The Bulletin.
Since the beginning of the school year, The Bulletin has had various changes, most notable being one of chief editorship. A.E.Steel, who for so long provided the driving power for the paper in the face of competition from The Junior Outlook and diminishing sales, resigned his position as Editor-in-chief, and handed over the many duties associated with the office to R.J.Dean. G.R.Wilson, a very industrious editor, resigned his post at the same time, much to the astonishment of the other editors.
J.Allison adopted the post vacated by Dean, and with J.Webster and R.Heath The Bulletin staff, helped as always by the invaluable services of Mrs. Wright, began a new lease of life.
The end of the Spring Term was marked by the unprecedented publication of a three-page, six-sided issue. As The Bulletin stands, sales are rising from week to week, and even more gratifying, contributions for publication become more numerous. The new corner, 'Air Your Grouse', has been a tremendous success, but after arousing much enthusiasm Mr. Hyde's limerick competition, Hyde 'Park' Corner, received little support and had to be terminated.
Since September twenty-three issues of The Bulletin have been printed, and it is the aim of the editorial staff to produce thirty-six issues before the end of the school year.
The Junior Outlook.
This popular fortnightly juniors' paper, with the highest circulation of any School paper, has included among articles for all tastes, money prizes for lucky numbers, and competitions. The "Do You Know Your Masters?" competition replaced for a time the press conferences with masters; over twelve, including the Headmaster, have kindly taken part in them, thus providing some amusing reading matter.
Owing to staff changes this winter, the editors now are: Smy (Editor), Hubbard and Martin (second form) and Collier (first form), and all junior forms are represented. Many thanks are due to the Office staff, without whom The Outlook could not be printed.
The first Junior Outlook Literary Supplement appeared in the Spring Term, taking the form of a debating supplement and containing reports on the inter-house debate semi-finals and other related articles. "This," writes the Editor, "opened up a new field of journalism and the editors will be only too anxious to increase it."
In January, ten Sixth Formers attended the C.E.W.C. Christmas Holiday Lectures at the Central Hall, Westminster. This year the topic for discussion during the four days was 'North America, Continent without frontiers'. Once again the lectures and discussions were split up into four handy subsections, cultural, political, social, and economic. In the cultural section aspects such as the common language of Britain, Canada and the U.S.A., " Rock 'n roll," and the French cultural contribution to Canada were studied. The political section posed such questions as the linking of British and American foreign policies, Canada's position in relation to the U.S.A., and the value of organisations such as N.A.T.O, and S.E.A.T.O. Social studies included a survey of education and of the colour problem in America. The economic section dealt with American aid to Europe and with British investment in Canada.
The most valuable parts of the course were the lectures. Delivered by people eminently suited to make general surveys of the American Continent and its people, these lectures helped to erase from our minds many of the misconceptions and prejudices frequently held by British people about the Americans. The programme in the mornings consisted of two lectures each day, one on Canada and one on the U.S.A. Particularly interest ing was a survey of the rival claims of Britain and of the U.S.A. on Canada's allegiance, aptly entitled 'The Wasp and the Wolf', and delivered by Professor Gerald Graham of London University. Other lectures included accounts of the pioneering days in the U.S.A. and of the development of Canada's northern territories. Afternoons were taken up with discussions and with concerts of American music.
During the two winter terms visits to the Old Vic have continued with excellent support from the Fifth and Sixth forms. Reception of the three plays, The Merchant of Venice, Two Gentlemen of Verona, and Antony and Cleopatra was distinctly varied.
For many, Robert Helpmann's performance as Shylock in The Merchant suffered in effect from being a caricature of uneven texture and depth. Barbara Jefford as Portia received a well deserved ovation: she is one of the best young actresses to grace the stage of the Old Vic for many years.
Two Gentlemen of Verona admirably provided proof that it is fatal for actors to compete on the stage with animals, this time Launce's dog companion.
Keith Mitchell joined the company for Antony and Cleopatra. With Margaret Whitney as Cleopatra the production was the best of the season. John Fraser gave good account as Eros.
We look forward to Robert Helpmann as Richard III.