The pool is 24 feet long and 12 feet wide, and has a paved surround 6 feet wide. There is a margin of shallow water but elsewhere the depth is two and a half feet. It is unfortunate that the pool cannot be planted for the Dedication Service on November 13th: this must wait until May. Plants to be grown in the margin include marsh-marigolds, water iris and musk, while water lilies are to be grown in the deeper water. Various kinds of oxygenating plants will be grown too. Fresh water mussels and water snails will be introduced when the pool is planted. Fish will be added later. The plants will be obtained from Messrs. G.and R.Perry of Enfield, who are specialists in water gardening. A representative of this firm has visited the site and given us detailed advice on the selection of the plants. The many who have helped in the work of construction must feel that they have contributed in a very practical way towards what we hope will be a worthy memorial. Mr Ames, of course, has done a great dael and perhaps the mos6t active of the boys have been Lidbury, J. and P. Tavernere, Rumble, Childs, Joliffe, Kay and Merrett. We hope that during the next Summer term we shall have the same enthusiasm for diging and preparing the rest of the quad.