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This Society is a revived form of the pre-war Junior Debating Society. P.L.Hammond is the chairman, and the secretary is M.C.F.Pettit. There is also a representative committee.
A number of meetings have been held, including a tea-party, a talk on books, discussions on the B.B.C., and post-war architecture and a "wolf-chase" (a variant on the "balloon debate" theme).
The success of the Society is mainly due to Miss Harrison, who has always been ready with suggestions and constructive criticism.

Only four meetings of the Literary and Debating Society have been held since the last issue of the Monovian. At the first, Miss Wheelwright gave a very interesting talk on "The Theatre To-day"
to a small but enthusiastic audience. At the second, P.N.Dunn resigned from the office of Secretary owing to increased pressure of work, and J.Percival was elected to take his place. The main business of the meeting was a. series of impromptu debates, all of a humorous nature. A motion, "That this House demands a return to Party Government at the carliest possible moment after the conclusion of hostilities with Germany," was carried by a large majority at the next meeting, when Miss Harrison and C.J.Plouviez were the principal speakers. The fourth meeting took the form of a Brains Trust, and was exceptionally well attended. Several other meetings of the Society were arranged, but all had to be cancelled on account of the poor attendance. At the time of going to press there seems to be some possibility of reviving the Society, and we hope that it will receive the support it deserves.