The Bulletin has continued to be a regular weekly feature of School life. Price one penny, the paper maintains a fairly constant sale of three hundred copies each week and a small profit is made. This has been used to advantage this year, notably in helping to finance the Pre-Higher Dance and in providing refreshments for the discussion with the German guests. Two-sheet editions have occasionally been produced and sold for three halfpence.
Despite our entreaties there still remains a notable lack of contributions from the Lower School, although they constitute our most eager public. On the whole the correspondence columns have remained lively and varied in interest and some of the proposals put forward have been seriously discussed and introduced. The control of the paper is now in the hands of four members of the Sixth Form, Barnes, Moss, Stokes and Tamplin, and we hope to maintain the standard set by our predecessors.
Finally we would like to express our thanks to Mrs. Wright for her patient typing of the sheets and to Mrs. Wilkinson for her tolerance during our printing endeavours.
The School now possesses a printing press. It had hardly been installed before a group of fifth and sixth form boys, under the direction of Mr. Wood, and helped and encouraged by Mr. Piercy and Mr. Newby, set about the arduous task of printing the athletics programme. None of the boys, or the masters for that matter, had any previous knowledge of printing. Despite this and many other great hardships they did a grand job in turning out the programme.
Plans have been made to print a School diary, a much needed item, and it is proposed to print the Christmas cards as well.
It is also planned to form a printing society. Unfortunately this must be restricted to the fifth and sixth forms only. Details have not yet been worked out, but boys of either the fifth or sixth forms interested in printing are asked to find out details. Those who know something about printing are particularly welcome as there is a lot to learn!
The purpose of holidays organised by the School is not generally understood. However, announcements made in Assembly before last year's visit to Switzerland and again before this year's trip to the Lake District clarify the position: " There will be a training walk starting from the Royal Forest Hotel."
The School may rightly be proud of the record that during the summer the energetic meteorologists of the First Form apparently made only one mistake. But the result was disastrous: the kitchen staff served salad and cold meat instead of stew on a swelteringly hot day.
During the summer a group of boys has been at work under the guidance of the history staff making models of historical interest. It is ultimately intended to build up an historical museum, but on the last day of the summer term the group staged an exhibition in the Library. There was an impressive model of the Globe Theatre with a section removed to reveal details of the stage and accommodation for spectators. Probably the most noteworthy exhibit was a model of old London Bridge; other models included Watt's steam engine, ships of historic interest, the Tower of London, and a loom that weaves real fabric. Accompanying them were drawings to illustrate architecture and dress, and remarkably learned papers by members of the Lower School on such subjects as the theatre and inventors.
Mr. Miles says he intends to instruct the Sixth Form in the glories of Twi, a language set by London University for the General Certificate of Education. Distinctions guaranteed. All enquiries should be addressed to Mr. Miles at the Monoux Cricket Club, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope.
There has long been a feeling that the essential brilliance of Sports Day with all its coloured flags and bands should be extended to the albino competitors. Happily, this year has witnessed the acquisition of rich wine-tinted track suits. Maybe it is a psychological move to refresh competitors, or maybe it is because the white ones show the dirt.
The number of typographical errors in the Bulletin has noticeably decreased since a certain member of the staff agreed to buy the copy of the first boy in his class to spot a spelling mistake.
During the School Council discussion about weeding the main drive, the proposer remarked that "every time I pass the main drive I see a weed." We wonder how far this is a coincidence, but feel certain of the truth of the statement that "people going along in 'buses do not have their eyes glued to the ground:"
Three Monovians, A.R. Norris, J.R. Luff, and C.R. Nunn are spending a fortnight in Germany at Weilburg during August. The visit is under the auspices of the Essex County Council, and members of the party are being drawn from a number of schools to give musical concerts. The visit is similar to that of the Dramatic Society last year.
Prefects lead selfless lives devoted entirely to the well-being of the School, as the new Fire Drill reminds us. "On the sound of a whistle it shall be the duty of the Deputy School Captain to go to Rooms 25 and 26.... Prefects should be directing duties at buckets and fire appliances until such time as the building is empty, after which they will leave their posts and join the School."
Please note that the prefects will hold private investigations into fires suspiciously started.
"His two years' study of the language began in zeal and have ended with hope. . . ." A staff comment on one of your Editors.
"For my pains in pressing this part of the argument, I have met with . . . inane remarks. . . . (Tamplin writing on the teaching of Russian.)
"In an amusing and witty speech, Mr. -- said the modern Grammar School boy had unparalleled opportunities. . . ." (Statement in a local School Magazine.)
O Tempora ...
Overheard in the Prefects' Room: "I wish you'd take your case out of the prefects' Room."
- Why ? "
" It gets in the way of our bowling."
... O Mores
We have it from a usually reliable source that K ... k and W . . . . r are planning to have a haircut (each) before the New Yea.r.
A recent playbill outside the Technical School bore the strikingly apt legend: " This Way to the Tomb."
The School very gratefully acknowledges the following gifts:
(1) A map of Walthamstow dated 1865 from Mr. Mr. Young, aged ninety and the oldest Old Monovian. We have now to record with deep regret that Mr. Young died on August 15th of this year, and we extend to his surviving relatives the School's deep sympathy.
(2) The sum of £25 from Mrs. Reynolds whose husband, William Howe Reynolds, was a former Head Boy of the School and whose brother, Stanley Farmer; is an Old Monovian. This sum is given in memory of Mrs. Reynolds's father, Mr. Alexander Farmer, and is to be invested and the interest used annually to purchase an art prize to be known as the "Alexander Farmer Prizc."
(3) The sum of £15 from Mr, E. Tacagni, father of one of the editors of the Monovian, in gratitude for the happy time his son spent at Monoux and all the benefit he obtained as he prograssed through the School. The money is to be used for the purchase of books for the Library.
The School offers its hearty congratulations and best wishes to Mr. Couch of the Staff on his marriage, on the 22nd of December last, to Miss H. Hartley-Baileff at St. Mary's Church, Walthamstow. Mr. Couch is a very active member of the Old Monovians' Association, and another member, Derek Curl, acted as best man. Boys and masters, were represented at the Church and some of the latter were present at the reception held afterwards at the "Lord Brooke." Mr. Couch received presents from both boys and Staff, his colleagues' gift being handed to him on the last day of term by Dr. Whitt with a few well-chosen and felicitous remarks.
Among the numerous plays visited by the Sixth Form this year are Tamburlaine, The Clandestine Marriage, Othello and The Winter's Tale. The number of those allowed to go on these visits is unfortunately limited: as Mr. Miles remarked to the Sixth Form, "We are restricting this visit to the Staff, the Sixth Form and their wives."
"The Festival of Britain," said a recent edition of the Bulletin, in a fine flurry of patriotic zeal, "has received only one honourable mention in the School Magazine." On looking through the proofs, the Editors have failed to find even one "honourable mention." So, just for the record, here it is: Three cheers for the Festival!
Said an eminent authority speaking on the small life-saving class for swimmers recently set up by Mr. Ninnim: "Let us, hope that this first small trickle will soon grow to a tide, and ultimately become a great flood which will sweep through the whole School..." By that time we shall need some life-savers.
On October 4th the School was honoured bv a visit from Sir Reader Blillard, an Old Monovian who has attained considerable diplomatic distinction. Among his posts was that of Ambassador to Persia. Sir Reader spoke to the Seniors on the Persian problem.
We have great sympathy for the innocent Second-Former who, confusing his French and Latin literature, translated: "He threw his amour over his shoulder and marched triumphantly into battle."
It has been suggested that special training should be given to the library staff so that they may know whether the offender talking in the corner is a master giving a lesson.
A gentleman who used to distribute a dozen detentions every period now informs us that he prefers to rule by his personality.... Surely someone could buy him a new pen for Christmas.
This year five boys from the School were chosen to join the British contingent going to Bad Ischl, Austria, for the Seventh Scout World Jamboree. Bullar, Freeman, Reeve and Steers were representatives of Essex, and Martin represented London. It is hoped that in 1955 a patrol from the School troop will be chosen to go to the jamboree.
THE Bulletin
The Bulletin is now in its second consecutive year after a lapse of some time. Its success is due entirely to F.J.Silvester, and the present editors hope that they can maintain the high standard that he set. This year we have reverted to the old system of a Bulletin committee, and now six members of the Sixth Form, Haley, Stanley, Steers, Stokes, Tamplin and Walker, are responsible for its publication.
We hope the Bulletin will continue to be an organ of public opinion in the School through its editorials and letters as well as a faithful reporter of School events, sports and societies. Testimony of its success is that about three hundred copies are sold every week. In the near future we hope to aim at a double page copy. The many questions it has discussed range from the School Council to the house and tutorial systems, and from the library to the need for a School history. The essence of the Bulletin must be topicality and we believe that in this way we can supplement the Monovinn although of course we cannot rival its high literary standard.
The Headmaster is anxious to trace any copies of the Monovian before the Volume 2, 1926, issue. He has Volume I, Nos. 5 and 3, and those for 1919 and Easter 1920, but he would be grateful if Old Boys having copies of other issues could spare them for binding.
As we go to press we learn that D.W.Anderson has been awarded an Exhibition in Natural Sciences at Queens' College, Cambridge; and that J.M. Barron has been accepted for admission to Christ's College, Cambridge. We offer them our heartiest congratulations.
Another gratifying success, of a different order, is that of fifteen year old Michael Freeman of Chingford, who has gained the King's Scout Badge, one of the highest awards a scout can obtain. Last year he was one of the local scouts who attended the seventh World Scout Jamboree in Austria. He hopes to receive his badge from the Chief Scout at Eton College in April. Well done!