Inter Schools discussion group
Seven meetings were held last term at one or other of the local schools. The large variety of subjects ranged from The Place of the Arts in Society" to "Will Communism be the Next Social Order?" Undoubtedly the most popular of all, however, was "The Pros and Cons of Marriage."
The chief aim of the group is to accustom people to think logically and to express their thoughts in a convincing manner. Discussions have suffered somewhat this year through the loss of some of the more experienced members, but membership has recently incrcased so meetings have not experienced any lack of liveliness.
Discussions are completely informal and no attempt is made to come to any definite conclusion. The group is more interested in the exchange and discussion of ideas, whether on or off the subject.
We would like to express our gratitude to the various chairmen guiding the discussions and for showing such keen interest in the organisation.