In spite of the inaccuracy of the meteorological reports, from which we understood we were to experience excellent cricket conditions, we had a very enjoyable although not an exceptionally successful season. Towards the end of the season a good all round side was built up, the only flaw in the team being the absence of a good slow bowler. A bowler of this calibre, however, is not often encountered in school cricket.
Our batting order appeared, on paper, very formidable, but unfortunately there was no match in which all attained the zenith of their form. Everybody in the team had been known to get runs and nearly all scored an appreciable number of runs. An example of our potential batting strength was seen in the match against the Staff, in which two of our "tail-enders" put on 51 runs for a ninth wicket stand.
The, strength of our attack varied considerably, the same criticism applying as was applied above, i.e., no two bowlers bowled at their best in the same match. At first we had no really fast bowler and had to rely upon medium paced bowling, but Insole, towards the end of the season, speeded up his attack and this improved the variety. I understand that there are some people in the School who can spin the ball appreciably: I strongly advise them to practise carefully as even a mediocre slow bowler would balance our attack.
The bowlers were well supported in the field; at times the catching and ground fielding were really excellent (special mention must be made of the match with Barking Abbey School in which our fielding definitely won the game). One criticism is possible and that is that more use should be made of the fact that the ball reaching the wicket-keeper full pitch instead of first bounce will often gain a vital wicket.