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President : The Headmaster.
Vice-Presidents: Mr. P.S.Couch, Mr. R.D.T.Marshall and Mr. I. Shaw.
Chairman: J. E. Hubbard.
Secretary: G.J.Offord.
Treasurer: L.Collier.
Recorder: G. Young.
In the Autumn Term, nothing was mentioned of the Senior Cirrcle until Mr. Couch called a meeting on November 17th and informed the small number of people present about a new constitution. A committee was subsequently set up and, having made certain amendments, agreed to accept the constitution which among other things restricts membership to 35. This constitution has been attacked in the school newspapers and has been the centre of a great deal of controversy, but even so, the Circle has held some very interesting meetings. J. Beighton and M. Kerr were elected committee members for the Lower and Upper Sixth.
The first meeting, when all discussions on the "new" Circle and elections were over, was on December 7th when Mr. Carr, Mr Moffatt, J.Boulter and C.Levicki were the speakers on a Brains Trust, and on the last Tuesday of term an evening social was held and all enjoyed themselves.
The Spring Term got under way with a debate on the motion that this House is of the opinion that the control of Commonwealth Immigration into Great Britain at the present moment is undesirable, proposed by A.Leff and L.Collier and opposed by G.Young and D.Carvell. All spoke ably and the motion was eventually defeated by thirteen votes to twelve.
The Balloon Debate, a fortnight later, was a very successful meeting, with Earl Russell, Hattie Jacques, the Earl of Snowdon, Boo, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, (the eventual winner), each making very amusing and enthralling speeches.
Mr. Shaw led an interesting discussion on the Welfare State, and members played, and justified liking, their favourite records at the next two meetings.
Then in March, Mrs. Cohen gave a very interesting talk on her recent visits to the Soviet Union and showed some photographs that she took in Moscow. Members of Woodford County High School were present at what proved to be an extremely interesting evening, none of the seventy people present left before the two and a half-hours' talk ended at seven o'clock. Coffee and biscuits were served in the Dining Hall before the talk.
At the final meeting of the term it is hoped that Old Monovians at universities will come and give their impressions on "Life at University", and a visit to see Anouilh's Becket is being arranged for the Easter vacation.
Our thanks are due to our Vice-Presidents who have done much to help the Society regain its equilibrium on its seventy feet, and the school-keeper who has managed to prepare the rooms at short notice.