stayed here for about three weeks to take the English group to Weilburg for the same length of time. There were, as has been usual before, coach trips for the guests from abroad in both countries, and this year the party also visited the Brussels Exhibition on their way to Germany.
The group from Monoux consisted of thirteen boys. Four of them (two last year) were other than German-set boys; six had been on that exchange last summer, and three went for the third time. These figures speak for themselves. It is no exaggeration to say that our boys enjoyed themselves. When we see them come back enthusiastic about their experience, we are sorry that not many more boys avail themselves of an opportunity which they are unlikely to have in later years.
Our thanks are due, in the first place, to Mrs. J. Moore, of Woodford Green, whose prodigious efforts made these exchange visits possible, and to the patient and unfailing co-operation of the members of staff of the Weilburg School, Mrs. Kirsch, Mr. Glockner and Mr. Rubsam. Last but not least, the parents concerned, on both sides of the Channel, must be sincerely thanked for their hospitality.

A term's study in Germany.
From April 15th to July 9th, David Holm, of 6 B Lit., was in Russelsheim, near Frankfurt, Germany, where he attended a German school as a member of a group of English boys and girls sent over by the Educational Interchange Council, London. It was, as far as we know, the first venture of this kind at our School, and we would like to thank the Council for their efforts to make it possible.