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We get the first glimpse of the Monoux School and its Schoolmaster from the Chantry Certificate of 1545, where it is stated that, "Londes and tenements in. Waltham Stowe . . . Put in feoffament by George Monox, gentleman, to the Maintenance of a Priest, the seid priest to singe masse in the Church of Waltham Stowe aforeseid, and also to teache a free scole their during the term of 20 yeres. And one Sir John Hogeson, clerke, of the age of 40 yeres, and of goode vsage and conversacion, litterate, and teachethe a scole their, is now incumbent thereof. . . ." Here then we find that the schoolmaster was the vicar of Walthamstow, and it is quite probable that he was the only man who was capable of filling the office. We have no means of ascertaining what was the course of instruction given in the school when it was founded, for neither the Will nor the Ordinances of Monoux prescribe anything on the subject. We do know, however, that the trustees placed schoolmasters " who were not able to teach the Latin tongue," and we also know that in 1658, it was ordered that a man should be appointed who was " an able scholar " and " who was a graduate of Oxford or Cambridge and should be able to teach the Latin and Greek tongue." Further, we know that this "honest Priest" was "to keep a Free School, and to teach therein from 20 to 30 young children, and not more, but at his own will and pleasure," and for this he was to receive yearly £6 1.3s. 4d. and the assistance of the Parish Clerk, who " in case he assists in teaching " was to receive £1 6s. 8d.