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The Monovian
At last The Monovian has come out in its new dress and has been almost unanimously acclaimed. It is understandable that there are those who cherish a familiar institution and dislike a change, however small. But it is quite remarkable how few were the criticisms when last Summer's issue appeared; a much greater storm of protest was anticipated. The great majority, who were delighted with the cover, will wish to congratulate Michael Twyman on his very attractive design.
The Bulletin
The Bulletin resumed regular weekly publication again during the Autumn term. The new editors, Norman, Magnus, Steel, and the sub-editor, McColgan, are anxious that the news-sheet should widen its appeal throughout the School; but plans of this nature are dependent upon large numbers of contributors. There is always a danger that The Bulletin will represent only a few viewpoints, and therefore we were pleased when contributions began to appear from the Lower School. Conversely, that part of the School from which we expect the best support, the first-year Sixth Form, has so far produced nothing, despite their great numbers this year.
A Bulletin Literary Supplement was published with the ordinary edition on November 24, 1955. The idea of printing original literary works on a separate sheet, together with letters and book reviews, is an innovation in the history of The Bulletin, and again your support would be requested to make such a new venture a success.

On Wednesday, October 26, 1955, the rebuilt Monoux Almshouses and Schoolroom were officially opened by Colonel Sir Stuart Mallinson, C.B.E., D.S.O., D.L., J.P. A party consisting of the Headmaster, the School Captain and Vice-Captain and all Form Captains, was among a large crowd that was privileged to attend the ceremony.
After he had been introduced by Councillor M. Sharland, Chairman of the Walthamstow Parochial Charity Trustees, Sir Stuart cut the tape and declared the Almshouses open. The guests then climbed the wide staircase to the Schoolroom where the formal speeches were made by Sir Stuart and the Mayor, Alderman Lady McEntee; the vote of thanks was proposed by Alderman Fitt. When the Rural Dean, the Rev. H. K. Druit, had bestowed his blessing on the building, Sir Stuart presented the tenants with the keys of their new homes.
Tea was then served; and the guests subsequently took the opportunity of looking over the Almshouses. The architects have endeavoured to make the building as much like the original as possible. In order to do this they used hand-made bricks of a specially small size and retained a considerable number of the old tiles and beams. The new flats are pleasant, compact but not cramped, and tastefully decorated in pale cream and green.
One fine gesture was made by the girls of the Walthamstow C.H.S., who have always taken a great interest in the Almshouses; in each of the new homes they left a small potted plant, a packet of tea, and a message of welcome to the future residents. But the School has also made its contribution. On either side of the main doorway is a crest; one of Monoux, the other of Walthamstow. These were painted by N. J. Pritchard, of the present Fifth Form.
Anyone who was present at the ceremony and who saw, as we did, the joy on the faces of the old people as they looked around their bright new homes, will agree that the building is worth every- moment of the time and every penny of the money that has been spent on it.

On Tuesday, September 27, a party of Sixth Form economists spent a valuable day at the Annual Schools' Economics Conference which was held at the London School of Economics. As the age and knowledge of the students varied to such a degree, the organisers must have encountered extreme difficulty in arranging a suitable programme; but they solved the problem by selecting subjects of general and topical interest.
The conference began promptly at ten o'clock with an address of welcome by Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders, who then introduced Professor E. Phelps-Brown, the first speaker. The Professor's topic was the controversial problem of Wage Differentials, and he began by relating this to the then recent strike of railway workers and gradually expanded the subject into more general terms. "The anxiety of the drivers is that the lessening differential between the pay of the guards and their own, will blur the distinction between skilled and unskilled labour," he said, developing the point. He went on to speak of the social status of each of the workers, and of the revolution that general education has produced, resulting in "a universal desire to be equal to one's employer."
The high standard of speaking continued when Mr. Graham Hutton, the celebrated economist and broadcaster, presided over a discussion between a T.U.C. official, a member of the British Employers' Confederation, and an official of the Industrial Relations Department of the Ministry of Labour, on the problem of "Wage Negotiations in Practice ". Arguments were heated and Mr. Hutton frequently had to intervene to restore order.
After a very welcome break for lunch, delegates returned to their places in the hall, which was packed to capacity. The members of the "Brains Trust" panel were introduced to the audience by Mr.J.J.McLoughlin, the industrialist. The panel consisted of a Socialist M.P., a Conservative M.P., an industrial research economist, and a university tutor. As soon as the Labour member began to answer a question about the Government's economic policy, it became apparent that it was going to be a very lively session. All the members of the panel joined in the full spirit of the arguments. Questions ranged from political to religious topics, and they were all informatively and wittily answered.
Finally, Mr.G.J.Edwards, B.Sc. (Econ.), attempted to sum up the main points that had arisen during the day, and so brought the conference to a close. It was an enlightening and most decidedly entertaining experience for all who had the pleasure of attending. We offer our sincere thanks to Mr. Couch for making all the arrangements.

Theatre visits in the Autumn Term commenced with a visit to the Old Vic's production of The Merry Wives of Windsor. A large party from the School attended and enjoyed a colourful production from a cast headed by Paul Rogers; criticism however was mixed. Subsequent visits were made to A Winter's Tale and Henry V; the latter play saw the welcome return of Richard Burton to the Old Vic.
A School party also visited the production of Hamlet at the Phoenix Theatre. This production was one of outstanding quality as the cast was headed by Paul Schofield, and included such well known actresses as Mary Ure as Ophelia and Diana Wynyard as Gertrude. At the end of November the company was in Moscow, where it was received with extraordinary enthusiasm, taking thirteen curtain-calls on the first night. As Hamlet is one of the set texts for the Advanced Level English examination, the production was of especial interest and importance to the Sixth Form.

Two successful visits were made to the Sadler's Wells Opera in the Autumn Term. The first, on October 7, was to see Verdi's Rigoletto, and the second, on October 20, was to Mozart's Magic Flute. Both operas gave immense pleasure to the boys who saw them.
The proximity and relatively easy accessibility of Sadler's Wells, together with the reduction in prices for block bookings, have done much to introduce to many boys operas which they might not have gone to see by their own initiative. The large support has shown that interest is increasing; a good sign, since these visits are as important a part of a good education as academic training.

During October, five Sixth-Formers attended the Geographical Field Course at Juniper Hall, near Dorking, Surrey. In spite of the persistent rainfall, daily excursions were made to Box Hill, the Mole Valley, Leith Hill and the Headley Valley. This practical application of geographical principles hitherto limited to text-books, and often only half-believed, is an extremely important aspect of the geographer's work. Individual practical land surveys were made on transect lines, the results of which give a clearer understanding of such features as dry valleys, valley terraces, and other aspects of geographical study.
In many ways the highlight of the trip was the " trans-Weald " excursion. This trip from juniper Hall, Redhill, to East Grinstead, Brighton and Lewes, showed clearly the diversity of scenery in the twenty-five mile strip so much dependent on the geology of the area
The course was attended by sixth-form grammar school pupils from many different areas of England and Wales.

On October 25 a dozen or so senior boys attended the London District Council's Autumn Term meeting at St. Pancras Town Hall. The meeting took the form of a survey of the work of United Nations' specialised agencies. Two films were shown: the first, Workshop for Peace, took us on a tour around the United Nations building in New York; the second, dealing with the irrigation of a central American valley, was an illustration of some of the practical work done by United Nations in backward countries. The assembly of some one thousand grammar school pupils in the London area was addressed by an official from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, who gave a very colourful talk on the many ways in which United Nations is helping to increase agricultural productivity in the under-developed parts of the world.

The following scholarships and funds are available locally to help boys who wish to continue full time education after leaving school. The Monoux Foundation makes grants annually to boys from Sir George Monoux Grammar School and girls from Walthamstow High School. Applicants must have been in attendance at either of the above schools for not less than two years and must be resident in the Ancient Parish of Walthamstow. Applications should be made to the Clerk to the Governors, Town Hall, Walthamstow, E.17, at the beginning of May of each year.
The Ozler Trust, Walthamstow, makes grants annually to candidates resident in the "ancient borough of Walthamstow" and who have attended a "public elementary school" for not less than two years. Applications to the Borough Education Officer, Town Hall, Walthamstow, E.17 round about May of each year.
The Ozler Trust, Leyton, makes grants annually to candidates resident in the parish of "Low Leyton" and who have attended a "public elementary school" for not less than two years. Applications to the Borough Education Officer, Leyton Education Offices, Leytonstone, E.11 round about May of each year.
The Sir William Mallinson Scholarship Trust. Candidates must have attended a school in the Borough of Walthamstow for five years in their school life and must have been five years resident in Walthamstow immediately prior to the application for a scholarship. Applications to F. M. Wright, Esq., 306 Hoe Street, Walthamstow, E.17 at the beginning of May of each year.
The Monaux Educational Foundation. Before the last War as a result of a Garden Party organised by the Old Boys, the Parents and the School, the sum of approximately £300 was raised and money can now be applied for in the form of a loan, free of interest, to be repaid when the borrower is in employment. Further information can be obtained from the Headmaster of the School.

The Monovian has always supported that school of thought which holds that schoolboys should attain what they want by their own efforts. For this reason we find ourselves compelled to extend our appreciative thanks to that determined scholar who considered the library to be a dull and stuffy place, and thought to provide us with an air-hole by pushing his foot through the ceiling while the French oral examination was in progress.
However, having found the room a trifle chilly after the experiment, we must sympathise with the equally determined authority which quickly refilled the gap.

The latest wily effort to dislodge some of the fifty members of the first-year Sixth found expression in a display of careers pamphlets in one of their form rooms.
But alas, on surveying the staunch ranks, the Careers Master found his form undiminished; and he is now compelled to continue the abhorred habit of making up his register every morning.

Whilst browsing through the Library shelves the other day we found a book entitled Tennis for Girls which was given to the Library in 1938.
This School certainly has a very interesting history.

French Master (on seeing a certain Sixth Former) : "Ah ! Bonjour, Monsieur B. Comment allez-vous? " SixthFormer (undergoing mental contortions in an effort to translate) : "Er ... Au room twenty-eight, Monsieur."

"France was undergoing the first stages of an industrial revolution, and handworkers were being thrown out of work by machinery." A master in Sixth-Form History.

A letter which recently appeared in The Bulletin began:
" I am most indignant at your publication of the poem, not so much at its publication ......."
We can only add that we are indignant at the publication of the letter, not so much at its publication, as at the fact that the genius signed himself as "Times Literary Supplement".

" I like work: it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours. I love to keep it by me; the idea of getting rid of it nearly breaks my heart. "- Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men in a Boat.