Valete 1926

T. G. COWLING'S WONDERFUL SUCCESS. We all heartily congratulate T. G. Cowling on his wonderful success at Oxford, in winning the Oxford University Junior Mathematical Scholarship, an achievement which ranks him as first man in the year for Mathematics at the University. Cowling will be remembered as a Prefect of the School in 1923-24, when he was also Captain of Higham. He was present at the School Sports to give vigorous support to his old House.

L. W. SNAITH. Few Sixth Formers are leaving this term, but among them we are losing one of the most distinguished, L. W. Snaith. As both Cricket and Football Captain for three years, Prefect for three years, Head Prefect for this year, Captain of Morris, and twice winner of the Victor Ludorum Cup he has played a part in the life of the School which has seldom been equalled. His winsome personality, unassuming manner, and cheerful disposition have made him one of the most popular figures in the School. To us senior fellows he seems like the last of the stalwarts, who were winning the School's victories when we were only in the Third Form. We understand that he is going to take up a commercial appointment, and both in this and in his sporting career we wish him every success.

FURTHER SUCCESS OF H. E. ROBSON. We congratulate H. E. Robson on his good fortune in securing a Kitcheuer Scholarship to the value of £100 per annum for three years. He will have brought his school career to a triumphant close when he goes up to Cambridge in October to join A. A. Smith and A. Rabson. Among the honoured posts he has filled are those of Prefect, Chairman of the Debating Society, Captain of Whittingham, and Secretary of the Chess Club. May he worthily uphold the honour of his old School in his new sphere!

A. T. PERKINS. Taking his Intermediate Science Examination this term, A.T. Perkins, one of this year's Prefects, is also leaving us. He intends to enter the teaching profession. We hope he will make a model master for our sons and grandsons!

G. H. TAYLOR. The Upper VA Prefect is another distinguished figure who is leaving this term. For three seasons he has proved a stalwart goal-keeper for the lst XI, and he has also won his laurels at cricket. We hope that by the time this number appears, he will have secured his Matriculation Certificate, for which he has been working so furiously.

A.E.H. (VIth).
COUNTY INTTERMEDIATE SUCCESSES. Two Sixth Formers, W. O. Jennings and G. F. Lothian, distinguished themselves by gaining County Intermediate Scholarships. We offer them our congratulations, and trust that they will not be the last of an illustrious line.

L. W. SNAITH. Last year's School Captain now passes his time with the Legal and General Assurance Company. We hear that the office gramophone has become permanently unemployed, as it now has a rival who knows all the latest melodies even before they are out of date.

M. F. THOROUGHGOOD, another of those who left last term, is with the same firm as Snaith. We offer him our very best wishes.
We might add that W. A. Workman, who took the chair at the last Old Boys' Dinner and whose wife distributed the prizes at this year's sports, is General Manager of the Legal and General; and the firm includes a considerable number of Old Monovians, among them C. F. Martin (School Captain, 1919-21), L. W. Brinkworth, H. A. Fenner, A, W. Ritchie, and E. C. Trant.

H.E. ROBSON now professes to study History at Sidney Sussex, Cambridge. We hear that he is conducting an historical research into the origins of Cambridge sausages. He will embody the results of his investigations in a treatise, "De Trunculis."

G.H. TAYLOR. His success in passing Matriculation we are overjoyed to announce. He is now studying medicine at Guy's. According to information derived from W.H. Allen, another Old Monovian, Taylor's first task will be the analysis of frogs.

G. R. STONE has won a musical scholarship at Reading University. We wish him every success. Possibly we may soon have the pleasure of adding a Reading Letter to our Old Boys' section.

Valete 1927

L. W. DAY (1919-1927), one of this year's. Prefects and a pillar of the Photographic Society, is leaving us to study for the Church. It is to be regretted that he could not have stayed with us a little longer, as he might have added much lustre to his name; but such being impossible, we offer him our very best wishes in his new sphere of activity.

Sic Transit
Rest awhile and shed a tear! Wellings, our one and only Albert Clifford Montague, our unique and solitary professor, our immortal "prof."-is leaving us. The Clothworkers (not to be confused with a more convivial fraternity) have awarded him an Exhibition at Fitzwilliam Hall, Cambridge, subject to his passing the Higher School, and, all being well, thither will he go next October to study theology, and, we have not the slightest doubt, to leave for all time the stamp of his powerful and pugnacious personality. Made a Prefect in 1925, Wellings quickly settled down in Room D where his ever-changing views, his fleeting philosophies, his ready self-contradiction-not to mention his powers of clerical and magisterial mimicry-have proved an endless source of delight.
Among sights immortal and one that we shall treasure to the end of our days is that of the "Odds" on a Wednesday afternoon, with Wellings, in an annually diminishing football jersey, walking up and down the pitch, solemnly adjusting his spectacles and learnedly discussing Carlyle, while menacing footballs whizzed around unheeded. But no more reminiscences-space forbids!
We wish Wellings the very best of luck up at Cambridge, and hope that before long he will honour us with his impressions of that ancient seat of learning.

H. E. ALSTON (1921-1927), who has just enjoyed a successful year as a Prefect, is about to enter the Central News Agency. We hope that when he becomes a great journalist, he may possibly write some of those articles he has not written for the "Monovian." We understand that one day he intends to write a biting volume full of savage invective on " The Gall of Existence" or " My Futile Contemporaries."

R. T. VAUGHAN, one of the best sprinters the School has ever had and a sportsman in the truest sense of the word, leaves this term. He gave splendid performances in the Essex Relay and Inter-School Sports and also won his Football Cap.

OTHER "LEAVERS." Cecil Vincent, Prefect and winner of the Mile Cup, 1927, and a leading member of both cricket and football teams for two years; H. E. James (1920-27), Prefect, 1926-27, and Cricket Cap, 1926; H. W. Widdowson (1918-27), Prefect, 1926-27; L. M. Clark (1922-27), matriculated at the tender age of 15, and one of the School's best actors; C. White (1921-27), Victor Ludorum, 1927.

Valete 1928

A. E. HOLDSWORTH (1920-28; Captain of the School, 1926-28; Editor of the Monovian, 1925-27; Open Exhibition in History at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge). After last year's elaborate encomium, the School Captain deceived us by returning, quite unrepentant, to stay with us for another year. However, he is quite definitely leaving this term to study Economics at Cambridge and, we are sure, to add yet greater lustre to his name.
W. L. Roberts (1920-28; Prefect, 1925-28; Captain of Cricket, 1927-28; Vice-Captain of Football, 1926; Victor Ludorum, 1928). No one has done more for the athletics of the School than Roberts, and he is, besides, in the first rank at both football and cricket. He has had an outstanding academic record, and will, we earnestly hope, make speedy headway in the business career which he proposes to adopt.

J. H. PAYLING (1920-28; Prefect, 1925-28; Editor of Monovian, 1927-28; Sports Secretary, 1926-28; State Scholarship, 1927). In Payling the School is losing one who in a quiet and unassuming way, has worked tirelessly in its interests. As Editor of the Monovian, he has produced a magazine of which the School may reasonably be proud. As Sports Secretary, his truly prodigious amount of work has helped largely to give us our present full and smoothly running football and cricket programs. We wish him every success at St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, whither he goes in October to study law.

L. W. DAY (1920-28; Prefect, 1926-28; Chairman of the Debating Society, 1927-28; Secretary of the Photographic Society). We have already once said good-bye to Day in these pages, prematurely as it turned out. We can now congratulate him on his election to a Clothworkers' Exhibition at Fitzwilliam House, Cambridge, where he intends to study for the Church, offer him our very best wishes, and remind him of his duty to contribute a really original Cambridge letter in the near future.

G. F. LOTHIAN (1921-28; Prefect, 1926--28; Open Scholarship in Natural Sciences at Trinity College, Oxford). It is possible, we understand, that on his shoulders alone will fall the task of upholding the honour of the School at Oxford during the next year, and we promise him a busy time writing letters for these pages. We hope that he will do something lift Oxford from its present reputed despondency, but urge him not to be too frivolous in his manipulation of test-tubes and slide-rules.

W. G. ACRES (1921-28; Prefect, 1926-28; Captain of Whittingham, 1926-27; Football Cap, 1925-28). One of the most deservedly popular boys in the School, a fine athlete, and a good footballer, Acres will take with him the best wishes of the School to East London College, his new sphere of action.
There are also numerous others who say they are leaving, but we discreetly refrain from comment at present, as we have been caught like that before.

The following have left during the term:

W. O. JENNINGS (1921-28; Prefect, 1925-28; Captain of Football, 1927-28; Captain of Allpass, 1925-28; Secretary the Debating Society, 1926-28). Jennings ended his school career with a most successful year's football captaincy. He will be remembered most, however, in connection with his captaincy of Allpass House, which, under his leadership, won both the Football and Cricket Shields in 1926, in spite of the competition of the Snaith family, repeated the performance last year, and finally won the Sports Shield this year for the first time in history. We offer him our best wishes in his work at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington.

S. A. SUPER (1921-28; Prefect, 1926-28). His miraculous memory, his unstemmable flow of eloquence, his ubiquity will bring him inevitable commercial success. His departure will be lamented to an extent only slightly less than that of his rival in loquacity, one Wellings. He has gone to the South American Stores, Moorgate Street, whither he takes our very best wishes.

G. J. JAMESON (1921-28 ; Prefect, 1927-28; Captain of Morris). He is now in a stock-broker's office, where we wish him every success.

G. F. LOTHIAN. We have to congratulate G. F. Lothian on two successes this term: first, on being awarded a County Major Scholarship of £50 per annum for three years, and secondly, on winning the Cecily Courtauld Scholarship of £90 per annum for three years.
A. E. HOLDSWORTH. Another County Major Scholarship of £30 per annum has also been awarded to A. E. Hold worth. The amount has since been increased.

Valete 1929

G. F. MANSFIELD (Prefect, 1926-29 ; Captain of Whittingliam, 1927-29). In Manfield we are losing one who worked quietly and conscientiously, both as a Prefect and as Captain of Whittingham, for the benefit of the School. We wish him every success in the Civil Service career which he has taken up.

K. R. HIPKIN (Prefect, 1928; Vice-Captain of Football, 1928), a deservedly popular member of the School. He has, we understand, obtained a post with a firm of tobacconists.

J. R. UPTON (Prefect, 1926-29). We wish Upton the best of success at King's College, London, where he is studying for a Science Degree.

R. A. TINGEY (Prefect, 1928-29; Captain of Whittingham, 1929). As Secretary of the Debating Society and of the Photographic Society, Tingey did much valuable work for the School. We wish him every success at University College, London.

A. A. MAXWELL (Prefect, 1928-29; Vice-Captain of Football, 1929; Captain of Whittingham, 1929). Our best wishes go with him in his post in Pilkington's, the glass manufacturers.

D. R. DAVIDSON (Prefect, 1929). Davidson's departure is a great loss to the School in general and to the Dramatic Society in particular. We wish "Lady Cicely" every success in the Eagle Star and British Dominions Assurance Company where he has obtained a post.

Valete 1930

W. N. CORKHILL (1921-1930). Prefect (1927-30); Captain of the School (1928-30); Captain of Allpass (1928-30); Cricket Colours (1929): Athletics Colours (1929); Captain of Football (1930); Victor Ludorum (1930). Besides the many services involved in this imposing list of honours, which will speak for themselves, Corkhill will go down to an admiring posterity as the sole patentee of those amazingly artistic creations, the Prefect's Cap and the Colours Tie. We wish him the success he so eminently deserves at Jesus College, Oxford, where he is now studying science.

A. C. ROLFE (1922-1930). Prefect (1928-30); Captain of Allpass (1928-30); Cricket Colours (1929); Minor Scholarship in Natural Science, Trinity College, Oxford; Mallinson Scholarship and Cicely Courtauld Scholarship. Not even mens sana in corpore sano sums up Rolfe's career. For does it not omit all reference to his impersonations of bright young things, his agility in inkwells (see the Monovian, No. 5, p. 27), his oratorical powers, and last, but by no means least, his tremendous energies in the matter of detentions, for which, surely, he must hold the record?
awarded last term to.

W. M. ALDRIDGE (1924-1930). Prefect (1929-30); Captain of Whittingham (1929-30); Cricket Colours (1929). A deservedly popular member of the School, and one whose early departure is much to be regretted. We wish him every success in the commercial career which he is taking up.

G. F. LEWIN (1922-1930). Prefect (1928-30); Secretary of the Chess Club (1928-30); Chess Colours (1929) ; Hulme Exhibition, Brasenose College, Oxford; State Scholarship (1930). Lewin has brought great honour both to the School and himself by his brilliant success in the Higher School Examination, and we are sure that yet greater successes are to be his at Oxford, where he has already played chess for the University.

R. B. RHODES (1926-30). Prefect (1928-30): Captain of Higltam (1928-30); Secretary of Sports Committee (1929-30); Treasurer of the School branch of the National Savings Association (1929-30). Popular, genial, and efficient, Rhodes worked hard in the service of the School and of his House, and we wish him every success at University College, London, where he is now studying.

S. O. SPEAKMAN (1922-1930). Prefect (1928-30); Chairman of the Literary and Debating Society (1928-30). The last of the Speakmans has left us . . . the Sixth Form room is bereft of its muse, who now resides in a more poetical place, that home of lost causes, forsaken names, etc., more generally known as Oxford. There he studies French and Spanish, and no longer does our Library re-echo with the ominous murmur of "Otto," chanting Spanish, surrounded by disgruntled Sixth-formers.

R. J. MACARTNEY (1920-1930). Prefect (1929-30); Chairman of the Christian Union (1930); Athletics Colours (1929). By those competent to judge Macartney was regarded as one of the best runners we have had, and we look to him to add lustre to our athletic reputation at Oxford, where he is studying for the Church. He has already secured second place in the first heat of the Freshmen's Quarter Mile.

G. R. SMITH (1921-1930). Prefect (1927-30) ; Captain of Football (1929); Cricket Colours (1929). He is now at Cheltenham, where he is studying for the teaching profession.

W. A. H. TOLLETT (1925-1930). Prefect (1929-30) ; Chess Colours (1930). He is now at the Ecole Normale d'Instituteurs, La Roche sur You, La Vendee, France. He wae successful at the September Matriculation.

Valete 1931

D. THOMPSON (1923-31; Prefect, 1928-31; Captain of the School, 1930-31; Editor of the Monovian, 1929-31; Captain of Allpass, 1930-31 ; Chairman of the Literary and Debating Society, 1929-31; Secretary of the Dramatic Society, 192831; Open Scholarship in Modern History, Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, 1930).
Every one of his many offices he has filled with distinction. Always one of the ablest and most entertaining speakers at debates, he has helped the Debating Society to weather a severe storm occasioned by the sudden rivalry of many new societies. As Secretary of the Dramatic Society, he has done a very great deal to help forward the rapid growth and real success of that Society, which had flourished for only two terms when he became its Secretary. The period of his Editorship of the Monovian was a difficult one: the great scarcity of money compelled the size of the magazine to be considerably reduced, and to maintain the high standard set by Holdsworth and Payling was no easy task. Thomson certainly succeeded,
As Captain of the School, his popularity and influence have been of the greatest value, and his year of office, capped by his success at Cambridge last December, is a fitting climax to a career which will, we hope, serve as a beacon to the junior members of the School, to show them how their own gifts may be given to the service of the community. Our very best wishes for his success go with him to Cambridge.

A.J. HARDY (1919-31; Prefect, 1928-31; Captain of Cricket, 1929-31; Captain of Athletics, 1929-30; Captain of Morris, 1928-30). To Hardy has been due, in considerable measure, the athletic successes which have given the School so excellent a reputation. He is deservedly popular and we sincerely hope that, by the time this magazine is published, his reputation will have been increased by success in the competitions for Medical Scholarships at London.

K. E. ROBINSON (1924-31; Prefect, 1930-31; Editor of the Monovian, 1930-31; Secretary of the Literary and Debating Society, 1928-31; Assistant Librarian, 1929-31; Secretary of the Sports Committee, 1930-31; Open (Essex) Scholarship in Modern History, Hertford College, Oxford).
One man in his time plays many parts, but few can have played them with more zest or more whole-heartedly than Robinson. Prefect-Editor--Librarian: each role was assumed with the same overwhelming enthusiasm. And do not let us forget other parts he has played; for was he not until this year a leading member of the Dramatic Society? (D.T.)

A. A. PEARCE (1924-31; Prefect, 1930-31; Captain of Football and Athletics, 1930-31; Victor Ludorum, 1929 and 1931). Pearce is among the most popular of Prefects, and his work for School Football in the last season was outstanding. Along with Hardy he has been responsible for the increased reputation, athletically speaking, that the School now enjoys. We wish him every success at the Royal Hospital of St. Bartholomew, commonly known as Bart's, where he goes to study medicine next October.

B. M. G. REARDON (1923-31; Prefect, 1930-31). Who shall measure men by the number of their names, so long as Reardon holds no office other than that of Prefect! For with him a presence leaves us. His sartorial interests, his aesthetic susceptibilities, his intellectual capabilities, above all his temperamental elan, have made him the misunderstood idol of the mob. He is the homme fatal et incoimpris of Romanticism! Yet, in spite of himself, we love him still, and offer our best wishes for his continued success at Keble College, Oxford, where he goes next October, to study Theology, which, as he explains, is both interesting and, since he proposes to enter the Church, useful.
There are, of course, others who say they are leaving, but then they have said that before.

L. H. MOPPETT (1926-31; Prefect, 1929-31; Captain of Whittingham, 1930-31; Football Sec., 1930-31; Athletics Colours, 1930).
As runner, footballer and cricketer, Moppett rendered valuable service to the School and to his House. His colleagues remember him as always good-humoured and well-intentioned. We hope that in the pharmaceutical career he has taken up he may succeed as he did at School.

D. W. REDFERN (1924-31; Prefect, 1930-31 ; Treasurer of the School branch of the National Savings Association, 1930-31). Redfern has left us, but we still cherish the memory of his "toothsome" smile, his uvular "r"-s, his quaint subjunctives, and his unfailing good humour. With these and his many other assets he should enjoy the success he deserves in the Union Assurance Company.

R. S. SMITH (1926-31; Prefect, 1931 ; School Librarian, 1931). Smith had been building up an important position for himself in the School, and it is to be regretted that his departure should come so early. We wish him all success in his new post of Assistant Curator at the Walthamstow Museum.

E. R. H. TIMMS. No one at School knows when Timms first came, but who does not know that Timms has gone? The School may remember him as a leader of debates, but the Sixth remembers him as one who used to work like a horse (so we were told), and as its oracle, philosopher, and pet cynic. We wish him every success at East London College, where he is now studying.

Valete 1932

Our best wishes go with the seven Prefects who left at the end of last term.
R. J. North (Captain of the School, 1931-2; Captain of Whittingham House; Chairman of the Debating Society),
A.E. Gibbins (Athletics Captain, 1931-2; Captain of Allpass House; Cricket Cap).,
W.J.D. Walker (Captain of Higham House),
C.L. Cutting (Captain of Morris House; Cricket Cap),
C. S. Bayes,
J. H. Macartney
E. W. Harrison,
The following have also left:
VI. Sc. J.C. Jenkins.
VI. Lit. W.V. Harries, L. F. Lamb

We congratulate W. N. Corkhill upon his success in gaining a Minor Exhibition at Jesus College, Oxford, last December.

M. J. GURNEY (1925-32; Prefect, 1930-32; Secretary to Instrumental Society, 1929-32; Assistant Secretary to Photographic Society, 1930-1; Editor of The Monovian, 1931-2). In an unassuming way Gurney has rendered valuable service to his House and to the School. He was a popular and efficient Prefect, and his interests were varied and active. As Editor of The Monovian, his success in maintaining the high standard set by his predecessors is undoubted. We wish him every success in his work at County Hall. R.J.N.

N. A. C. BIGNELL (1926-32; Prefect, 1930-32; Secretary to Instrumental Society, 1931-2). In Bignell the School has lost one of its most useful members. He was an efficient Prefect, pianist to the Instrumental Society, and a keen member of the Photographic Society; his quiet and copious humour will be long remembered. We wish him all success at County Hall, whither he has followed Gurney.

R. J. HOLBROOK (1924-32). Holbrook was a very useful member of the Sixth Form, by whom his departure is much regretted. To the rest of the School he was known as a cheerful Sixth Former and an enthusiastic member of the Photographic Society. We wish him success in his new occupation of accountancy.

D. G. TUCKER (1924-32; Prefect, 1930-32; Athletics Colours, 1929; Secretary of Photographic Society, 1929-31). Tucker has done valuable work for the School both as Laboratory Prefect and athlete. Moreover, during his Secretaryship he further developed the Photographic Society and instituted one of its most popular features, lantern lectures. We wish him all success at the G.P.O.

F. G. PAYLING; (1924-32; Prefect, 1931-2; Secretary of the Photographic Society, 1931-2). As Secretary of the Photographic Society, Payling followed Tucker's example in promoting interesting meetings, and he also extended the very successful Annual Exhibition. He will also be remembered for his breathlessness and readiness (with Holbrook) to undertake any sort of practical job. Our best wishes go with him to Wanstead

Valete 1933

Our best wishes go with the following, who have left since the last issue of the Magazine :
VI. Lit. S. W. Smith.
VI. Sc. H. A. Pearce, I. Clack.

Our best wishes go with the seven Prefects who left at the end of last term.
R. J. North (Captain of the School, 1931-2; Captain of Whittingham House; Chairman of the Debating Society),
A.E. Gibbins (Athletics Captain, 1931-2; Captain of Allpass House; Cricket Cap).,
W.J.D. Walker (Captain of Higham House),
C.L. Cutting (Captain of Morris House; Cricket Cap),
C. S. Bayes,
J. H. Macartney
E. W. Harrison,
The following have also left:
VI. Sc. J.C. Jenkins.
VI. Lit. W.V. Harries, L. F. Lamb

J. ACRES. (1926-33; Prefect, 1931-33). We wish him success in his studies at Cheltenham Training College.

G. A. BARNARD (1926-33; Prefect, 1931-33; Chess Team, 1931-33; Chess Captain, 1932-33; Chess Colours, 1933; Debating Society-Committee, 1930-33; Assistant Secretary, 1931-32; Orchestra, 1926-33). For the benefit of those who find themselves somewhat bewildered by Barnard's range of successes, we give here a summary of his more important achievements:
Easter, 1932: Major Open Scholarship in Science (value £80 per annum) at Reading University. (Relinquished).
Summer, 1932: State Scholarship (as a, result of four distinctions in the Higher School Examination). Christmas, 1932: Exhibition at St: John's College, Cambridge; Monoux Exhibition.
Our best wishes go with Barnard to St. John's College, Cambridge, where he will study Mathematics.

R.D. HEMBROW (1929-33; Prefect 1933; Cricket Colours 1933)

P. G. H. HOPKINS (1930-33; Prefect, 1931-33; Captain of the School, 1932-33; Captain of Higham House, 1932-33; Cricket Colours, 1931; Football. Colours, 1932; Cricket Captain, 1932-33; Debating Society--Committee, 1932-33).
Hopkins is now studying at the London School of Economics. We wish him every success.

D.A. LOTHIAN (1925-33; Prefect, 1931-33; Debating Society Committee, 1931-32).

J.E. LYNCH (1927-33; Prefect, 1931-33; Captain of Whittingham House, 1932-33; Football Colours, 1931, Vice Captain of Football, 1931-32; Football Captain, 1932-33; Debating Society Committee, 1932-33).

D.G.O. MORRIS (1926-33; Prefect, 1932-33; Vice-Captain of Swimming, 1932-33; Swimming Captain, 1933). Morris takes our best wishes with him to Bangor University College, where he goes to study Science.

D.J. SCHERR (1926-33; Prefect, 1931-33; Librarian, 1931-33; Dramatic Society Secretary, 1931-33). We wish him success at East London College, where he is studying Modern Languages.

E. W. SCOTT (1926-33; Prefect, 1932-33; Editor of the Monovian, 1932-33; Captain of Allpass House, 1932-33. We are pleased to see that Scott in joining the staff of the Waltlia,mstow Guardian has been able to follow his journalistic bent.

R.G. WADE (1927-33; Prefect, 1932-33; Cricket Colours, 1932: Vice-Captain of Cricket, 1933).

D.F. WEBBER (1928-33; Prefect, 1933; Captain of Morris House, 1932-33; Football Colours, 1933).

E.S. WILLIAMS (1926-33; Prefect, 1932-33; Captain of the School, 1933; Football Colours, 1931; Vice-Captain of Football, 1932-33; Cricket Colours, 1932; Cricket Team, 1933; Games Secretary, 1932-33; Cross Country Team, 1930-33; Debating Society Committee, 1932-33).

Valete 1934

P. French (1926-33; Prefect, 1933). The School loses in French a keen student and a conscientious Prefect. Our best wishes go with him in his future career.

S.E. Skudder (1928-33; Prefect, 1933; Captain of Mallinson 1933; Football Colours, 1933).

R.S. Vine (1927-33; Prefect 1933; Photographic Society Committee, 1933). We wish Vine every success in his medical studies at East London College,

VI Lit: A.V. Blackledge, F. P. Day (Chess Club Secretary, 1933),

VI Sci.: G.W. Cox, D. Horder (Woodwork Society Secretary, 1932-33), H. R. Wilcock.

Shell: D.A. Arnold, L.J. Clark, M.D. Cooke, B.E.S. Gore, E.D. Holman, A.R. Kiggins, R.A. Oliver, E.J..H. Starkey (Dramatic Society Joint Secretw 1933), J. R. Thomas.

F. W. Jones (1928-34; Prefect, 1933-34; Football Colours, 1933; Captain of Football. 1933-34; Cricket Colours, 1933). Besides being one of the best all-rounders at sports the School has had for some time, Jones was a successful scholar and a conscientious prefect. We lose in him one who has done much to maintain the high reputation of the Monoux School, and who, during the whole of his time at the School, placed that reputation before all other considerations. We wish him every success in the Civil Service, which he now enters as a junior clerk as a result of the competitive examination held in London last September.

C. W. Potter (1928-33; Prefect 1933-34; Art Society Secretary 1934). Although few titles decorate his name "Charlie" Potter made his influence felt in the School to an extent and in a manner which it is the fortune of few to emulate. Who can forget his lusty interpretation of "Father" in the "Car' episode at the Rag Concert? Who can deny that his famous Balbus murum aedificavit in the last issue of the Monovian was far more eloquent than reams of editorial bleatings or pages of lame sarcasm? Moreover, who can forget the Monoux Melody Monarchs and the superannuated piano accordion? But enough! We hope that Potter will excel in his new calling as he has done in the School.

Shell: D. R. L. Davis, R. L. Green, D. H. Robinson.

H. F. Bailey (1929-34; Prefect, 1934; Athletics Colours, 1934). Bailey was probably the best high-jumper the School has ever had. His achievements in this branch of Athletics and his efficiency as prefect will serve to keep his memory with us now that he has left school.

S. F, Pritchard (1929-34; Prefect, 1934, Orchestra, 1929-34; Debating Society Committee, 1933-34). It is indeed unfortunate that Pritchard had to leave before he had the opportunity to take a leading part in the life of the School. During his five years here he distinguished himself as violist in the School Orchestra and as an accomplished pianoforte accompanist. He also contributed to the Monovian„ and took a keen interest in the Debating Society. In the General School Examination this year he gained honours, with a distinction in music. We wish him every success in the Audit Department of the Prudential Assurance Company.

L. E. Rose (1926-34; Prefect, 1934; Football Colours, 1932; Athletics Colours, 1934). Rose did a great deal for School Athletics and School Football. His excellent achievements as First XI centre-forward have already been recorded in the Monovian. He carried out his duties as prefect thoroughly and conscientiously.

D. H. Stoker (1927-34; Prefect, 1934; Captain of Spivey House, 1933-34). It is chiefly as an efficient house captain that Stoker will be remembered.

G. W. W. Stuart (1929-34; Prefect, 1934; Football Colours, 1934). Stuart was a valuable member of the First Cricket and Football XIs.

R. P. Towndrow (1926-34); Prefect, 1932-34; Captain of Whittingham House, 1933-34; Athletics Captain, 1933-34; Athletics Colours, 1934; Cricket Colours, 1934. Towndrow was one of the few who take an interest in every department of School activity. He rendered great service to School Athletics as a runner and a member of the School Relay Team, and was a member of the First Cricket XI. He spoke in School debates and wrote for the Monovian, and proved a very efficient house captain. This year he distinguished himself academically by winning a Drapers' Company's Exhibition in Science at East London College. He takes with him our very best wishes.

VI Sci.: D. S. P. Blench, D. C. P. Ralfe.

Shell: D. S. Ray.

On the last day of the Summer Term the Captain of the School handed to Mr. Toplis on behalf of the present boys a Mllver cigarette case, as a small token of their appreciation of his many years of devoted service to the School. Mr. Toplis Ituwked the boys in a speech filled with characteristic humour and interspersed with neat allusions which delighted his audiot+ce beyond words. Such remarks as " Contrary to my custom, t nm not going to detain you long," and "You will probably nwo me prowling around the district until I do something so w+trageous that I get locked up," were greeted with roars of Inwghter, and will always be associated with Mr. Toplis's name in the minds of those who heard his speech. The merriment of the younger boys knew no bounds when Mr. Toplis concluded by telling a story of how, in his own early schooldays, he was told to "get up" some scripture for homework, and innocently learnt it off by heart?
We have since received a letter from Mr. Toplis in which he writes:-"When I left my home in the Monoux School last July, I went out overwhelmed with the kindness of word and action which I received from the masters and boys.. " Therefore . . I should like it to be recorded in print how very grateful I was and am to all who have been so good to me.
"It was in the Monoux School that I learned to love my work, and the School and all that is connected with it have a permanent place in my delightful memory of it."

Valete 1935

R.O. Lane (1929-35; Captain of Morris House, 1933-35; Football Colours, 1933; Captain of Football, 1934; Cricket Colours, 1933, Captain of Cricket,, 1934; Athletics Colours, 1934). There are three respects in which a boy can be an asset to his School, to be good at his work, to be good at sports, and to have a fine personality. R.O. Lane was one of the best all-rounders at sports the School has ever had; he excelled in football, in cricket, in athletics, in gymnastics. He was a good knew him at School could forget his conscientiousness "jolly good fellow." Even supposing that those who knew him at School could forget his conscientiousness and his never-failing sympathy, it is certain that they would remember him for his modesty and for the unassuming eagerness with which he undertook and discharged the most thankless of task's.' As sportsman, as scholar, as a personality, Lane was a credit to the School, and we are sorry to lose him. He left School this term for a post in the Foreign Office.

VI Lit.: A.F. Bishop, R.S. Clapp, D.G. How (Swimming Captain, 1933-34), E.G. Hughes, R.W. King, E.G. W, Lewis, E.G. Lowton.

VI Sci.: E.Coton

Our best wishes go with tht~ following boys, who have n to
left School since the last issue of the Ma vian appeared: VI Lit.: N. P. Astins
VI Sci.: V. C. Cosier, F. A. Ireland, L. J. T'rapp
V a: S. W. Adams, V. G. Brown, C. W. Powell (Monitor) IV b: M. C. Garnish, D. Garrick
III L: D. G. English II s: A. Ma.rriot
I c: B. C. Cook
The following Prefects will be leaving at the end of this term:

R. A. Dubock (1927-35; Prefect, 19'33-35; Librarian, 1933-35; Debating Society Committee, 1933-34; Dramatic Society Secretary, 1934-35)
To many the School will seem strange without Dubock. It is difficult to believe that, he is at last to be divorced from his familiar environment of Library cards, his piles of junk in the Prefects' Room, his collection of nondescript gymnasium clothing. It is no less difficult to realise that he will never again be married, murdered, or otherwise raised above the ordinary run of Monovians in productions of the School Dramatic Society. Those who are left will miss his sprightly performances at tennis and badminton; they will miss too his plaintive look, his resonant voice essaying songs that lend themselves unwillingly to resonance, his angular figure wandering about half-naked in the summer months. But to those of us who know him best, Dubock will continue to be more than an actor and an institution. He will indeed live as something more in the pages of the Monovian, in his pensive and delicately fanciful articles. We wish him every success at London University

D. W. Field (1929-35; Captain of Mallinson House, 1934-35 League of Nations Union Committee, 1935; Games Secretary, 1933-35; Football Colours, 1933; Cricket Colours, 1934; Captain of Tennis, 1935)
Field was the best type of sportsman. One cannot think of his achievements in cricket, football, tennis, and athletic without remembering also the personality that lay behind them and enjoyed them without any feeling of partisanship or of self-seeking. Field was always popular, but his well-balanced sense of humour always prevented popularity from making him less sympathetic to the interests and the claims of others. The School will be sorry to lose him.

K. Lloyd (1926-35; Prefect, 1933-35; Debating Society Chairman, 1933-34; Photographic Society Secretary, 1933-35)
Lloyd, who sat for an examination at Cambridge in March, was awarded an Open Exhibition in Modern Languages (value £40 per annum) at Pembroke College.
Lloyd always avoided the limelight. The efficiency and the quiet enthusiasm with which he carried out his duties, the exemplary thoroughness of his service to the School, his rare conscientiousness, and above all his modesty will remain in our memories when Lloyd himself goes to Cambridge to continue his study of Modern Languages.

E.E.W.S. Thompson (1928-35; Prefect 1933-35; Captain of Higham House, 1933-35; Christian Union Secretary, 1933-35; League of Nations Union Treasurer, 1935; School Orchestra 1928-35; Athletics Colours, 1934 and 1935; Athletics Captain, 1935)
When nobody else could be found to undertake an irksome treasurership, or to do an odd job that required a great deal of patience, or to write an article for the Monovian, Thompson showed what a good friend a friend in need can be. When other people were enjoying themselves, often he would be quietly performing some thankless but necessary task in an obscure corner. His patience and his industry made possible his brilliant successes when he was called upon to play a leading part. Thompson was not only a good athlete, but a good organiser and a good debater. These accomplishments will certainly be of value to him at King's College.

H. Shapiro (1929-35; Prefect, 1933-35; Laboratory Prefect, 1933-35)
Although he has occupied few leading positions, Shapiro has done quite a lot for the School. As presiding genius in the laboratories and at the stage switchboard he has worked in obscurity, often unnoticed. In the Prefects' Room his modest humour could not fail to make him popular. Those who will miss him when he leaves School will miss him a great deal.

P.A. Timberlake (1928-35; Editor of the Monovian, 1933-35; Debating Society Secretary, 1932-34, President, 1934; League of Nations Union Committee, 1935; School Orchestra, 1928-35, Secretary, 1932-35)
As one of our best debaters and one of our leading musicians, he has done great deal for the School; but his work as Editor of the School Magazine has outshone his other many achievements In losing such a valuable Prefect, we are also losing the most virile Editor the Monovian has ever had. His active ingenuity has been at work from the very moment he became Editor, with the result that the Monovian has made greater progress during the last two years than even the most sanguine of optimists would have dared to predict. Timberlake has played a noble part in the adventures of the Prefects, who soon realised that his skill in breaking windows was as effective as their own. And who could forget the austere conductor of the Prefects' "Choir" or the Sheriff in the pedal motor? All his accomplishments are qualifications for becoming a successful undergraduate, and we wish him every success in his career at Oxford.

D. R. Vicary (1926-35; Prefect, 1933-35; Captain of the School, Secretary 1933-35; Captain of Allpass House, 1933-35, of General Committee of the School, 1933-35; Stamp Club Secretary, 1932-33; League of Nations Union Secretary, 1935; Athletics Colours, 1933; Cross Country Captain, 1934-35)
Vicary, the School Captain, on the result of an examination held last December, was awarded an Open Millard Scholarship in Natural Science (value £80 per annum), tenable at Trinity College, Oxford.
Vicary, during the latter part of his time at the School, has truly been a "man of many parts." Of him it can be said without exaggeration that he distinguished himself in every department of School activity. His athletic achievements, his administrative ability and his gift for organising, his ability at public speaking, his outstanding academic accomplishments, all these are deservedly well-known; to recollect any of them is to dwell on the great loss that Vicary will be to the VIth Form and to the School as a whole. His wide interests, as well as his executive energy and his powers of concentration have been an inspiration to many who have came into close contact with him; only those who have can know his true worth and the magnitude of his service to the School. No Captain has led the School more ably than Vicary. Much could be written, and profitably of the excellence of his example, for he gave unsparingly of his best in every sphere of effort. But this is not a biography; we must content ourselves with wishing him every happiness in his career at Oxford.

Valete 1936

Our best wishes go with the following boys who have left school since the last issue of the Monovian appeared:
VI: F. C. Austin, K. W. Corder, W. F. Daggett, P. F. Dyche, L. J. W. Grant, E. V. Hills, J. E. Howarth, R. A. W. Taylor, R. Tomkins.
Va: R. H. L. Bayes, B. H. Castle, J. A. F. Dykes, R. C. D. McWilliam (Secretary, Chess Club, 1935), D. H. O'Neil, C. D. Overton, D. B. Patton, R. J. H. Slaughter, M. M. R. Sorensen, G. A. Tuckwell.

The following Prefects have left the School-since the last issue of the Monovian appeared:--
D. C. Ellis (1930-35; Prefect, 1935. Ellis distinguished himself at games and especially in football. He will be remembered for his friendly and willing disposition and a fund of sound common-sense which, we feel sure, will carry him a long way in business.

F. G. Jackson (1930-35; Prefect, 1935; Captain of Mallinson, 1935). With the departure of Jackson, the School has lost a popular and efficient Prefect and a fine all round sportsman, for he was a valuable member of the First Cricket and Football Elevens.

Our best wishes go with the following boys who have left School since the last issue of the Monovian appeared:
VI: S. V. Dawson, R. J. Clohosy, G. W. Francis, P. A. Jobson, A. C. Waizeneker (Secretary, Dramatic Society, 1935-36), S. A. Williams.

The following Prefects have either left since the last issue of the Monovian appeared, or will be leaving at the end of this term: -
G. H. W. Bramhall (1929-36); Prefect, 1935-36; Editor of the Monovian, 1935-36; Debating Society Committee, 1935-36; League of Nations Union Committee, 1935-36, School Orchestra, 1932-36, Secretary 1935-36).
As a Prefect, as Editor of the Monovian, and as one of our leading musicians, " G.H.W.B." has done a great deal for the School. The success of his editorial activities can be judged from his editions of the Monovian, and though this work occupied much of his spare time, and though he was not an outstanding sporting man, he nevertheless found time to interest himself in School football, cricket, and athletics. Efficiency and enthusiasm characterised his work, and a subtle wit, who can forget his portrayal of the night-watchman in the 'Ole in the Road in the Prefects' Concert-made him a very agreeable personality to all who knew him. Much could be written about his other interests-the League of Nations Union, debating, and art, but we know that his work is sufficient testimony to his value and versatility, and we are content to wish him every success at King Alfred's College, Winchester. W.D.W.

J. Farnworth (1930-36; Prefect, 1935-36; Captain of Spivey House, 1934-36; Captain of Swimming, 1934-36; First Football and Cricket Elevens, 1935-36; Cross-Country Team, 1935-36).
It is almost impossible to say which aspect of "Jimmy's" personality will be remembered the longest. So varied were his achievements and so outstanding, that we cannot define, but only "point and shout."
His swimming we cannot criticise; his successes here place him beyond comment. The achievements of Spivey House during his captaincy bear witness to his infectious enthusiasm and ability for hard work. His cricket and football, although somewhat lacking in polish, were invariably vigorous and effective. On the other hand, he who was noted for his robust tackling on the football field was to be seen tripping the daintiest of waltzes or the most exotic of tangos on the dance floor. His sporting outfits which, he boasted, had served the past two seasons without a clean and were revealing the unwelcome attentions of moths or unseen nails, had given place to the neatest slippers and the smartest of butterfly ties. Then what can we say of Farnworth as vendor-in-chief of the "halfpenny Lyons" and "doorsteps"? It can only be recorded that in giving change he was most annoyingly accurate, and that he alone could keep his head when the whole of the First and Second Forms were demanding sweetmeats in "half the tongues of Babel." But in collecting piles of dirty gym. clothes and exercise books in the Prefects' Room Farnworth was a close second to Dubock. For all this he was one of the most genial of individuals, and his stentorian greetings, even if somewhat disconcerting to a Sixth Former engrossed in an English essay or a maths. problem, could never be resented. We could go on to tell tales of "Jimmy" preparing the repasts for meetings of the School General Committee, but these, we feel, are aspects too intimate to be given ruthless publicity, and so we will content ourselves with wishing him every success in his studies of manufacturing methods in the textile industry of Krefeld, Germany.

J.A.P. Hall (1929-36; Prefect, 1935-36; Assistant Laboratory Prefect, 1934-35; Laboratory Prefect, 1935-36; Treasurer of League of Nations Union, 1936; Debating Society Committee, 1935-36).
It was indeed unfortunate that Hall had to leave the School before gaining admission to a university. His services to the School were not so conspicuous as those of most other Prefects because he was for so long one of the "presiding genii" of the laboratories. He was, however, one of the most energetic and industrious members of the Debating Society and the League of Nations Union. In debate and discussion he distinguished himself, for his wealth of knowledge on social and economic problems was usually more than a match for all opposition. His overflowing enthusiasm was infectious and inspiring, his labours, were always thorough. We wish him every success in the laboratories of Allen and Hanbury's, and trust that he will gain admission to London University in the near future.

R. Woollard (1931-36; Prefect, 1936; Captain of Tennis and Table-Tennis, 1936; First Cricket Eleven, 1936). Apart from several lapses in the Prefects' Room when he gave full rein to his rich baritone voice, Woollard was the epitome of quiet, calm efficiency. As a member of the First Cricket Eleven this season, he has played with enthusiasm. But he has particularly distinguished himself as a tennis player. In fact, we feel justified in saying that he is the most promising young player which the School has produced of late years. We bid him adieu, confident that his genial good humour and efficiency which made him so popular in the School will stand him in good stead in years to come.

R. R. Yearley (1930-36; Prefect, 1935-36; Captain of Mallinson House, 1936; Football Colours, 1935; Vice-Captain of Football, 1936; Games Secretary, 1935-36).
Apart from his academic achievements, Yearley's chief services to the School were confined to sport. For a number of years he had kept goal for one or other of the School Elevens, and this season he crowned all by gaining a County Cap, no mean achievement. During his last year at the School he performed admirably the thankless task of Games Secretary. He will be remembered also for his amazing ability to balance waste-paper baskets and billiard cues on his nose and chin. (Who will forget the episode of the tray of ping-pong balls at the Prefects' Concert last Christmas?) As a dance-band enthusiast and chief prefectorial authority on the mysteries of Charing Cross Road, Yearley will long remain in the memories of his colleagues in the Upper School. He hopes to enter the Civil Service, and to that end he carries with him our most cordial good wishes.

Valete 1937

R. T. Viccars (1931-36; Prefect 1936; Football Half-colours 1935). With the departure of Viccars, the School has lost a fine sportsman and a popular and efficient Prefect. "If a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing well" must have been his motto, for he put his best into everything. This trait, coupled with a hearty and willing disposition will carry him (we feel sure), a long way in business.
H. Fineberg (1931-36; Monitor 1936). Though not outstandingly brilliant in sporting activities, Fineberg was a fine "sportsman," which after all, is far more important than mere skill. He had a strong sense of responsibility, but was, nevertheless, not at all dictatorial. His cheery nature was well-known, especially among his co-students in the upper part of the School, who join us in wishing him every success in his future career.

J. J. Hampton (1930-36). At the beginning of 1936, Hampton, actively engaged in preparation for the General School Examination, decided to sit for the Civil Service General Clerical Examination, the age limits for which necessitated his sitting in May. Despite this disadvantage, he passed both examinations with ease. Further comment seems superfluous. In addition, he became co-editor of the Monovian. In this really difficult task he acquited himself with honours; although only I, his partner, can realise fully the value of his work. While lamenting his leaving, we wish him every success in his career as a Civil Servant.

D. A. Wright (1931-1936; Prefect, 1936; Captain of Higham House, 1936; Swimming Colours, 1936; Captain of Swimming, 1936).
Strange as it may seem, Wright was a ballet fan, and it has been suggested that his grace in the water was the outcome of this trait. (We cannot help thinking, however, that even a porpoise is graceful in the water.) Nevertheless, whatever the cause of his excellence, whether acquired or inspired, we must congratulate Wright upon the high standard of his swimming. Curiously enough, he also, like his predecessor, Farnworth, was an accomplished dancer, and further amply filled the role of prefectorial jester. He carried out his duties as a Prefect quietly and efficiently, and was always willing to give his assistance in any work.

H. J. W. Wilmshurst (1931-36; Prefect, 1935-36; Captain of Whittingham House, 1935-36; Athletics Colours, 1935; Captain of Athletics, 1935-36; Vice-Captain of School Gymnastic Team, 1935-36).
In Wilmshurst the School has undoubtedly lost one of its best Prefects. He was by no means a stern disciplinarian, but his efficiency in the discharge of his duties', coupled with a genial nature, won for him the respect of almost every boy. As Captain of Athletics he set a fine example not only to the School Team but also to the bays of the School as a whole. In the Gymnastic Team also he was noted for that thoroughness which characterised all his work, and we are sure that his position will be filled only with difficulty. However, we feel that it is really unnecessary to eulogise "Wizzle's" school life, for every boy who made his acquaintance must have realised how deeply rooted was his interest in the School. We wish him every success in his studies at Queen Mary College.

F. Fry (School, 1935-37; Monitor, 1936-37).
Although he came to this School from Palmer's School for his last year only, Fry, by reason of his quiet unassuming manner, was very popular in the Fifth and Sixth Forms. He was a member of the School Athletics Team.

W. D. White (1930-1937; School Captain 1935-7; Prefect 1934-7; Football Captain 1935-7, Football Colours 1934, Capped for Essex Secondary Schools 1935-6, '36-7; Cricket Captain 1935-7, Cricket Colours 1934, Capped for Essex Secondary Schools 1935-6; Gymnastics Captain 1936-7; Captain of Allpass House 1935-7; School Athletics Team 1933-7).
To all the newer Prefects (those elected within the last three years), one of the greatest mysteries of school life has been: How long has White been an inhabitant of the Prefects' Room? Lest any misinterpretation be placed on that remark, let us hasten to add that nobody would object to his continued presence for many years to come. His cheerful but firm command over the prefectorial staff, his solicitous care of the cricket bats, his energetic gymnastics, and his enthusiastic organizing of numerous dances in which the preparation of refreshments never allowed him time to participate, despite the number of would-be parties anxiously awaiting him, will be affectionately remembered by all his colleagues. Nor must we forget to mention his manifold abilities as Captain of Football, Cricket, Gymnastics, and Allpass House, and as a member of the Athletics Team.
It is interesting to note that he was, when appointed, the youngest Captain the School had ever had. He was also a most efficient and popular one, who "in his time played many parts," all with a great measure of success.
The results of Higher Schools are not yet to hand, but although "Bill" is himself rather pessimistic in this direction, we hope he will achieve the success he undoubtedly deserves. He leaves with the thanks and best wishes of the School.

R. C. Jennings (1928-1937; Prefect, 1936-7).
No present-day Monovian can recall the days when Jennings was a "fag," and he himself guards the secret as jealously as a woman conceals her age. Now, in what is, we believe, his fourth Sixth year, he is leaving us. One outstanding memory remains: that of the unfailing modesty he displayed over his amazing mathematical ability. Knowing his modesty, therefore, we were very pleased, but not greatly surprised, when last December he was awarded an Exhibition to Emmanuel College (although one small boy innocently inquired if it were for making scenery). Our best wishes go with him as he proceeds to higher levels of knowledge at Cambridge.

G. T. Jefferson (1930-1937; Prefect, 1935-37; Secretary of School Committee; Vice-Captain of Whittingham House, 1937; Secretary of Photographic Society, 1935-7; School Athletics Team, 1937).
Jefferson may claim the distinction of being the first real biologist that the School has had, and we are sure none will deny that he has set a very high standard in this subject. But while some will remember the murky deeds he perpetrated in the "Skittle Alley" (even now no one is certain of the fate of the most recent School cat), others will remember his genius for impromptu debating. His fund of knowledge-by no means confined to that learnt parrot fashion from dogmatic textbooks --and his ability to marshal facts made him a formidable opponent in a battle of wits on almost any subject. This aptitude, coupled with his sincerity and good nature, could not but be admired by all who had the pleasure of meeting him. However, it must not be assumed that Jefferson was a "swot." His successes in sport were not exceptionally brilliant, but they were well earned, for his training was characterised by that same thoroughness that was noticeable in all his work. As a student, as a Prefect, and as an athlete he may well be proud of his school career, and we can do no better than wish him equal success in his future life.

A. E. J. Brunwin (1931-1937; Prefect, 1936-7; Vice-Captain Mallinson House, 1936-7; Football 1st XI, 1935-6, 1936-7; Football Colours 1936; Cricket 1st XI, 1936, 1937; Cricket Colours 1937).
In Brunwin the School is losing a keen sportsman and accomplished scholar who will be remembered not only for his versatility, but also for his supremely cheerful attitude to life. As one of the leading members of the Table Tennis Club, he was, in fact, one of those stalwarts who brought about the change from "ping-pong" to serious Table Tennis in the School, as a valuable member of Cricket and Football 1st XIs, and as a conscientious Prefect, he earned the respect and affection of all who knew him. It is fitting that he should have rounded off his school career by obtaining a Junior Clerkship in the Civil Service, and we wish him every success in his new position.

D.A.W. Furbank (1936-1937; Prefect, 1935-37; Captain of Morris House, 1936-37; Capped for Walthamstow, Football and Cricket, 1933, 1934; Cricket and Football Secretary, 1936-37; Football 1st XI, 1936-37; Football Half-Colours, 1937; Cricket 1st XI, 1936 and 1937; Cricket Colours, 1937).
It is surely unnecessary to eulogise Don's efforts on the cricket and football field. Often have we heard his name read out in Hall as having the best cricket score for a match; and all, especially the First Eleven, know how reliably he played as half-back during a very hard season, 1936-7. For two years he has carried out his prefectorial duties with quiet, good-humoured efficiency, and the School will be the poorer for his departure. The Prefects will mourn the last of their leading ladies, and we feel sure that Miss Bolton will miss his capable assistance in matters secretarial. We wish him every success in the Civil Service.

P. A. C. McDermott (Prefect, 1935-37; Captain of Spivey House, 1936-37; Football 1st XI, 1936-37; Football Half-Colours, 1937; Dramatic Society Committee, 1935-37; Secretary of Debating Society, 1935-36, Chairman, 1936-37; Gymnastic Team, 1934-37; Athletics Team, 1935-37; Tennis Team, 1936).
One item is missing from this list of "Mac's" successes, his captaincy of Spivey House Gym. Team in the last Gymnastic Competition. The manner in which he tackled the responsibility of guiding his team through the table proved, more than anything else, his capability as a leader. Indeed, in all activities he showed that calm and self-confidence which gained for him the respect of his fellow students. As the First XI goalkeeper he had a very heavy season, but in spite of this, he seemed never to lose heart; as an actor he reached a high standard-we need only mention his performance in The Farmer's Wife; as a gymnast and an athlete he was well above the average; and finally as a Prefect he carried out his duties conscientiously and efficiently and was ever willing to lend a helping hand. A record to be proud of! Even the recollection of several of his atrocious puns (though, we must say, he did have his witty moments) does not allay our regret at losing such a personality. We all join in wishing him every success in his career as a Civil Servant.

L. H. Cherry (1932-1937; Prefect 1937; Gym Team 1934-7; Swimming Team 1936).
Cherry has been a Prefect for only two terms, but in that short time he has made himself, by reason of his imperturbable cheerfulness and serene efficiency, very popular with the whole School, and especially with the inhabitants of the Prefects' Room. He will be remembered as one of the last members of the now non-existent Cross-country Team, and he will be very much missed by the Gym Team of which he was a very active member. We wish him every success in his future career, and wonder if he will later turn professional cyclist.

L. W. Funnell (1932-1937; Prefect, 1937; Football lst XI, 1937; Cricket lst XI, 1937).
Since last January, when he became a Prefect, Funnell has hardly been noticed by his colleagues, so quietly and unobtrusively has he carried out his duties. He has performed his prefectorial tasks and played football and cricket with considerable success. His unassuming manner and inveterate cheerfulness, the very qualities by which we shall remember him, should prove a valuable asset to him in the future.

N. P. Bruce (1932-1937; Prefect, 1937; Swimming Captain, 1937; Vice-Captain of Gymnastics, 1937).
During his school life Bruce has taken part in many and varied School activities. He has distinguished himself at swimming-his record for the Under Fifteen Breast Stroke still stands-and was last term elected Swimming Captain. His performance as Caesar in the Fifth Form production of Julius Caesar was outstanding; and when Bruce's name is mentioned, one instinctively thinks of his connection with the Gym, Team.
As a result of his agility he was appointed Vice-Captain of the Team at the beginning of this year. Finally, his election as Prefect demonstrated his popularity among the members of the School. May he be as successful in his future life as he has been popular at School.

J. F. Salmon (1931-1937; Prefect, 1937; Editor of the Monovian, 1936-7).
Yet another has come through that agony of persuasion which seems to be the lot of an editor. We feel that all editors have a sixth sense which tells them how to coax an article from any boy, and Salmon was no exception to this rule. Although he was not as irresistible as some of his predecessors in the extraction of material for his critical pen, he kept up the fine traditions of the Monovian, a great achievement for one who is probably the youngest to have filled this position. We hope that he will enjoy equal success in his career as a Civil Servant. His dapper appearance, his eager inspection of the Humorist and Punch for the latest jokes, his ingenuity in editorial crises, all will remind us of another popular Editor and Prefect.
(A very capable editor, painstaking, courteous, and reliable.--G.R.)

Valete 1938

S. C. Sandifer : 1931-38 (School Captain, 1937-38 ; Prefect, 1936-38 ; Captain of Mallinson House, 1936-38 ; Captain of Athletics, 1937-8).
Much is expected of a School Captain. He must serve everyone, masters and boys; he must at the same time avoid obsequiousness and cheap popularity. In Sandifer we have had a School Captain whom we could both like and respect. His constant cheerfulness and smiling efficiency spurred many a prefect on to better things. "Gentlemen, the north and south lobbies and stairs .....!" have been familiar words which always produced results.
We understand that Sandifer is to become a medico. We are sure that the arduous work required in training for that profession will not deter Sandifer, and that he will continue to pursue his studies with the diligence which we have always admired beyond words.

J. Cater : (Prefect, 1937-38 ; 1st XI Football, 1937-38; 2nd XI Cricket, 1938) .
The secret of Cater's popularity has never really been discovered. But no one has ever denied the existence of a "certain something" in his personality. He possesses a kind of dignified joviality.
We are sorry that he has to leave so soon, as his sporting achievements would have been of great value to the School for another year.

Of his academic honours we shall know nothing until the General School Examination results are announced, for he has combined with other pleasing traits the valuable gift of true modesty.
A. C. Chamberlain : 1931-8 (Prefect, 1936-38 ; Captain of Cricket, 1937-38 ; 1st XI Cricket and Football, 1937 and 1938 ; Captain of Higham House, 1937-38).
Efficient captaincy is essential to success in sport. The excellent results of the School Cricket 1st XI may therefore be ascribed in some measure to Chamberlain. It has become a familiar sight to see him seated with a bat between his knees, solemnly oiling it, and wearing a most contented look.
He was a popular and efficient prefect, for despite his natural reserve, many boys had come to appreciate his value to the School, and his constant readiness to help in many activities. He goes with our best wishes to Queen Mary College, London.

L. H. Cherry : 1932-38 (Prefect, 1937-38 ; Gymnastic Team, 1935-38; Secretary, 1937-38) .
Cherry has left at last! His unexpected return has been fully justified, for he has now entered that mysterious occupation, the Civil Service. If any readers wish to know something of his personality and activities, we refer them to No. 35 of The Monovian.

A. Horder: 1930-38 (Prefect, 1937-38 ; Laboratory Prefect, 1935-38 Photographic Society).
Horder has never been in the full limelight, but he has been an excellent prefect and a most capable assistant in the Chemistry Laboratory.
Perhaps it is well that he will no longer demonstrate his strange inventions in the Labs, although his departure will, we imagine, make life rather less eventful in the Science Sixth.
We wish him every success at University College, Hull.

J. T. Mandlers: 1930-38 (Prefect, 1937-38 ; Photographic Society Secretary, 1936-38; Athletics Team, 1936 and 1938). Manders was the victim of circumstances. His most unfortunate illness might well have ended his career at School, but his great courage brought him back to continue his course for the Higher School Exam. He richly deserves success.
His athletic achievements have been examples of the same determination to best misfortune, and his success in jumping, javelin and discus throwing, and in running testifies to his dauntlessness in training.
He is one of a very old guard, which, except for a few members, became extinct in the School two years ago. He still refers to his third-form days as a kind of golden age.
We feel sure that the energy and persistence which Manders has always shown will carry him far in life.

J. F. Manning: 1932-38 (Prefect, 1936-38 ; 1st XI Football, 1937; 2nd XI Cricket, 1937-38 ; School Orchestra, 1932-38 ; School Tennis Team, 1937-38 ; Table Tennis Club Secretary, I937)
We feel that despite his considerable ability on the violin, displayed both in the School Orchestra (of which he was leader for over two years) and in the morning recitals, there was a barbaric strain in Manning. At least we find it very incongruous for a serious musician to be a "swing" fanatic and at times an amateur crooner.
Politeness would attribute this phenomenon to a catholic taste. Really it was the expression of an exuberance concealed beneath a somewhat solemn and dignified expression.
His activities in the School testify to his ability in many directions. He was an actor who knew how to raise a laugh at every joke. He was a raconteur of some note, and, of course, an excellent prefect.

E. C. Poyser: (Prefect, 1937-38 ; 1st XI Cricket, 1937-38 ; Table Tennis Team Captain, 1937-38) .
We always looked up to Poyser in our first-form days. We still have to look up to address his six-foot-something.
It is to be hoped that his future studies will not interfere with his regular visits to a certain football ground, where, it is understood, football is played as nowhere else, not even at Highbury.
The Imperial College of Science is robbing the commercial world of a genius. Who else could have managed the affairs of the tuck-shop with such skill? He was a real business man, for he knew how to suit the pockets of the masses without destroying his own gains. But whatever his future profession we wish him the success that his efforts have so well deserved.

R. H. Willianis : 1932-38 (Prefect, 1937-38; 2nd XI Football, 1937-38; School Tennis Team, 1937 and 1938; Athletics Team).
"A quiet and efficient prefect," the description to which editors so often resort, can be applied with truth to Williams, although he was rather less quiet behind the green curtains than when on duty. "Hoi!" and "Gerraway !" will no longer be heard in the Prefects' Room.
His success on the football field was even surpassed by his skill at penny football on the "pitch" in the Prefects' Room! To be placed 24th in the Civil Service Clerical Exam. is no mean achievement. But what else could one expect to follow six distinction standards in the General Schools Examination.

F. C. Carpenter: 1931-38 (Prefect, 1936-38; Editor, The Monovian, 1937-8; Librarian, 1935-37; Sec. General Committee, 1937-38 ; School Orchestra, 1935-38; Chairman Debating Society, 1937-38) .
In Carpenter the School undoubtedly loses one of its best prefects. The various School activities all claimed some connection with him, and it was his extreme willingness to help everybody that made him so very popular. The younger, boys in the School regard Carpenter with great respect and find it rather puzzling when they know that Latin is his favourite pastime; the Sixth Formers, on the other hand, are rather apt to use this to their own advantage.
In his many duties he was quietly efficient, and he was always ready to give up his own time to the School; these qualities coupled with his genial nature and pleasing personality should stand him in good stead at Cambridge.
[As Editor of the Monovian he ranks with the bust we havc. had.-G.R. ] .

Valete 1939

R. T. Whitcomb (1931-39. School Captain, 1939; Prefect, 1936-39; Football Captain, 1938-39; Football Colours, 1936 ; Cricket Captain, 1939 ; Cricket Colours, 1938 ; Tennis Captain, 1938 ; Tennis Colours, 1938 ; Captain of Morris House, 1937-39) . It seems more than superfluous to mention that Whitcomb was extremely popular in the School. The respect and affection in which "Whig" was held by First Former and Prefect alike were obvious to all. The quiet, efficient way in which he carried out his duties as Captain of the School, his enthusiastic management of the School Tennis, Cricket, and Football Teams, and his pleasant personality will be long remembered by his colleagues.
We wish him every success in his future career.

D. J. D. Chittock (1933-39. Prefect, 1939 ; 1st XI Cricket, 1938-39; Cricket Colours, 1939) .
By reason of his jovial personality, Chittock soon became very popular in the Prefects' Room. He was also an invaluable member of the School Cricket XI and an artist of no mean ability. We wish him every success in his new career.

P. M. C. Ellis 1931-39. Prefect, 1938-39; 1st XI Cricket, 1938 ; Cricket Half-Colours, 1938 ; 1st XI Football, 1939 ; Football Half-Colours, 1939 ; School Tennis Team, 1938-39 ; Tennis Colours, 1938 ; School Table Tennis Team, 1938 ; Captain of Whittingham House, 1938-39) .
With the departure of Ellis the School has lost a Prefect popular for his ready friendliness, and a sportsman whose services to the Tennis, Cricket, and Football Teams proved invaluable.

S. R. Epton (1931-39. Prefect, 1938-39).
Epton's cheery and willing disposition combined with his sound common sense earned him the high esteem of his colleagues and, in fact, of all who came in contact with him.
His scholastic abilities received their well deserved reward when he was awarded an Open Exhibition to Merton College, Oxford. We hope he will not be disturbed by the ghosts that we are told haunt that seat of learning, and that he will gain even greater honours.

J. A. Peachey (1934-39. Prefect, 1939 ; 1st XI Football, 1938-39 ; Football Colours, 1938 ; Captain of School Tennis, 1939 : School Tennis Team, 1937-39 ; Tennis Colours, 1938 1st XI Cricket, 1939; Captain of Spivey House, 1939).
A fine all-round sportsman, a popular Prefect, Peachey has played a colourful part in the life of the School for the last few years. He first played for the School Tennis Team when in the Third Form, and has since become its Captain. His proudest achievement, however (so he maintains), was his one appearance in the Chess Team!

D. F. Raper (1934-39. Prefect, 1939; Table Tennis Team, 1939; Swimming Team, 1937-39; Swimming Colours, 1938). Since the beginning of this year, when he became a Prefect, Raper has carried out his prefectorial duties in a calm but efficient manner. His sense of humour and his willing disposition should serve him well during his career in the Civil Service.

J. A. Wynne (1936-39. Prefect, 1939; School Librarian, I937-39; Secretary of School General Committee, 1938-39; ViceCaptain of Whittingham House, 1938-39).
Although he only came to this School at the beginning of his Matriculation year, Wynne soon became very popular, especially in the Upper School and latterly among the Prefects. To him fell the thankless task of School Librarian. This he carried out with great efficiency.
Wynne hopes to become a teacher and we wish him every success during his stay at London University, which he is entering in November.

Valete 1940

P. S. G. Flint (1932-9. Prefect, 1936-9. Chess Captain and Colours; Football 2nd XI, Half-colours. Editor of Monovian, 1938-9. Secretary of Debating Society. Elected School Captain,
Summer, 1939. Captain of Allpass House).
As a School Captain, Flint would no doubt have been admirable, but his term of office was unfortunately terminated. One of the most popular boys in the School, a scholar of note and no mean sportsman, "Percy;" with his cheery personality, represents a considerable loss to the School.

A. D. Perryman (1932-9. Prefect, 1937-9. Chess Team and Colours; lst XI Cricket Colours; 2nd XI Football. Captain of Mallinson House).
Perryman distinguished himself in both the Chess Team and the 1st Cricket XI. He was a quiet but conscientious member of the Prefects.

R. R. Davis (1933-9. Prefect, 1937-9. Athletics Captain and Colours; Swimming Team, Half-colours; Rugger Team. Secretary, Dramatic Society. Captain of Higham House).
One might call Davis "the genial giant." There was scarcely a boy in the Lower School with whom he was not on " Hyah " terms. His prefectorial duties were performed cheerfully, and as an actor he was one of the School's best. The absence of Davis will be greatly noticed.

K. Paton (1932-9. Prefect, 1938-9. Captain of Gym. Team; Tennis Team Colours; Swimming Team Colours; lst X I Football Colours; 2nd XI Cricket).
Paton was actor, tennis player, swimmer, footballer, cricketer and musician rolled into one. One of his most striking features was perhaps the vice-like grip of his gigantic hands. He was altogether overwhelming, but nevertheless agreeably overwhelming.

P. A. Gwynn (1934-9. Prefect, 1939. 1st XI Football Colours; lst XI Cricket Colours).
Of Gwynn's sporting achievements no mention is needed. He was a good Prefect and a cheerful inhabitant of the former sanctum at the end of the corridor.

B. Sorensen (1934-9. Prefect, 1939. Swimming Team Colours).
As a breast-stroke swimmer "Sorry" was second to none, and his cheerful nature was liked by all in the Prefect's Room.

Valete 1941

BARRY, R. D. (1933-40).-School Captain, 1939-40 ; Captain of Football, 1939-40; Captain of Cricket, 1940; member of Tennis Team, 1940; Secretary of Chess Club; member of Dramatic Society; member of Debating Soeiet} . Barry, as is seen from his record, was a brilliant sportsman, and consequently was exceedingly popular as Captain, of the School. He was a capable scholar and is, at present, witli King's College, London, evacuated to Bristol.

CHILD, A. J. (1933-40).-Elected Captain of Spivey House, 1938; School Prefect, 1939; Captain of School Swimming, 1940. A capable scholar, Child rnade a name for himself as prefect and sportsman.

HART, D. D. (1933-40). School Prefect ; assisted with the School Library; member of Swimming Team; member of Dramatic Society. "Jammy" was a brilliant swimmer and diver and made a good prefect.

MILLS, D. E. (1934-41). School Captain, 1940; Prefect, 1939-40; Editor of School Magazine, 1940; member of Football XI, 1939-40; member of Tennis Team, 1990. Mills, an outstanding student and sportsman, finished his higlrly successful School career by winning a State Scholarship and an Open Scholarship in Modern Languages at Cambridge.

CHITTENDEN, A.. R. (1934-41). School Prefect, 1939-41; Librarian, 1940-41 ; member of 1st Cricket XI., 1940, 1941; member of Rugger XV, 1940, 1941; Member of School Athletics Team ; member of Dramatic, Debating aad Woodwork Societies. Little more need be said of "Chitt's" career, for he cxcelled in all branches of school life. His leaving truly constitutes a great loss to the School.

SUTTON,T.W.. (1934-41).Captain of Swimming, 1941; member of Swimming Team, 1936-41; School Monitor, 1941; member of Air Training Corps. Sutton was quiet and unassuming. He excelled in swimming, and was at all times willing to impart his knowledge, skill, and experience to any younger member of the School. His intention is to enter the Air Force.

CHAMBERS, P. F. (1939-41).-Schaol Captain, 1941; Prefect, 1939-40; Captain of Football, 1940-41; Captain of Cricket, 1941; Captain of Table Tennis; member of School Tennis Team, 1940. "'Pete," as he was called, was easily the most popular boy in the Scltool; and, despite the fact that. he was with the School for only two years, he achieved a really amazing record. Moreover, he was the first Central School boy to he elected School Captain. The School will miss very much his modest yet firm pcrsonality.

INGE, P.(1939-41).-Memberof School Swimming Team, 1940 ; School Monitor, 1940-41. Inge was another Central boy who did extremely well, even though he was a member of the School for only eighteen months.
LAST, G.C. (1936-39, l940-41).-School Prefect, 1940-41; member of School Gymnastics Team, 1937-39; member of Athletics Team; member of Swimming Team, 1937-39, 1941; Captain of Rugger XV., 1940-41; Secretary of Tennis Club, 1941; member of Table Tennis team, 1941. In 1939 Last left the School with a brilliant record behind him. A year later he returned to continue his career. He was a "genial giant," famous for muscle and brawn.

CAPLIN, N.B.. (1936-41).-Secretary of the Chess Club, 1941; member of Table Tennis Team, 1941; member of Stamp Club; pianist at School Assembly, 1940-41 . Caplin, though only a junior member of the Sixth form, was a very good, all-round scholar. With his departure the School loses one who gave good promise in science.

KEMP, D. G. (1936-42). We were very sorry to lose D. G. Kemp early this term . For a short while he was Captain of the School and filled this important office with conspicuous success. He was quiet but firm and thoroughly efficient. He gaimed his London General School Certificate with Matriculation exemption in July, 1941, and a London County Council General Grade Clerkship at the beginning of this term. We wish him every success in his new sphere of activity.

SMITH, E. H. (1936-41). We regret, too, to lose E. H. Smith, Prefect, and a popular mcrnber of the Cricket and Football Elevens, 1941. He also gained his General School Certificate with exemption from Matriculation in 1941, and, like Kemp, secured a General Grade Clerkship in the London County Council.

Valete 1943

JOHN A. MILNER: 1936-43. (Vice-Captain, 1942-3; Captain of Spivey House, 1942-3: Captain 2nd XI. Cricket. 1943 ; Chairman Debating Society, 1942).
Because of his quiet manner, it took us too long to appreciate Milner's qualities as Vice-Captain, and we doubt whether the rest of the School ever fully realised the influence he had in the Prefects' Room.
He would turn his hand to almost anything, with considerably more energy than was apparent. During the first few weeks of the school year until the arrival of Mr. Walters he taught Mathematics and Science to the Lower School. Now he is in the Royal Navy, and we wish him all success in this new sphere.

DAVID E. NORFOLK: 1937-43. (Prefect, 1943: lst XI. Cricket and Football; School Table Tennis Team.)
Probably our biggest loss on leaving Leominster was "Dave" Norfolk, who left to join Harrogate Grammar School to finish his Higher School Certificate course. Equally brilliant in class and on the sports field, he was liked by everyone throughout the School, though nowhere is he missed as much as in the Vlth Form, where his friendly nature, his formidable reputation, and his ability to do French proses endeared him to all. As a prefect, his efficiency was well demonstrated, even in the short time he held office.

DENNIS G. COOKE: 1936-43. (Prefect 1942-3; Captain of Morris House, 1942-3).
At last D.G.C. has gone into the R.A.F. We know be will not be as sorry to go as we are to lose him, for he has been eager to get at the Germans for months. We wish him every success in his new sphere of activity, confident that he will be as useful and popular in his mess as he was in the prefects' room.

Valete 1944

Peter A. Timms: 1936-44 (Prefect, 1941-4; School Captain. 1942-4; Captain of Higham House; 1st XI. Football and Cricket; member of Library Committee).
Timms held office during one of the most difficult periods of the School's history, the end of evacuation and the return to Walthamstow. Efficient and painstaking, he was a good scholar and a valuable member of both 1st XI's. His genial personality, so valuable to a good School Captain, should serve him well in the R.A.F.

Douglas J. Insole: 1937-44 (Prefect, 1942-4; School Captain, 1944; Captain of Mallinson House; Captain of Football, 1941-4; Captain of Cricket, 1942-4 ; Vice-Captain of Tennis and Table-tennis; Colours for Athletics; Assistant Editor of Monovian).
Insole's abilities as a sportsman were obvious; he was outstandingly brilliant at games and far from negligible in the scholastic sphere. He made a popular School Captain, his period of office, though short, fully revealing his great capabilities. He has left us to join the Royal Corps of Signals.

Peter N. Dunn: 1937-44 (Prefect 1942-4; School Captain, 1944; Captain of Morris House; Secretary of School Council, 1943-4; Secretary of Literary and Debating Society, Secretary of Music Society).
Dunn was, during his brief period of office, a quiet but very efficient School Captain. He played a part in many School activities, and will be greatly missed. He recently gained a County Major Scholarship, and we wish him success in his career at London University.

Desmond J. A. Baker: 1938-44 (Prefect, 1944 ; lst X1. Cricket Captain of 2nd XI. Football).
Baker was an efficient Prefect and a good sportsman, and deserves our best wishes for his future career.
Roger H. Gillingham: 1937-44 (Prefect, 1942-4; Captain of Whittingham House; lst XI. Football and Cricket).
Gillingham's outstanding feature was his cheerful personality, which made him popular throughout the School. We extend our best wishes for his career in the Royal Marines, which he will join after completing a University Short Course at Edinburgh.

A. Keith Jeffries : 1938-44 (Prefect, 1944; 1st XI. Football ; member of Tennis Team).
Jefferies' usefulness on the football field and his cheery good nature earned him the popularity he deserved. We wish him the best of luck in his future career.

Charles J. Plouviez: 1937-44 (Prefect, 1942-4; Editor of the Monovian; member of Library Committee).
Plouviez became Editor of the School Magazine while still in the fifth form. He contributed greatly to the cultural life of the School, and should do well at Edinburgh, where he is now taking a University Short Course before entering the Royal Marines.

Walter D. Ridgway: 1937-44 (Prefect, 1942-4; 1st XI Football and Cricket; Captain, of Tennis and Table-tennis).
Ridgway's popularity was due to that almost indefinable feature called "personality." He took part in all forms of school sport, and we wish him luck in his career in. the Services.
Dennis L. Simms: 1937-44 (Prefect, 1942-4; member of Tennis and Table-tennis Teams; Secretary, of Inter-Schools Discussion Group; member of Library Committee).
Simms played a great part in many School activities, especially those of a cultural nature. We wish him the success he deserves in his work at the South-West Essex Technical College.

John E. Willmer: 1937-44 (Prefect, 1942-4 ; Captain of Spivey House, Vice-Captain Cricket and Football).
Willmer was a prominent member of both lst XI's, and a very popular inhabitant of the Prefects' Room. He is now taking a Short Course for the Royal Marines at Edinburgh University.

Valete 1945

Donald G. Ridealgh: 1938-45 (Prefect, 1943-5 ; School Captain, 1944-5 ; Captain of Allpass House ; Vice-Captain of Football, 1944-5 ; Captain of Cricket, 1945 ; President of School Council ; Sergeant, A.T.C.).
" Don's " massive figure was well known, and his popularity extended throughout the School. He was a good all-round sportsman, his ability being most marked on the cricket field. He was a pillar of strength in the School flight of the Air Training Corps and in the Dramatic Society, and will long be remembered for his performance as John Brown in Gallows Glorious.

Geoffrey C. Barrett: 1938-45 (Prefect, 1944-5 ; 1St XI Football ; 2nd XI Cricket ; Captain of Morris House ; Captain of Chess). Barrett was a good sportsman and, although not an outstanding player, was endowed with exceptional tenacity. He was an enthusiastic pianist and performed on many occasions before the School. He was also the Dramatic Society's " leading lady."

Kenneth Brooks : 1938-45 (Prefect, 1945 ; Leader of School Orchestra; member of School Choir ;member of Dramatic Society). Brooks was a keen musician and a capable performer on the violin ; his quiet nature concealed his real abilities.

Albert T. S. Hughes: 1938-45 (Prefect, 1944-5 ; Captain of Mallinson House; member of Gym. Team; Flight-Sergeant, A.T.C.). 'Alby's " cheery good nature made him extremely popular among all who knew him. He was the leading member of the School A.T.C., and fulfilled for the lst Cricket XI the obscure but necessary duties of scorer.

Ronal J. Lander : 1938-45 (Prefect, 1944-5 ; Assistant Editor of Monovian ; Vice-Captain of Swimming; member of Library Committee ; member of Dramatic Society ; member of Gym. Team). Another of the Dramatic Society's " ladies," Landcr played a greater part in the cultural than in the sporting life of the School, hut he will be missed by all who knew him.

Geoffrey W. Ribbans: 1938-45 (Prefect, 1945 ; 'member of Library Committee ; member of Debating Society and Inter-Schools Discussion Group). Although he did not rejoin the School until the beginning of his Sixth Form course, his quiet and friendly nature assured him the popularity he deserved.

Roy H. Stables: 1938-45 (Prefect, 1944-5 ; member of A.T.C., member of Dramatic Society).
Stables was one of those quiet people whose real worth is too often discovered only when they have gone. Always pleasantly good-natured, he was extremely popular with those who know him.

Douglas P. Holyoak : 1939-45 (Half-Colours for Cricket and Football; Full Colours for Athletics; member of Boxing and Wrestling, Table Tennis, and Badminton Clubs). A valuable all-round sportsman and a very popular member of the School, whose departure to the nearby Technical College was regretted by all who knew him.

Ronald O. Youle: 1939-45 (Full Colours for Football; Half Colours for Cricket; Captain of Boxing; Football Captain of Mallinson House). Another fine sportsman, particularly good at football, who has left for the S.W. Essex Technical College.

Valete 1946

Philip B. Browne: 1938-46 (Prefect 1943-46; School Captain 1945-6; Football Captain 1944-5; lst XI. Cricket; House and Football Captain, Allpass; Athletics Colours, Athletics Captain 1945; President School Council).
Browne was a popular all-round sportsman and played a great part both in athletics and football. He was a very efficient School Captain. He is now in the Civil Service, and in his own words, " playing plenty of football."
Peter Selwood: 1938-46 (Prefect 1943-46; School Captain 1946; Football Captain 1946; Tennis Captain 1945-6; House and Football Captain, Higham; President School Council).
Selwood was extremely popular throughout the School, and was prominent both on the academic and the sporting side of School life. In him we have lost one of the best tennis players the School has had for some time. All his duties as School Captain were performed efficiently and cheerfully, and we wish him the best of luck in his future career.

John Percival: 1938-46 (Prefect 1943-46; Editor of Monovian; Secretary of School Council; Secretary of Inter-Schools Discussion Group).
The excellence of the Magazine during Percival's editorship is beyond question, and his wide interests made him well known and popular in every department of School life. His work was really outstanding, and everything he undertook was performed capably.

Eric M. Baker: 1938-46 (Prefect 1944-46; House Captain, Mallinson). Baker was, to all outward appearances, extremely quiet and reserved, but he was deservedly popular among all who knew him.

Bernard G. A. Barnes: 1937-46 (Prefect 1944-46; lst XI. Colours Football and Cricket; House and Football Captain, Whittingham; Sergeant A.T.C.). Barnes's figure was well known throughout the School, and he was extremely popular. He was an indispensable member, of both the Football and Cricket lst XLs, and was a loyal member of the A.T.C. throughout its most difficult period.

Brian A.Williams: 1939-46 (Prefect 1945-46; lst XI. Colours Football and Cricket). Williams was also well known and popular throughout the School, and he was prominent in football and cricket; his bowling will long be remembered by many. We wish him every success at Shoreditch Training College.

Norman J. Maynard: 1945-6 (Prefect 1946; Member of Dramatic Society). Maynard was here an extremely short time, but even then established himself firmly in the life of the School. He will probably be remembered best for his performance as General Burgoyne in The Devil's Disciple.

Kenneth J. Schrouder: 1939-46 (Prefect 1946; Assistant Editor of Monovian; School Librarian; Secretary School Council; Member of Dramatic Society). Schrouder did good work on the Monovian as assistant to Percival, and as Librarian he worked conscientiously and well. He is now at Leicester University College.

Peter T. Vicary: 1944-46 (Prefect 1945-46; 2nd XI. Colours Cricket; 2nd XI. Cricket Captain; Gramophone Society). "Vic" was one of the quietest and most unassuming persons it was possible to meet, but he was popular with all who knew him. He performed his duties well, if unobtrusively.

Valete 1947

Derek A.D Smith (1939 - 1946) Prefect 1944-46; Captain of Allpass House; Captain of Football 1946; Captain of Cricket 1946.
Smith was an invaluable member of the Cricket and Football 1st Elevens, proving himself one of the best goalkeepers the School had during the War. His captaincy of both Elevens was excellent, and he was an inspiration to the 1946 Cricket team. Mention must not be omitted of his extremely hard work behind the scenes for the Dramatic Society. Not only did he take part in the productions, but he was responsible for most of the lighting arrangements. His future career is uncertain, but we wish him the best of luck.

Clifford E. Payling (1939-1946) Prefect 1944-46, House and Football Captain of Spivey; 1st XI Colours, Football and Cricket, Football and Cricket secretary 1944-46.
Payling came out of a family with no little reputation in the School, and he certainly lived up to it. Althhough dogged by bad luck at times, he did well at games. His secretarial work in this connection was quietly performed, but was extremely efficient. His attainments on the scholastic side were certainly not negligible, and in him we have lost a valuable member of the school.

Stuart J. Barker (School Captain; 1946-47; Prefect, 1945-47; President of School Council; Secretary of Dramatic Society; Captain of Higham House).
Barker was popular throughout the School, and made an efficient School Captain. When he was not keeping goal for the 2nd XI, he was always to be seen refereeing the 1st XI game. For two years in succession he won the cup for the senior quarter-mile at the School annual Athletics Meeting. He played the leading parts in two of the full-length plays presented by the Dramatic Society. Barker's academic career was crowned by the winning of a valuable Open Scholarship at St. John's, Cambridge. At the moment he is in the Army training to be an officer.

Kenneth Lewis (School Vice-Captain, 1947; Captain Mallinson House; member of Dramatic Society and Badminton Club). Lewis will be best remembered for two outstanding achievements: first, for triumphantly winning the School seat for Labour at the General Election, and secondly, for his superlative performance as Dick Dudgeon in The Devil's Disciple. We recall with pleasure the questions with which he often embarrassed Mr. Watson in divinity periods.

John E. Knowles (Prefect, 1946 -7; Captain of Morris House, member of Science Society; Secretary of Radio Club; member of Swimming Club).
Knowles' complete reliability and delightful sense of humour made him popular with everyone. It was rare to see him without a smile. Before leaving School he gained his Inter. Science exemption. A hard worker he has the School's best wishes for the success he deserves.At present. he is a sergeant in the A.E.C. (Note, John enjoys the unique distinction of two Valetes in the Magazine. The above is a compilation of the two)

Peter Bentley (Prefect, 1946-7; member of Radio Club and Science Society).
By his cheery good humour Bentley made himself extremely popular. Equally good both at science and modern languages, he chose science for more advanced study in the VIth Form. He is now taking a degree course in geology at Imperial College, London, and we wish him every success there.

Kenneth Forsyth (Prefect, 1946-7: member of Science Society and Radio Club).
Forsyth came from the William Morris School, and in spite of being with us only three years, he proved a popular and capable prefect, and took a great interest in his house. While still at School he was the winner of the all-Essex competition for drum majors, a rank which he held in the A.T.C. He gained a very good Higher School Certificate with exemption from 'Inter. B.Sc., and we are sorry that his studies have been interrupted by military service in the R.A.F.

Frank G. Claridge (Prefect 1946-7; Captain 1st X1. Cricket: Editor of Monovian; Secretary to School Council; Captain of Morris House; member of Dramatic Society).
Claridge proved himself capable as editor of the magazine and in his other duties. He was outstanding at modern languages, and we expect to hear more of him when he has finished his period of service in the Army. On the cricket field he bowled with unfailing vigour and accuracy, and as a batsman gave us many displays of hard, stylish -batting

Normen T. Huntingford (Prefect 1946-7; Captain of Athletics, Founder of the Bible Study Circle).
Huntingford took his prefectorial duties seriously and did much to enable Spivey to reach second place in the sports. In his fast term he delighted the juniors by appearing and disappearing on a motorcycle.

Valete 1948

R.P. (PAT) HASTINGS, 1940-47 (School Captain, 1947; Prefect, 1945-47; President of the School Council; Captain of Whittingham House; Secretary of the Dramatic Society; Swimming Captain; 1st XT Cricket Colours; Ciptain 2nd XI Football, 1944-45).

"Pat" proved to be a, most popular School Captain excelling himself in many branches of the School's activities, A good all-round sportsman he concentrated an swimming in his last years at School, breaking several School records and even representing Essex. He appeared in many productions of the Dramatic Society both as actor and producer; and was a most enthusiastic lover of music. He is now in the R.A.E.C. and we wish him every success.

John A. Bastin; 1940-48 (Prefect, 1946-48; Captain of Spivey House; member of the Dramatic Society and the Art Club).
Bastin will be remembered chiefly for his outstanding academic ability. Winning a State Scholarship in Science in July, he went on to win an Open Scholarship in Natural Science at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, last Christmas. Since then he has worked extremely hard, teaching maths. throughout the School during the prolonged illness of Mr. E. D. Morgan.
Outside the classroom and laboratory Bastin made himself very popular by his keeness as Captain of his House, by his activity with the Inter-Schools Group, by his love of music and, above all, by his enthusiasm for dramatics. He will be remembered as the murderer in The Fourth Wall, as the minister in The Devil's Disciple and as Rufio in Caesar and Cleopatra. It is the wish of all that his service in the Royal Navy will be a pleasant forerunner of a university career of continuing success.

Cecil M. Collins; 1940-47 (Prefect, 1947; Secretary to the School Council, the Inter-Schools Discussion Group and the Dramatic Society; 2nd XI Football and Cricket).
Always foremost in any of the School's discussions Collins has left us convinced of his undisputed. ability as a talker. A most keen member of the Dramatic Society he played many roles in School productions. Liked by all who were fortunate to know him well, Collins is now with the Army in S.E. England.

Dennis W. Harvey, 1940-47 (Prefect, 1947; member of the Science Society.)
Under a very quiet and unassuming exterior Harvey concealed, a most likeable character. Last summer he proved his scientific ability by winning an excellent Higher School Certificate but so far he has been denied the reward he merits. As he hopes to make some form of engineering his career he is working at present for Asea,

Alvin G. Hellman, 1940-48 (Prefect, 1946-48 ; School Librarian, 1946-47; Secretary of the Dramatic Society and the Badminton Society).
In his last months at School everyone, knew Hellman for his tremendous mop of hair. He was known, too, for in enthusiasm for dramatics, for his sound work as School Librarian, for his many and knowledgeable defences of the ballet, and for his well reasoned arguments in all School discussions. Outside School Hellman astounded the Inter-Schools Group with his "processes of dialectical ratiocination." All who knew him liked and admired Alvin and we wish him a happy future.

Roy Munday; 1940-48 (Prefect, 1947-48 ; 1st XI Cricket; 2nd :XI Football; member of the Dramatic Society).
Munday's huge figure was known to everyone. A good sportsman with an aptitude for Spanish and a deep-seated love of music, he enjoyed a well-deserved popularity. He has now begun his career in the Fleet Air Arm and we wish him every success in the years to come. ,

Kenneth C. Tamplin, 1940-48 (Prefect, 1946-48; Football. Captain, 1947-48; lst XI Cricket; Captain of 2nd XI Cricket, 1946).
Tamplin, although very reserved, was deservedly very popular. A good footballer and cricketer, he played with enthusiasm and ability. He is now in the Army and we wish him every success when he is able to continue his hitherto bright career in the Civil Service.

Valete 1949

R. D. Langstaff, 1940-48. Prefect, 1948; 2nd XI Football and Cricket; 1st XI scorer; Football Captain of Morris House, 1947-48; Secretary of Radio and Stamp Clubs; member of Chess team.
" Dick's" quiet manner hid from many of the School his true character, but in all the activities in which he took part he revealed a willingness and reliability that were his sterling qualities. He was an enthusiastic member of the 2nd Football X I and played for the 1st XI. His sense of responsibility was most evident in the way in which he carried out his duties as a 1st XI scorer. He was a regular member of the J.S.D.C. and a lover of music and of ballet.

Eric B. Granshaw; 1940-48. Prefect, 1946-48; House Captain Higham House; Tennis Colours, 1948; 2nd XI Cricket, 1948; member of Dramatic Society and Badminton Society; Assistant Librarian.
Eric's joviality won him many friends throughout the School. The enthusiasm which all his activities embodied was evident not only in his tennis and cricket, but also in his House-captaincy and prefectship. The School, however, will remember him chiefly for his performances in the humorous roles of many Dramatic Society productions, especially that of Snout: in A Midsummer Night's Dream. The School wishes him every success both in his service with the R.A.F. and in his future career in the Civil Service.

William S. Harpin; 1941-48. Prefect, 1947-48; Captain of Mallinson House; joint Editor of Monovian; Captain 1st XI Cricket; Captain Mallinson Football and Cricket teams; member of Mallinson Tennis team; member of Dramatic Society, Operatic Society, Choir and Badminton Club.
"Bill's" leaving robs the School of one of its finest all-rounders. He was an excellent sportsman: at cricket, a left-handed batsman and a fast right arm bowler who broke a School record by taking 77 wickets in a season and who played more than once for the Essex Grammar Schools' Eleven; at football, a left-winger; at athletics, a sprinter and javelin-thrower, who, besides winning the Philpott Cup in the School Sports, won a place for the School in the javelin throwing event in the Bickersteth Cup Inter-Schools' Competition.
Keenness and efficiency marked his efforts at House-captaincy, prefectship and editorship, in which positions he did invaluable work for the School. He took the part of Sam in the Pirates of Penzance, besides being a producer in the Dramatic Society. His wit and sense of humour will be greatly missed in the Prefects' Room.
His academic career reached its climax when he won a State Scholarship to study English at Birmingham university, and we wish him every success there and in his future career.

Keith J. Bridge, 1943-49, Prefect 1946-48; School Captain, 1947-48; House Captain, Whittingham House; President of the School Council; Secretary of the Dramatic Society; Assistant Librarian; member of Inter-Schools Discussion Group.
Keith proved to be an extremely able School Captain and was liked and respected throughout the School. His confidence in himself was an inspiration to others and secured the widest support for his projects, which he carried out with the vigour and determination which typified all his actions. In particular the campaign which he organised in connection with the "Save Europe Now" appeal was an outstanding success. He played prominent parts in several Dramatic Society productions and his forceful arguments at the Inter-Schools Discussion Group and elsewhere never failed to impress those who heard them. Outside School, Keith's first interests were music and books and his wide reading made him well informed on a variety of subjects. He is at present serving with the R.A.O.C. and he carries with him the best wishes of the School, both now and for his later studies at Corpus Christi College, Oxford.

N. G. Reaney, 1945-48.
Reaney will be chiefly remembered for the excellent work he did for the School Chess Club. He was a first class player and a modest yet inspiring leader. From back numbers of the Monovian we note that he was largely instrumental in shaking the club from the lethargy of the war years. He became its captain and secretary and had many fine achievements to his credit. In the 1946 Solving Tourney of the Chess Education Society he won a prize in the Open Section. In the London Boys' Championship of that year he won a second prize in a Consolation Tourney. He also played successfully for the County.
Reaney is now a sapper (R.E.) stationed at Cove near Aldershot. He finds his time fully occupied and the work very interesting.

G.G.S. Searle 1945-48 Prefect, 1947-48; House Captain, Morris House; 1st XI Cricket, 1947-48;Chief Librarian 1947-48 Secretary of School Council; member of Dramatic Society and Badminton Society.
"Geoff" was never a member of any other form but the Lit. Sixth, as he came to the School from Magdalen College School, Blackley, in 1945. Always quiet and unassuming he soon won the friendship of his fellows. He justified himself as a Monovian in many ways, not the least of which were his enthusiastic captaincy of 2nd XI Cricket, his painstaking care as the School Librarian, and his efficiency as secretary of the School Council. No less distinguished in his academic career, Geoff, has left the School for the King's Royal Rifle Corps. With him go our best wishes for his future success.

Valete 1950

C.O. Morgan, School, 1942-50. Prefect, 1948; Editor of Monovian, 1947-50; member, Committee of Dramatic Society; Gramophone Society.
Much of Colin's work was done away from School for the church in Walthamstow with which he was connected. As one of the oldest inhabitants of the Sixth Form, he was to be seen almost any day chatting with his clique in his slow drawl with a book open and seemingly unread in front of him. He had probably never done any work in school-time since the Fifth Form, and yet obtained a place at Hertford College, Oxford, just before he left for the Air Force. He was a prolific writer of plays (Bathsheba was produced at School), of short stories, and of humorous sketches. Some of his work was narrowly rejected by Punch and he was interviewed by the Director of Television Drama. His work for the Monovian was of a very high standard. His interests were music, literature and cultured living (fine fabrics, gastronomy), and we wish him the best of luck for the future. He is at present marking time in the Educational Corps.

R.R. Gunton, Prefect, 1947-48; School Captain, 1948-49: Captain Mallinson House; Member, Editorial Board of Bullettin ; Dramatic Society Committee; Secretary, Inter-Schools Discussion Group.
The bare list of positions held hardly does justice to Roy's share in the smooth running of the School, particularly in the difficult task as School Captain, a position which he held for a year, and which acts as a link between the School and Prefects and the Staff. He fulfilled the task admirably: it was one he was particularly suited for. His natural aptitude for responsibility expressed itself also in his secretaryship of I.S.G. and in his acting as treasurer and chairman of the London and Epping Forest branch of the Council for Education in World Citizenship. He had a fine committee manner and now, as an Old Boy, is on the committee of the O.M.A.
Roy was rarely to be seen in the Prefects' Room because of his work as assistant secretary in the office. Nevertheless he was on the committee of the now defunct but immortal Bullettin and, moreover, was the printer of that paper-a tiresome and thankless task. He took a prominent part in I.S.G. discussions and he will be remembered for his performances as, Bottom, as Lucius Septimus in Caesar and Cleopatra and for his very fine Malvolio in Twelfth Night.
Roy's scholastic career was very successful: he by-passed the Third Forms, took his Matriculation in 1945, his Higher (with a County Major) in 1947, and obtained his Postmastership to Merton College, Oxford, in 1948. He will be at Oxford for the next four years. His range of interests was wide, including (surprisingly enough for a scientist) literature (he had an immense stock of quotations), ballet, world affairs, and his own brand of philosophy. On the athletic side his activities were frankly sporadic, he played cricket for the Staff v. the School and (he says) finished behind Hurst, in the 100 yards heats.
We wish him the best of luck in his scholastic career, a career in which we feel sure he will excel, and bid farewell to him with regret.

B. G. Chaplin, School, 1941-49, School Captain, 1949; School Vice-Captain, 1948-49; Prefect, 1947-49; Captain of Spivcy House, 1948-49; House Football, Cricket and Athletics Captain; Secretary of
School Council and Dramatic Society; 1st XI Colours, Cricket; _2nd XI Captain, Football.
Brian was famous throughout the School for his enthusiasm and stout work on behalf of Spivey House. Nothing was too much trouble for him and he communicated to his House much of his own zest and ardour. Under what he jocularly called his "dictatorship," Spivey won the Sports Cup in 1948, came second in 1949, and won the Gym. Competition two years running. For the Dramatic Society he took many parts (notably Caesar in Gaesar and Cleopatra) and jointly produced two one-act plays. And the post of secretarv to file School Council is not the pleasantest of jobs,.
He will be remembered for his singing in the Operatic Society (he played the Pirate King in The Pirates of Penzance), the Choir, and what one can only call " Mr. Hyde's group "---His singing of the Gendarme's Duet with Round will be a pleasant memory to all who heard it, with Chaplin's sternness as he grimly resolved 'to run them in' and the happy sadistic: glee with which Round indicated the size of the little boys he was about to arrest.
Amidst all eulogies on Brian's community spirit one tends to lose sight of the fact that he was a very good companion and a staunch friend. We will long remember the successful insurrection he and Harpin led in an agricultural camp for better living conditions. He wrote some wicked parodies on our holiday in Paris and led the singing during it. The Prefects' Room as well as Spivey House will miss him now that he has left for the Civil Service.

D.F. NORFOLK, 1946-49; School Captain. 1949; Prefect, 1947-49: President of School Council, 1949: member of the 1st XI Football; Vice-Captain, Football: Football Secretarv: Full Colours, Football:
Captain of Gymnastics; member of 1st XI Cricket; Half Colours, Athletics; member of School Table-Tennis team; member of Choir, Operatic Society, Inter-Schools Discussion Group; House Captain, Allpass; Captain of Allpass Football, Cricket, Athletics, Gymnastics and Table Tennis.
Don became a Monitor just over a year after coming to Monoux. When elected he was fifteen years old, and when he left Monoux over two years later, after rising to the rank of School Captain, he was
still younger than any contemporary Prefect or Monitor. This was something of a record and one to be proud of, for Don was a good Prefect and a very fine School Captain, managing the very difficult job with his unvarying natural tact and good nature.
The wide range of his duties did not prevent his having, many other interests. Throughout his career at Monoux he was a member of the Football 1st Xl. He gained full Colours in his first season.
He was Football Secretary, 1947-8, and Vice-Captain, 1949. He was a brilliant full back and a capable deputy for any position on the field. He always played with unruffled calm and this coolncss served him well in all the other games he took part in. For two seasons he played for the Cricket 1st Xl, and he was a fine left -handed table tennis player with flowing (and often unorthodox) strokes.
In addition to cricket, he went in for swimming and athletics during the summer. For three years he was a member of the athletics team. He was a very keen member of the Gym, Club for which he did an immense amount of hard work. With his ability went keenness and he made a good Gymnastics Captain. The record of Allpass House under his single-handed captaincy bears witness to the fact that he was yet able to find time to do work there.
In spite-perhaps because-of his successes and achievements Don was unusually quiet and modest, exercising rather a sobering influence on the mad atmosphere of the Prefects' Room. He was always very friendly with a disposition invariably pleasant. He was popular throughout the School, a quality often rare among those with high and varied offices. He will be missed by all connected with Monoux, as much on the social as on the athletic side. He leaves with our very best wishes for every success in the future and in his career of osteopathy.

B. W. BAKER, School, 1942-47: Prefect, 1948-49.
Baker's quiet and retiring manner shielded a far more lively personality than was generally appreciated. He revealed some of his worth in his school work and his duties as a Prefect; but it was unfortunately true that his Sixth Form years, the most interesting part of one's time at school, were curtailed. Bryan, along with T. J. Murphy, achieved the remarkable feat of completing his Higher School course (and in passing the examination with four 'goods') in one year after obtaining Matriculation exemption. This meant, of course, that his social and outside interests had to be severely curtailed. Consequently the School saw practically nothing of Baker outside school hours, and so the variety and range of his interests which included cycling, reading, music and ballet, and the countryside-were known to few. During his second year in the Sixth Form he devoted his time to scholarship hunting, working to such purpose that, of the three Open Scholarships for which he sat, he gained two awards-an Open Exhibition and a Royal Scholarship to the Royal College of Science, Imperial College, Kensington. There he is. reading for a "Special" degree in Chemistry. We wish him well and hope that his college career will be as successful as his career at School.

T: E. Barth, School, 1941-48; Athletics Captain, Spivey House; Prefect, 1947-48; 2nd XI Football; 1st XI Cricket; Athletics Colours; Gymnastics Colours.
Barth, one of the hardy specimens who endured the exile at Lucton, will be remembered chiefly for his ability in athletics and games, and for his complete indifference to the taunts of his less active fellows.
His keenness in matters athletic: brought him many successes, both in the School Sports and in the Essex Competitions, while towards the end of his School career he demonstrated another talent by his successful organisation and captaincy of Spivey athletics. Both his football and cricket were characterised by determination, resulting occasionally in some startling performances. Academically he achieved good results in both School and Higher School Certificate. We wish him well in his present occupation, which, we understand, is concerned with military operations in Malaya.

A. A. Collins; Prefect, 1948-49; Captain, 1st XI Cricket, 1949; Captain, Essex Grammar Schools XI, 1949; Captain, _2nd XI Football: Captain, Football, and Cricket Captain, Mallinson House; Sports Editor, Monovian; member School Choir and Operatic Society.
"Vobbs," a nickname of uncertain origin, was the label by which we knew Alan, who was a character in the best sense of' the word. His great love was cricket. Not only did he bring by his own efforts his own play, without coaching, to a very high standard, but he had an almost incredible knowledge of the game and of its history, rules and theory. In the 1949 season he not only captained the School XI (having been Vice-Captain the previous season), but captained the Essex Grammar Schools XI. He shared in the record first wicket partnerships for both the 1st and 2nd School XIs.
He was very fond of music and his deep voice was prominent at performances by the Choir and the Operatic Society and at Old Monovians' functions, where he sang many solos. In The Pirates of Penzance his performance as the Sergeant of Police aroused much controversy because of the comic actions with which he accompanied his singing. Perhaps his critics forget that it was a comic opera.
"Vobbs" did many other things for the School. He was a very good Prefect, Sports Editor of the Monovian, played a bustling game at centre-forward for the Football 1st XI, and captained the 2nd; he
was Vice-Captain, then Captain, of Mallinson, and guided its cricket and football.
His friends knew him as a great "character." He had an original fund of humour which expressed itself in the weirdest of grins and gestures. With a philosophical cheerfulness and pity for our lack of taste he accepted all the jokes made against him on account of his passionate devotion to cricket (which he would willingly have played day and night), his jealousy of other forms of sport, his immensely deep voice, and his loathing of the jazz loved by most of his, colleagues. And behind his happy disposition lay the sincerity and reliability which made him so fine a friend. We wish him all the success and happiness that he so well deserves in his future years in the R.A.F. and at London University, where he will study modern languages.

E.B. FAIRMAN, School, 1941-49; Prefect, 1946-49; Captain, Allpass House, and Football Captain, 1948-48; Athletics Captain; Gymnastics Captain; Colours for Tennis.
He was a fine sportsman of all-round ability and unbounded energy, an inspiring leader and one of the most popular of Prefects. Under his leadership, Allpass House in one year won the cricket, football and tennis competitions and the "Workman " Cup for scholastic attainments. His captaincy of the School's football team in France was one of the chief reasons for the outstanding success of the tour. Whilst at School he broke the School Mile and Half-Mile records and won the Cup for these events fours years in succession, a feat not likely to be equalled-and he also excelled in the discus and pole-vault events. Along with his ability as a tennis-player and gymnast we remember his shot at cricket-Henry Cotton would have been proud of it-and his brief but telling appearances in the Christmas one-act plays. In the Prefects' Room his cheerfulness and ability to " mar a curious tale in the telling " made him a welcome resident. A loyal Prefect and a very good friend, Eddy leaves, with our best wishes for his success both in the Army and at the London School of Economics.

B. G. W. HIGGINS; 1st XI Cricket, 1948-49; 2nd XI Football, 1947-49; Allpass House Cricket Captain, 1948-49.
Although he only joined the School in 1947, coming from Wi1liam Morris School, Higgins soon became a prominent member of the Fifth (and later the Sixth) Form, and was an invaluable addition to the School's cricket team. He was very popular in Upper School circles for his invariable geniality and good humour. He has left us now for the Civil Service and no one but will wish him the best of luck in his new appointment.

P. C:. Hurst, School, 1946-49; Prefect,, 1947-49; 2nd Xl Football.
Pete's jovial and good humoured nature was in keeping with his massive figure which became so well known and liked throughout the School. The wholehearted manner with which he performed every task made him an admirable Prefect. He was a keen sportsman, his ability being most marked as 2nd XI goalkeeper, referee and Arsenal's most enthusiastic supporter; he was in fact. an "all-rounder." As goalkeeper he was master of the spectacular: who will ever forget the look of absolute horror on his face, when, having played a 'blinder ' for the Prefects v. the Rest, he punched a ball six feet outside the post into his goal. As referee he always took complete control of the game and the pointing finger intimated the finality of his decisions. Perhaps Pete will be missed in the Prefects' Room more than anywhere else. He had a grand sense of humour-his particular method of silencing those who would jibe at the expense of his figure, will be long and affectionately remembered by his fellow Prefects. He celebrated the end of the examinations by a virtuoso leading of in the Prefects,' Room of a three hour jam session. His language was cheerful and unorthodox. His leaving has indeed left a gap which is very difficult to fill.

J. W. Rutherford. School, 1947-49; Prefect, 1st XI Football; Captain, 2nd XI.
Johnny came to Monoux late in the second term of the Sixth Form, but settled down so quickly that he was elected Monitor within a few months of his arrival. In the Prefects' Room his good humour ensured his popularity, and he fulfilled his duties capably.
One could wish for no better companion. He was, always ready with help, advice and encouragement, going far out of his way to help a friend. Yet he never seemed to do quite the best for himself.
He studied as he played games and as he laughed, with a gay abandon: he gained a good Higher School Certificate and achieved a brilliant result in the Civil Service Executive Examination, coming twentieth out of the two thousand entrants. He could, without undue strain, have done even better, and matched with his results his ability.
At games he played on occasion for the Football 1st XI and captained the 2nd. He played cricket which would have delighted any village, and when he turned to a game seriously (tennis) he was outstandingly successful.
Those who were on the Paris trip perhaps knew him at his most abandoned. Without the least embarrassment he would march boldly into a cafe and demand " orfs du'ers ": in cafes in the evening
lean forward and assure the barman, "Monsieur, vous etes un pratt": and the sailor-like sway that characterised his walk was as well known down the staircase of the Cite Universitaire as along the corridors of the School.
It was typical of Johnny that, having gained so dazzling an entry into the Executive Grade of the Civil Service, he should throw up the job to help his father run his business. We all send our very best wishes to him for his future happiness and success.

Valete 1951

A.M. Booth Prefect, 1949-50: House Captain, Morris, 1950; House Captain, Athletics and Gym; Dance Club Secretary; School Council; Dramatic Society; Operatic Society; 1st XI Football: Athletics Captain; Basketball Team.
It is impossible to write of Booth without writing of Athletics. As Athletics Captain he was largely responsible for raising the standard' of that sport in the School to its present high position. What cricket was to Collins, athletics was to Booth. Twice he broke the School record in the high jump; he also broke the hurdles record and figured prominently in the sprints and discus events. His enthusiasm inspired others. Had he stayed another year, Mr. Ninnim might have been surprised to see queues of boys waiting to train on our uneven track.
Basketball, gym. and football also occupied a great amount of his time. Elsewhere has been recounted his 'fearsome aspect' which terrified goalkeepers and led to a regular stream of goals.
In the Prefects' Room his slapstick humour was infectious while his high kicking, which would put many Ziegfeld chorus girls to shame, was a great source of pride. He was a member of the Dramatic Society, Dancing Secretary, and a valuable member of the School Council: In the latter his friends called him tenacious, others dogmatic. His successful campaign as Conservative Candidate in the School Election will be long remembered.
Always cheerful, an attitude which earned him his nickname 'Happy,' he was a sincere and loyal friend. These qualities and his imperturbability made him a reliable and popular Prefect. We wish. him the best of luck in the future.

B. Davey. Prefect, 1948-50; Captain Spivey House, 1949-50; Secretary of School Council, 1949-50; Joint Dance Secretary; Candidate at School General Election; Half Colours School Athletics; 2nd XI. Cricket; 2nd XI. Football; Basketball Team; Member Dramatic Society, Operatic Society and Inter-School Discussion Group.
A constant friend, always ready to help, Bryan became a reliable Prefect, who rarely needed to use a noting card, and a prominent figure both in the Prefects' Room and the School. His immensely deep voice could be heard bellowing forth on the football field, in the General period and in the School corridors at some luckless First-former.
He succeeded Chaplin in the captaincy of Spivey, by now traditionally the House maintained solely by enthusiastic captains, amassing by hook or by crook enormous numbers of keenness points. He was always on the spot, in winter playing and urging his team on to success in football matches, or doggedly arguing with cricket umpires in summer.
He was game to try everything and took part in most School and sport activities. Very interested in economics and politics, he belonged to both the Young Conservatives' Association and the Socialist Party of Great Britain. He had a quiet and often nicely malicious wit and sense of humour.
Outside school his main loves were good theatre and New Orleans jazz. He read widely, danced consistently, and the rest of his time was spent in many and varied forms of sport. His immense pile of black hair suffered in the general hair-levelling by the brosse influence.
He is at present marking time in the R.A.F. and we all wish him the best of luck in his future (economics)) career.

John Wm. Gale, 1942-1950. Prefect, 1950; 2nd XI Cricket and Football; Half Colours, Cricket; Table Tennis Team; Chess Team; School Councillor.
An extremely reliable Prefect, 'Cheesy' represented the School regularly at cricket as a steady and accurate fast-medium bowler and a gloriously swash-buckling batsman in the true rustic style; at football as a thoughtful inside forward with considerable football sense; while his table tennis was renowned for that powerful stroke best described as a truncated upper cut but long designated 'Cheesy's cow-shot' by the envious.
His scholastic accomplishments culminated in his brilliant result in the Civil Service Executive Examination, in which he gained sixth place out of a nation-wide entry.
He could spend hours in ferocious, preoccupation with complicated and completely useless mathematical calculations, and his inventive ingenuity in such matters would leave his literary colleagues aghast. Often he became completely detached from earthly things and would gaze earnestly into space, lost in a land of anagrams and calculus, until the mirthful shrieks of the mob brought him back to life with a thud!
Above all he will be remembered for his sense of humour, which was unique and indefinable, ranging from the whimsical to the bizarre and delivered in pithy wisecracks varying from earthy to an unearthly subtlety.
Though his friends feel 'Cheesy's' true place is in the ranks of professional anagram-compilers, perhaps he has settled for the next best thing. Anyway we all wish him luck in his Civil Service career.

John L. Garrett, 1942-50 Prefect, 1949-50; Captain, Mallinson House, 1950; School Councillor: Assistant Librarian; Dramatic Society; Spanish Club; Table Tennis Secretary ; Table Tennis Team; 2nd XI. Football ; Athletics Colours.
John Garrett will be remembered by those who knew him at School equally as a scholar and athlete, and as a Prefect and Captain of his House.
As a scholar he attained the success which he earned so well, and won a State Scholarship. John always completed an amount of work which amazed his weaker-willed form-mates. Despite this he found much time free to spend in his favourite pastime, he could be seen nearly every day on the school field in hot pursuit of his discus. On the football field he was famed as the "penalty king," and he may be remembered as a violently unorthodox player of both cricket and tennis. Mallinson House will indeed be fortunate if it ever has a Captain his equal at the hopelessly difficult task of mustering a full team of apathetic juniors and cynical Seniors for every sporting occasion.
In the Prefects' Room John was known as he with whom it is impossible to argue and as the master of the crushing (and often insulting) retort. Through these gifts he earned the gratitude of several budding juvenile delinquents whom he defended with great ability and heart-breaking disregard for professional conduct in the Prefects' Court.
Finally we would wish him every success at Oxford; we cannot but suspect that he will leave some permanent mark on the ancient university.

Colin D. Laurie, 1945-50. Prefect, 1948-r1950; Vice-Acting School Captain, 1950; Vice-Captain and Secretary, Tennis ; Captain, 2nd XI. Football and Joint Captain 2nd XI. Cricket; Captain of Whittingham House; Tennis Captain; School Councillor.
Colin had a versatile turn of mind and whether engaged in sporting or academic activity he was always well to the fore. On the sporting side, tennis held first claim on him, Colin being a really excellent performer. Indeed it took such firm hold of him that even when he was induced to enter the higher spheres of cricket, his tennis strokes accompanied him. With plentiful scores of sixes and fours his prolific batting soon established his name well on top of the 2nd XI. averages.
On the football field he showed good solid ability; and were it not for the apparent absence of a left foot, a regular position in the 1st XI. would have been his.
Together with these athletic qualities, Laurie possessed a keen brain which brought him a County Major Scholarship. In October such assets, veiled by a natural and charming modesty, should prove invaluable towards furthering his career at Cambridge. We wish him the best of luck and every success for his future there.

J. L. Mason, 1946-50. Prefect, 1947-50; Acting School Captain, 1950; Chairman of School Council, 1950 ; Captain, 1st XI. Football, 1949; Captain, 1st XI. Cricket, 1950 ; Captain, 1st VI. Tennis, 1947-50; House Captain, Morris.
John came to Monoux. in 1946 from Weymouth Grammar School and entered the Fourth Form. He never lost his broad Dorsetshire accent, most noticeable during the readings in Assembly.
His outstanding sporting ability earned him a place in 1st XI. Football in his first term, to the detriment of his Latin, which coincided with football on Wednesday afternoons. He soon earned the distinction of being called, amongst other things, the "best schoolboy centre-half in London."
The next year he became a member of the Cricket First XI., where he was an excellent wicket keeper and an entertaining bat. He was also a member of the London Schools' Football XI. in 1948, and vice-captain of the Essex Grammar Schools' Cricket Team in 1950
He was also captain of the Tennis Team for three years, and represented Essex at junior Wimbledon in 1948. In addition he was a member of the School Table Tennis, Gymnastics, Athletics, and Basket Ball Teams, and captain of Morris House at tennis, football, cricket, boxing and gymnastics. John was elected Prefect when in the 5th Form-an unusual distinction-and during the last term and a half of his school life performed all the duties of School Captain without the actual honour of the post
John was very good natured and was extremely popular in the School, earning the respect of every one of its members. Before leaving he obtained his Higher School Certificate, and then for some time taught at the William Morris. School before joining the Forces.
He is now an officer-cadet in the Royal Signals, where no doubt he is learning the Morse version of the " oldy-oldy," and where he will probably become one of the mainstays of the British Army.

Derek W. Spencer, Prefect, 1949-50; Captain of Allpass House, 1949-50; member of School Council; member of Choir, Operatic Society, Dramatic Society and School Orchestra; Captain of School Chess Team, 1948-50 ; member of School Tennis Team, 1949-50; Captain of Allpass House Tennis, 1950.
Perhaps Derek will be remembered chiefly for his unfailing sense of humour, and for the unassuming and whole-hearted way in which he shared in so many interests. He had indeed unusually wide interests in a School with unusually good opportunities for all outside-school activities. Derek showed his love of music by joining the Choir and by acting as part-time pianist for the Orchestra. In this connection, special mention must be made of his fine performance in The Mikado as Pooh-bah, one of the most important and difficult parts in the opera.
All through his School life he belonged to the School Council, on which he represented Allpass House during his last years at School. With this may be linked his political interests; he was a very keen and energetic Liberal, and won over many by his vigorous campaigning in the School Election early in 1950.
In sport he was an invaluable member of the School Tennis Team, and captained Allpass House Tennis in 1950. He will be especially remembered for the splendid work he put into the School Chess Team, keeping up the high tradition established by Reaney, even after the breaking up of Reaney's very powerful team:
On the academic side, Derek took a great interest in modern languages, particularly French. He took an excellent General School Certificate, with Matric. Exemption, and, while still at School, gained his Intermediate Arts. In October, 1950, he entered University College, London, to read for an Honours degree in French. We wish him all good luck in his course, and for his future career.

Valete 1952

TERENCE W. TURNER. School, 1944-5: School Captain, 1950-51: Chairman, School Council; Captain, Higham House; Sports. Editor, The Monovian; 1st XI Football; School Athletics.
Terry, who had become known for his excellent football and his interest in athletics, was made a Prefect while still in the First Year Sixth. When appointed School Captain in 1950 he had the unrewarding task of managing a body of Prefects mostlv older than himself. However, he remained popular behind the opaque door of the Prefects' Room and in the School as a whole; nor is this surprising, since he had the gift of making conversation with anyone about almost anything from painting to athletics and literature. A great deal of Terry's leisure time was spent in training for athletics, especially hurdling, but this never dominated his academic studies.

R. E. DURGNAT. School, 1944-51:Prefect, 1950-51: Editor of The Monovian 1950-51; State Scholarship and Open Scholarship in English to Pembroke College Cambridge, 1950.
Articles signed by R.E.D. and poems unsugned but written by R.E.D., have appeared for so long in The Monovian that it comes as a shock to realize that one of the finest contributors that any school
magazine could hope to have has left us. While still in the Fifth Form, Ray began to develop a fine style: witty, rich in imagery, succinct, epigrammatic. A harsh style, perhaps, brittle like the age. At its best this style was seen in his dramatic criticism, possibly his most positive contribution to the literary section of The Monovian. Here he spoke out. With cut and thrust and parry he demolished many a pretentious production, and set up a standard of honest criticism, as distinct from anaemic flattery, which future writers will find hard to emulate.
But Ray is more than a prolific writer of stories, poems, articles, and criticism; he is also a persistent (some denizens of the The Ridgeway might say pestiferous) performer on the trumpet (hot). Thus, Bohemian in appearance, original in thought, he displays all the well-known conservative attributes of the intellectual of our time. Sensitive to all the loveliness of the melody that
. came o'er my ear like the sweet, South,
That breathes upon a bank of violets;'
he professes, none the less, to enjoy and appreciate the weird cacophonous trumpetings and adenoidal. whimperings that pass for music in esoteric jazz clubs, both here and across the Atlantic.
The intellectual life of Monoux is the poorer for his going; he will yet add lustre to the great name of the School.

FREDERICK J. SILVESTER. School 1944-51; Prefect, 1950-51; Editor of the Bulletin, 1950-51; Librarian; Secretary of the Debating and Discussion Society; member of the Dramatic Society committee: Vice-Captain, Whittingham House; School Councillor,
There are few people who can find time to win a State Scholarship and also take an administrative part in numerous School activities, but Fred Silvester was one of them. It was Fred who re-started the Bulletin and ran it by himself without fail for a year; it was he who founded and managed the Debating Society. We well remember his production of The Poacher and his parts in School plays. Then in his, last few months at the School he undertook the tremendous task of reorganising the catalogue in the Library.
As a Prefect Fred became greatly respected and he had a particular influence over the Lower School after the broadcasting of the song, I taught I taw a puddy cat. In the School Council and the Sixth Form general periods he was always ready to express his uncompromising views in a deep, low voice which became an essential part of the atmosphere.

BERNARD BLACK;. School, 1944-51; Prefect, 1950-51: Captain, Mallinson House; Captain, 1st XI, Cricket and Football.
With his natural ability to command, coupled with his extensive talent, it was only a question of time before he rose to the captaincy of the 1st X1 at both cricket and football. Was it a coincidence, moreover, that the School teams and Mallinson House enjoyed unparalleled success under his leadership? Bernard was never content to sit back and watch the labours of others; he always took an active part in School functions. He was a keen athlete, and played cricket for London and Essex teams.

COLIN A. BROWNING. School, 1945-51: Prefect, 1950-51; member of the Dramatic Society and Debating Society.
Like John Donne, Colin seemed to be a person whose character was full of apparent contradictions Those who knew little about him believed he was always very serious and conservative in his tastes, yet he was one of the keenest lovers of jazz one could expect to meet. Though outwardly sedate, he enjoyed playing Moonshine and fooling ahout with his lamp in A Midsummer Night's Dream; and although he was not an athlete Colin had an extensive knowledge of sport, its rules, history, and personalities. He was indeed a colleague to be desired because of his wide and seemingly unrelated interests.

WILLIAM G. ANDERSON. School, 1944-51; Prefect, 1950-51; Captain, Whittingham House: 1st XI Cricket and Football.
Billy Anderson's forccful batting was something to be feared among inexperienced opposing teams, nor was he any less of an adversary on the football field. Whittingham House must surely have regretted his leaving before the swimming competition, as swimmong was one of his chief outside interests and one in which he obtained considerable renown. Many will also remember the cornet recitals he gave on several occasions in the mid morning period.

MILES A. CARTER. School, 1944-51; Prefect, 1950-51: member of Debating Society, Religious Discussion Group, and Classical Society.
Although Miles was always quiet he was none the less active in all spheres of School life. One of the founder members of the Religious Discussion Group, he was always willing to express his own opinions while at the same time giving a fair hearing to the other side. Such an attitude pervaded everything he did: always ready to assume the initiative when the need arose, he preferred to learn the whole case before he acted. Miles gave one of the best speeches of the year for the Debating Society in support of the motion: "That justice is a questiort of what is expedient rather than of what is right." He regularly attended the meetings and outings of the Classical Society.

ALAN W. MORELY. School, 1943-51; Prefect, 1950-51; Captain, Morris House; 1st XI Football.
Mr. Hyde's French set will probably remcmber Alan best for the delightful squeaks and impersonations he used to give; he could almost do a one-man "Ray's a Laugh" show! His particular linguistic ability (especially in Spanish) enabled him to win a nationwide Hispanic Council prize for two years in succession. Alan was also keenly interested in sport and took an active part in School football. As a Prefect he performed his duties very conscientiously, a fact which Sixth Formers who were late for School discovered to their disadvantage.

COLIN A. BATTELL. School, 1948-51; School Vice-Captain, 1950-51; Captain, 2nd Tennis Team; 2nd XI Football: Badminton Team.
Colin, who joined the Monoux late from another school, always stood out among the rest of the Prefects; nor was this made less obvious by his height! He had the remarkable ability to work to a rigid homework timetable of so many hours for each subject every week, but his life was far from regimented. He seemed to derive satisfaction from wandering in to a period a few minutes late, and he took part in a wide range of sports; Colin was prominent in the tennis aud badmintom teams.

RALPH C. THACKWAY. School, 1944-51; Prefect, 1950-51; Vice-Captain, Higham House; Secretary of the Classical Society; member of Debating Society; Vice-Captain, 1st XI Cricket; 1st XI Football.
Not least among Ralph's, gifts was his willingness to give you a cheerful grin and greeting. He became popular through his prowess in sports and athletics, and reached the position of Vice-Captain of the 1st XI at cricket. In a different sphere Ralph was elected secretary of the newly formed Classical Society. He had very firmly rooted ideas about politics and other subjects but preferred chatting as a friend to arguing as a hostile acquaintance. Nor must we forget his academic knowledge when remembering his amiability.

JACK A. HOPKINS. School, 1943-51; 1st Tennis Team; 1st XI Cricket; 2nd XI Football; member of Gramophone Society and Dramatic Society.
Although primarily a scientist, Jack became known throughout the Sixth Form for his wide interest in music and literature. Indeed, so great was his keenness for these subjects that it was hard to believe he belonged to the Science Department. Jack took an active part in the work of the Dramatic Society. His talent in the realm of sport was not less developed so that he played for the School at tennis, cricket, and football. Though he was never made a Prefect, Jack took an extremely active part in the affairs of the School.

PETER K. WHITING. School, 1944-51; Prefect, 1950-51; member of Dramatic Society and Gramophone Society.
Peter's thirst for knowledge was well known among his friends: everything he came upon from shorthand to wireless, he had a longing to study. Completely unconcerned at the amount of work that would be entailed, he took German up to Advanced Level in two years, and yet somehow found time to do long and regular practice at the piano. His vigorous acting for the Dramatic Society was of a very high standard. Among Peter's other pursuits and hobbies was a keen interest in photography. Those who worked with him will long remember his flicking his fingers and thumb as he tried to remember some obscure fact.

JOHN R. WILLIAMSON. School, 1948-51; Pretect; Secretary, School Council, 1950-51; School representative, C.E.W.G.; projectionist of Film Society; member of Badminton, Tennis, and TableTennis Teams; Secretary, Inter-School Discussion Group.
John was at Monoux only since 1948 yet he rapidly assumed an active part in many School activities. His northern accent was well known in the Upper School as he tried to rouse our interest in the Council for Education in World Citizenship. And he had reason to advertise it, for he became Secretary to the organisation; in 1950-51 he was Treasurer; then he held the post of Vice-Chairman of the London District Council. As Secretary of the Inter-School Discussion Group, John also worked hard for that organisation. With his knowledge of science he was often called upon to remedy a technical fault in the film projector. The sports he was mainly interested in were badminton, tennis, and table-tennis; he took a prominent part in all three. It is no wonder that he was always busy and it was always a problem to find him when a telephone call came through about the C.E.W.C.

PETER PATTERSON. School, 1944-51; Prefect 1950-51; President of the Gramaphone Society.
It must have proved an arduous task for Peter to prepare illustrated weekly lectures for the Gramaphone Society, for subjects varied from early English madrigals to modern music and the string quartet. Surprisingly enough Peter was able to find time in intervals in his other academic work to spend long hours at the piano and take an active part in athletics, particularly running. He always believed in making a thorough job of everything he did; hence he could often be seen training and shacking round the running track. The Upper School occasionally had a chance to hear his playing the piano; he was also a member of a local amateur string quartet.

Valete 1953

STEPHEN F. ANDERSON (1944-52). School Captain 1951-2; Prefect; Chairman, School Council; Allpass House Captain 1951-2 ; Member of School Athletics Team.
Steve will not soon be forgotten. He matured rapidly in his last two years and, perhaps surprisingly to those who remembered him as a rather diffident youngster, made a real success of his position as Captain of the School. We had always fancied that he and Don would have to reign together, like the kings in The Gondoliers. When Steve reigned alone, our illusions about twins vanished. His mixture of shyness and frankness, his gentle firmness, his courtesy, his reliability and his sense of fun made him popular with Staff and boys alike. He took an active interest in all that went on in the School, among juniors as well as seniors--which partly accounts for his success as School Captain. We wonder if the Civil Service has yet found any flaws in his spelling, but feel confident about the future of the Air Force with Steve at the Ministry. We wish him every success in the future (which includes, of course, his military service) and hope often to see him dancing with his usual grave competence at Old Monovian functions. We know he will never forget us or the years he spent here.

RICHARD J. WALKER, School, 1944-52; member of Allpass House; Prefect, 1951-52 ; member of Dramatic Society, Radio Society, Film Society, Debating Society; Film Society Projectionist; County Major Scholarship.
Dickie Walker is one of those people whom it is very difficult to dislike. A most amiable person, he was able to converse intelligently about almost any subject, thus revealing a considerable background of wide reading, and it was most unusual in the sixth Form to find a discussion in which he did not take a leading part. His chief interest was in radio and any spare moment would find him tracing weird and wonderful symbols across an odd piece of paper, which obviously meant a great deal to him, but to a casual onlooker resulted only in a look of complete bewilderment. He will perhaps be best remembered for his keen sense of humour, which was very much a part of the Prefects' Room.
All those who knew him missed him very much when he left, but we wish him the best of luck and success when he goes up to Queen Mary College, London, where he is certain to make many friends.

P.J. GEORGE. School 1937-52; Prefect 1950-52; Whittingham House Captain; 2nd XI Football Captain.
Peter's main interests were science and sport - in that order. Other things came definitely third, but within that range he accomplished a great deal, successfully leading the Second Eleven and winning a State Scholarship in Science.
As a prefect he was a tower of strength, with a quiet sense of humour which made him much appreciated. We wish him all good hick in the Forces, where he is doing something abstruse connected with radio, and in his future career at Cambridge.

DAVID STANLEY. School 1945-52; Prefect; House Cricket Captain: Bulletin Editor; Member of Cricket First Eleven, Football Third Eleven and Table-Tennis Team; Member of Debating Society and Field Club.
Dave's unassuming manner and quick wit soon won him a place in the Prefects' Room, where he dwelt for a short time only before leaving School. Outside the Prefects' Room he was interested in sport, particularly cricket, and I am told he swung a wicked racquet at table-tennis. To demonstrate his versatility, he helped to edit the Bulletin and belonged to the Field Club and the Debating Society, where he spoke seldom but to the point. We wish him well in his National Service in Germany and in his life at Oxford.

P.B. COLLINS. School 1944-52; Prefect; Mallinson House Captain; Member of' Dramatic Society, Choir, Operatic Society.
Paul was a distinctive member of the Prefects' Room, and his dark complexion and noble bass voice made him no less prominent in the Operatic and Dramatic Societies. He was always impressive and powerful on the stage, in fact his dramatic-not to say impassioned-acting aroused almost as much controversy as his brother's playing of the Sergeant in The Pirates.
As a prefect he was always scrupulously just and popular with his fellows; his deliberate and unflagging way of delivering a joke will long be remembered. The R.A.F. has kindly reserved him a place at Padgate and we wish him the best of luck both there and in his future career at the London School of Economics.

JOHN BARRON. School 1944-52; Prefect; House Vice-Captain; School Football Captain; Athletics Vice-Captain; Member of School Cricket. and Tennis Teams; Captain of House Football, Athletics, Swimming, Cricket, Tennis; member of Science Society,
As the list of his attainments shows, John took a very prominent place in School sport, He was untiring in his work for the School's sporting success, particularly in football, in which he very ably captained the First Eleven. He was equally enthusiastic in athletics, of which he was School Vice-Captain.
Science took up nearly all the rest of his life, which paid dividends in the shape of a place at Christ's College, Cambridge. But he found time enough to be a popular member of the Prefects' Room. We wish him well at Cambridge and in the Forces.

P.D. ASHTON. School 1945-52; Prefect; Secretary of Art Society; Member of Debating Society and Local Studies Group.
Peter spent most of his time in the Art Room genially impressing the value of art on the collective wooden head of the School. His crusade was materially aided by an exquisite haircut, which allowed only of brief but tantalising glimpses of his face.
He was a Munnings fan in more than his outspoken attack on modern artistic decadents: an enthusiastic political Tory, like his brother, he campaigned, as they say, "in the Conservative interest" in the School Election. He is at present studying at the Goldsmith College of Art, where we wish him all good luck.

M. J. KIRBY. School 1946-52; Prefect; Member of Football Second Eleven and Tennis team; Whittingham House Vice-Captain.
Earnest students of the 'D . . y M . . l' will quickly grasp the reason for Kirby's nickname-Rip. Like his great namesake, Rip spent considerable time and vast mental resources on the solution of puzzles-only his were the crossword variety. He is believed to hold the local record (three and a half minutes) for solving the 'D . , y M . . . 1' crossword-a worthy memorial to a great figure.
He was undoubtedly the Prefects' humorist. Personally I liked best his impression of pure Inverness-shire Eng1ish-but there was plenty to choose from. In his spare time I believe Rip did a little work, and he duly won a State Scholarship to the London School of Economics, where we wish him the best of luck.

B. W. HALEY. School 1946-52; Prefect; Higham House Captain, School Councillor; Member of Cricket First Eleven, Football Second Eleven; Member of Local Studies Group, Geography Society, and Heraldry Society.
Brian (generally known as " Hackett," presumably for its alliterative beauty) was one of those staunch pillars of society who take part in practically every School duty. He won a place at University College, Oxford, captained Higham House, played for the First Eleven at cricket and the Third at football, and did many other jobs. He was incidentally a most stylish player of that noble game, Prefects' Room cricket; and an ornament of the societies he joined, the Local Studies Group and the Geographical and Heraldry Societies.
In the Prefects' Room he could seldom be brought to discuss anything seriously, and usually filled the role of ribald commentator. He was well liked throughout the School, and we all wish him good luck and plenty of scope in the future for his all-round abilities.

C. R. WALKER. School 1945-52; Prefect; School and Area Representative of the Council for Education in World Citizenship; Member of the Debating Society, Local Studies Group, InterSchools' Discussion Group.
Roy-as he was at all times willing to assure you, had a great brain. He was moreover politically inclined, with all a modern politician's beautiful regard for the Planners and sublime distaste for the Planned. But in spite of these - to an Englishman - alarming gifts, he was well liked, even winning that final mark of public esteem, a nickname.
He won a State Scholarship to Cambridge, though for the moment his invaluable abilities are devoted to the Army. We append his self-judgment, which was supplied free of charge on our asking for details of his life at School:
General Progress: Magnificent. Application: Unequalled in School history. Special Aptitudes: Incredibly varied. Character: Quiet, retiring, modest, yet confident. Conduct: Exemplary,

D. W. ANDERSON. School 1944-52; Prefect; Allpass House Captain; Captain of Football Third Eleven; member of Tennis team; member of Debating Society.
Like many of our most brilliant scientists, Don spent a very high proportion of his time on work, which was well rewarded by an Open Scholarship in Natural Science to Queens' College, Cambridge. But in spite of his labours he found time to be a good all-round sportsman, shining especially at tennis. He was for his sincerity and modesty one of the best-liked of the prefects, and he will be much missed. We wish him all the best at Cambridge and for the future.

R. J. TACAGNI School 1944-52; School Vice-Captain; Prefect; Co-Editor of The Monovian; Secretary of School Council; Secretary of Debating Society and French Film Club.
Ray's unremitting industry leaves a gap which the present writer, for one, feels most keenly. Many Societies, too, as the list above shows, moved under his guidance, and the quiet integrity with which he worked so hard and uncomplainingly received its reward when for some time in his last year at School Ray filled the post of Vice-School Captain.
The same uncompromising effort won Ray his place at Hertford College.. Oxford, where he will be going when he leaves the Army. At present, I am told, he is stationed in the Isle of Wight at a camp with the unbelievably abysmal name of " Dunroamin." We wish him strength.

C. E. B. STEERS. School 1945-52; Prefect; member of Local Studies Group and Geography Society.
Colin's attitude to life was coloured by a conservative and historical bias-the attitude of an unimpassioned Burke. He was one of the few of us for whom the age and history of the School had an important meaning, so that one tends to think of him as an apostle of Sir George Monoux, rather than as a character of the bloodless present.
Between sessions of the Local Studies Group, however, Colin did visit us mortals, notably making all too brief personal appearances on the tennis-court before a hypnotised audience. At present he is at Cambridge studying economics, and we wish him well in his work.

Valete 1954

K. J. BARNES. 1951-1953; Prefect 1952-53; Whittingham House; 2nd XI Cricket; School Athletics; Librarian; Editor of Bulletin; County Major Exhibition. Keith came to us late but was very welcome none the less. At first he worked very hard which was understandable though perhaps regrettable, but he soon achieved that happy marriage of work and pleasure that most Sixth formers strive for. He came as a supposed musical genius, and by the time he left we all realised that this was indeed the case. He developed little, idiosyncratic habits like criticising the School Song, and he cultivated a supreme disdain of examinations, a disdain which he carried to its logical conclusions last July! This indeed he considered his crowning glory at Monoux.
There was, however, much glory of a different order to precede it. He founded the Short Story Society to encourage the reading of short stories in the School, a labour which was considered useful and indeed was in spite of the society's more recent lamented demise. His performances in school plays unlike some of his lines will always be remembered. His tone in 'Ernest' was especially well received.
As an editor of The Bulletin he accomplished very useful work. He was also an efficient librarian.
His cricket gained him a place in the school second XI last season and he represented the school as a runner on several occasions. Outside school his main interest after music was perhaps cycling, a pleasure which he developed suddenly and with startling success.
We wish him all success at the Royal Academy of Music and in his anticipated musical career.

G. HEWITSON. 1946-53; Prefect 1946-53: Spivey House Captain; School Football Captain; School Tennis;2nd Xl Cricket; Essex Grammar Schools' Football XI; State Scholarship.
Hugo did nearly everything. He was School Football Captain, a position dealt with more fully on another page; he was one of the finest tennis players in the School, if sometimes erratic; he played Cricket lustily and successfully for the 2nd X I: and while he was captain of Spivey the House won the Schol Sports twice running. Besides this he played for the Essex Grammar Schools' Football XI, gained a State Scholarship, was sports editor of the Bulletin, and one of the few prefects in recent years to be made in the first year sixth. He was also knowledgeable and enlightening on the theory and practice of jazz, and a prodigious cyclist, whence his nickname. In this last he was very successful as an amateur rider in various local and Southern England road meetings. In particularly violent Prefects' Room, he was perhaps the most violent, altogether a most useful and welcome influence.
Geoff is in the R.A.F. now, where he should get a chance to continue most of these extremely active activities. Good luck, Hugo.

M.D. HOOPER. 1947-53; Prefect 1952-53; Morris House; 2nd XI Football; 2nd XI Cricket; 1st team Basketball; Librarian; State Scholarship; and Opem Inter-Collegiate Scholarship at London University.
Max won our only Open Scholarship in 1953, the Inter Collegiate at London University College. His main interest was in the Field Club, for which he produced authorative papers and essays from time to time. His natural industry extra curricula, enabled him to snap up various essay prizes regularly during his last two years at School.
As a prefect he was both popular and efficient, and his constructive arguments brought flashes of sanity to the Prefects' Room. He was proficient in both of the School's major games, gaining places in the 2nd XI's for football and cricket. Basketball attracted him and hewas soon a member of our first team. He was very welcome on the rugger field, he was one of the few who knew what was going on.
We hope his studies will progress successfully and wish him well in his future career.

P.M.W. KELHAM. 1945-53; Prefect 1951-53; School Vice-Captain; Morris House Captain: School Cricket Captain; 2nd Football Captain; School Chess and colours; Sports Editor, The Monovian, County Major Exhibition.
Wa1's extraordinary height made him one of the most distinctiv eand distinguished of the School's prefects. In any case he would have been remarkable, for there was scarcely any school activity in which he did not take a successful part. His very hard work was rewarded by a place at Hertford College, Oxford, where he will take up residence in 1955. He was always prominint in School chess, took many parts in Dramatic Society productions, and was besides, vice captain of the School, and one of the most enthusiastic and energetic House Captains we have seen for a long time. His great sporting abilities are acknowledged in later pages and his services to School cricket have been written on in more magazines than this.
Michael was certainly the most popular boy at Monoux and deservedly so, for he devoted more of his time to the good of the School, his house, and the School's sport than seemed possible considering his many other interests. In the Prefects' Room he was, the best of company. His cricket there was revered, for he could turn a tennis ball at right angles or more; and he could hurl a football boot or a chair, as occasion required, with the best.
He is now in the Army: we are told his uniform is not such a bad fit after all!

A. J. KNOCK. 1945-53; Prefect 1951-53; sometime Spivey House Captain; Librarian; Secretary to Inter-Schools Discussion Group; Editor, The Monovian; School Chess and Colours; State Scholarship.
As one grew to know Allen, one grew to respect his opinions less and his person more. Although notoriously inefficient as a prefect, he did an enormous amount for the School as the records of the Dramatic and Operatic Societies, the Debating Society, Inter-Schools Discussion Group, and of School chess will show. He was also for several years an editor of this magazine. His extreme intelligence brought him, with a minimum of work, or at least of organisation, a State Scholarship, and he only narrowly missed an Open Scholarship at University College, Oxford, where he has a place.
In all, he was remarkable, even peculiar. When writing on the artistic and literary oddities of the past at Monoux, it has been usual to make some comment about exceptional way in which they spent their last year at school. Allen was most exceptional, he sensibly spent the greater part of it at home reading, occasionally writing, and learning exotic languages with uncommon zeal. His fine intelligence was admirably backed by a deplorable tenacity in all argument which could be liberally interpreted as calculated obtuseness, bad artistic taste, and lack of perception. All this made him a first-class instructor and an unfailing friend. He had a rewarding sense of humour and his understanding made him a delightful companion. He was in addition the finest verse reader of his age I have ever heard.
lf he leaves half the mark on Oxford that he has on Monoux, then his career and his life are assured.

P. MOSS. 1946-53; Prefect 1952-53; Allpass House; Chief Librariau: Editor, The Bulletin; 2nd XI Football: School Athletics; School Councillor; State Scholarship.
Peter was exceptionally good at nearly everything he attempted. His work brought him a State Scholarship and a place at Hertford College, Oxford, where he will read geography, and yet, although he worked very hard, he was probably the least restricted person in the Sixth Form. He was extraordinarily well-read and could often discuss subjects completely alien to his work and immediate interests, with great freedom and startling knowledge.
His greatest pleasures were, however, physical. He always enjoyed football, cricket, and more especially rugby, but his main interests were in mountaineering and rock-climbing. Peter was a very fine rock-climber, exceptionally good for his age, and while in Skye last year did some extremely difficult. and daring climbs. He was a founder-member of the celebrated Cioch Mountaineering Club.
He was also a keen cyclist, for recreation and not far sport, but of late the demands of mountaineering and the inaccessibility of the best British mountains have turned him to the art of hitch-hiking. The British Army has enabled him to continue this sport-at the weekends at least. I hope that it may soon give him the chance to do some climbing as well!

J. S. STOKES. 1946-53; Prefect, 1952-53; Morris House; Librarian; Editor, The Bulletin; State Scholarship.
Jeff, who was somewhat curiously nicknamed "Swetty" (a Shakespearian reference I believe), is at the moment in the same Army camp as Peter, which is most appropriate for they share the same interests and almost the same distinctions. Jeff too, won a State Scholarship last July. He has a place at Trinity College, Cambridge, for 1955. He too will read geography.
Jeff, however, was not a universal athlete. He excelled at same sports, but his football, for instance, was most amusing. He was, on the other hand, a fine gymnast, and his vaulting, when he was in training, was a joy to watch. His swimming and his badminton were extremely good, but his main interest was again mountaineering. He too was a founder-member of the celebrated Cioch Club, and he took pant in the historic first club ascent of the Cioch pinnacle in 1952, One of his finer achievements is his success in hitching. Last year he reached Edinburgh from London in 24 hours, but like all the best people he prefers to feel independent and waits for the moment when he can stop hitching and begin walking on the mountains he's making for. His cycling must be stupendous, because on his bike, which is really a fantastic parody of one, he manages to cycle at a respectable pace for miles.
The Army does not give much opportunity for such odd industry, nor does it allow Jeff to wear his extremely odd mock Tyrolean hat, but let us hope that the time before he can again will pass both quickly and enjoyably.

M.L. TWYMAN. 1945-53; School Captain 1951-53; Higham House Captain; 1st XI Football and Colours; 1st XI Cricket and Colours; School Athletics, and Colours; School Chess and Half-Colours; County Major Scholarship.
Without intending any disparagement to those who have gone before, Michael was most certainly one of the finest School Captains. we have had for many years. While at the School he devoted all his time and all his energies to its good. He saw to the well running of nearly everything in the School and took an exceptional part in most of our major activities. He was awarded full Colours for cricket, football and athletics and ha1f-Coloursfor Chess. He was a fine gymnast and ably led Higham House for several years. He hopes, as one might almost expect, far a teaching career, and to this end he is now reading for a Fine Arts Degre at the University of Reading. He is an artist of great ability and has helped the School considerably by painting scenery for School plays, one will recall especially his contribution to Make Believe, by running the extremely popular Art Society.
But most important of a11, he was School Captain, and by his example brought a tremendous amount out of his school and his prefects. At first in the Prefects' Room we thought he perhaps took it all a bit too far. He seemed a little too ascetic, too abstemious, but it soon came upon us not so much as a realisation, but, by the formation of a habit, that we were doing twice as much work, and enjoying it, because of his example! He was certainly an inspiration to us all and we were all, every one of us, very, very grateful to him. We wish him every success at Reading and in whatever he decides to do after university.

R. N. TAMPLIN. 1946-54; School Vice-Captain; Secretary of School Council; Editor of The Bulletin; Editor of The Monovian; Senior Debating Society; Short Story Society; French Film Club; County Major Exhibition.
Ron was sometimes known as "Tiger" Tamplin, a sobriquet that dates from his pugilistic encounter with Kelham, the Monoux colossus. It serves to illustrate one important trait of his character his unbounded keenness and versatility. He was interested in almost all School activities. The Senior Debating Society, the Short Story Society, and the French Film Club, all had his ardent support.
For two years he was Editor of The Monovian, a position that he fulfilled with the greatest zeal. Writing was his particular element and his editorials always displayed a wealth of thought and erudition, which probably accounts for much of the criticism that was levelled against them. In the Debating Society he was an eloquent speaker. Nothing was more interesting and entertaining than to hear him and Knock grappling in a battle of words.
His academic career was equally good, and for his labours he was awarded a place at Merton College, Oxford, where he will take up residence in 1955. At present, however, he is working as a junior clerk for Associated British Cinemas. His ultimate aim, I think, he was, always rather secretive, is to be a film-editor. But he does not intend to allow his literary talents to lie idle; for he hopes to spend much of his spare time writing poetry. Judging from some of the line verse he has produced for The Monovian, such as The Conquest of the Matterhorn, his success in this field is assured.
Ron's own general comment on his school career is: "Three parts misunderstood genius, four parts misunderstanding idiot."

B. S. BERRY. 1946-53; Prefect 1952-53; Basket Ball 1st Team; 2nd XI Football; 2nd XI Cricket; County Major Scholarship.
Brian took part enthusiastically in almost every branch of School life, athletic and academic, and achieved a large measure of success in them all. Academically he was by inclination a scientist and mathematiciau, but unlike many with these tastes, he was in no way limited to them. He would argue hotly yet coherently any point on anything which interested him. For this reason he was always a useful member of the many discussion groups in the School.
The sturdy manner in which he played football gained him a regular place in the School 2nd XI as a back, and his cricket, though not as competent, earned him a place in the Cricket 2nd XI last season. When basket-ball was introduced in the School, he began to play that as well and soon held a regular place in the School 1st team.
Outside School his main interest was cycling, which he regarded both as recreation and sport. He took part in closed track racing and also enjoyed several tours on the Continent and in the British Isles,
At present he is at Birmingham University and we wish him every success there.

J. COWLING. 1948-53; Prefect 1952-53; Morris Vice-Captain and School Councillor; 3rd XI Football; Bickersteth Cup; County Major Exhibition.
John was another enthusiast for any and everything. In the Prefects' Room he was indispensable, for he would endure successions of practical jokes and some highly improbable ones with an admirable and incomprehensible calm. He was at one time an exponent of Order which may have assisted this. As vice-captain of Morris he helped considerably in organising and maintaining that House's high sporting level, and represented it in many capacities, on the sports, field. He was especially proficient with the javelin, and he threw for the School in the Bickersteth Cup. He also played football for the 3rd XI.
He was school councillor for his House, and to his great credit was one of the few who took the Council really seriously. He was an extremely able prefect.
His hobby outside School was amateur dramatics, and indeed, he appeared in several School productions besides. His most notable role was as the Cassowary in Make-Believe.
He is at present studying at the London Hospital Dental School, training as a dentist. Incidentally, we have remarked on his enthusiasm for many and various things. We might have mentioned bizarre sports, for the last time we saw him he was playing hockey for London Hospital! Good luck, John!

D. H, DAVIS. 1945-53; Prefect 1952-53; Allpass House; School Chess Colours; School Chess Captain; Football 3rd XI; State Scholarship.
Don, one of our State Scholars in 1952, stayed on for a third year in the Sixth principally to improve his time for solving the Daily Mail crossword. Most of his notable skills were of this order: he was a mathematician, as far as we could gather, of exceptional ability, and his chess was of an extremely high standard.
He was, however, interested in more athletic sports, gained a place in the 3rd XI for football, and was a proficient umpire in the summer. As a prefect he was efficient and popular.
He is at present at University College, London, working for a Special Degree in Physics. We wish him all the success he undoubtedly deserves in his career.

P. J. MADONNA. 1945-53: Prefect 1951-53; Whittingham House; School Councillor; 2nd XI Cricket Captain; 2nd XI Football; Essex County Major Exhibition.
Peter had a quiet but effective sense of humour, good nature, and was bald in the execution of any enterprise that was risky or fantastic. He had good taste too, which in last year's prefects was, to say the least, unusual. His hard work got him a place at University College, Oxford, which he takes up in 1955, and an Essex County grant. He was a keen, useful cricketer, captaining the School 2nd XI and played football for the 2nd XI too. Potentially he was a very fine actor as all who saw his impressive performance as Jock in a distant Rag Concert well know!
He is now in the R.A.F. in Germany, and we wish him every success there and at Oxford. Good luck, Peter, and 'Scots wha hae.'

C. T. THORNE; 1946-53; Prefect 1952-53; Whittingham House Captain; 1st XI Football, Secretary and Full Colours; 1st XI Cricket and Colours; Essex Grammar Schools' XI; Sports Editor The Bulletin.
All the way through School, Cliff was very quiet, never pushing himself, but doing a very great deal for the School. He was secretary of' the School's football and at centre-half one of the mainstays of the 1st XI. He played also for the Essex Grammar Schools' XI. On the cricket field he was one of the finest fast-medium bowlers the school has had for a long time. He captained Wihittingham ably in his last years, at School and was sports editor of The Bulletin besides.
Cliff was one of the few people you ever meet, whom you could really call modest, and that was his prevailing characteristic:. He had a quiet, sardonic humour, that hurt no one, and his manner was such that everyone agreed with him except, occasionally, an irate history master, for he had a charming attitude towards work, especially history. He was a popular prefect, and well-liked by everyone who knew him, everyone in the School.
We wish him all good fortune in the R.A.F. and in his future career.


Valete 1955

A. CHAMBERS. 1947-54; Prefect, 1953-54; Whittingham House Captain; Librarian.
Alan's happy disposition and quiet nature enabled him to carry out the many tasks assigned to him with efficiency and success. Apart from running the Art Society, he took an active part in the activities of the School Council, the Film Club, the Inter-Schools' Classical Society, the Historical Society, the Debating Society and the Choir.
He also took a considerable interest in sport, especially football and both field and track athletics. His scholastic ability won him a place at St. John's College, Oxford, after he has finished his National Service.

J. I. PRITCHARD. 1946-54 Prefect, 1953-54; Librarian; Secretary of the Dramatic Society.
Pritch's logical reasoning brought a touch of sanity to the more heated arguments frequently to be heard raging in the Prefects' Room.
He will perhaps be best remembered for his stage appearances, which earned him the Alan Chittenden Prize for Dramatics. He made up for his lack of interest in sport by his support of many School Societies. He is now at Birmingham University, continuing his study of English Literature.

A. J. McINTOSH. 1946-54; Prefect, 1953-54; 2nd XI Cricket Captain; Half-colours, Tennis.
Alan's nickname, which need not be mentioned here, seems inexplicable in view of the fact that, during his period of office, he held the singular record of never giving a single noting, which fact will probably earn him "posthumous" honours from the Lower School.
Despite his apparent lack of interest in work, he managed to come top in the country for physics in last year's Civil Service Examinations, and he now holds a place at Sheffield University, where he is probably still showing a far greater interest in sport than in work.

J. M. MOORE. 1947-54; Prefect, 1953-54; Half-colours, Tennis.
Johnny's enthusiasm and love of detail invariably meant that the task on which he was engaged was carried out painstakingly and successfully. His volubility manifested itself in several bewildering outbursts at meetings of the Debating Society and the I.S.D.G., and, as an editor of The Bulletin, he was able to prove his powers of organization.
His other indoor interests were the French Film Club, Short Story and Classical Societies, and the C.E.W.C., and in the sporting field he gained half-colours for tennis and regularly played football and badminton. He is at present on a Russian course in the R.A.F.

D. BABBAGE. 1947-54; Prefect, 1953-54; School Rugby XV.
Don's keenness and jovial disposition made him both an efficient and popular prefect, a combination which is too uncommon. Although he would be the first to admit that he was not in the first flight, he entered into most sports with enthusiasm and enjoyment. For his weight, he had a considerable turn of speed, which enabled him to get into the School Rugby XV, in which he would probably have been quite a success, had it become a more regular feature of School life.

T. J. CANN. 1947-54; Prefect, 1953-54.
Terry, now studying Economics at Cambridge, was well known for his forthright opinions and for his lack of reticence in expressing them. Seldom could he be found not engaged in a heated argument on any subject which happened to crop up and with anyone who happened to be available. The memory of his verbal battles with Ron Tamplin will be cherished by all who heard them. It is not surprising, therefore, that his main interests should be the Debating Society and the I.S.D.G., although he took part in many sporting activities, including athletics, tennis and football.

P. E. CHAPMAN. 1947-54; Prefect, 1954; Vice-captain, Morris; Librarian; School Council.
Not partaking in any sporting activities, Phil extended his energies into more intellectual channels. Vice-Captain of Morris, he was a very efficient Librarian for two years, and a conscientious member of the School Council.
Throughout its all too short life, the French Film Club was indebted to him, as was the "ordinary" Film Club, and he also took an active part in the Dramatic, Operatic, Classical and Short Story Societies and the Choir. After two years in the Army, he will begin training as a teacher at the Westminster Training College.

K. H. CARTER. 1947-54; Prefect, 1953-54; Morris House Captain; Librarian; Editor of The Bulletin; School Council.
Possessed of boundless energy, Kelvin was one of the busiest of prefects, his varied interests embracing almost all branches of School activities. The best interests of the School were always foremost in his thoughts. He ran the Art Society with Alan Chambers, and the Dramatic Society often benefited from his considerable artistic talent when sets or scenery were required.
When one considers that he took part in the School Council, Local Studies' Group, Historical and Classical Societies and was School representative and Chairman of the Walthamstow Junior Accidents' Prevention Council, it is remarkable that he also managed to find time to do enough work to gain a well-deserved place at Reading University, where he is now studying art.

A. J. RUMSEY. 1946-54; School Captain, 1953-54; Mallinson House Captain; Basketball Captain; Cricket half-colours; 2nd XI Football; County Major Scholarship.
To take over the School Captaincy from Michael Twyman was indeed a difficult task, but Tony proved more than equal to it. He carried out all his arduous duties with quiet efficiency, gaining the support and respect of Staff, prefects and the School as a whole by his cheerfulness, conscientiousness and consideration.
A keen sportsman, Tony took part, with considerable success, in all branches of the School's sporting life. During the year in which he was Chairman of the School Council, a pleasing sense of sanity pervaded the meetings. He was also a keen supporter of School societies, and attended meetings of the Debating and Discussion Society, Radio Club and Film Club when he could.
Surprising as it may seem, Tony, also found time to do a considerable amount of work, which gained him a County Major Scholarship and a place at Leeds University, where he is now studying chemical engineering.

M. C. HEAD. 1947-54; Prefect, 1953-54; Chief Librarian; Secretary of the School Council; Secretary of the Debating and Discussion Society; School Representative for C.E.W:C.
Michael, sometimes referred to by less respectful members of the School as 'Big,' had something to do with most things that went on in the School. During the winter, he was often to be seen running about the football field, refereeing junior School matches, while during the summer he provided the 1st XI with an exceptionally neat and efficient scorer. He took part in many Dramatic Society productions, was a keen and regular member of the I.S.D.G., and, in connection with his work for ~C.E.W.C., he once carried the Russian flag in a rally at the Albert Hall.
He was an efficient, if slightly eccentric, prefect, and was one of the most prominent of the colourful body of prefects which held office last year. He will always be remembered in the Prefects' Room because of the name Head, which is carved on the shelf on which he kept his books.

M.I. CASH. 1947-54; Prefect, 1953-54; Spivey House Captain: Librarian; Football colours; State Scholarship.
Martin was fortunate in that, while appearing to waste as much time as the rest of us, he still managed to do more work than most, and so gained outstandingly good results in his Advanced and Scholarship Level examinations. He seemed, however, to possess a spirit which would have been more at home in the body of an adventurer than in a schoolboy. Instead, he gave vent to his exuberance on the football field and in the Prefect's Room. A regular member of the 1st XI football, he also played rugger with great enjoyment, if with little science, on the one occasion when a School team was put into the field. The Prefects' Room misses his cheery manner, lively wit, and unerring aim with any missile which happened to be handy.

I. GLOGOWSKY. 1947-54; Prefect 1954; Librarian; County Major Scholarship.
'Glog's' rather diminutive size and his unpredictable behaviour made him a butt for much prefectorial humour, and would-be 'aggressors ' found in him a worthy rival for their wit. His boundless drive and energy saw the birth and rebirth of many School societies, and apart from his valuable work for the French Film Club, and the Short Story Society, he was a strong prop of the Debating and Discussion Society, the School Council and, above all, the Dramatic Society. He will be deservedly remembered for his performance as Cleopatra, Natalya, the Queen, Casca and in several one act plays.

R: F. WYTON. 1947-54; Prefect, 1953-54; Allpass House Captain; Football Captain; Tennis Captain; Athletics Captain; 1st XI Cricket.
Bob was truly one of the great characters of Monoux. He must be one of the finest all-round sportsmen the School has ever produced, and his very great football ability has been amply rewarded by his numerous appearances in County games. His easy-going nature and immense good humour won him friends, and admirers throughout the School, although certain members of the Staff must often have been a little bewildered by his 'will o' the wisp' act.

D. M. LAUGHARNE. 1946-54; Prefect, 1952-54; Higham House Captain; Swimming Captain; Basketball colours; County Major Scholarship.
Owing to the fact that be 'jumped' a year lower down the School, Malc spent four years in the Sixth form and thus became recognised as an institution, so that, on his passing from our midst, several members of the Staff, and the majority of the School, were heard to exclaim, "What, Laugharne leaving?" An authority on all things electrical, it was rare that he could be seen without a gadget in his hand, and the Prefects' Room seems rather bare without at least one shelf strewn with his weird and wonderful apparatus

D. MILLER. 1946-54; Prefect, 1952-54; Basketball colours; 2nd XI Cricket; 3rd XI Football.
'Meun' (from 'meunier'-miller), apart from his success at basketball, also entered with spirit, if not with as much success, into the fields of football, rugger, cricket, tennis, swimming and athletics. A lively spirit in the Prefects' Room, and indeed throughout the School, he was part originator of many of the interesting diversions which occurred in that most fascinating of rooms. Although a scientist, he did not regard the activities of the more important side of the Sixth form in the way that many scientists do, and he was a regular member of the Debating and Discussion Society, the French Film Club and the Inter-Schools' Discussion Group.


Valete 1956

D. L. JARVIS. School, 1948-55; Deputy School Captain, 1954-55; House Captain, Mallinson House ; Captain of Cricket ; Colours, Essex Grammar Schools' Cricket XI; 1st XI Foot ball and Half-colours ; Secretary of Football and Cricket; Editor of Bulletin; School Council; Senior Circle.
David (more often referred to as 'Jiv', a nickname he disliked heartily) was one of the most outstanding leaders of the School in recent years. There were few aspects of School life with which he had not some connection, but his best work was done as Deputy School Captain and Captain of Cricket. To these jobs, both of which made heavy demands on his time and energies, he brought a devotion and enthusiasm which was an immense help to those above him and an inspiration to those below him.
His real love was the cricket of the School, for he was immensely keen on a game at which he was himself so good. but, although he was one of the School's best batsmen of recent years, it was his emphasis on the team rather than on the individual which made his year as captain such a successful one and, from the players' point of view, such a happy one.
His leaving has left a gap which the School will find it hard to fill, but it can also feel proud to have numbered him amongst its boys.

D. E. JENKINSON. School, 1950-55; Prefect, 1954-55; House Captain, Morris House; School Table Tennis Champion; State Scholarship ; Open Exhibition to Trinity College, Cambridge.
' Jenks ' was one of the best brains the School has had for some years. A tremendous capacity for hard work characterised the whole of his School career and his application was justly rewarded by his high academic success, which he achieved at the remarkably young age of seventeen.
Though he lived, to some extent, in a position of academic isolation, he was never happier than when arguing, and this was particularly true when his opponent was Frank Smith, with whom he had many protracted and vehement verbal tusslesmade more amusing by the fact that very often the arguments on neither side were particularly sound.
He was also an accomplished self-taught pianist, whose interest in music was extensive and enthusiastic. He was also very widely travelled in Europe, a factor which should stand him in good stead in his career at Cambridge.

P. E. GOODMAN. School, 1949-55; Prefect, 1954-5; Captain, Badminton Team; School Tennis and Colours; 2nd XI Football; School Council; County Major Exhibition.
Pete will always be remembered for his reticent smile and his good-natured toleration of much banter. He was always keen on his duty and in his leisure played in many sports in the same steady conscientious way.
To his work, he applied himself with vigour and was awarded as a result a County Major Exhibition. He was respected for always getting his teeth into any job he undertook. We wish him the best of luck therefore in his studies of dental surgery at King's College, London.

A. R. MARSKELL. School, 1948-55; Prefect, 1954-5; Higham House Captain; lst XI Football, Colours and Vice-Captain; l st XI Cricket and Half-Colours; School Basketball and Athletics Teams; School Council; County Major Scholarship.
Alan was best known for his sporting activities. Not only was he proficient in all branches of sport, but also, which is more important, he was by temperament a sportsman of the highest calibre. One cannot speak too highly of his example and leadership.
Together with his sporting activities, Alan combined a great capacity for hard work and, as a result, was awarded a County Major Scholarship. With him go our best wishes for his career in the Executive Civil Service, following his National Service in the Royal Air Force.

R. H. PUGH. School, 1948-55; Prefect, 1954-5; School Athletics Team; Choir, Madrigal Group; School Council.
Bob will be remembered best for his work in the Choir and Madrigal Group where his services, first as a tenor and later as a bass, were much in demand. He never failed to arouse comment by his amorous appendages on Old Vic visits, and his shot-putting efforts have left a deep impression on all, not least on the School field. In the Prefects' Room, he had outstanding success as a spin bowler and he was particularly efficient at making our morning tea. He will be able to increase this proficiency in his chosen career, the Postal Department of the Civil Service, to which he goes with our best wishes.
P. B. SCOTT. School, 1947-55; Prefect, 1954-5; County Major Exhibition.
Peter brought an air of culture into the barbarism of the Prefects' Room. Being a year older than the rest of us, he was considered one apart and his sage advice was often sought. He was happiest when immersed in his Manchester Guardian or when discoursing at length on his favourite subjects, which appeared to be the I.Q. of the salamander and the genetic effects of the hydrogen bomb. Those whom he conveyed regularly to the Old Vic have a great respect for his ability as a driver, although one would have thought that the Highway Code was written in Swahili for all he cared. Though to all appearances (and these were not often) he was a gentleman of leisure, he was awarded a County Major Exhibition and is now studying engineering at Bristol University prior to becoming (as he himself was not slow to testify) a captain of industry.

A. E. STEVENS. School, 1947-55; Prefect, 1954-5; Captain of 2nd XI Football and Cricket; Acting A.S.M., School Scout Troop; Dramatic Society.
Steve had perhaps the most forceful personality amongst the prefects. The frequency with which he relayed the jokes from the Hackney Empire was often exhausting, but at least he was always cheerful. His avid application to duty and his willingness to perform any task was appreciated by all with whom he came into contact.
His acting of the General in The King of Barvender proved that even in a serious play he was, at heart, a comic of great versatility. One of the most remarkable things about him was his writing and it was not uncommon to find three words taking up a whole foolscap line. Like his writing, his overflowing personality has made its mark on Monoux, and our best wishes go to the R.A.F., who with Steve are now encumbered. We cannot help feeling that under his influence some drastic reorganisation is imminent.

W. H. WALKER. School, 1949-55; Prefect, 1954-5; Vice-Captain of Higham House; Secretary, School Council; Editor, The Monovian; County Major Scholarship.
Tubs, coming to the School late from South Africa, was remarkably quick to catch up with and pass his classmates. His tremendous desire for knowledge and amazing capacity for learning were made manifest in his examination successes. He astounded us all by being awarded the Westminster Abbey Service Prize for Religious Knowledge and by passing, on his own initiative, Logic at Ordinary Level.
He was a practical convert of the eminent psychologist, Dr. Jung, and deprecated the decaying morals of his own contemporaries, He was urged on by a pedantic sense of duty and was, as a result, one of the most efficient prefects. As Editor of The Monovian, his extensive vocabulary and command of the English language was given full vent. He will be remembered for his coal-shovel participation in the archaeological "digs" at Salisbury Hall and the Monoux Almshouses.
His locquaciaus admonitions will be missed in the Prefects' Room and he takes with him our best wishes for his service in the R.A.F. and, following that, in the Law profession.

A.W. WILSHAW. School, 1948-55; Prefect, 1954-5; Historical Society.
It is surprising that Wilshaw was not more widely known in the School. He was one of those characters who, whilst not wishing to impose himself upon society, endear themselves to their immediate collegue's by their subtleties.
In the Prefects' Room, he was an excellent mimic, and a keen member of the celebrated chairleg cricket team. His dry humour and touches of sarcasm made light of many awkward situations. He was notorious for his punctuality and his adherence to strict working hours. This should stand him in good stead in his Civil Service career, into which he goes with our best wishes.

Valete 1957

I. MUGRIDGE. School Captain 1954-56; Chairman of the School Council; Captain of Cricket 1956; Captain of Allpass House 1954-56 ; Editor of The Bulletin; Sports Editor of The Monovian 1954-56.
Ian combined a distinguished academic school career with efficiency as School Captain and not inconsiderable prowess at cricket and badminton. He would always list history with music and heraldry as his hobbies, and indeed he had a real appreciation, and a good factual understanding, of history. This has become very apparent to those of us who have followed him in a third year Sixth Form course in History: we are constantly referred to his achievements. But History was not the sole raison d'etre of Ian's school life. He will be remembered for many years because of his interest, and examination successes, in Religious Knowledge.
He took a keen interest in School societies, especially the Senior Circle, the History Society, and the Badminton Club. In 1954 he was on the editorial board of The Bulletin.
With a State Scholarship and a place at Merton College, Oxford, his scholastic future is secure. We wish him the best of luck at Oxford, and we are confident that the splendid qualities displayed in his service to the School will be perpetuated in his years as an undergraduate and in his later career.

C. K. BEAUCHAMP. 1949-56; Prefect, 1955-56 Vice-Captain Spivey House; Captain and Colours, School Football and Athletics; History Society; Senior Circle.
Christopher's quiet efficiency linked with his inspiring leadership made him particularly well suited as School Football Captain, a post which he held for two years. He was also chosen to play for Essex Grammar Schools on several occasions. His enthusiasm was further present in athletics, where he excelled in both track and field events, particularly in the Long jump, where he came second in the Essex Schools Senior Championship.
Chris. had a very keen interest in photography, and took some exceedingly fine photographs of the School's visit to Austria and of the geographers' visit to the Lake District in 1955.
Academically, he showed a lively, argumentative interest in his work, and was rewarded by success in the Civil Service Executive Examination. We wish him the best of success in his career as an auditor in H.M. Government after National Service in the Army.

M. BLACK. 1949-56; Prefect, 1955-56: Vice-Captain, Mallinson House; School Tennis and Basketball Captain; Vice-Captain, Cricket and Football; School Athletics and Badminton; Colours, Football, Tennis and Cricket; Senior Circle; Natural History Society.
Coming from a family of sportsmen, it is hardly surprising that Martin had a natural talent for all branches of sporting activity. Among his successes he played football, cricket and tennis regularly for Essex Grammar Schools, and had once had a large crowd of French girls cheering "Mar-tin, Mar-tin" when the School Team was playing football in Paris. Another side of his sporting interests was his great and fearless love of driving. It was really remarkable how he could pack a whole football team into his little blue van.
On top of his sporting activities, Martin nevertheless managed to do a considerable amount of work, and won a County Major Exhibition. At present he is studying medicine at St. Mary's Hospital, and has prepared himself well in advance for his chosen profession by reading every one of Richard Gordon's novels.

M. DAVEY. 1948-56; Prefect, 1954-56; Spivey House Captain; 2nd XI Football Captain, School Tennis and Athletics; 2nd XI Cricket; Colours, Athletics; Senior Circle; Choir; Madrigal Group; School Council.
'Mick.' must have been one of the most cheerful people in the Prefects' Room. His enthusiasm for all branches of School life and his naturally happy disposition made him one of the most popular prefects. As Spivey Captain, he made a tremendous contribution towards the victory of his house on two successive Sports Days. Mick himself will be remembered for his regular success in The Mile, winning The Old Monovians' Cup for two years in succession.
He also took an active part in School societies, especially the School Council and the Jazz Club. A keen singer, he was also a member of the Choir and Madrigal Group. In lighter vein, he took part in several rag concerts and joined Frank Smith in singing disreputable parodies of the School to the guests at Founder's Day suppers.
At present he is doing his National Service in the R.A.F.

S. C. EWENS. 1948-56; Prefect 1954-56; Laboratory Assistant; School Council; Life-Saving Club.
Stuart's principal interest was physics, and it is his ambition to become a nuclear physicist. In School, he was a very efficient and industrious laboratory assistant. In his spare time he tinkered around with radio sets and was a keen photograher. We are indebted to him for taking the Prefects' photograph last year.
Out of School his activities included the Boy Scouts and ballroom dancing, and at the latter he was exceptionally proficient. He was also a keen swimmer and belonged to the Life-Saving Club.
He will be remembered in the Prefects' Room as the only one of us who ate bread-pudding regularly for sustenance during midmorning break.
He is now studying Physics at Liverpool University.

W. R. GRAY. 1948-56 ; Prefect, 1954-56 ; School Athletics and Basketball; Secretary of the Senior Circle and of the Christian Fellowship ; Chairman of the Religious Discussion Group ; School Council.
Bill will be remembered as a person who took public examinations for pleasure and enjoyment. His love of hard work won him a State Scholarship and three distinctions at Advanced Level. Then he did exceptionally well in an examination at Cambridge, and won a place at St. John's College. He was a great poetry lover, and, though in 6A Science, decided to study for Advanced Level English Literature. After only two terms he took the examination and obtained a very good mark. At the same time, he took the State Scholarship Examination again, just to keep in trim!
His love of hard work showed itself in other fields. He was the Secretary-founder-member of the Christian Fellowship, and as the first secretary of the Senior Circle resurrected the old Debating and Discussion Society into a thriving School activity. In the realm of sport, most of his work was done in the gymnasium where he excelled at Basketball and Gymnastics.
We should like to thank him for the Prefects' Room radio set last year, and wish him the best of luck in the Army and at Cambridge.

M. HALL. 1949-56; Prefect 1955-56; Laboratory Assistant; Secretary of the Natural History Society; Badminton Club.
Michael always gave the impression of being a great lover of the countryside and of wild life. A keen naturalist, he was Secretary of the Natural History Society for two years, and never failed to arrange an interesting and varied programme. His great interest in Botany and Zoology made him particularly well suited for the post of Biology Laboratory Assistant, and he carried out his duties conscientiously and efficiently.
His sporting activities included Badminton and Swimming. In the Prefects' Room he was one of the most skilful cricketers and excellent at sending piledrivers crashing against the door or against somebody's legs.
His love of outdoor life is shown in his choice of an agricultural career. At present he is doing one year's practical training on a farm (where he has already learned to drive a tractor), before going to Wye Agricultural College, University of London.

E. SAYER. 1948-56; Prefect, 1954-56; School Choir; Madrigal Group; Senior Circle; Christian Fellowship; Religious Discussion Group; School Council.
"Ed." in many ways was the philosopher of the Prefects' Room. He was widely read, and showed a real understanding of political philosophy, and he maintained a keen and lively interest in Theology. It is his ambition to enter the Methodist ministry, and already he has done much work in this direction as a lay preacher. It is not surprising that his main interests in School were the Christian Fellowship (of which he was a founder member) and the Religious Discussion Group.
Another of his interests was singing, and his voice had enriched not only the School Choir, but also Billy Graham's Choir at Harringay. " Ed." always claimed that he enjoyed walking, and had once proved this to us by walking home from Sadler's Wells. He was keen on gardening, and for a vacation job obtained the post of temporary assistant gardener at Whipps Cross Hospital.
He has now gone up to the University College of North Staffordshire.

P. HARRIS. 1948-56; Prefect, 1954-56; Vice-Captain, Higham; School Badminton and Tennis; School Council ; Senior Circle; Natural History Society.
Harris, known alternately as either " Pete " or "Reg.", was one of the quieter members of the Prefects' Room, but the conscientious way he applied himself to his duty compelled respect amongst all.
In his leisure, he played in many sports in the same steady, diligent way, and proved himself a very useful School tennis player. He had also represented the School at Badminton on frequent occasions.
As Vice-Captain of Higham, he regularly represented his house on the School Council, and his comments helped to lend a pleasing touch of sanity to many of the discussions.
Out of School, he took a keen interest in Politics, and was a faithful member of the Young Conservatives. At present he is in the R.A.F., and after National Service hopes to study for the dental profession.

F.M.L. SMITH. 1948-56; Prefect, 1954-56; Mallinson Captain; Secretary of the School Council; Bulletin Editor; History Society; Senior Circle; School Choir; Madrigal Group.
There can be few activities of the School with which Frank did not have some connection. His ability as a speaker was given full vent in the History Society, in the Senior Circle, and in debating and verse recitation competitions.
He took a great interest in Dramatics both in and out of School, and gave one of his best performances as "Algernon" in The Importance of Being Ernest.
As Secretary of the School Council and as Cricket scorer, his neat, copperplate writing was very evident, and put to shame the efforts of even the most tidy writers.
His lively personality found expression best in rag concerts and in the entertainment which he organised for Founder's Day suppers. He was never happier than when playing one of his own compositions at the piano or when singing ditties by Noel Coward.
In his spare time, he was an A.S.M. in the Boy Scouts and had once paraded before the Queen at Windsor.
He will be remembered in the Prefects' Room for the paternal advice which he frequently administered to his less serious colleagues. He is now no doubt making his mark on University College, Oxford, where he is reading Geography.

A. SNOW. 1948-56; Prefect, 1954-56; School Athletics and Tennis; Jazz Club; Senior Circle.
Alan or 'Schniz,' a nick-name given to him by Davey for no apparent reason, was another of those cheerful personalities who are rarely seen without a smile on their faces. His keen sense of humour was very welcome to us., and it was to his credit that he could find something amusing in even the most serious arguments. It is for this reason that those few, serious arguments we did have never remained serious for very long
Alan was a keen athlete and excelled especially at the discus, in which he broke the School record last Sports Day.
He was a keen supporter of School dances and will best be remembered for the bow-tie which he sported on such occasions. We wish him and his bow-tie the best of luck at Durham University, where he is studying Physics.

Valete 1958

P. K. SEN. 1949-57; Prefect 1955-57; Captain, Whittingham House; Secretary of the School Council; Editor of The Monovian 1955-56 ; Senior Circle; Religious Discussion Group; History Society. State Scholarship.
Sen was a very versatile member of the prefectorial body, but his versatility often made a conversation very confusing, for he could alternate between the sublime and the ridiculous with amazing alacrity. One moment he would be discussing the relative merits of various symphony orchestras and the next he would be giving a short resume of the activities of "The Balls Pond Road Jazz Club" and the music section of "The South Putney Band of Hope", of which he was a very keen patron.
He frequently dazzled the Senior Circle and the Religious Discussion Group with brilliant displays of rhetoric, and this probably accounts for his success as the School's representative on the C.E.W.C. As Editor of The Monovian he showed that he could write both humorously and with balanced, well-reasoned arguments.
Despite all these interests Sen found time to work very hard, and so earned himself a State Scholarship: He claims that he has, experienced more University entrance examinations and interviews than any other person in the School. But his proudest boast is that he has a sample of notepaper from every college in Oxford and Cambridge. However, his perseverance has beev rewarded, for in October he is going up to Wadham College, Oxford, where he will read Politics, Philosophy and Economics.
He announced on leaving that he had finally completed his book entitled "The Sandwich-Eaters of Upper Mongolia". He has promised to present an autographed copy to the Library.

T. A. J. HUTCHINSON. 1949-57: Prefect 1956-57; Captain, Morris House; School Basketball team and 2nd XI Football; Senior Circle; Religious Discussion Group. County Major Award.
For spontaneous wit there must have been few people at Monoux who have surpassed Hutchinson.
'Ned', or more plainly 'Hutch', has delighted audiences both in the Senior Circle and in various other functions such as the Rag Concert. It was therefore not surprising that his natural good humour quickly made him the most popular prefect.
But he put more store by football and was a member of the Second Eleven for three years. He enjoyed the game better than anyone and his enthusiasm and high spirits undoubtedly helped towards the team's great success. He also willingly used to attend to the more tedious aspects of the matches such as ordering the buns and washing up.
He has gained a place at Birmingham University and hopes eventually to become a civil engineer. After his efforts on their behalf, many first formers no doubt feel that he would better to devote himself to the teaching of mathematics!
Our very best wishes go with 'Hutch', and we rest assured that he will enjoy his future career just as much as he obviously enjoyed his career at Monoux.

A. M. MAGNUS.. 1949-57; Prefect 1956-57; Chief Librarian; Senior Circle; Religious Discussion Group; History Society; Stamp Club; School Council; Editor, The Bulletin. County Major Scholarship.
It was not long after he came to the School in 1949 that Alan Magnus realised the opportunities offered by Monoux. He resolved to make the best of them he could. First and foremost he was an idealist; he put the utmost effort into, everything he did and expected everyone else to do the same. Both as Editor of The Bulletin and as Chief Librarian he tried to instil a sense of responsibility into his staff. The result was that The Bulletin was of a consistently high standard and was published with unfailing regularity, and that the Library was always in excellent order.
But his enthusiasm was shown in other fields as well. He was a very conscientious Prefect, and he became influentially involved in the Stamp Club, the School Council, the Senior Circle, and the Religious Discussion Group.
He achieved very good results in the Advanced level of the G.C.E., and then excelled himself by obtaining a place at Worcester College, Oxford, where he will read law. We congratulate him on his well-deserved success, and wish him good fortune in his future career.

E. R. NORMAN: School Captain 1956-7; Prefect 1955-7; Chief Editor of The Bulletin; Chairman of the School Council; Founder-member of the History Society; Committee member of the Senior Circle; Secretary, late Chairman, of the Religious Discussion Group; Librarian; State Scholarship 1956; Open Scholarship 1957.
It becomes very evident from the above list that in Ted lay the rare qualities of moral leadership of the highest, degree married to a brilliant academic prowess which culminated in his being awarded an Open Scholarship in History to Selwyn College, Cambridge, in March 1957. Coming to Monoux in 1951 from Chatham House Grammar School, Ted manifested his qualities of leadership and initiative in many ways; from the list of attainments and honours before us we can see that he played a major part in several societies, attended an Oxford Conference in 1955, and in addition he was awarded the Isobel May Robinson Prize for an essay on 'Essex Monastic Houses' in 1956, a Lord McEntee Memorial Youth Prize in 1956, and a George Monoux Exhibition in 1957, and in his office as School Captain, his purposeful approach to the often onerous duties was an inspiration to the rest of the School, and put the finishing touches to a distinguished career.
Ted was possessed of a certain self-confidence, and managed to attain some measure of discipline in the Prefects' Room where he vigorously discouraged all forms of barbarism such as football, cricket, table-tennis and occasionally even the celebrated wall game.
At the moment, Ted is teaching while waiting to enter Selwyn College in October, 1958, where success will undoubtedly be his.

J. ALLISON: 1950-57; Prefect 1957; Librarian; School Council; Dramatic Society; Senior Circle; Religious Discussion Group; County Major Exhibition.
Allison was only a Prefect for a short while, but the impact of his quietly studious reasoning was very noticeable whenever Prefects' Room arguments became rather too heated. Efficiency was his god and whether as a Prefect, or, earlier, as a Librarian, he always strove for perfection in this respect, both in himself and in others.
By the School in general, however, he will be remembered for his work in connection with dramatics. Whether in comedy or tragedy he always contrived to be convincing, and his ability was rewarded by his gaining the Alan Chittenden Prize for Dramatics. It was often said of him that he was not interested in sport. True he took no active part himself, but he was a most efficient House Whip at both Sports' Day and the Swimming Gala. His dry wit frequently enlivened meetings of the School Council, and it is certain that he will make his presence felt in any discussions that may develop at the London School of Economics, where he is now studying.

A. K. DELAMORE: 1950-57; Prefect 1956-57; Mallinson House Captain; 2nd XI Cricket; 2nd VI Tennis; School Basketball Team; School Council; Senior Circle; County Major Exhibition.
Popular with virtually everybody, an almost unique feat for a Prefect, "Doll" was very efficient and could always be relied upon to give a hand whenever some particular onerous duty cropped up.
Quiet by nature, when he did speak, his opinions were always well thought out and an accurate commentary on the matter under discussion.
But it is for his activity in sporting spheres that he will be best remembered, for, throwing caution about his immaculately groomed hair to the winds, he entered keenly into nearly every game he could find to try. He was particularly adept in that brand of table tennis peculiar to the Prefects' Room and in basketball he was one of the School team's leading scorers. His sportsmanship was such as to command admiration, for he was never to be observed uttering criticism or a cross word about officials or opponents in any of the games he played.
He has obtained a place at Wye College, where he will study horticulture.

B. S. DURHAM: 1950-57; Prefect 1956-57; Morris House Captain; 1st XI Football and Captain 2nd XI; School Chess Team and Colours; School Athletics Team; School Council; Senior Circle.
Enthusiasm was the most apparent aspect of " Stew's " character. Once interested in a subject he would wholeheartedly devote his energies to it until such time as he was satisfied with his achievement. He was an inspiration behind the long undefeated run of the Second Eleven Football Team, and a very successful member of the Chess Team. It was not generally realised that, although only playing on a low board at Monoux, he was a regular member of the Essex Junior Team, at a time when competition for places was extremely keen. As Morris House Captain, he threw himself, almost literally, with great vigour into inter-house competitions, excelling in Pinball. His ability as a debater was first-rate, for his intense sincerity when moved to speak gave him the inspiration that his enthusiasm gave in other spheres. On leaving to begin a career in the City, he was passionately interested in Skiffle, even to the
extent of having a special haircut. Knowing him, it is not difficult to imagine that he will make a great success both of his career and of his hobby.

C. G. M. HOPTROFF: 1954-1957; Prefect 1955-57; Captain 2nd XI Cricket; School Badminton Team; School Council; Senior Circle; County Major Scholarship.
Although he did not arrive at Monoux until the Sixth form, "Hoppy " was one of the best-known and most popular of Prefects. In the Prefects' Room his special province was the radio set, so essential to the School during Test Matches, and only he seemed able to coax any sounds from the confused jumble of wires and valves that perched on his shelf.
Another whose interest in sport was great, he was the most able Second Eleven Cricket Captain for many years, being respected by every member of his team. The Badminton Club also benefited from his playing as well as organising ability, and here again he earned the high regard of all who came into contact with him. Outside School he was interested in Scouting (he was a Queen's Scout) and Lacrosse.
In spite of his many interests, he still found sufficient spare time to secure a County Major Scholarship and a place at Imperial College, London.

G. P. JACOBS: 1949-57; Prefect 1956-7; Higham Vice-Captain; School Tennis Captain and Colours; School Badminton Captain and Colours; 2nd XI Cricket; School Basket-ball Team; 2nd XI Football; School Council; Senior Circle; Chess Club; County Major Scholarship.
There are two things which distinguished Geoff from other Prefects, his conspicuous ginger hair and the incredibly large number of nicknames that he bore. To these must be added the fact that he was an incredibly successful all-rounder in the field of sport. School champion at Tennis, Table Tennis, and Badminton, he was also a fine, robust basketball player, a devil-may-care cricketer, a tank-like full back, and an above-average chess player.
In addition, he was a great humorist and had the Prefects' Room in fits of laughter even more frequently because of his wit than because of the regular sneezing fits that it was his misfortune to have to endure. His habit of ending discussions by emitting a perfectly ridiculous remark was merely a cover behind which a shrewd calculating mind was in action, as anyone who heard him speak at School Council meetings would agree.
Geoff has secured a place at Leeds University, where he is studying Economics.

A. E. STEEL: 1949-57; Prefect 1956-57; Whittingham House Captain; Librarian; School Council; Senior Circle; Secretary of Religious Discussion Group; County Major Exhibition.
Because of his rather small stature, "Mouse," whose nickname was perhaps the most used in the long history of the Prefects' Room, was the target for virtually all the practical jokes by the School in general on the Prefects and by the Prefects on each other; indeed, his favourite pastime seemed to be lying on the floor with a wastepaper basket on his head. But his perpetual good humour brought him through all these narrow squeaks with a smile, and hardly a minute passed without his deep throaty laugh that bade everyone else join in. In spite of all he had to take in the way of jokes, he always remained cheerful and was never vindictive or bore a grudge, though often he had every right to do so. He was an efficient and unquestionably popular Prefect whose motto was perseverance. This was shown by his devotion to the duties of house captaincy, and by his myriad attempts to pass Maths. at "O" level.
He is now studying at Leeds University with the intention of becoming a teacher. All who have heard him speak, particularly at the Religious Discussion Group, will know how well suited for this vocation he is.

A. CALLEN: 1949-54, 1955-57; Prefect 1955-57-57; Allpass House Captain; 1st XI Football; Athletics Team and Colours; Basket-ball Captain; Librarian; Senior Circle; County Major Exhibition.
Tony had one of those nicknames one does not print, although its origins were clouded in mystery. He excelled in Gymnastic activity and it was a great blow to the School when he left at the end of the Fifth form. So strong was the attraction of Monoux, however, that, after a year, he returned to continue his education. By the Prefects he will be remembered for his aggressiveness, which regularly led to bouts of wrestling or fisticuffs, and for his reasoning style of argument which he always managed to make sound ruthlessly logical, even though it seldom was. Yet it is for his achievements on the Athletic field that he will receive accolades from the School. A triple champion on Sports Day on three occasions, he was always perfectly fit. It was quite a common occurrence to find him walking on his hands around the Prefects' Room just for a change.
Southampton University has been lucky enough to welcome him within its walls, where already his gymnastic ability has made an impression. He is reading French.

B. J. BUTLER: 1950-57; Prefect 1956-57; 1st XI Football and Colours; Senior Circle; Jazz Club and School Skiffle Group; County Major Exhibition.
Though a capable and industrious student, "Jim" was best known in the School for his exploits on the football field, where he played a large part in the success of last year's first eleven. The determination and perseverance so characteristic of his football stood him in good stead in his favourite pastime of cycling, for he managed to achieve considerable success in racing competitions despite the limited time he was able to devote to training.
In his last year at School, "Jim" joined the School Skiffle Group as a banjoist, in which capacity he has became very proficient. (To those interested, he will gladly render a solo from "Putting on the Style" or a lengthy and detailed explanation of diminished sevenths and the like.) In spite of the energy with which he pursued his skiflling activities, he somehow fitted in sufficient study to gain a County Major Award as the results of his "A" Level examinations.
Since leaving School he has, up to the time of writing, been leading the life of a "gentleman of leisure" (his own term), but intends to go to University, where we can be sure, he will display the same purposefulness and enthusiasm by which his lively School career is remembered.

Valete 1959

D. J. WILSON: 1950-58; Deputy School Captain, 1957-8; Prefect, 1956-7; Captain, Higham House; Vice-Chairman, School Council; 1st XI Cricket; Editor, The Monovian; Chief Librarian; Senior Circle; Religious Discussion Group; County Major Award.
Silent on more trivial topics of conversation, "D.J." (as he was known to all) entered with relish and biting humour any discussion that promised serious exercise for his powers of debate and mental capacity; particularly when lesser men dared to venture opinions on politics, punctuation, or T. S. Eliot. Upon life's most serious subject, he was recognised as the Prefects' Room expert-an achievement in itself-for his methods of cadging, cajoling and cudgelling money from his unfortunate fellows as payment for the photographs he produced in large batches with almost monotonous regularity were such as not to have disgraced even the Inland Revenue; but he always gave value for money.
In spite of this passion for money-making, "D.J." was able to spare the time to keep wicket for the First Eleven Cricket after a very successful year as Second Eleven Captain and contrived to make himself easily the most efficient soccer referee in the School. As a prefect and, later, as Deputy School Captain, he scorned to seek popularity and yet attracted it in no small measure. Seeing duties, however unpleasant, as wholly necessary, he carried out all his tasks with skill and was highly respected both by his fellow Prefects and the School. He is shortly to go to St. Andrew's University to read English.

D. J. BALL: 1950-57; Prefect, 1956-7; Mallinson House Captain; 2nd XI Football; Swimming Team; School Council; County Major Award.
Dave was a scientist, and this was reflected in the way in which he approached life in general. He was careful and methodical, and this was the main reason why he was appointed to the responsible, lucrative post of physics laboratory assistant. He was also of a most inventive turn of mind as was shown by the numerous complicated and thoroughly confusing games which he managed to introduce into the otherwise genteel atmosphere of the Prefects' Room.
He was a very keen sportsman, his favourite relaxation being swimming, at which he excelled. In addition he was a skilled model engineer, specialising in small gauge railways, and he would often spend hours planning alterations and improvements to his track.
A quiet, studious, meticulously neat worker, he well deserved the success which came his way in his examinations and it was not. nncxhected when he was offered a place in the Engineering Department of Leeds University, where he will go next October.

P. K. H. BROWN: 1950-57; Prefect, 1956-7; Whittingham House Captain; Captain of Cricket 1957 and Colours; Chess Team and Colours; 2nd XI Football; School Council; Senior Circle; County Major Award.
"Ben" was the quiet giant of the Prefects' Room. He rarely raised his voice but if, as sometimes happened, he was provoked he never argued verbally, he just hurled the first thing that came to hand, be it a book or a fellow prefect. "Ben" running amok was always a most awesome sight. It is believed that he gained this surplus energy from the large quantity of potato crisps which he consumed every day.
His first love is cricket and as those who read the report in the last Monovian will know, he was by far the best all-round cricketer that the School has had for some time. It was not surprising that he won such a large range of representative honours.
Apart from his love of sport, "Ben" was apparently very capable of doing whatever it is they do in the laboratories, for he gamed a County Major Award and a place at Sheffield University where he will study chemical engineering.

M. A. McCoLGAN: 1950-58; Prefect, 1956-58; Higham House Captain; Secretary, School Council; Secretary, Senior Circle; 1st XI Football and Colours; lst XI Cricket, half-colours;
Basketball Captain; 2nd VI Tennis; School Athletics Team; School Chess Team; Reserve State Scholarship.
As can be seen by the above list, "Mac" was a person of remarkably diverse interests. It seemed that no matter where he turned his varied talents, success always came his way. As a prefect he found that he rarely had to resort to punishments; in his opinion the well-timed admonishment delivered forcefully was equally as effective as any number of notings. His organising ability was demonstrated by the zeal with which he pursued his duties as Secretary to the Senior Circle and Football Secretary.
Such was his physique (he stood 6ft. 3ins.) and his natural aptitude for sports that he did well in almost every game in which he took an interest, but I think that it would be accurate to say that football was his true metier.
"Mac" can wield a very skilful pen and readers of recent editions of The Monovian will remember his thoughtful poems. He has a definite flair for languages and this led to his achieving good results in the G.C.E. and being awarded a Reserve State Scholarship.
He is now gaining teaching experience before going up to Reading University to read modern languages.

I. M. PEMBERTON: 1950-57; Prefect, 1957; lst XI Cricket; 2nd XI Football; Librarian.
"Wog" was one of those people you could not but notice for he brought his own inimitable casual approach to everything he did. Whether as prefect or sportsman he always seemed to be taking his time even to the extent of being lethargic at times, and yet inevitably he would complete his task or arrive in the right place with as much alacrity as others who made an outward show of speed. From his approach to Cricket, always his first love, it was readily apparent that he was an admirer of Trevor Bailey, for both his immaculate run-up as a bowler and his splendid coiffeur were closely reminiscent of the Essex all-rounder.
In School he impressed all by his diligence and his devotion to the tasks that confronted him. His hard work as dinner-hour librarian throughout his sixth-form career has had its reward, for he has taken up library work as a career. Presumably he will eventually be in charge of the section for casual readers.

J. H. WILSON: 1950-57; Prefect, 1957; 1st XI Football; lst XI Cricket and half-colours; Senior Circle; Librarian.
"Hen" believed in taking life easily and in letting troubles and joys come to him rather than seeking them out. Nothing, it seemed, could ruffle him or distract him from his path once he had decided upon it and these qualities made him particularly well suited for his favourite hobby, fishing, on which he could yarn for hours. He was possessed of a dry, drawling wit which frequently came into action to punish those who drew too rapid conclusions from his sleepy airs.
On the sports field, however, there was a complete transformation; Rip van Winkle became a steam engine centre-forward, an astute fast-medium bowler and a sound bat.
As a prefect and student "Hen" was diligent without flourish, frequently surprising the savants around him with the wideness of his knowledge and the depth of his thought. It is trite to say that one never heard ill of him, but in this case it is also true, for although the target for many gibes, Henry was well liked by all. He intends to make a career for himself as a Civil Service Executive and there can be no doubt that he will succeed.

J. R. COOKE: 1950-58; Prefect, 1956-8; Morris House Captain; Vice-Captain, Cricket 1957 and half-colours; Captain, 2nd XI Football; Captain of Chess, and Colours; Vice-Captain, School
Basketball team; Editor, The Bulletin; Senior Circle; Chairman, Religious Discussion Group; School Council; County Major Award.
Reg. had an extremely wide range of interests, so wide that even the above list cannot possibly do him justice. He was well read and this, with the wealth of experience gained in his activities outside School, made him a force to be reckoned with in the cut and thrust of the many Prefects' Room arguments, particularly those on religious topics. He was never afraid to criticise if he thought it was warranted; in fact, he once described himself as "an aggressive cynic".
Reg.'s enthusiasm for sport is shown by the variety of games in which he took an active part. He was particularly fond of cricket though it was never certain whether the game itself or the associated liquid refreshment was the main attraction. But there is no doubt that chess was his true sphere of influence. He was the School's acknowledged expert as is shown by the wide variety of representative honours which he gained during his School career.
As a prefect he was extremely efficient (a somewhat rare phenomenon) and he was always willing to volunteer to do the less tasteful but always necessary tasks which are included in the prefect's duties.
Reg. has now joined the ranks of the "city gents" who make the daily pilgrimage to Leadenhall Street. There is no doubt that he will soon make his presence felt in no uncertain manner.

Valete 1960

School 1950-8. School Captain 1957-8. Spivey House Captain. School Athletics Captain. School Tennis Captain. lst XI Football. 2nd XI Cricket. School Basketball Team. Chairman, School Council. Librarian. Senior Circle. County Major Scholarship.
By nature a retiring, unobtrusive person, Geoff nevertheless had the personality to become a splendid School Captain. He was dominant in the Prefects' Room, and a disciplinarian in the corridors; yet he was liked and respected by all. He enlivened the Prefects' Room with his keen sense of humour which he combined with a keen sense of duty to the School. We shall remember him. Not only was he known for his work in the academic sphere, but also for his prowess on the sports field. Although he devoted himself with enthusiasm to the lst XI, he also shone as an athlete and a tennis player, being Captain of both.
He is now studying Fine Arts at the University of Reading, in company with the "bearded weirdies" and red shirts (late of Monoux). He was famed for his art at Monoux, and we are sure that Geoff will be extremely successful in his future career.

School 1951-9. School Captain 1958-9. Allpass House Captain. Captain lst XI Football. 2nd XI Cricket. School Athletics team. Senior Circle. Dramatic Society.
Ray has one indomitable trait in his character which enables him to succeed where many others fail, namely, his will to win; he has an unusual confidence in his own ability, but is well aware of his limitations, when he is sure he is very, very sure, but when he is not, he is silent. He is a very likeable person and easily makes friends. His interests are diverse and it is difficult to find a topic of conversation of which he has no knowledge at all. Ray is a man of many sports from the bowling green to the football field and the swimming pool to the tennis court or cricket pitch. He is by no means devoid of innate ability. in any of these fields and in soccer especially he proved this point by being awarded Essex Grammar Schools' XI colours. Entering the Dramatic Society late in his School career, Ray found immediate success in the exacting title role of Moliere's L'Auare and later in the difficult part of the father of Rattigan's The Winslow Boy. It cannot be said that public speaking came easily to him but by his intense concentration and ability to intone almost any mood with his flexible voice, he won the Allpass Prize for Verse Speaking almost every year of his School life. Ray is an undeniably colourful character, a likeable personality, and one whose enthusiasm is easily aroused. He proved his academic ability by being elected to a commonership as a result of the Scholarship Examination of St. Catherine's Society, Oxford, where we wish him every success.

School 1952-9. Prefect 1958-9. Higham House Vice-Captain. Physics Laboratory Assistant. Science Society. Dramatic Society. Essex County Major Exhibition.
Peter was an elusive fellow and one who rather avoided the limelight, preferring to withdraw to the sanctum of the physics laboratories. Probably for this reason he was not as notorious in the School as some of his fellow prefects. None the less, when one. got to know him, one realised that his apparent reticence was misleading, for his dry humour in the Prefects' Room and his subtle interpretation of comedy on the stage, revealed another, much brighter, side to his character. At lunch time one would always find Peter, a dedicated abstainor from School dinners, quietly but determindedly, eating his way through a stack of sandwiches, seated in the most comfortable armchair in the room; in these moments Peter was contentment personified. The 4.5- -4.30 p.m. patrol, which he made his own, will no doubt bring him back many memories. Always helpful and reliable, Peter, I am sure, will make a quiet, yet forceful impression wherever he goes.

School 1951-9. Prefect 1958-9. Whittiugham Housc Captain. Vice-Captain of Football and Cricket. Essex Granunar Schools' Cricket Team. School Chess Team. School Council. Essex County Major Exhibition.
His indomitable high spirits and constant sense of humour were two qualities which ensured Rex's popularity throughout the School. In the Prefects' Room, his exuberance proved most infectious, and a prefect returning from the most trying duty could not help but be revived when faced with Rex's broad grin. But Rex was far more than just a humorist. His prowess on the sports field clearly showed his versatility; not only was he Vice-Captain of the School Football lst XI, to which he became a great source of strength, but he was also Vice-Captain of the School Cricket lst XI, and it was his skill as a wicketkeeper which earned him a place in the Essex Grammar Schools' XI. The Prefects' Room has many scars to show how keen Rex was on keeping in training. Despite his very full time-table, Rex was able to devote some serious time to study, being awarded a County Major Exhibition, and I am sure he is looking forward to a most enjoyable and successful stay at Liverpool University.

School 1952-9. Prefect. School Athletics Captain and Colours 1st XI Cricket. Librarian. History Society. Essex County Major Exhibition.
Tony will probably mostly be remembered in the School for his athletics; summer or winter, his track suit and running spikes, strewn around the Prefects' Room, were a reminder that, as far as athletics were concerned, Tony knew no seasons. On this score, I suspect his departure will not cause the cleaners too much grief. His keenness, however, proved most rewarding during his last year as School Athletics Captain, when he not only created six School records and staggered under the weight of six cups on Sports Day, but later succeeded in covering the mile in 4 min. 30 secs-proof enough of his dedication to the sport. Yet Tony still found time for the other games and was a regular member of the School Cricket 1st XI. Primarily a sportsman, he nevertheless proved both a conscientious prefect and student, gaining a County Major Exhibition. This ability to combine study with high sporting achievement, should prove a great asset toTony at Durham University, where he is to spend his next three years.

School 1951-9. Prefect 1957-9. Allpass House Whip. Secretary, History Society and Jazz Club. State Scholarship.
Michael, with his own distinctive personality, was prominent among the prefects; prominent in leadership and prominent in work. Although often intent to hide his fervency under a cloak of mild cynicism, a faculty which never failed to add a certain piquancy to discussions in the Prefects' Room, Michael threw himself with enthusiasm into most activities in the School. Uninterested in sport, he devoted much of his spare time to the History Society and jazz Society and it was his leadership of the latter, which led him to organise the now well-known Monoux jazz Band Balls; their success, socially as well as financially, was a credit to Michael's originality and imagination. It was these last two qualities; coupled with his natural ability, which brought Michael to some unusual scholastic heights. He was awarded a State Scholarship and gained entrance for 1960 to Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, to study Modern Languages. During his last year he achieved the rare feat of passing 'O' level Spanish in a term and 'A' level within the year. As a result he is spending a year at the University of Barcelona. Michael's future is bright and with his evident sagacity, I feel sure he will fully realise his potentialities.

School 1951-9. Vice-School Captain, 1958-9. Mallinson House Captain. School Cricket Captain. School Basketball team. Vice-Chairman, School Council. Dramatic Society. Open Scholarship in Natural Sciences to Wadham College, Oxford. Shell Student Apprenticeship.
Norman commanded the respect of the whole School. As ViceCaptain he was scrupulously fair, always ready to accept responsibility and in the performance of his duties he proved invaluable. In the Prefects' Room, once one penetrated his somewhat reserved exterior, one found that Norman's interests were extremely diverse. On the sports field, he completed three seasons in the School Cricket lst XI, captaining the side during his last year. Although studying science, he showed a great interest in the arts. He was an active member of the Dramatic Society and played many parts in School productions. He will probably mostly he remembered for liis cxcellent portrayal of the K.C. In The Winslow Boy. Norman's love of music was omnipresent; his own painting and piano playing were of a high calibre. Indeed, I am sure, many prefects are still fighting for the publication rights of a most delightful piece of music which Norman composed and which was often heard in the Prefects' Room. Scholastically Norman was an imposing figure; He was awarded a County Major Scholarship - in competition with boys from the entire country, he won a Shell Studentship - and finally gained an Open Scholarship to Wadham College, Oxford. Academically brilliant in sciences, with strong artistic inclinations, Norman possesses a rare quality and I am sure it is with the utmost confidence that he can look forward to a full, successful future.

School 1957-9. Prefect 1958-9. Librarian. Senior Circle.
Sid came to Monoux at the beginning of the Sixth Form, having transferred from Heathcote County Secondary School, where he had held the post of Head Boy. Within a few months of his arrival he had become one of the best-liked members of the Sixth. It says much for his personality that he was appointed Prefect only a year after joining the School. As a Prefect he was quiet and universally popular, conscientious and efficient. Outside School his main interest was cycling. Although still of junior status he was already a good class time trialist over 25 and 50 miles. His Advanced Level work curtailed his training and racing, but he may yet reach the top rank in his sport. With his capacity for hard work, his keenness and his sympathetic personality, Sid is assured of success in his chosen vacation, teaching. All wish him a happy time at Coventry Training College, where he will spend the next two years.

School 1952-9. Prefect 1958-9. Senior Circle. Gym. Club. Dramatic Society. School Scout Troop, P.L.(S). Reserve County Major Exhibition.
Jim among the Prefects was a giant among gods, and on the gods and their Olympus he left his mark. The floor-boards above the weak joist in the Prefects' Room suffered their worst depression at his feet; the stone floor of the corridor quaked in sympathy with the recalcitrant juniors who roused his wrath. Jim took part with vigour in most sports, although he would be the last to claim that he excelled in any. He was a keen gymnast, played basketball and tennis with enthusiasm, and threw himself into a game of cricket. On one occasion he played football for the 2nd XI. But athleticism was not his only interest, as those of us who had the pleasure of seeing him in Twelfth Night well remember. Playing Feste, he displayed a charming sensitivity, although this did not altogether surprise those who knew him really well. His acting ability, combined with his melodious singing, left a lasting impression.
He is now applying his ever-inquiring mind to helping Ford's with their output of 2,000 cars a day, and we wish him every success.

School 1951-9. Prefect 1958-9. Higham House Captain. Secretary, Badminton. 2nd XI Cricket and Football. School Athletics Team. Secretary, School Council. Natural History Society. Dramatic Society. Prefects' Photographer. Biology Laboratory Assistant.
Christened "Flash" by Mr. Jones, as a result of his nefarious photographic activities, Roger has been called the epitome of prefectship. His brisk manner and thoroughness were ideally suited to the extremely difficult job of cleaning up after that peculiarly animal-like sect, the Biology Sixth. His cheery manner and his undoubted aptitude for creating his own vocabulary never ceased to entertain his fellow prefects. He was conscientious in the performance of his duty and a great help in the everyday running of the School.
He revealed a latent dramatic talent which led him to give a brilliant performance of a certain gentleman in the Rag Concert, assisted only by cloth cap, glasses and broom. This led in turn to his being chosen to play Dickie in The Winslow Boy, a part which he performed with competence and without affectation. His personality and his Moped should carry him far.

H. MARCOVITCH: School 1953-59; Prefect 1959; Secretary School Council; Biology Lab. Assistant; Editor Monovian ; Essex County Major Scholarship.
Before Harvey left there was much speculation as to the effect of his departure on the Prefects' Room. The result is now obvious, for rarely can there have been such an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity in that now battered but victorious haven. However, this flamboyant, even reckless, but always amusing character has left an unfillable gap in the prefectorial ranks. Here we would remind him that there is also a gap in the window-sill which needs filling.
Returning to more or less serious matters, the part Harvey played in enlivening and enrichening the life of the School will not be forgotten for a long time. He was Secretary of the School Council, wrote regularly for the Monovian and Bulletin, and was a brilliant, if irreverent and irrelevant debater. He was a competent if eccentric prefect and a resourceful laboratory assistant when not looking for the keys which he lost regularly and at the end of his term of office permanently. Despite more important matters he managed to do very well at advanced level and obtained an Essex County Major Scholarship and a place at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, Where he will continue his political feud with another "character" in the prefectorial body.
Two reasons exist far Harvey's premature exit from School life. First, he wanted to study his chosen profession of medicine from the inside and consequently he is now either cheering up or killing off the patients of a London hospital. Secondly, he always felt himself far above the mere mortals in the Prefects' Room and was determined to have his Vale to himself. We hope he is satisfied and are sorry that we are unable to enter into any correspondence or to accept any legal responsibility regarding the longest Vale of all time, which was his heart's desire.

Valete 1961

D. L. W. ASHTON : (1952-60). Prefect 1958-9. School Captain 1959-60. Editor of The Monovian. Chairman School Council Senior Circle. History Society. European Club.
The lot of a School Captain is not the easiest and David applied himself with considerable energy to the efficient carrying-out of his duties. On this account his prefects set a high standard throughout the School; and his own ever-unruffled personality provided a guiding light for the rest of us. His slight stature certainly belied his powers of leadership.
For all his remarkable qualities (including his recitations from W. S. Gilbert's Bab Ballads!) he will probably be remembered most for his skill as a debater - not skill but rather genius. He was endowed with a remarkable combination of felicity of expression and most apt command of language; his knowledge of current affairs was particularly extensive and an argument with David gave no prospect of victory.
In spite of his duties, first as a prefect and then later as School Captain, he managed to attain a very high academic standard, his wide knowledge of English Literature gaining him a place at Pembroke College, Oxford, early in his sixth-form career.
David's devotion to the "Europe-a-Nation" idea led ultimately to the formation of the European Club of which he was a founder member.
His success as Captain of the School and the magnetic effect of his personality will leave an enduring impression at Monoux. In wishing him good luck at Oxford (and beyond) we trust he will make his effect felt in the Union.

D. B. TILLYER : At School 1952-60. Prefect 1958-60. Spivey House Whip 1957-9. School Vice-Captain 1959-60. Vice-Chairman of' the School Council. Secretary and Treasurer of the Senior Circle. Treasurer of the European Club. Dramatic Society. A.S.M. School Scout Troop, Queen's Scout. Chief Editor of The Bulletin. County Major Scholarship.
'Des' gave splendid service as a prefect and earned his popular appointment as School Vice-Captain. His duties were always carried out with efficiency and his eagerness for work and initiative were shown particularly in his organisation of the Tuck Shop on sound business lines. He was a wise disciplinarian and commanded respect among, the boys. He was an idealist who set himself and othcrs a high standard in his devotion to the School. His courage and cnthuSiasm were again in evidence during the Mock Election when he acted as an agent for one of the candidates. 'Des' was a popular figurc in the prefects' Room, and an interesting and lively conversationalist who led the 'Scientists' in their discussions with the'Arts Men'. Yet he had a wide knowledge and a keen appreciation of the cultural life and was particularly interested in music.

J. B. BIRKS: At School 1951-60. Prefect 1958-60. Senior Circle. Religious Discussion Group. Christian Fellowship.
A person of the highest principles, which he followed sincerely yet unobtrusively, John had a respect for authority and discipline. His cap checks at Billet Road will long be recalled as he applied the rules of the School which he knew thoroughly and interpreted sympathetically. In spite of great difficulties in his way he joined the Senior Circle and took a prominent part in debate. His questions at School Council meetings were penetrating, precise, and frequent, to the dismay of the secretary who was given the task of finding the answers. He too carries with him our best wishes as he starts work in a research laboratory of the Southern Electricity Board.

M.G. BATES: At School 1952-60. Prefect 1958-60. School Orchestra. Monoux Jazz Band. Dramatic Society. Senior Circle. Physics Laboratory Assistant. County Major Exhibition.

'Bill', as he was known, was one of the happiest of the Prefects and it is for his good humour and jovial nature that he will be remembered longest. He it is was who frequently removed tension when it arose in discussion. His versatility was truly amazing and it is best revealed in his attitude to music. At one moment he could be improvising on his clarinet with the Monoux Jazz Band and almost in the next be playing the timpani at a rehearsal of the School Orchestra. His skill as an electrician frequently shone as he assisted in dramatic productions, Jazz Band balls, and Rag Concerts. He will be remembered for his skill, too, as a debater and several times he took part in the finals of the Allpass Debating Competition. We wish him success as he continues his studies in his work with the Electricity Board.

J. R. BLOOMFIELD: At School 1952-60. Prefect 1959-60. Captain Second Eleven Football. First Eleven Cricket. School Chess Team. Secretary, Film Society.
John the Prefect was also John the Salesman. Every lunch-time he was to be found helping at the Tuck Shop as he persuaded, urged, and sold. His enthusiasm here was matched only by his enthusiasm for the cinema as an artistic medium. His informed criticism of films made him an excellent choice for appointment as secretary of the Film Society. Essentially a sportsman he played for three years as a member of the Cricket First Eleven and was captain of the Soccer Second Eleven. Apart from the half-colours he won for these activities he obtained further honours for representing the School at chess. He has joined a large London advertising agency and with his ability we may look forward with confidence to a raising of the standard of the posters we see every day on hoardings.

A. M. BROWN: At School 1953-60. Prefect 1959-60. School Orchestra. Chess Club. Open Scholarship in Music at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.

Alan was essentially retiring in his character and at times preferred to let others express their opinions. When music, however, was under discussion he had no such hesitation and argued powerfully and convincingly. His knowledge of music commanded respect and his critical opinions were based on what he knew well. He played the organ as often as he had the opportunity and strengthened the School Orchestra with his contribution on stringed instruments. Yet it was as a pianist that he was best known and he has given many of us considerable pleasure in his sensitive rendering of works he admired. He composed, too, much of his own and the works that have come from his pen include not only full-scale orchestral and choral pieces but the music for the Shakespearean songs in Very Tragical Mirth. Some of us believe that he will turn his hand to the composition of a new song for the School but time will reveal whether this is to be. We were highly delighted when we heard that his skill as a musician had been rewarded by the award of an open scholarship in music at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, where, we understand, he is already practising on the great organ in King's College Chapel.

A. C. EAGLE: At School 1952-60. Prefect 1959-60. Librarian. History Society. County Major Award..
Alan was a studious and retiring person, a steady and dutiful worker. His equitable temperament was often shown in the heated arguments that took place from time to time in the Prefects' Room.
He always stuck to his guns even if they were occasionally spiked. His tenacity and determination were demonstrated too on the sporting field where he made a valuable contribution to the games of the School although he rarely thrust himself into the limelight. He was possessed of a commanding and authoritative bearing and commanded respect throughout the circles in which he moved. His lecture on Catharine the Great will long be remembered by those who heard it at a meeting of the History Society and he himself has left a lasting memorial to himself in the furniture with which he endowed the Prefects' Room. He is now continuing his studies at Hull University, where we hope he will be happy.

B. J. GORMLEY: At School 1953-60. Prefect 1959-60. Captain of Whittingham House. Second Eleven Cricket. Senior Circle.
History Society. County Major Exhibition.
Brian's attitude towards life was always one of faint amusement. Able to see the humorous side of any situation, he always thought life to be, on the whole, a series of rather subtle jokes and unfortunate coincidences. At cricket he played for the Second Eleven-a fact that never ceased to amuse him - and he inspired his house with his training for athletics. He received many disappointments as he applied for entrance to the university and we were the more delighted, therefore, when we heard shortly before the term started at Oxford in October that he had been accepted as a member of St. Catherine's Society. We wish him happiness and success as he reads history there.

T. A. HARRIS: At School 1959-60. History Society. Senior Circle. School Tennis. Open Exhibition in History at Trinity College, Cambridge.
Snug and asleep in his favourite armchair, Terry was usually immune to any crisis that raged about his head. Lethargy seemed his affliction. Surprisingly, he was a very competent tennis playerand was a regular member of the School team for which services he was awarded half-colours. He was an accomplished pianist and beneath the imperturbable exterior lay no mean academic ability. He obtained an open exhibition at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he is sure to find the work enjoyable and the armchairs comfortable.

D. J. HOLM: At School 1953-60. Prefect 1959-60. Senior Circle. Leader, European Club. Dramatic Society. County Major Scholarship.
His ample figure and lively personality marked David out as the Prefects' Room's most prominent extrovert. Argument and controversy were his bread and butter and jam was spread thickly when he regularly pronounced upon his favourite subjects, Germany, the German people, and Goethe. However, in his quieter moments, David was not restricted to his Germanic interests and he displayed considerable political knowledge and acumen. He was a founder member of the European Club and was soon appointed leader of the society. In his last year at the School David ventured forth upon the Monovian boards and excelled himself in the roles of Bottom and Henry the Eighth. It is to be hoped that he continues acting now that he has gone up to university. This he will do shortly as his interest and ability in modern languages have earned him a place at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge.

K. HOPSON : At School 1952-60. Prefect 1958-60. School Athletics Captain and colours. Librarian. Sports Editor of The Monovian. School Council. Chief Steward, European Club. Senior Circle. County Major award.
Keith, or 'Hoppy' as he was known to the School, was one of those happy personalities rarely seen without a smile on their faces. He was certainly one of the most cheerful of the members to be found in the Prefects' Room. Possessed of seemingly boundless energy, he must also have been surely one of the busiest. His enthusiasm for everything that he undertook and his naturally happy disposition made him a popular prefect. His sparing use of his noting card earned him respect and in no way diminished his efficiency. Within the School he devoted himself energetically to both sport and work. He trained hard on the field and worked hard in the Prefects' Room. He rarely wasted a moment and seemed to live life to the full. His particular interest lay in the study of economics and when he discussed it, he argued with power from a platform of soundly-held knowledge.

Keith was probably one of the best middle-distance runners that the School has produced. To his tremendous natural ability he added determination and perseverance. He never missed a training session even in the coldest and wettest months. It was most appropriate that he should be appointed School Athletics Captain, a task which he undertook with the same fighting qualities that had ensured his personal success. It was unfortunate that he should be hit by an almost unbelievably long succession of injuries which hindered his success during his last two years here. Few knew of the pain that he suffered as he ran during that period and it testifies to his fighting spirit that he overcame it. We look to him to continue in the field of athletics and thrill us once more with that sprinting finish. As Sports Editor of The Monovian, Keith will be remembered for the longest sports section in memory. (It is not without significance, therefore, that the editors have included the whole of this tribute in this edition.) The Prefects will remember him for his skill in making coffee, his capacity for milk, and his courage. We all wish him success in his career - but then, we know that he will succeed.

C. LAMB: At School 1953-60. Prefect 1959-60. Captain of Higham House. Librarian. First Eleven Football. School Chess
Team. Secretary, History Society. Secretary, Stamp Club. County Major award.
Charlie was an outstanding personality in a Prefect's Room full of colourful personalities. He was held in high esteem by all and respect for him grew as he took on responsibilities as they occurred and carried them through cheerfully and thoroughly. His friendly approach made him popular especially with the Junior School and although he was a firm disciplinarian when it was necessary he always had time to take an interest in those with whom he dealt most severely. With so many duties and responsibilities resting on his willing shoulders it surprised many that he ever found time to study. But as he performed his outside duties so he also applied himself to his work. He himself would readily admit that his academic bent was not particularly strong and yet he worked with enthusiasm, especially in history. We were delighted when he secured a place at the University College of North Staffordshire where he will read history.
His special interest in sport lay in football. He played little himself but his love of the game led him to take. up refereeing. He eventually became an Essex County, qualified referee and often served the School in this capacity m inter-school matches. When he organised the Under 13 Eleven for part of the year they remained unbeaten. His organisation of football teas with their hot drinks and fresh buns will remain his lasting monument at Monoux. When
Charlie has qualified he intends to teach. The warmth of his character and innate sense of efficiency we are sure will enable him to fulfil this ambition.

R. B. MARKS: At School 1952-60. Prefect 1958-60. Captain of Morris House. School Chess Captain and colours. Chief Librarian. School Council. Senior Circle. History Society. Secretary, Dramatic Society. Secretary, Nuclear Disarmament Group. County Major award.
The list of 'Ron's' activities shows that he was always ready to assume responsibility. He performed all his duties conscientiously although he must have found his days too short for everything that he wished to do. Essentially sincere, he commanded respect from those who agreed with his views on disarmament and those who opposed him. He was responsible for directing the Chingford Youth Campaign and for leading the School's group of those who belong to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. His great love was Shakespeare and an apt quotation was often flung from his lips as he made one of his dramatic entrances or exits. He never claimed. to be a skilled performer on the sports field and yet he played tennis and table tennis with some skill and great enjoyment. Every sunrmer his performances over the longer distances at the sports meeting surprised many, including, I think, himself. His chess; if sometimes erratic, could be brilliant and he served most efficiently as Chess Captain. He has gained a place at Grey College, Durham, where his organising ability will undoubtedly find scope. He will read English there and we wish him success as he carries his bulging files to his university.

B. S. NAIDOO: At School 1953-60. Prefect 1958-60. Senior Circle. County Major Exhibition.
'Nod' may have been an Indian but it was certainly not a bed of nails on which he slept. Punctuality was his speciality. A disciple of Hygeia, his motto was 'cleanliness is next to godliness', and an extremely protestant god it was too with an accent on asceticism. How often we in the Prefects' Room have discussed Nod's god. He argued knowledgeably on religious philosophy and yet spent much of his time dissecting rabbits in the biology laboratory. Nod at the moment is waiting for a place at the university. We know that he will work well as he studies veterinary surgery and that his qualification will be welcomed in South Africa when he returns.

J. E. PALETHORPE: At School 1952-60. Prefect 1958-60. Vice-Captain of Spivey House. School Swimming Captain and colours. Athletics Team and colours. First Eleven Football and colours.Basketball Team. Tennis Team. Badminton Team. Dramatic Society. Senior Circle.
Without doubt, Jon was an outstanding sportsman. He was awarded triple colours and in the pole-vault swung himself over the ten foot mark to gain his place in the Essex team for the inter counties match. He devoted much of his time to playing and training but he was an efficient and effective prefect and earned the respect of the School and the rest of the prefects. The determination and self-discipline that he displayed on the football field he carried over into the academic sphere. He worked hard and thoroughly. His perseverance will bring its own reward as he continues his studies at Loughborough Training College. He takes with him our best wishes for his success

A. PEACOCK (Jnr.): At School 1953-60. Prefect 1960. Senior Circle. Nuclear Disarmament Group. Serious Music Society. Librarian. County Major award.
'Arf' was a picturesque figure, full of colour, whether he was walking to Monoux in protest against the latest fare increases, tinkling on the Prefects' pianoforte, imitating the cuckoo, or meditating on his 'acid radical' contributions to the local paper. He was motivated always by idealism. His extensive knowledge of current affairs was impressive and although he showed a certain natural reserve he could display considerable wit in argument. We shall remember him wherever he marches.

A. E. PEGG: At School 1953-60. Prefect 1959-60. Secretary, School Council. Senior Circle. Chess Club. State Scholarship.
Tony's main task in the Prefects' Room seemed to be to continue his argument with the 'Arts Men' on the suitability of indivisible cricket balls as an analogy to explain the quantum theory. However, he found time to write up School Council minutes, to play chess for Essex and Monoux, and to support avidly Leyton Orient. Besides his shouting from the terraces he was known to take part in 'back-yard' football after school-match teas. In an attempt to keep his weight down he played tennis from time to time but the battle was not always hard-fought. It pleased us all when he was awarded a state scholarship in 1959 and when he secured a place at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, where he will study natural science.

R. L. A. WRENCH: At School 1953-60. Prefect 1959-60. Captain of Spivey House. Senior Circle. Dramatic Society. County Major Exhibition.

'Rob' was probably best known as an athlete. Although he specialised in track events he carried through an impressive house training programme in field events too. It says much for him that he was able to direct his house so that it was able to produce a powerful team. As a result of his efforts Spivey probably have a greater potential in the lower school than any other house. In his last years, however, at Monoux a less well-known side of Rob's character became apparent. He played an important part in the house debating competition and his contribution improved with his confidence. In his last term he was a great success as Duncan in the evening of Shakespeare known as Very Tragical Mirth. He has left the School for Loughborough Institute of Technology. We wish him success there and hope that he finds the training facilities up to his expectations.

Valete 1962

D.R. CHAZALON. At School 1954-61. School Captain 1960-1. Senior Circle. Dramatic Society. Chairman, School Council.
"Chaz", as he was usually addressed, became School Captain aafter a rather unobtrusive career in the School; that he succeeded in a difficult task is a tribute to his personality. His thoroughness and determination ensured that his duties were performed most efficiently and he earned the full support that he received from his prefects. He addressed the School with confidence and showed little sign of nervousness in what he undertook. One of his most valuable assets, perhaps, was his happy disposition for any worries that he had were always concealed behind a broad smile.
His sporting achievements were best remembered, perhaps, by a spectacular break in a seven-a-side rugby tournament which required the concerted efforts of four opponents to halt and by his winning of the shot put event on Sports Day. He was a keen swimmer and gained a life-saving award. He was also honoured with an award under the Duke of Edinburgh's Scheme. He was an actor and his performance as Barbarossa in The Knight of the Burning Pestle will long be remembered.
We feel sure that he can look back with satisfaction over an eventful year and he carries with him our best wishes for every success in his new career in the Metropolitan Police Force.

A. L. RAINBOW. At School 1953-61. Prefect 1960-61. Deputy School Captain, 1960-61. Vice-Chairman, School Council. Captain. Higham House, Captain, School Football. Vice-Captain, 2nd XI Cricket. Captain, School Basketball. School Athletics. Higham Tennis. Senior Circle.
Famous for his chisel-pointed nose and long succession of girl friends, Tony made wherever he went. His cheerful and carefree countenance covered up a keen efficiency which was particularly prominent in the way he carried out his duties as Prefect and Deputy School Captain. Last year when he ran the School Tuck-shop it enjoyed one of its most profitable seasons.
Tony will be particularly remembered for his sporting achievements: everything he turned to erupted into success. He captained a victorious lst Eleven Football Team through a most remarkable season (1960-61); as Vice-Captain of the 2nd Eleven Cricket Team, his proficiency in the field was matched occasionally by excellent bowling and stolid batting; in addition to these sports Tony captained the School Basketball Team and ably captained Higham's Athletics Team.
At an early age, after a study of the earth's rotation, using a touch of Scots logic - for which he was so famous - Tony saw no reason why he should be cheated of an hour's sleep each year at the Vernal Equinox, and he vowed not to be outdone. All at School were overawed by the tenacity and dedication which he showed each morning in resolutely retrieving these stolen hours of slumber.
Tony is now working for the Midland Bank and we wish him every success in his future career.

KEITH DAVIS. At School 1954-61. Prefect 1960-61. House Badminton. School Orchestra. Finalist in the Allpass House Debating Competition. House Tennis.
Keith was considered one of the quieter members of the Prefects' Room but nevertheless he exercised his prefectorial duties conscientiously and efficiently. He might not have presented a dominant figure but he showed a surprising aptitude for speaking with a great sense of humour at many debates in which he was eager to take part.
He displayed a keen interest in all musical activities and was an enthusiastic member of both the choir and the orchestra. His versatility was further demonstrated by the fact that he played both tennis and badminton for his house.
Keith has decided upon teaching as his career and has now gone up to Avery Hill College, London to prepare himself. We wish him success and happiness m what he does.

D. R. DEARING. At School 1959-61. Prefect 1960-61. Whittingham House Vice-Captain. Assistant, Physics Lab. Science Society. School Orchestra.
'Podge' (or His Royal Highness King Penguin) came to Monoux from George Gascoigne Secondary Modern School and entered the sixth form in 1959. From the start he worked very hard so that academically he caught up with and overtook many boys who had been in the School since their early days. His courage and determination gained for him a County Major Exhibition and a place at Hull University.
His main contribution to the life of the School came from his musical talent. He is an excellent trumpeter and Mr. Sergeant lost little time in making him first trumpet in the School Orchestra.
Derek made a fine, dutiful prefect with his friendly and upstanding nature, although he was the shortest of stature in the Prfects' Room. He took an active part in athletics and captained Whittingham's team in 1961.
With his hard work, self-confidence, and friendly nature Derek will go far. He carries the best wishes of his friends at Monoux wherever he goes and whatever he does.

M. J. IVE. At School 1954-61. Prefect 1960-61. Captain of Swimming; 1960-61. Swimming Captain, Whittingham House. Christian Fellowship. Science Society.
Mick (earlier 'Min'), although not quite of Chazalon's stature was nevertheless "the gentle giant" in the Prefects' Room. He was well-liked and was never forceful in an obtrusive way throughout his career. He will be remembered not only for his prowess in swimming but also for his skill at handicraft. How skilfully he manipulated wood and metal and how many fine pieces of craftsmanship he possesses as a result of his ability! Michael has chosen to teach handicraft and at the moment is at a teachers' training college.
Perhaps his main contribution to the life of the School came from his organisation and working of the electronic apparatus for special functions. We must congratulate him for the excellent stage-lighting in the rag concert and school plays and thank him most sincerely for his organisation of the lighting effects and furniture arrangement at Jazz-Band balls. He assisted in organising the amplifying equipment at the Opening of the Pavilion and on Sports Day. He is one of "the unsung heroes" to whom we are eternally grateful but of whom we rarely speak.

R. J. PEMBLE. At School 1954-61. Prefect 1960-61. Schools Athletics Team. Cross-Country Club. Gym Club, Christian Fellowship. Senior Circle. Librarian.
Rob was an energetic participant in the athletic activities of the school and an outstanding performer in the Allpass House Debates.
He was renowned for his individual treatment of many topics and in losing him, the Prefects' Room has lost a voice oft raised in violent disagreement in its self-cast role of diviner of the ills of society. He threw himself into his work with enthusiasm and we warmly congratulate him on his success in winning an Open Exhibition to the University of Nottingham where he will read for a degree in sociology before taking holy orders.

S. PURSLOW-MASON. At School 1953-61. Prefect. Vice-Captain, Spivey House, Chess Club. School Chess Team. School Gymnastics.
'Seedy', as he was popularly known, was a very efficient prefect who enjoyed performing his duties. He is a keen chess player and from time to time represented the School at the game.
He was also a good pianist and accompanied many members of the junior School in their gym. display at the Opening of the Pavilion. He will be best remembered by his friends for his dedicated practice of the treble part in the piano duet Qui Vive for the music festival. However, as he was nearing perfection, he was taken ill and the months of hard work seemed wasted.
We wish him success as he continues his studies at West Ham Technical College.

M. J. SHEPHERD. At School 1953-61. Prefect 1960-64. School and Walthamstow School Athletics. Cross-country Team. Jazz Club. Senior Circle. School Council. History Society. Captain Mallinson House.
'Bugs' was rather retiring in the Prefects' Room but was nevertheless very important chiefly because of his prowess against superior opposition - superior, that is, in size. Physical fitness was almost a fetish with him; almost any evening he could be seen running round the lake at Highams Park. It will be remembered that it was he who proposed the draining of the lake but unfortunately the plan was impracticable because it was felt that official opposition might be too much in evidence.
'Bugs' was a really outstanding athlete and the School is indebted to him for his work both on the track and behind the scenes - particularly for his organisation of the Cross Country Club.
He will be remembered, too, for his occasional burst of sick humour. Who will forget the time when he thought he had swallowed a foreign body with his salad?
As a musician he was a brilliant jazz drummer and played the piano in a bizarre but highly effective manner.
In his last year at School he decided that Australia was was to be his 'Promised Land' (after having first considered gold-prospcting in British Guiana) and thereupon won a valuable Drapers' Company Scholarship to Sydney University where he is now studying. He hopes to become eventually a sheep-rancher.

L. A. SMY. At School 1954-61. Prefect 1960-61. Secretarv, Christian Fellowship. Secretary, School Council. Committee, Senior Circle and Bridge Club. School Representative, South-West Essex Classical and Historical Society committee. Sub-editor of The Bulletin. School Choir. Allpass House Whip. Allpass Debating Team (Inter-house Competition Finalist). Certificat d'etudes francaises des universites de Rennes, Bordeaux, et Toulouse.
Laurence was, above all, an enthusiastic organiser. Whilst still only a junior, he made his presence felt throughout the school as secretary of the popular junior Debating and Discussion Society, editor of the phenomenally successful Junior Outlook and as an extremely noisy legal eagle on the School Council, to which he was elected a representative during every year of his school life and ended his unprecedented term of office as the Secretary of the Council.
The Christian Fellowship benefited greatly from his leadership, and it was entirely owing to his inspiration that a junior society, The Christian Union was established. When reading for Morning Assembly had to be selected, it was to 'the Vicar' that prefects referred, since early this year he was accepted as an ordinand.
Laurence's entire school life was marked by his profession of a devout, informed and fearless Christianity; as one Member of Staff put it, he possessed the unique combination in speech and character of a fiery hot-gospeller and comfortable retired stock-broker.
In the midst of such bustling activity he was often to be seen hurtling down corridors, book and files to the fore, correcting and admonishing and finally arriving at the Prefects' Room, to enter with spirit into whatever discussion was taking place. He managed at the same time to keep to a rigorous schedule of work that terrified fellow sixth formers, but which earned him a County Major Award and a well-deserved place at Selwyn College, Cambridge.

G. K. WALLACE. At School 1954-61. Prefect 1960-61. Senior Circle. School Council. History Society.
'Wol', with his shambling gait and unconventional eating habits, was one of the most popular of the Prefects. This was due partly to the fact that he was the owner of a vast fleet of fast and luxurious motor cars.
He was a willing and able prefect and we have rarely seen him in anything but the best of humours. His main talent seems to be in games of skill. He was a joint-winner of the Table Tennis Doubles Championship and in the School Tennis Championship he and Tony Rainbow made a sparkling and almost invincible pair.
He is now helping his father to run the Hampton Garage.

Valete 1963

R. P. HANCOCK. At School 1954-62; Prefect 1961-62; Allpass House Captain; Secretary of Senior Circle; Editor of The Bulletin; Tennis, Captain and colours, Essex Junior Champion (three years), Junior Wimbledon runner-up, England Junior International; Badminton, Captain and colours, Essex Schools Champion; Cricket, full colours; Football, first XI and half-colours.
"Shod", as he was universally known, will be best remembered for his cheerful, carefree personality and his great sporting achievements. He made friends easily and became very popular in most parts of the school. Practical jokes were his speciality and he never seemed to mind having his leg pulled, a possible explanation for his unusual shape. He had a profound effect on the atmosphere of the Prefects' Room, which, since his departure, has become almost serene at times.
He will be missed not only for his extravagant character but also for his efforts for the School in multifarious fields of sport, where he had great natural ability. Despite his lack of height, his achievements in tennis were the most spectacular, and he represented his country in a Junior International match. He was undisputed champion of badminton, and was of course Captain of both sports. On the cricket field the qualities of an unusually reliable wicketkeeper were coupled with a style of batting which was characteristically entertaining and, more often than not, effective. He was also a member of the Football lst XI.
One of his two main hobbies was photography; he has now decided to make a living in the photographic world and will commence his studies at the L.S.P.G.A. in September. One hobby is being fully developed, but the other is not neglected. To the school "Shod" and "jimbo" are still inseparables and among his photographic albums will be found another whose mysterious contents have delighted many eyes. We give him our best wishes far success in his career and his sporting activities.

P. W. WARD. At School 1954-62. Prefect 1960-61. School Captain 1961-62. Chemistry Lab. Assistant. Chairman School Council. Editor The Bulletin. Science Society. Senior Circle. ViceCaptain Cricket. 1 st XI Football. State Scholarship.
The School's highest honour was bestowed on Peter, a young man of cheerful, determined and loyal character. Always popular, he managed with apparent ease to fulfil with ability his duties as Prefect, School Captain and Laboratory Assistant, whilst maintaining an extremely high standard of work throughout.
In all activities in which he took part he upheld all that was best in the School. On the sports field Peter once again showed his adaptability in proving to be one of the School's best all-rounders for he was Vice-Captain of cricket and held a regular lst XI soccer place as well as frequently representing his house in swimming, tennis, athletics and basketball.
Peter excelled as Chairman of the School Council, demonstrating great coolness of character by the way in which weathered a period of general apathy towards this body, which produced a facetious and irresponsible Council; he succeeded reawakening interest by the end of the year.
Peter was, of course, a keen member of the Science Society. Later, he decided to try his hand at journalism and as an editor The Bulletin he once again showed his capabilities.
Gaining excellent results at Advanced Level, and having been awarded a State Scholarship in 1961, Peter was accepted at St. John's College, Cambridge, to read Natural Sciences. We wish him good fortune at university, and we feel sure that having left his mark on the School, his resolution and adaptability will be put to equal use both there and in whatever occupation he eventually takes up.

D. J. BRAMHALL. At School 1954-62. Prefect 1960-62. School Orchestra. School Choir. Essex Youth Orchestra. Dramatic Society. Spivey Debating Team.
As can be seen from the above-mentioned list of achievements "Didge" did much to improve and widen the scope of the School's musical activities. A talented and versatile musician himself, he spent much of his time in helping younger members of the orchestra to master their instruments. He arranged and, indeed, composed many pieces for school plays and concerts, and won innumerable prizes in the School Musical Festival, of which he was a founder member. His inherent musical talent was rewarded with a place in the Essex Youth Orchestra which he richly deserved. In spite of the endless hours of rehearsals which Dave put in for the School Orchestra and Choir, he still found time to take part in the Dramatic Society's productions, and the Spivey House Debating Team. His calm, casual manner of debating earned him a place in the House Debating Final-which he was unable to take owing to illness.
Dave is going to Durham University to read Music, and it is with our good wishes that he leaves us.
R. H. BROWN. At School 1954-62. Prefect 1961-62. Physics Lab. Assistant. Christian Fellowship. Senior Circle. School Choir. School Orchestra. State Scholarship.
Richard's reserved nature concealed many fine qualities. He was that rarity, the cultured scientist, for he participated in the School's musical activities with zest and had a real feeling for what he was doing; Richard's considerable knowledge of musical theory was undoubted. The School has good cause to remember the enthusiasm with which he applied himself to singing bass parts in the School Choir and to playing the violin in the School Orchestra. Never an individual performer of genius, as he would be the first to admit, he yet proved a mainstay of the School's activities for many years.
His quiet humour and ready wit were ever devoid of malice, a thing unknown to Richard. He was in truth a practising Christian; he lived up to the Baptist principles which suffered sore trial in the atmosphere of the Prefects' Room and yet never appeared antisocial in his determination to do so. Needless to say, he played a leading part in the Christian Fellowship and gave great help to the organisation of Club 1.2.3.
His application to his studies was second only to that of Tony Gable. The high calibre of his work earned him the post of Physics Lab. Assistant, a State Scholarship, and a place at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, where he will read Natural Sciences, and where, without self-publicity or controversy, he will assuredly make his mark.

F. J. BUCK. School 1954-62. Prefect 1961-62. Captain Spivey House. Secretary Bridge Club. Vice-Captain Bridge Team. Senior Circle. Captain Basketball and Colours. Captain Swimming and Colours. 2nd XI Football. State Scholarship. Editor The Triton and The Bulletin.
Frank made many contributions towards school life. As a prefect he performed his duties thoroughly and sternly exercised his authority. As Captain of Spivey House, he worked efficiently for his house in many activities. He possessed a fine mathematical brain, which enabled him to gain a State Scholarship and a place at Queen's College, Cambridge, to read Mathematics.
Among the prefects, he was noted also for his enormous appetite and his devastating throwing. Anyone who insulted Frank was likely to be the target of a string of missiles directed with great force and accuracy. In view of his addiction to throwing, it is hardly surprising that his favourite sport was basketball. Under his captaincy, and with the encouragement of the P.T. Staff, basketball in the School was transformed from a sport suffering from lack of interest and organization into one with the School team fit, trained and keen to improve.
Another sport he enjoyed was swimming, and as captain of the School team he represented Walthamstow Schools in his final year. Nor shall we forget his expert participation in the netball team which met local girls' schools in some highly entertaining friendly matches. Memories of Frank's towering figure placing the ball in the basket with the utmost of ease and the minimum of exertion, or lowering the goal post to facilitate a Monoux goal are memories that will remain with us.

A. R. BURROWS. At School 1957-62. Prefect 1961-62. Librarian. Senior Circle. Vice-Captain 2nd XI Cricket. 2nd XI Football. School Badminton team. School Tennis Team. County Major Scholarship.
Besides his work, 'Egg' as Tony was commonly known, had two interests at School - sports and the School Tuckshop. His enthusiasm in running the latter helped it over a very worrying time and enabled it to achieve a near record profit, which, contrary to popular belief, has not been used to redecorate the Prefects' Room.
'Egg' represented the School in four sports and could always be relied upon to give of his best. As a footballer, he was not of the highest class and insisted that his rugby was better, but his enthusiasm earned him a regular place in the 2nd XI defence, after an own-goal spree in one of his first games. His cricket was of higher calibre and he can consider himself unlucky not to have gained a lst XI trial. His batting was always steady, his bowling brought results, and his fielding did improve. In tennis and badminton he acquitted himself well without any signs of genius and never gave up.
This gift of perseverance will stand him in good stead at whatever he may choose to try his hand and we are certain that he will succeed.

R. T. BURROWS: At School 1957-62. Prefect 1961-62. Librarian. History Society. Senior Circle. Captain 2nd XI Cricket. 2nd XI Football. School Badminton team. School Tennis team.
'Rog' was noted for his marked resemblance to one of the other prefects which led to disputes, especially in cricket; opposing teams were crestfallen when he seemed to come in again after they had dismissed him.
He was not a born leader but adapted himself well to the captaincy of the 2nd XI Cricket team, inspiring it at times. He was a keen footballer, who, when not playing for the School, helped the illustrious Congo Casuals to avoid relegation in the Clapton and Stoke Newington League. Without great natural ability, his strong play and enthusiasm found him a place in the School badminton and tennis teams. He was always ready to play if needed and rarely played a bad game.
He gave up much time to help the School in various ways and the Tuck Shop thrived under the energetic direction of 'Egg' and 'Rog'.

N. DAVIES. At School 1955-62. Prefect 1962. Senior Circle. Dramatic Society. Science Society. School Choir.
'Norm' contributed much to the cultural life of the school, and it was particularly in dramatics that he excelled, taking leading parts in five of the annual school plays. The undoubted climax of these occurred this year, when he took the part of the "Stage Manager" in Our Town by Thornton Wilder. He succeeded in interpreting this difficult part in a smooth, natural, utterly convincing manner rarely seen in school dramatics.
His acting prowess and a year's singing lessons stood him in good stead for the part he took in a comedy operetta, which was produced for the school concert in his last term. With this musical portrayal of a staunch, middle-class father he greatly amused the audience. He has also served a useful part in the school choir, singing with the basses in several concerts.
Most of the School will be reminded of Norm by the modernistic mural in the dining hall, which refers back to his stage experiences.
We wish him well in his perhaps surprising ambition to obtain a Diploma of Technology in Applied Physics at the University of Sussex and hope he finds satisfying outlets in amateur groups for his artistic talents.

A. R. FERSHT. At School 1954-62. Prefect 1961-62. Captain of Chess 1959-62, and colours. Essex Junior Chess Representative. Captain of Bridge. School Council. Senior Circle. Bulletin Editor. Science Society. Hon. Bursar to Prefects. Physics Lab: Assistant. State Scholarship.
One can remember Alan for the warmth of his bubbling, effusive personality in the Prefects' Room. Graced with an extremely pleasant manner and countenance he was the balm and source of encouragement to us all. He will be accepted wherever he goes.
Among his many other gifts we must, of course, record his cool scientific mind. His success in chess (Essex Junior Champion 1959-60, runner-up 58-59, lst reserve for the English Junior Team) and his State Scholarship in Physics and Chemistry are proof of his logical approach to problems requiring careful analysis. He was, too, a great admirer of C.P. Snow in his pursuit of both art and science. Needless to say he held Dr. F. R. Leavis as his arch-enemy.
Must it be said that he had a wealth of background and experience? From "my ultimate success" as 1 st reserve in the Bickersteth Cup Shot, to conducting Ray Yorke's election campaign with the latest motivational research, he attacked everything he did with vigour and enthusiasm.
That he did not emerge as eminence grise of the Prefects (for he was after all their bursar, auditor and accountant, and had an intimate knowledge of character analysis by handwriting) is of great credit to him. His was the greatest opportunity: his too was the selfless acceptance of responsibility.
In whatever life he chooses, we know he will succeed. He carries with him all the good, wishes of his innumerable friends at Monoux in taking his place at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.

A.T. GABLE. At School 1955-62. Prefect 1961-62. Editor, The Monovian. Secretary School Council. Librarian. Senior Circle. Serious Music Society. State Scholarship. Cecily Courtauld Scholarship. Open Scholarship, Christ's College, Cambridge.
How does one begin to pay tribute to Tony? In an outstanding prefectorial year, he swept the board in academic honours - three distinctions at Advanced Level, a state Scholarship, an Open Scholarship in Modern Languages, to Christ's College, Cambridge, and one of the coveted Cecily Courtauld Scholarships. All were well-deserved, for he backed up a native facility for languages with a phenomenal devotion to his studies that became legendary in the Sixth Form.
Usually Tony was seen only in the Prefects' Room as he hurried in to collect a few books; soon he was gone again. Yet no matter how pressed for time, his recherche wit would invariably produce some apt quotation to sum up the scene of animal disorder which greeted his eyes, or some Latin pun, horrid in its cleverness.
The same keen intellect was apparent in all he did; the minutes he wrote for the School Council, and his editorials for The Monovian were masterpieces of crystal clear brevity and wry humour. He was a founder-member of that group of awesome highbrows, the Serious Music Society; in a world of Whirling Americana, one sometimes felt that Tony, Dave Wigston and Russ Parry were the last bastions of European civilisation. That civilisation is sure of at least one representative - a witty, urbane and elegant exponent, at Christ's College, Cambridge, where Tony goes to read French and Italian, having already spent three months teaching in France and another three in Rome. To wish him well may be polite; it is also superfluous.

T. S. GOODES. At School 1954-62. Prefect 1961-62. ViceCaptain, Morris House. Chemistry Lab. Assistant. Secretary School Council. Secretary Science Society. Science Editor The Bulletin. Film Society. Dramatic Society. Senior Circle. County Major Scholarship.
Tim's presence in the Prefects' Room often provided a strong modifying influence on the more high-spirited occupants. His firm character and intensity of purpose led him to perform all his duties quietly and efficiently; it was not in his nature to seek glory, but all who worked with him in his varied activities were imbued with his quiet enthusiasm.
His outlook upon life is that of a sincere Anglican. Indeed, when not working for Monoux he would spend much of his time working for St. Edmund's Parish Church, Chmgford. One sometimes felt that his argument was limited by his often severe self-discipline, but this never obscured his essentially pleasant and friendly nature.
The constant service he gave to the School and his hard work at his scientific studies have been justifiably rewarded by his acceptance as a medical student at Exeter College, Oxford.
Tim will stand out more in the memory than he actually did while at Monoux. We will always remember him as the 'father figure' of the Prefects' Room and as a personal friend.

C. J. HIGH. At School 1959-62. Prefect 1961-62. Biology Lab. Assistant. Senior Circle. School Council. History Society. Natural History Society. County Major Scholarship. Mallinson Award.
Colin carne to us in 1959 from George Gascoigne Secondary Modern School - itself a tribute to the perseverance and diligence which has distinguished his career. His appointment as a prefect was well-earned; he performed his duties with efficiency and courage.
Within the Prefects' Room, Colin added to the discussion an intelligent appraisal of affairs from the point of view of an empirical socialism, and to the general conversation he added a sense of humour which never failed to delight. His eminently quotable remarks earned him a column in The Bulletin devoted exclusively to 'High-lights of the Week'. Although we were unable to adopt his ideas and turn the Rag Concert into a multi-million spectacular featuring Routemasters and a specially planted bluebell wood, he nonetheless gave a memorable performance in the prefects' production of Snow White and the Seven Ordinary Sized People.
Yet Colin's real love remained his work. He was devoted to the study of Geography and Geology, and sacrificed hours to label exhibits in the School's Geological collection, whilst he took a leading part in four field-survey courses. His academic achievements put to shame many fellow sixth-formers who have been at Monoux since the age of eleven; amongst the more outstanding items are five passes at Advanced Level, a County Major Scholarship, a Mallinson Award, and a place at Bristol University, where he will read Geography. We expect to hear great things of him.

R. W. LABROM. At School 1955-62. Prefect 1961-62. ViceCaptain Whittingham House. Captain School Cricket and colours. London School Cricket lst XI. Football lst XI and colours. A.F.A. Public Schools' XI. Walthamstow Schools' Football Representative. School Basketball Team and colours. Librarian. School Council. Senior Circle. One-time Editor The Bulletin, The New Opinion, and The Triton. County.-Major Exhibition.
Dick, or "Loob" as he was more commonly known, was successful at nearly everything to which he turned his hand. His work earned him a place at Manchester University, but undoubtedly he will be most remembered for his exploits on the sports field. A member of the first eleven football team for two years, he became a most effective winger and was the School's most prolific goalscorer, a most unusual feat for a winger. He also made an enthusiastic and successful captain of cricket, and under Mr. Shaw's careful supervision, Dick became an outstanding opening bat. (A fuller account of his cricketing prowess occurs later in this magazine).
Amazingly Dick still found time to visit the Prefects' room occasionally and enter any arguments available on the merits of Danny's boys from N.17, and take part in the multifarious activities of the room. A gentleman of leisure, who apparently believes in short working hours, Dick was rarely to be seen in school before a rather late hour in the morning; and it is somewhat astonishing that Dick was able to do so much for the school in such a limited space of time.
We wish Dick all the best in his university career and hope that he makes as great an impression in Manchester as he undoubtedly did at Monoux,

C. J. MARTIN. At School 1955-62. Prefect 1961-62. Editor The Monovian. Chief Librarian. Editor The Bulletin. Committee, History Society. M.P. Monoux Constituency. School Council. Senior Circle. Dramatic Society. County Major Exhibition.
Early in his school life Colin (also known by some regrettably unprintable sobriquets) gained a degree of notoriety; by the time the Prefects' Room had opened its arms to him he had become a national figure - he and his faithful Achates (the memorable Gladstone bag! ).
Whether sipping a milk perched up on the piano, his hands clasped resolutely behind him, or vociferating on the evils of the Common Market, he could be counted upon to add a certain flavour of his own to the atmosphere of the Prefects' Room; for Colin was possessed of one of the sharpest intellects Monoux has seen for some time. This was put to full use both in the classroom, flowering in his great love for History, and in his outside activities, such as debating and dramatics. Without doubt he really excelled in the former, fittingly winning the individual debating cup for this year.
As Editor of the The Monovian, he laboured to brush aside the cobwebs of the last twenty years and many refreshing innovations resulted; new colours, new design, new frontispiece.
We remember, too, his perseverance and application in the library, where he slaved to bring order out of chaos.
Of his political affiliations we shall not speak. Suffice it to say he was overwhelmingly elected Conservative M.P. for Monoux.
In so short a tribute, a full appreciation cannot be given to his wide range of interests and services to the School, but we are certain that with his fine brain and whimsical sense of humour he will leave his mark (no, not a cross!) on St. Catharine's College, Cambridge, where he is to read History, and, confidently, we wish him well for the future.

J. W. MAXWELL. At School 1955-62. Prefect 1961-62. Allpass House Vice-Captain. Captain of School Football and colours. Captain of School Athletics and colours. Essex 200 yds. Junior hurdles champion and Essex representative. 1st XI Cricket and half-colours. House representative in all sports. Senior Circle. History Society.
Max (or 'Maz' as he was later christened) was one of the outstanding and most popular members of last year's Prefects' Room: While being renowned particularly for his sporting achievements he was popular throughout the school for the cheerful yet unobtrusive manner in which he dispensed his prefectorial duties, and proof of this can be seen from the fact that Max hardly ever had to resort to the 'noting' card to obtain law and order.
As the above list of his achievements clearly shows it was on the sports field that Max really came into his own and he was a brilliant "all-rounder' (in every sense of the word) In the winter he was the powerhouse of the 1st XI football team (which he successfully led during the past season) and in the summer the 'big-hitter' of the 1st XI cricket team. However, he scaled even greater heights than these in the field of athletics - his tremendous strength and fitness making him an outstanding short distance runner. Apart from being captain of School Athletics he won the Essex Junior 220 yds. hurdles championship in 1960 and represented his county in two successive years.
Whether he will be remembered for these achievements or for his fantastic consumption of liquorice - only Max really knows why the School Tuckshop was always out of this delicacy - there is no doubt that his presence will be sorely missed at Monoux. Max has begun his career in law and we all wish him the success he will undoubtedly achieve.

G. J. OFFORD. At School 1959-62. Prefect 1960-62. Captain; Morris House. Secretary, Senior Circle, School Council. Dramatic Society. Editor, The Bulletin., School Choir.
Graham was by nature rather self-effacing. However, first as a Prefect and later as House Captain he determined to overcome his inhibitions and the extent to which he succeeded is indicative of his resolution. As a Prefect he worked hard and willingly. As House Captain he spent much energy raising enthusiasm in his house and set a creditable example as one whose least claim to fame lies in athletics by competing on Sports Day; his keenness was rewarded when Morris won the "Linda" Cup.
He was also secretary of the newly consitituted Senior Circle and, although its constitution is still being discussed with animation, there is no doubt that much of the work which accompanies the society's activities was done by Graham, willingly and efficiently.
During his relatively brief stay at Monoux his record was one of endeavour. We wish him well in his future career.

J: R. TELFORD. At School 1954-62, Prefect 1960-62. Vicecaptain, Spivey House. Senior Circle. Leader, School Orchestra. Secretary, Christian Fellowship. Secretary, Club 1,2,3, Secretary, Science Society. Physics Laboratory Assistant. State Scholarship.

Valete 1964

J. BOULTER. At School 1955-63; Vice-Captain 1961-63; Whittingham House Captain; Secretary History Society; Senior Circle; Librarian; Editor The Bulletin and The Triton; School Basketball and Athletics.
The later part of Boulter's career was something of an enigma. Extremely popular with boys from all sections of the School he was, none-the-less, the centre of a great deal of controversy and, at times, the object of much criticism. Intensely loyal to the School and all that it stood for he was a spirited critic of the prevailing apathy and laziness in the Monoux community. In his first prefectorial year he undertook a great deal of work in the service of the School - thankless tasks such as the organisation of football and cricket teas, tasks which demand regular unflagging support. His "A" level results, consequently, suffered and had a profound effect on his outlook. It would be unjust to absolve him of all criticism - perhaps his time could have been better distributed - but it cannot be denied that he had his heart in the right place - the School.
John's long, rangy frame stood him in good stead on the basketball court where he was, rather ambiguously, outstanding. A member of the School first team he used his height to great advantage and, as a member of the Monoux net-ball team, provoked cries of anguish and distress from one Leyton County High School girl who found it impossible to get a shot in in the presence of John's long waving arms.
An extremely likeable character, with an infectious sense of humour, John leaves us to take up a place at St. David's College, Wales. Mellowed by experience, John will undoubtedly do it full justice.

D. G. HAYWOOD. At School 1955-63; Prefect 1962-63; Librarian; School Council; Senior Circle; History Society; Secretary Angling Club; Editor New Opinion; School Netball Team.
Dave's easy, cheerful disposition, ready laugh and irreverent wit (made public as Lady Godiva in a Senior Circle balloon debate) quickly made his contemporaries his friends. These qualities were happily unaffected by his narrow failure to obtain a university place last summer: perhaps he derived some consolation from the enormous quantity of milk and crisps he consumed daily. His intake of cows' juice alone would be enough to set a psychiatrist some problems. We feel sure that with a fishing rod to keep him company he will be happy whatever he finally choses - be it law or Smith's.

K. V. J. HOPKINS. At School 1956-63; Prefect 1962-63; Chief Librarian; Secretary Christian Fellowship; Senior Circle; History Society.
Ken's school life was a living demonstration of "quality rather than quantity."
His school career set Old Father Time a cracking pace, with the result that he had gained three "A" levels by the age of sixteen; he will arrive for his English course at University College, London, a year earlier than is usual. One wonders what academic distinction he would have gained had he pursued his school career at the normal age!
Instead of developing his latent ability in many directions, Ken tended to concentrate his attention and energy on his own two main consuming passions. One is English literature, his sensitive appreciation of which was without rival in his year group; the performance which won him the A1lpass Verse Speaking Prize was outstanding.
But it was the quiet (but outspoken when necessary) expression of his Christian faith that was Ken's most notable characteristic. His leadership of the Christian Fellowship was his most valuable contribution to the School.
We can confidently wish Ken all success in the future, for his life "is hid with Christ in God."

J. H. WILLIAMSON. At School 1955-62; Prefect 1961-62; Captain Allpass House; Vice-Captain School Basket-ball; 2nd XI Football; School Swimming; School Athletics; Senior Circle; Science Society.
Throughout his School career, "Wol" was somewhat a rara avis; outstanding at many sports he managed always to remain at the top scholastically. These qualities made him extremely popular not only among his contemporaries but the whole School. But perhaps it was his determined individualism which distinguished him most, and for which we will remember him more readily. It was almost a cult with him. His characteristic spirit was evident in his choice of adventurous holidays, culminating in his six months' trip to Canada and the U.S.A. which began last February.
Not only did he carry the responsibilities and execute the duties of a Prefect to the full, but he assigned to his position far more than the bare essentials: he made Allpass House the most powerful in sport, and (more important) in spirit, and he was always willing to use his own time for the benefit of others and the School - notable were his efforts on the sports field and in the swimming bath.
It was no surprise when he was given a place at Christ's College, Cambridge, to read Economics; we are sure he will be as effective there as at Monoux and we all wish him every success.

D. W. WITT. At School 1956-63. Prefect 1962-63; Spivey House; Treasurer Senior Circle; History Society Committee; School Athletics and Swimming; Librarian; Spivey Debating Team.
Dave's was an effervescent, ebullient nature - quick-witted and with that broad toothy grin of his he could not help but provoke sometimes quite hostile arguments, usually against himself. Always ready to defend the indefensible he would argue logically and intelligently until perception was replaced by buffoonery and discussions ended in slanging matches. When serious, he was an able debater - never brilliant, but very sure of himself and possessed of a very dry sense of humour which he showed to advantage in the debate at Woodford County High School.
On the sports-field Dave showed that, although not technically faultless, he was quite proficient at most field events and remarkably good at the javelin. In the middle-school particularly his diligent training was rewarded with a place in the School team. Swimming too was another pastime to which Dave was addicted and that partly through necessity in a House which could boast few swimmers, let alone good swimmers.
We wish Dave well in his studies at Christ's College, Cambridge, where he is to read, surprisingly, Law.

G. C. CASEY. At School 1956-63. School Captain 1962-63. Captain Higham House 1961-63. Captain 1st XI Football. School Athletics. School Swimming. Science Society. Senior Circle. School Orchestra. Full Colours-Football and Chess.
If it is ever possible to predict the School captaincy seven years hence Geoff was always a potential candidate. Although quiet and unassuming he always gave the impression of dependability and resoluteness - which his academic studies certainly proved. Respect was the key to Geoff's personality and it was this respect, on the part of staff and boys alike, which gained him the School captaincy.
As School Captain in his first prefectorial year Geoff displayed considerably more confidence and poise than many would have given him credit for. What he lacked in striking originality he more than compensated for in his reliability and consistency in all that he undertook.
It was precisely this reliability and consistency that earned him a place in the School Football, Swimming and Athletic teams. As 1st XI Football Captain he led the team through an extremely successful season and, although never faultless technically, was the imperturbable mainstay of the team or, as his team criticism has it, "He has been the solid cement of the defence for the last three years."
Combined with his love of sport was his love of music and for several years Geoff played in the first violins of the School Orchestra.
Geoff leaves us to take up a well deserved place at Queen's College, Cambridge, where he is to read Natural Science. We wish him well.

COLLIER, L. H. School 1956-63. Prefect 1962-63. Chief Librarian. Vice-Captain Spivey House. Captain 2nd XI Cricket. 2nd XI Football. Rugby XV. Secretary History Society. Treasurer Senior Circle. Christian Fellowship. County Major Scholarship. Ford (Dagenham) Trust Scholarship.
Leigh was the epitome of a Christianity of "abundant life"; his effervescent and ebullient personality was controlled by a deep and sincere conviction, which showed itself in all branches of his life.
He flung himself enthusiastically into multitudinous School activities, showing an incredible thoroughness in each: one thinks of his unfailing zeal as Head Librarian, his history essays, whose length would have floored lesser men than Messrs. Shaw and Marshall, and his varied range of sporting achievements.
The Prefects' Room was the richer for Leigh's contributions to the conversation, contributions which often emanated from behind "The Guardian" and accompanied with occasional stabs with the core of a half-eaten apple.
His "thoroughness" was deservedly rewarded by a place at Sidney Sussex, Cambridge, and by the winning of County Major and Ford Dagenham Trust Scholarships. It is wonderful to think of a life and intellect so rich being so completely and consistently dedicated to the glory of God.

J. DARKEN. School 1961-63. School Prefect 1962-63. badminton. School Council. Science Society.
Jeff impressed as having a very good eye for recreation. He played badminton, tennis and golf regularly. In its earlier days he was -an ardent member of the 6A Science "Coffee Club" and showed considerable powers of improvisation in arranging numerous table top games-table-tennis, shove hapenny, etc., in an overcrowded Form Room.
Entering Monoux as a sixth former after five years in a Secondary Modern school he worked extremely hard academically, placing emphasis on chemistry, in which, through sheer hard work, he excelled. He often wished his results in mathematics were similar. He was never careless in his relation with people, and was easy to get along with.
We are sure hard work will bring success in his chemistry at Hull University.

J. R. A. EASEY. At School 1955-63. Prefect 1962-63. Deputy School Captain 1963. School Captain, Basketball. Whittingham House Captain. Colours - Basketball. Physics Laboratory Assistant.
It was a fitting climax to John's school career that he was appointed School Vice-Captain this year. He will be best remembered, in the Prefects' Room at any rate, for the methodical way in which he tackled any task placed in his hands. He undertook the arduous tasks of writing prefects' detention lists, making sure that members of the sixth appeared at the Headmaster's lunches, and towards the end of the term the organisation of the Tuck Shop, with a good will. Not once did he let us down. Although quiet and reserved, the success of the basketball team owes much of his leadership, and his authority as School Deputy Captain was respected by all members of the School. It was no coincidence then, that he should be appointed Physics Laboratory Assistant where his tidiness stood him in good stead. John's academic career was chequered, but he will be going to Loughborough College of Advanced Technology in September, to read Chemical Engineering, and we wish him every success there.

A. FOWLER. School 1961-63. Prefect 1962-63. Secretary, Geography Society. Morris House representative at School Council. Badminton Club. Secretary of Dancing Club.
During his short stay at Monoux, Tony has identified himself fully with the life of the school. He has studied hard (too hard) and in refusing to lose any working time for prefects' chores, a standing joke with us, gained a colourful reputation for low cunning.
We dubbed him "Fox" (by instinct) and he carried himself and his title with an assurance that has never been known to fail. Fox's great physical strength made him champion of the Prefects' Room. His peculiar victory grunt after a brief challenge was a topic for some discussion, but don't think he was aggressive. Fox kept a strident laugh for any point of humour, and was good for an occasional shaggy dog story (no straight face however). He showed only a contented face to the world, and we wish him all success studying Economics at Leeds University.

P. J. HOUGHAM. At School 1956-63. Prefect 1962-63. Capt. 2nd XI Cricket and Football. Vice-Captain gymnastics. School basket-ball. Higham House. Half-colours for football, cricket and basket ball. Full colours, gymnastics.
Hank was a good all round sportsman, excelling where agile reflexes are needed. He was always cheerful, and made many groups of people follow his cheerful manner; the innumerable coach trips with School teams on which he went were a speciality. It was because of this cheerful indifference and demeanour, like that of a rodeo cowboy, and a certain physical feature, that he was called "Hank" by all.
It is always difficult to appreciate or understand a person, but "Hank" was fond of fishing and camping, and had very little taste for philosophising-it must be the call of the outdoor life.
I am sure Higham House are indebted to his keenness in all House affairs.
Hank hopes to follow an engineering career, and in this we wish him every success.

R. A. LUDLOW. At School 1956-63. Prefect 1962-63. School 1st XI Football. Vice-Captain and Secretary School Chess Team. Secretary 2nd XI Cricket. School Athletics. Essex Junior Chess Team. A. F. A. Public School Team. Full colours, Football and Chess.
One could not help but like Roy. Possessed of an infectious sense of humour and amiable disposition he exuded good nature and genuine friendliness. In spite of this he held deep convictions on anything from capital punishment to Leyton Orient F.C.-a possible explanation for his tolerance since he knew he was defending the indefensible.
On the football field Roy more than distinguished himself, playing for the 1st XI for three seasons and gaining a place in the A.F.A. Public Schools Team. As schemer of the School attack he displayed marked maturity and consistency in his play-which is reflected in the fact that he was never, to my knowledge, "dropped". Roy's other great addiction was chess to which he devoted considerable time until the pressure of examinations dictated otherwise. Again his exceptional ability brought him representative honours-a place in the Essex Junior Chess Team-not forgetting many years with the School team.
Added to this was his distaste of bad organisation and consequent acceptance of the Secretaryship of the Football and Chess teams. Truly the School has lost a loyal member.

A. J. MOORE. At School 1956-63. Prefect 1962-63. Spivey House Captain. Editor of the Monovian. Christian Fellowship. Senior Circle. Secretary of School Council.
Although small in stature, John did not fail to leave an impression on the School. As School Prefect, he enjoyed unrivalled popularity from all sections of the School-a rare achievement indeed. Even though John studied languages, he showed a keen interest in topics outside his scope, and showed an interest in the Science Society. His minutes of the School Council exemplify his character -neat, tidy, and efficient, and in his capacity as an editor of the School magazine he worked tenaciously, always worrying people in a good humoured way for material which in most cases was very much overdue. We wish him success in his chosen career of industrial management.

J. NISBET. At School 1955-63. Prefect 1963. Secretary of Senior Circle. School 1st XI Cricket. School 2nd XI Football.
John will be best remembered in the Prefects' Room for his inherent and highly comical sarcasm together with his undoubted ability to look miserably unmoved in the most amusing of circumstances. Yet he was rarely serious, and his keen personality had a welcome effect. He was a most efficient secretary of the Senior Circle and arranged a programme of most interesting speakers. He will be better remembered, however, for his prowess on the cricket field, where his fast bowling has been the mainstay of the School 1st XI for several seasons. Unfortunately he was unable to transfer this success to football, although he made three appearances for the School 2nd XI as a tough-tackling right-back.
John worked hard at School, but unfortunately narrowly missed gaining a university place. He has instead accepted a worthy post in the "Executive Grade" of the Civil Service. A substantial consolation exists for him in the fact that he will now be better able to pursue his acquaintance with a certain Scottish lass from Woodford.
We all wish him every success in the future.

L. V. SMITH. At School 1956-63. Prefect 1962-63. School Captain of Gymnastics and Athletics. Colours for Athletics and Gymnastics. Higham House Vice-Captain.
The great feature of "V's" school career was his tremendous loyalty to School and House, especially in the fields of gymnastics and athletics. As captain of both sports he spent many hours practising, training others, and showing boundless enthusiasm, which must have inspired many to greater attainments, for the standard of both activities has improved over the year.
Even though "V" spent many hours in the gym he somehow managed to read widely in the field of mathematics, and his deep grasp of his subject left many of us mortals in the Upper Sixth maths set agog. With an intellect such as his he is assured of an exciting career at Bristol University, where he will read Mathematics.

R. D. WAIGH. School 1955-63. Prefect 1962-63. Jazz Club. Bridge Club. School Chess Team. Angling Club Chairman. Senior Circle. Allpass House Debating Team. Cricket 2nd XI. School Council. Science Society.
Roy was distinguished for his innate musical ability. He could use a piano and was proficient with clarinet and guitar, whilst he could produce an agreeable sound from any instrument he handled.
His many and varied contributions to school life were always carried out in inconspicuous fashion. Notable were his foundation of the Angling Club and his lecture on psychology to the Science Society.
Most of his time in the Prefects' Room was spent playing chess, learning from Herman and Roy and imparting his knowledge to other opponents. His modest approach and dry humour have made him popular in all parts of the School and we sincerely hope that he finds his niche at Bristol where he is to study Pharmacy.

H. WALDMANN. As School 1956-63. Prefect 1962-63. Chairman of Senior Circle. Secretary of Science Society. Dramatic Society. Captain of School Chess Team. Essex Junior Chess Team, Board 2. School Tennis Team.
Herman will be well remembered at School for his versatility. He played a prominent and successful part in many branches of school life, effectively stamping his quiet yet determined personality on the diverse positions of responsibility he held. Likeable and good-humoured, he was popular with his fellow prefects and the body of the School alike, carrying out his prefectoral duties in a cheerful and efficient manner. In addition to his other attributes Herman is a fine pianist, which was evident from his intermittent performances on the piano in the Prefects' Room, despite the limitations of that worthy yet battered instrument!
Undoubtedly Herman will be best remembered as Captain of Chess, and the School Team's success is a distinct pointer to his fine qualities of leadership. His skilful play was a constant inspiration to the Team, and he is to be congratulated on playing on Board 2 for the County Junior Team. .
In addition to these activities he worked hard at School, and his efforts were met with deserved success. He is to be congratulated on gaining a place at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, to study Medicine. We give him our sincerest wishes for every success in the future.

R. K. WESTLEY. School 1956-63. Prefect 1962-63. Allpass House Captain. Football Vice-Captain. Athletics Captain. Basketball Captain. School Basket-ball. 1st XI Football. Walthamstow Athletics. VI Form Tiddlywink Team. School Netball ViceCaptain. School Swimming. Senior Circle. Science Society. Essex County Major Award.
Roy was enthusiastic and extrovert in everything he did. His sporting accomplishments show a wide variety of skills, and his temperament will be missed from the football pitch to the "winking" room, and not least on the netball court, where he showed great sympathy for the girls who misguidedly tried to intercept his somewhat forceful passes.
In the Prefects' Room he brushed all antagonists aside both physically and mentally, for he has a fine, logical, perceptive brain, and Hank alone managed to find an answer to Roy's continuous sarcastic onslaughts.
His ebullient personality will ensure him social success whatever he does and we wish him well academically when he begins his Diploma in Technology course at Brighton College of Technology in February. Walthamstow High School will not be the same without him.

Valete 1965

H. Morgan. At school 1956-64. School Captain 1963-64. Prefect 1962-64. Captain Morris House, Chairman, School Council, School Athletics, House Debating Team, Treasurer Dramatics Society 1963-64. Senior Circle, Geographical Society.
A tremendously cheerful and friendly person, Henry had an easier task than some School Captains in that all his Prefects were junior to him. He set about his job with energy and vigour, and soon gained respect from all quarters of the school.
A good orator, he played the lead role in the school production of 'Macbeth', and helped Morris House win the House Debating Trophy. He also chaired the School Council throughout the year and succeeded in controlling many of the extrovert personalities who tend to constitute the bulk of that enigmatic body.
Henry is at present spending a year in the Solomon Islands under the auspices of the Voluntary Service Overseas Organisation. In August he returns to go up to Hertford College, Oxford in the Autumn, where he will read Theology. It seems fitting that such a full life should be eventually dedicated to the work of the Church.

R. T. Davey. At school 1957-64. Deputy School Captain 1963-64. Prefect 1962-64. Vice-Chairman School Council. ViceCaptain Morris House. Captain, 2nd XI Football. Science Society. Half-colours Football.
It was a fitting climax to Bob's school career that he was appointed Deputy School Captain. He was never one for the limelight but did much more work for the school than was ever supposed.
He will always be best remembered for his sincerity in everything he did and his genial and good-humoured nature. In his third year, in the true tradition of Deputy School Captain, Bob strove valiantly to reduce mounting deficits in the Tuck-Shop! In the Prefects' Room, with his renowned hugeness, he was one of the two 'quiet giants'.
His dedication to work in the academic field was justly rewarded when he gained an Open Scholarship to Guy's Hospital, London, to read Dentistry, and we wish him all success in the future.

J. C. Everitt. At school 1957-64. Prefect 1963-64. Allpass House. Librarian 1962-63. Senior Circle. Member School Council. History Society. Geographical Society. School Scout Troop.
'Egg', as he was universally known, was one of the most hardworking of Prefects-chiefly because he had very little else to do in his last two terms, at school.
After narrowly missing a place at Cambridge he set about passing 'O' Level French and German, which he was taking for the 'nth' time, with determination. The Geography Department should be very grateful to the many hours he spent in the field along with Messrs. Morgan and Maher. 'Egg' was also an active school scouter and gained his Queen's Scout Badge whilst at Monoux.
His academic prowess was of a sufficiently high standard to secure him a County Major Exhibition and a place at Leicester University where he is now reading Geography.

D, Gorrie. At school 1957-64. Prefect 1963-64. Chief Librarian. Vice-Captain 1st XI Football. Spivey House. School Athletics. 2nd XI Cricket. Full colours Football. Senior Circle.
One of the comics of the Prefects' Room, Dave's topical witticisms lingered on usually for six or seven weeks. A very keen sportsman, he kept goal for the 1st XI for two seasons, captaining the team on more than one occasion, and narrowly missed selection for the Essex Schools' Team. He was also a wicket-keeper and a sprinter for the school.
Dave worked hard as Chief Librarian, also using his capacity for organisation as Football Secretary. As the proud owner of a scooter he was ever the recipient of urgent requests to run errands. He is now working for the Shell-Mex Oil Company and we wish him the best of luck in his chosen career.

K. Burns. At school 1957-64. Prefect 1963-64. Senior Circle. School Orchestra. Spivey House.
Ken was enthusiastic, but quiet about everything he did, especially where music was concerned. Many Prefects' Room quips were directed at him and his celebrated trombone, but he would reply completely unruffled, with a dryness of wit that was unrivalled.
A keen German student, for several years Ken actively supported and participated in the Weilburg Exchange. Like the members of the Prefects' Room, most of the Germans soon came to appreciate his humour, kindness, and willingness to help others at any time. Indeed, if any Prefect was unable to carry out a tuck-shop duty, Ken would inevitably volunteer, if only to be able to hear from his 1st Formers the familiar taunts of his nick-name, 'Angus'.
Ken has now left us to go into Insurance. Truly, the School has lost a loyal and hard-working member.

P. N. Stas. At school 1957-64. Prefect 1963-64. Chief Librarian. Captain School Tennis. Mallinson House. Representative, School Council. Full colours, Tennis.
Pete was always quiet and unassuming and yet beneath it all was a diligent worker with a good brain. His talents were recognised, however, and in addition to becoming a Prefect he was appointed Chief Librarian and, partnered by Dave Gorrie, brought efficiency to the running of the library.
Pete was a keen and successful tennis player, captaining the School Team in his final year, and, despite his quiet and apparently frail nature, outside school took a lively interest in judo.
His efforts in the academic field were rewarded with a County Major Exhibition and a place at Birmingham University, where he is reading English.

B. Maher. At school 1957-64. Prefect 1963-64. 2nd XI Football. Treasurer, Senior Circle. History Society. Geographical Society. Mallinson House.
For the short period of time that Barry was in the Prefects' Room-he left at Easter-he was seen very little. With Henry Morgan and John Everitt, and under the leadership of Mr. B. Szczepaniak (the German Assistant) he conducted a land-use survey in the Braintree area under the auspices of the London School of Economics.
Barry was always an active member of his departmental societies, particularly the Geographical Society, which ably served to supplement his background reading. Above all he was a most
conscientious worker, a virtue that gained him excellent 'A' Level results and a place at Bristol University to read Geography. We wish him every success in his future studies.

G. W. Searle. At school 1957-64. Prefect 1963-64. Captain, School Swimming. School Athletics. 2nd XI Football. School Basketball. Captain Spivey House. House Debating Team. Full colours., Swimming.
It can truly be said that 'Cec' was one of the real characters of the Prefects' Room-without doubt he was the noisiest and most boisterous. Enthusiastic and extrovert in everything he did, he will be best remembered for his inherent and highly comical sarcasm.
As can be seen, Cec was a keen all-round sportsman, swimming for the District and gaining a place in the Essex Schools' Basketball squad just before he left. He also represented the School at Athletics and Football; and, in the distant past, there was even an U. 15 XI cricket match in which he 'participated'.

E. J. Bryson. At school 1957-64. Prefect 1963-64. ViceCaptain, Spivey House. School Athletics. School Swimming. Geographical Society. Half-colours, Athletics and Swimming.
Although a rough-and-ready character, El was one of the most sincere members of the Prefectorial body, and a loyal member of the School with a deep affection for his house.
While not outstanding at any particular sport he was willing to try his hand at anything for the sake of his house-and for the laugh of it. A connoisseur of the art of card-playing, when not in the Prefects' Room he could be found practising his skills in the Bastille.
El was not the most enterprising or hardworking of scholars, but it is to his credit that he achieved admission to the Dartmouth Royal Naval Training College and we wish him every success in his future career.

I. Wright. At school 1957-64. Prefect 1963-64. Librarian 1962-63. Secretary, Geographical Society 1962-63. Secretary, History Society 1962-64. Secretary, then Chairman, Senior Circle 1963-64. Higham House. House Debating Team.
As can be seen, Ian has never been a sportsman during his school career, apart from dabbling in cricket occasionally. He always strongly supported his departmental societies and played an important part m the debating and discussion sectors of school life.
Ever the 'perfect gentleman', his charm and courtesy often portended more success than he actually met with. The perpetrator of many jokes in the Prefects' Room, Ian met with a varied amount of disapproval despite which he maintained his demure and dignified facade.
'Tub', as he was earlier known, had a reasonably distinguished academic career gaining a County Major Exhibition (with a distinction in Economics) and a place to read Economics, and Business Management at Bristol College of Advanced Technology where we wish him well.

P. R. Bailey, At school 1958-64. Prefect 1963-64. ViceCaptain Higham House. School 1st XI Football. School 1st XI Cricket. Full colours, Athletics. Woodford Green and Essex Athletics. Dramatics Society. School Orchestra.
Phil's school life has always centred around athletics, and in this field he distinguished himself as a sprinter, running for Essex schools and also by breaking both the 100 yards and 220 yards school records. He also played a prominent part in school football and cricket for which his speed was his greatest asset.
Out of school, it is to his great credit that he attained the highest distinction in the St. John Ambulance Brigade, the Grand Prior award. Phil was a lively member of the Prefects' Room and we wish him good luck in his chosen career.

The following members of the Prefectorial body left in December 1964 or January 1965 :
D. C. Jolly. At school 1957-64. School Captain 1964. Prefect 1962-64. Captain Morris House 1964. Captain 1st XI Cricket. Captain, School Basketball. Essex Schools' Basketball Team. School Athletics. 1st XI Football. Full colours, Basketball and Cricket.
Dave was always the obvious choice for School Captain, and it was not at all surprising that he attained this position when he finally decided to return from the wilds of Kent last September.
He was always respected, and most people could recognise his flair for organisation. Whether it was on the sports field or in his work he would always succeed in a most unruffled manner where others would have fallen by the way.
Although never greatly interested in School Societies, he showed great conscientiousness as School Captain and managed ably the School Council. A shrewd and well-versed orator, Dave revelled in an argument or discussion, and together with Henry Morgan carried off the House Debating Cup for Morris House. It was in the sporting quarters of school life, however, that he excelled, captaining the 1st XI Cricket Team with great success for two seasons, and the School Basketball Team. He also represented the school at Football, and Athletics, and played for the Essex Schools' Basketball Team.
Outside school he took great interest in reading novels of all descriptions, especially the Russian school of authors, and by the age of sixteen boasted having read all of Shakespeare's plays!
He was also tremendously interested in classical music and was equally knowledgeable on Bach, Brahms and Britten.
Dave had a successful academic career in which he devoted much time and effort to English which he will read at Balliol College, Oxford next October. He is at present teaching at Sidney Chaplin School, and we hope that in the future he meets with the success that he so richly deserves.


Valete 1966

J. M. Lawson. At school 1962-65. Prefect 1963-65. ViceCaptain Allpass House. School Basketball. Half-colours, Basketball.
After being school Captain at Heathcate Secondary School, John joined our 6th Form and after only one year was appointed to the Prefectorial body.
'Skip', as he was earlier known, was renowned for his adherence to his principles ... and his money, but he will always be best remembered for the outstanding size of his pedical protuberances.
In the field of sport John's only real interest lay in Basketball, at which he represented both the School and District. Indeed had he felt so inclined he could surely have represented the County, but when he did not feel like doing something he just would not do it, and no-one would be able to dissuade him when in such a lethargic phase.
He is now training to be a draughtsman with the London Transport Executive, and we wish him well, hoping that he can look back on his short stay at Monoux as a happy and profitable one.

C. Apoatolides. At school 1962-65. Prefect 1963-65. Mallinson House Debating Team. Senior Circle. Geographical Society.
Although his stay at Monoux was short, Cos (short for Costakis) soon became a liked and respected figure. Always the centre of controversy in the Prefects' Room, his theory that the Greeks won the Second World War not only stimulated much verbal intercourse but also raised many raucous guffaws. In discussion he was the epitome of chivalry and the self-appointed arbiter of all prefectorial disputes. His devotion to duty was outstanding-he never turned up for 'Tuck-Shop' and was frequently absent. Nevertheless he was a fundamentally sincere person, always willing to lend assistance to anybody, whether they needed it or not.
His infectious laughter and open character will be greatly missed in the Prefects' Room and we wish him well in his future college career.

P. D. Stewart. At school 1958-65. Prefect 1964-65. Chief Librarian 1964-65. Treasurer, Senior Circle 1964. History Society. Morris House. School Dramatic Society. School Council.
Phil was always one of the more sophisticated members of the Prefects' Room and whenever a political or economic argument arose one could guarantee that he would be in the midst of it. Never a sportsman, he did a great amount of work in his last term at school, both as Chief Librarian and as Treasurer of the Senior Circle, always an unsavoury job considering the general affluence of the 6th Form. In addition, he also took part in several of the school's play productions. Always tremendously inquisitive, Phil often had to suffer sarcastic onslaughts from fellow prefects; needless to say he managed to retaliate.
He left us in January and is at present working on a Kibbutz in Israel for six months. In October .he will be going up to University to read Law and we wish him all success for the future.

S. C. Hatwell. At school 1957-65. Prefect 1964-5. Librarian 1963-4. Captain of Mallinson House. School 1st XI Cricket. School 1st Team Basketball. School Council. Half colours cricket and Basketball.
Stuart's heart was bigger than his body and his mind was bigger than both. He was a cautious and intelligent worker in the field of history and ultra-rational when it came to English Literature despite Mr. Carr's phantasies. No-one could ever look quite as equivocal as he could. He was often the mediator of the serious arguments of the prefects room-an urbane debunker. He was popular amongst first formers and sixth-formers alike and carried his prefectorial responsibilities very easily. His stature was often a disadvantage in the sports he played, especially basketball -but continual practice in the gym and the nets brought him rewards in his final season with the 1st XI and the Basketball Team. When he passed French 'A' level in January 1965 he ensured himself a place at Hull University where we wish him well.

B. O. Hebbard. At school 1957-65. Deputy School Captain 1964-65. Prefect 1963-65. Captain of Higham House 1963-65. ViceChairman of School Council. School swimming. House Debating team. Treasurer of Senior Circle 1963-64. Chairman of Dramatic Society 1964-65. Geographical Society. Half colours swimming.
It would be slighting Bruce to say that he was an "interesting" character. As a short glance at his achievements shows he was a full character in every sense of the word. The Hebbard breeze sprang up at 8.59 a.m. every morning and continued until - well until he decided to go home again. He would within an hour discuss the techniques of Mahler with the utmost gravity and break up an equally grave discussion on Lenin with six large words of dismissal. His interests were really wide: music, novels, philosophy, psychology, sociology, history and geography as well as a love of those properties attributed to Bacchus. He took his prefectship reasonably seriously, made a very good job of the tuck-shop and was in all one of the best School Vice Captains. Anything that Bruce tried his hand at, even cricket, was liable to turn out well. We all hope he sets Hull alight studying sociology or history or geography; I don't think he knows. He certainly worked hard, albeit sporadically, to get a University place and one may be assured that he will make the best of it.

B. A. B. MARTIN At School 1957-65. Prefect 1963-65. School Captain 1965. Chairman School Council. Captain Allpass House. House Athletics, Cross Country, Swimming and Basketball. Dramatic Society. School Scout Troup.
Brian served the school as a prefect for over two years and was appointed School Captain for the last two terms of that period, after David Jolly, the previous Captain, had left school. To follow David, with his natural flair for organisation and leadership, might not have seemed an easy task to Brian, but he set about his duties with determination. If David's notable quality as Captain was leadership, Brian's was certainly courtesy. His good humour and politeness to all, whether prefects or junior boys, helped him to make a success of his difficult job in leading the school.
In other activities, Brian was notably a keen athlete, determined to keep fit, and thus often to be seen training after school. He was also a member of the School Scout Troop, where he earned the distinction of becoming a Queen's Scout and of attaining the Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award, which he received from the Duke himself at Buckingham Palace.
Of Brian's other achievements we must not fail to mention a remarkable liking for school dinners, a considerable daily consumption of milk, the ownership of an ancient car, and dramatic parts ranging from Lt. Manson, R.N., in the school production "Morning Departure", to a negro coachman in the Prefects' production of "Cinderella" at the last Rag Concert.
Our best wishes and thanks for his leadership go with him to Aberdeen University where he is studying Bio-chemistry.

P. D. L. AVIS At School 1958-65. Prefect 1965. Librarian 1964-5. Deputy Chief Librarian 1965. Senior Circle. Christian Fellowship.
Paul's main concern at Monoux was the work of Christian Witness in the school. He was the leader of the Christian Fellowship, and the main organiser of Club 123 meetings during his last year here. With other members of the Fellowship, Paul also instituted and helped to run a Junior Bible Club for forms 1 and 2 which met once a week in the lunch hour and which had several interesting and quite well-attended meetings. The work he organised in these fields continues still at Monoux and we are grateful to him for his service. His other main service to the school was as Deputy Chief Librarian, helping to ensure the smooth running of the library.
Paul has now left school and is contemplating full-time Christian service. We send him our best wishes for the future.

G. A. FRANCIS At School 1958-65. Prefect 1964-5. Librarian 1963-4. Senior Circle. Founder and editor of The New Monoux Bulletin. School Council.
Geoff was one of the most hardworking of prefects with a sincere sense of loyalty to his school. He was particularly ready to volunteer for tuck-shop duty if someone was absent, and ever cheerful and with a brand of humour very much his own, he was generally well-liked and respected.
He was nevertheless often a centre of controversy, a position from which he seemed to draw great amusement. His opinions were always very forthright, ranging from the merits of Bob Dylan to the demerits of the Labour Government, and in particular its attitude to comprehensive education. In the Prefects' room there was frequently (amicable?) verbal conflict between Geoff and one other member of the prefectorial body who had rather more left wing opinions. This conflict was highlighted in an entertaining Face to Face discussion at a Senior Circle meeting.
Geoff returned to school this September and was responsible for re-starting the Monoux Bulletin, the weekly school news-sheet, which had not appeared for several years. We congratulate him on obtaining a place at Goldsmith's College, London, where he is now studying English. We wish him every success in the future.

M. E. FROST At School 1958-65. Prefect 1964-5. Librarian 1963-4. Senior Circle. Geographical Society Secretary. School Council. Allpass Athletics Captain. School Athletics. 2nd XI Cricket.
Martin had a cheerful disposition and a natural aptitude for argument, with particularly forceful opinions on political or economic subjects.
He left his mark in the Prefects' room, or rather several marks, particularly on the ceiling. These resulted from his favourite lunch-time activity of throwing or bouncing a tennis-ball, or hitting it with a cricket stump, making the small room his cricket pitch with little heed for the safety of the other occupants. Not surprisingly he was an active sportsman out of doors too. He was a keen cricketer, represented the school at athletics, and though not renowned as a footballer, scored a goal in the memorable Prefects v. Staff match.
He is now studying at the London School of Economics where we wish him well.

E. P. SNELLING At School 1958-65. Prefect 1965. Vice-Captain Spivey House. Captain 2nd XI Football. School Athletics.
Paul was a very likeable and respected member of the sixth form who would express his views in a quiet but confident manner. We did not see him a great deal; perhaps he may have preferred the redoubtable precincts of the Biology Lab. to the more boisterous Prefects' Room.
He was a keen sportsman, representing the school in athletics, and captaining the 2nd XI at football. He has now left school to study veterinary science at Bristol University where we send him our best wishes for the future.

R. G. JOHNSON At School 1958-65. Prefect Autumn 1965. Librarian 1964-5. Senior Circle. 1st XI Football. Football Secretary. Half-colours Football.
Dick, "Abdul", or just plain "Fatty", must have earned the distinction of the shortest service ever in the prefectorial body. Estimates range from ten days to a fortnight. Dick came back to school this September not really sure what his plans were for the coming year. He was appointed prefect, but finally decided to leave school. He has obtained a post teaching at Ruckholt Secondary School for this year and hopes to obtain a place at university for October 1966.
Dick was a very competent Football Secretary and one of the best 1st XI goalkeepers for several years. In holiday-time he was a keen hitch-hiker, and his speciality was skilled imitations of Roy Orbison and Buddy Greco.
We wish him well in the future.

A. I. MILLER At School 1959-65. Prefect 1965. Librarian 1964. Senior Circle. History Society. Cross Country Captain. Full Colours, Cross Country and Athletics.
Tony was cheerful and talkative, and conscientious in his duties. His great love was athletics and cross-country running. For several years he served as captain of cross-country, and worked to stimulate interest in an activity which had not been of great note before at Monoux. In the lower school in particular, his efforts in encouraging boys to train were successful, as results will show. A notable performer himself, he was awarded Full Colours in both cross-country and athletics.
He is now taking a four year business study course at Coventry College of Advanced Technology where we wish him every success.

R. C. HAMMOND At School 1958-65. Prefect 1964-65. Captain Spivey House. Librarian 1964. Monoux Young Socialist Candidate in School Election. House swimming, basketball, athletics, football and cross-country. Member History and Geography Societies.
Bob had the most disconcerting faculty of making you think you were wrong in any given situation, no matter how concrete your arguments. His saucer-eyed disbelieving stare or huge gust of laughter could prick your pet bubble of pride and ruin your day. Your most cherished theories were dismissed with searching comments or a frustrating wave of a bony hand.
This superficial superiority was, however, overcome by fighting scorn with scorn; and we all soon learnt, of course, that underneath, Bob was as friendly and sincere as anybody could be. A determination to do well academically kept him out of school activities quite considerably, but this was shown to be wise, since he achieved a high standard at 'A' level and fulfilled his aim in reaching York University to read Politics and Economics. His interests were varied, ranging from Rupert Brooke to plastering pictures on the Prefects' Room walls; he was invariably cheerful, and well known in the Prefects' Room for his imitation of Steptoe, scepticism towards religion, and ability to fall between two chairs while stomping around, propounding with gravity one of his many arguments. One hardly needs to wish him well; we're all pretty certain that one day he will be Managing Director of I.C.I. or something like that.

R. N. JOHNSON At School 1958-65. School Vice-Captain 1965. Prefect 1964-5. Captain School Athletics. Captain Athletics and Cross-country. Mallinson House. Vice-Chairman of School Council.
It is with respect that one remembers Rog. and his achievements. Principled, even disciplinarian, but never inflexible, one always felt able to rely on his calculated clear-headed and mature judgements. He had a great sense of humour and an outstanding attribute of imperturbability. With Brian, he formed formidable opposition in the everlasting arts v. science debate that more often than not ended on the Prefects' Room floor-especially when Malc was around.
Rog. could always elucidate an argument in black and white -a typical scientist. He was very good at keeping the prefectorial body on its toes, especially concerning school duties. His high academic achievement and prowess in athletics enhance his character, and nobody could fail to wish him all success at Bristol University where he is reading Bio-chemistry, and also for the future.

P. I. BAILEY At School 1958-65. Prefect 1964-65. Librarian 1963-4 Chief Librarian 1964-5. Senior Circle. History Society. 2nd XI Football, House Athletics and Swimming.
Pete had the happy knack of being able to fit everything into a busy day without ever seeming to be actually busy. He tackled his various unsavoury duties with a dogged determination and meticulousness whether it be clearing up after milk duty, fighting the lost cause of the second eleven, or preparing a history lecturette. He often adopted an outwardly cynical attitude which was, perhaps, inevitable when his most useful quality, which he never seemed to appreciate, was his ability to unite all prefects in the common cry of "let's sit on Pete". He bore his burden, however, with grim resignation and an imaginative flow of language which, we fear, will remain characteristic of him as he continues his studies at Swansea University where, most sincerely, we wish him the very best of luck.

M. B. CAIRNS At School 1958-65. Prefect 1964-5. Allpass House. School Council. Senior Circle. Science Society. Bridge Club. 2nd XI Football.
Although Malc was a mathematician (which demanded rational thinking) his actions were often irrational. He was impulsive but when he had made a decision he would stand firm against all opposition. He rarely took any criticism to heart and was always first to slip a humorous remark into what had previously been a serious discussion.
He was never a sportsman until he decided to prove that his boasts were based on truth. His true "sport" was card-playing. He combined both skill and an unusual amount of luck, both when playing bridge and other games of lesser repute, to produce a fair measure of success.
He is now studying mathematics at Nottingham University, one of the five offers he received, and we wish him the best of luck in future life.

R. L. BIGGS At School 1958-65. Prefect 1965. Spivey House. Editor of Monovian 1963-65. Bridge Club.
Rob was rarely seen in the Prefects' Room, most of his life being spent in the Biology Lab. He was quiet and unassuming but could be firm when he wished. His opinions were sometimes opposed to those of most other prefects and thus suffered from sarcastic comments which he developed an ability to squash as if they were childish.
His work for the Monovian was outstanding, sufficiently so to gain him the Senior Magazine Prize in 1964. He did not let this interfere with his school work and surprised many people with his results. Rob is now at the London Hospital Medical School where we hope he succeeds as well as he has at school.

At School 1958-65. School Captain 1965. Prefect 1964-5. Captain Mallinson House, Chairman School Council, Science Society, Bridge Club, Essex Athletics, Essex Basketball. House Swimming.
Chris slid easily into the demands and responsibilities of School Captainship and, by a mixture of confidence and competency, showed that he could lead a school as skilfully as he could a basketball team. One of his advantages was that he had very definite ideas of what was expected of him and would, as a result, closely adhere to these. Sometimes, as on School Council, this tended to overawe the lower school boys, yet it is undeniable that during Chris' short period of office this organisation echoed his businesslike efficiency-a most welcome change.
Chris also managed firmly to control the Prefects' Room while never needing to assert his authority. Although working extremely hard for exams, he would often find time to take part
in one of the interminable Prefects' Room discussions, and his arguments were almost invariably well thought out and only too effective.
His achievements as School Captain were very definite ones, and when his great enthusiasm and success in the field of athletics is remembered it can be seen that Chris, in the fullest possible
sense, was an all round person. To claim that he :eft his mark on Monoux is a considerable understatement

Valete 1967 


At School 1958-66. School Vice-Captain 1965-66. Prefect 1964-66. Vice-Chairman School Council. Senior Circle, History Society, House Athletics.
Mick's great loves swing dramatically, according to the weather and the imminence of exams, from plastering aesthetically pleasing pictures on the wall to grave discussions on the balance
of payments. One must also salute his pioneering spirit in introducing new intricacies to the noble art of Profect Room football, and his practical use of his study of economics in his careful organisation of the Tuckshop.
Mick, however, also had a serious side to. his nature, expressing his views with such sincerity that you could only respect them, even if not fully agreeing with them.
He was occasionally depressed, frequently anxious, but always able to revive himself by seeing the funny side of a disastrous situation, a talent which should stand him m good stead at York University where we wish him all the best of luck.
At School 1958-65. Prefect 1965. Librarian 1964-5, Chief Librarian 1965. Senior Circle.
All Dave needed for a contented life was a comfortable chair, a copy of "The Times" crossword in front of him and, close at hand, the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations which, preferably, somebody else had retrieved for him.
When minor considerations, like lessons or prefectorial duties did intervene however, he often appeared to be far more conscientious than many of his colleagues. Indeed, he gained the
unique distinction of being about the only boy actually able to get down to work in the Prefects' Room. He could also often be seen doing a voluntary and leisurely dinner-time patrol around the school.
With his easy smile and pleasant good-natured outlook, it was impossible to dislike Dave, and we send him all best wishes for his continued studies at Southampton University, and for his future career.

At School 1963-66. Prefect 1965-6. Geographical Society. Y.C.N.D. Group. Second Eleven Cricket.
Mo, although coming late into the Prefects' Room, was certainly quick in. establishing himself as a popular member of the Prefectorial body, with his broad northern accent making him particularly conspicuous.
Despite some ill-deserved bad luck in trying to get into College, he never allowed himself to get unduly depressed and, indeed, was always ready to launch himself, with enthusiasm, into the demands of the day.
The only times that he allowed his belligerence to reveal itself were on the frequent occasions when he was called upon to defend the fair name of his native Blackburn from some southern blasphemer.
Despite the insults, however, we were all pleased at his much improved G.C.E. results in January, which means that he is now able to enter a teachers' training college where we are confident that he will have every success.

H. G. SLATER At School 1958-66. Prefect 1964-66. Morris House Captain. Chairman Senior Circle, Secretary Dramatic Society, School Council, History Society, Geographical Society, Y.C.N.D. Group. House Swimming and Athletics.
Surveying the world from a comfortable armchair Henry seemed to live in a state of continual amusement with everything around him, including himself. In this way he remained moder
ately sane in the Prefects' Room where political or religious differences tended to sweep others away in their own intensity. Yet Henry also had very definite views, ranging from jazz, Vietnam and the reasons for thinning hair, which he was always ready to propound with a quiet good sense which often held sway over even his opponents.
Having been selected for Voluntary Service Overseas, we are sure that his sense of responsibility and fairness, his clearheadedness and good humour will be valuable assets in his work making
him, as at Monoux, naturally well-liked without his ever having deliberately to court popularity. We wish him well.

At School 1958-66. Prefect 1964-66. Cricket Captain, Football Vice-Captain, Whittingham House Captain. History Society. House Swimming.
Roy was the leading member in his year of that class of prefects that are rather euphemistically described as "big" and as with his predecessors it is as a sportsman that he will be remem
bered. Not only was he Football Vice-Captain, but he was also accorded the (ultimate) honour of being appointed Cricket Captain and last year's batting averages and list of goal-scorers will provide some measure of his success in both these sports.
As on the sports field so in the Prefects' Room, his size was a big asset and whenever someone looked as though he wanted to be sat on, Roy was only too happy to oblige. This is not to say that he could not be serious - he could - particularly if the conversation was on cars which was perhaps his main interest in life outside sport.
Although "The Economist" invariably took second place to "Motor" Roy did show some interest in his work and he was very unlucky not to gain a place at Lancaster, but no doubt he will have more success this year.
We wish him luck in his future career, and perhaps we should hope for temporary loss of form when he returns to play for the Old Monovians in both the football and cricket matches.

At School 1958-66. Vice-Captain Morris House, School swimming, House athletics, basketball representative, Senior Circle, Geography Society, School Council.
Ken was always one of the strongest personalities of the Prefects' Room; partly of course because he spent so much time in there while others were busy with their studies. However, there is no doubt that his quick wit and sarcastic humour did a lot for the atmosphere of the Prefects' Room, and his comments would always bring a laugh or something (except from the unfortunate being on the receiving end), even in the subdued atmosphere of the pre-examination days.
However, we should not be entirely fooled by his rather enigmatic outward appearance, for despite the comment once made of himself-"last at school and first away", Ken undoubtedly
had a serious side to his nature, as was often reflected by his comments during intellectual debate and by his detailed knowledge of cars and general mechanical bits and bobs.
Ken's main trouble was that work did not suit him. We wish him luck at Brighton College.

School 1958-1966. Prefect 1964-66; Librarian 1963-4, School Council, House Captain of Spivey, 2nd XI Football, Christian Fellowship. Woodwind Ensemble.
As can be seen from the list above, John was variously employed throughout his years at Monoux in many different ways. Yet with all these varied activities, his academic work was not allowed to suffer, resulting in an Exhibition to Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge.
In the Prefects' Room, it was easy to take his willingness to help rather for granted, and this same willingness and faithfulness was very much appreciated in the Christian Fellowship and the associate activities which he helped to run.
Because of his quiet manner, one may have expected the more rowdy members of the school to give him trouble, but he was respected by the whole school, and found the noting card unnecessary for keeping control-a quality which does not belong to everybody.
He left school early in 1966 to go for a few months to Germany, so that he could improve his German and French before beginning his course in modern languages at Cambridge. We send him our best wishes for the future.

Valete 1968



R. Clarke At School 1960-67; Prefect 1967; Vice-Captain 2nd XI football; School Cross-Country; School Athletics; Half-colours football; History Society; Geographical Society; Economics Society; Literary Circle; School Council representative.
"Nobby" became a prefect after Christmas and in his two terms he adapted himself to mix work, sport, and the duties of a prefect with considerable success at each.
Politics became a major interest for Nobby, especially at the time of the local election. In this, although he admitted to being a socialist, he decided that the Liberal party best served his purpose. He did considerable work for the Liberal cause, bringing a new dimension to canvassing. If, while out canvassing, he did not receive an answer he would open the letter-box and shout, "Come out, come out, we know you're in there".
Roger always took an active part in many school sports and it therefore came as no surprise when he decided to spend the summer cycling around Europe. He brought back many momentoes of this especially a badly mangled front wheel and badly gashed arm.
Nobby had a considerable capacity for concentrating on work. In the six weeks before 'A' level he appeared to work non-stop and was awarded by attaining exceptional grades. His 'A' level results gained him a place at Aberystwyth University where we wish him every success.

D. W, Dale At School 1960-67; Prefect 1966-67; Higham House Captain; School badminton Captain-full colours; Vice-Captain swimming -half colours; School football; School athletics; Geographical Society; History Society; Economics Society.
Those people who listened to the Headmaster on Speech Day will recall his mentioning a person who went to Finland with the School, and came back with beard. This mystery man was Del Dale, whose Rasputin-like countenance can now be seen behind the desk of Walthamstow High Street Public Library, working in the overall cause of the borough! As far as History (and Yorkshire) went Derek, to say the least, was not an ardent admirer, but preferred to dote on his beloved folk music and his appreciation of art.
Derek will best be remembered by many for his portrayal of the Caped Crusader in the Prefect's sketch for the Rag Concert. He was also known as one of the arch-destroyers of furniture, being responsible for the present state of the Prefect's Room door, which was done in a moment of anguish when he discovered that he had not seen two of the best questions on the 'A' Level History paper. A man of leisure, Del believed in short working hours, and as one Northerner said, "his gutter mind could lead him down the brain drain". However, he gained good 'A' Level results, although not good enough to gain him a place at university, an end we hope he achieves next year.
He was a good sportsman who put a lot of effort into everything he did, especially his badminton; and he claims to be the only person ever to have had an uncontrollable bout of yawning in the middle of a game.
We wish him all the luck in the future, and hope that all good things come to a Holt!

J. W. G. Evans School 1960-67; Prefect 1966-67; Allpass House Captain; House cross-country and athletics captain; House gymnastics captain; House basketball, swimming, cricket; School badminton
vice-captain (full colours); School athletics captain (full colours); Essex youth pole-vault champion; Senior Circle treasurer; School Council; Gym club; Bridge Club.
John was one of the most popular prefects, particularly amongst the lower school, because of the cheerful manner in which he dispensed his prefectorial duties. He was always willing to help out and even if he had no specific duty during the lunchtime, he could always be seen in the corridors, taking an interest in the running of the school.
For some unknown reason, John was not only trusted with the finances of the prefects' room, out of which he made a profit for the prefects by the end of the summer term, but was also Treasurer of the Senior Circle, always an unsavoury job considering the general affluence of the sixth form.
Much of John's time was spent on sport. He was most successful in athletics, specialising in pole-vault, and in badminton. As Athletics captain, he hoped to increase interest in this sport and as Allpass House Captain, aimed to widen active participation in house events.
Seen as often in the prefects' room (where he would make the life of the other prefects that shade more interesting, and amusing) as in the class room, John nevertheless obtained more than reasonable 'A' level results. After hearing regular reports of his course at the College of Fashion and Clothing Technology, one would not only wish him luck but also wish that one were in his shoes.

A,. P. Lansbury At School 1959-67; Prefect 1967; Librarian 1966-67; secretary of History Society; Senior Circle, Literary Circle; Economics Society; Natural History Society; 2nd XI Football.
Alan was certainly never content to get stuck in a rut. His academic career was one of constant change - after entering the Sixth form as a Scientist, he emerged with good 'A' levels in History, English Literature and Economics.
Those of us who followed his political career were amazed by the fact that he was once offered a job at Conservative Central Office, and is now a member of East Walthamstow Liberal Association. His impersonations of Mr. George Brown are well known, and Alan is the only person we can think of (outside the Staff Room) who could talk politics at a party, at 4 o'clock in the morning.
Despite his Russian ancestry, "Alby" fitted in well into all aspects of prefectorial life and duties, and he was as happy when playing prefects' room cricket as he was when telling us the finer points of the war between Israel and Egypt. His experience in the Second Eleven told when he took up a well deserved place in the prefects' team which played the staff (the least said about that game, the better).
We are confident that what he did to Monoux, he will do likewise to the University of Liverpool, although we find it hard to imagine him making a film of that noble institution. If they have something like our "Rag Concert", then they will find a readymade Master of Ceremonies, although Alan may well wish to forget the vocal harmonies of Gabriel Humperdink and the Exmoor Applestompers! For whatever he does in the next few years, he has our sincere good wishes. We look forward to the day when our children will say "Father knew Alby Landsbury."

P. C. Lawrence At School 1960-67; Prefect 1967; Spivey House Swimming Captain; School Council representative; Secretary Senior Circle; Geography Society; Science Society; Film Society; Bridge Club.
Whilst being basically a refined type of person, Pete was always ready to join in with any joke. His female impersonation in the Rag Concert gained him many whistles and offers although he never disclosed the identity of the girl who lent him the garments. (He was alleged to be one of the 3 1/2.)
Unfortunately for the many School societies of which he was a member, Pete was forced to move out to Leigh-on-Sea but he still managed to keep his interests alive. He quickly made friends in Southend and legend has it that he was the only member of the Monoux Family who found Southend sandy.
Pete was one of those rare people who enjoyed not only the company, but also the walking itself whilst on Messrs. Hadson and Hobson's tours. From his first visit (to Switzerland) to his last one (to the Lake District) he made many friends amongst other guests. His cheerful personality made these tours bearable. He was a well-liked person in the Prefects' room, chiefly because he spent so much time in there when others were working. However Pete did not completely waste him time, for his 'A' level results were very good and a surprise only to himself. Although he has to continue his Chemistry course at Nottingham University we know that Pete is enjoying himself and we hope to be sending him a more concrete expression of our thanks next September.

R. I. McAllister At School 1960-67; Prefect 1967; Whittingham House swimming captain; School swimming team, half-colours; recorder, Senior Circle; School Council; Geographical Society; Science Society.
What more can one say about Ian than that he enjoyed life. Whatever he undertook he approached with an apparently carefree air; at the same time, however, we all knew that he treated things seriously and perfectly sensibly. The serious side of Ian we rarely saw, except when he was involved in his studies. Sportswise, Ian devoted much time and effort to his house swimming team, and represented the School. He was First Eleven scorer for a short time, and kept goal for the Prefects' Eleven in their football match versus the Staff (the fact that the Prefects were defeated is no reflection of Ian's performance in the match; comments, particularly from two female spectators, were very favourable).
Socially, Ian was a valuable friend to every one, mainly because he was the owner of two motor vehicles (one was a twelve-seater van; we hesitate to describe the other as a car, though the Austin company probably considered it as such!). His romantic exploits in the Highams Park district were particularly famous, and at one time he had a strong taste for cider.
It was out of doors, and in the mountains of Britain in particular, that Ian most enjoyed himself. He once attended the Outward Bound School at Eskdale, and qualified as a member of the Mountain Rescue Team there. He was a member of three school mountaineering parties, two to the Lake District and one to Snowdonia; he would probably rather not be reminded of his accident at Lanadale, but it was typical of him that he was not deterred, and maintained his love for mountains. Ian is now at Poulton Training College near Blackpool, within easy reach of the Lake District; we wish him every success at college, and many happy hours at mountaineering.

D. Minchin At School 1960-67; Prefect 1966-67; Vice-House Captain Morris; Senior Circle; Radio Club; Science Society; Geographical Society; House football, athletics, and cross-country running; Photographic Society.
Dave was a quiet member of the prefectorial body, but, at the same time, he was a very busy member.
Never outstanding in any subject, Dave's distinction in 'A' level Physics shocked him and we hope that, by now, he has recovered from this. As a Scientist, he was in the minority among the prefects and was strongly against this. However, he was not completely alienated from art; his work, which can still be seen on the walls of the prefects' room, more than proves this point.
Dave was never one for the limelight and would do practically anything for anyone, doing much more work for the School than was ever supposed. It was Dave who ensured that the tedious but routine duties of the prefects were carried out since, week after week, efficiently drew up the rota of prefectorial duties. As the giant, Ho Min Chin, in the prefects' pantomime, Dave was our outstanding success and also made use of his interest in recording by producing the sound effects. Although he was not really the sporting type, he was always willing to help out when his house required him for such jobs as house whip on Sports Day. While at Monoux, Dave gave up chemistry as a bad job, and we hope that he does not have to take it up again at Leeds, where we wish him every possible success.

G. A. Swan At School 1959-67; prefect 1966-67; House Captain Whittingham; deputy-chief librarian; secretary Dramatic Society; editor "The Monovian"; Photographic Society; School Council.
For five years we tended to take Graham somewhat for granted. It was only after his entry into the sixth form that we came to realise his true worth. In the "Cynical Sixties" Graham's pride in Monoux, and his loyalty to the School had a stabilizing effect.
Organisation was his strong point-despite what might have been said by a certain History Master! The great success of "Sixth Form Presents", and of the regular Theatre visits were due to Graham's untiring efforts. These efforts were to be found in all his work for Monoux, which has truly lost a most loyal and hard-working member. We were all amazed however, that he managed to do so much for the School in the few hours he spent here each week. His service was rewarded when he received the McEntee Award on Speech Day.
Unfortunately his efforts in other directions brought him less reward, and his photographic mind did not serve him academically. Ever the "perfect gentleman", Graham did not let his occasional "hippie" moments detract from his campaign to preserve the Monoux School Uniform in all its glory-as many an errant third former will testify.
We wish Graham good luck in his future career. If any reader is looking for an expert photographer he need search no further.

R. Tebboth At School 1960-67; Prefect 1966-67; Whittingham House Captain of football and cricket; Captain 2nd XI football, halfcolours; trainer U.12 XI football; 1st XI cricket-full colours; Secretary, Senior Circle; House debating; Literary Society, History Society; Geographical Society; Chief Librarian; Essex County F.A. Referee.
'T' was one of the busiest members of the Prefects' Room in all respects. He carried out his prefectorial duties with his own high-spirited enthusiasm; was willing to take part in the various games specialised for the small confines of the Prefects' Room; attended functions ranging from the Carol Service to the School Dance; and played a large part in most School activities, particularly on the sporting side.
In football not only was he a very efficient Captain of a most successful Second Eleven, but he also spent considerable time handling the Under-12 team. Perhaps his most remarkable achievement in this field is the fact that he is now goalkeeper for his college First Eleven at Cambridge. In cricket, as secretary, he widened the fixture list, proved an effective medium-pace bowler in his final season in the First Eleven, and continued to help the first form by taking them for cricket.
'T' was a keen member of his house, taking part in most of the inter-house competitions. His biggest success in this field was when he helped Whittingham win the Debating Competition. Towards the end of his office as Chief Librarian, 'T' was responsible for the initial organisation of the new library system. Academically the most brilliant prefect on the arts side, he won an Exhibition to Christ's College, Cambridge, in four terms and, although he did not work hard for them, gained very good 'A' level results.
Undoubtedly 'T' was one of the most loyal prefects and will always be a keen Monovian. We hope he will be as successful in his future life as he has been at Monoux.

P. Vishnick At School 1960-67; Prefect 1966-67; Higham House football; vice-captain of table tennis; Science Society.
Paul was one of the more reserved members of the prefectorial body to which it has been said he added considerable weight. Mathematics was his really strong point - he was exceedingly gifted in the subject and his efforts were duly rewarded by gaining distinction at 'A' level in Pure, Applied and Further Mathematics. He was always willing to help sixth formers with their mathematical problems, and I might add that he did this with his usual sincere good humour and in his very likeable manner.
He did not play an active part in School sports, but did, however, do a tremendous amount of work to encourage table tennis in the School. His extremely high standard in the game matched his enthusiasm and he could have, if he had had the time, played for an Essex 'A' or 'B' team. Paul never did things by halves and, as you may well guess when I say that he played bridge, he was brilliant at the game. He was indeed a connoisseur of card-play and consequently of most card games.
He is at present reading Pure Mathematics at the London School of Economics. I am quite sure that he will be highly successful at University, and that we all wish him well for the future.

S. Wiseman At School 1965-67; Prefect 1967; Captain School gymnastics; School swimming; House basket-ball captain; full colours, gymnastics, half-colours, gymnastics and swimming; Chairman of
Senior Circle; Dramatic Society; Film Society; Whittingham House debating.
Mick came to the School in 1965 after being Head Boy at the George Gascoigne School. In his two years in the School he succeeded in creating a definite impression. In this he was considerably helped by his car which was easily recognisable if not for the rust and lack of a top coat of paint, for the numerous car stickers calling for the end of Nasser and the saving of Israel.
It was not only on car stickers that Mick extolled the virtues of Israel but also in heated and highly emotional discussions in the prefects' room. In this he achieved great success with most of the prefects agreeing with him, if only to shut him up. However, in an equally heated and emotional argument over the relative values of a bagsy and a cogsy he had to concede to the superior arguments and claims for a cogsy beating a bagsy.
Dramatics was a field where Mick showed great enthusiasm and he played a major part in the production of "Sixth Form Presents".
His interest in dramatics extended outside the School to the Waltham Forest Youth Theatre, in which he took an active interest.
This was not his only connection with the Arts. He was also interested in cine-photography and while on holiday with the School in North Wales he showed his flair for the unusual: if anyone received a heavenly message while out walking Mick was always ready with his camera to recall the occasion for posterity. It is customary now to wish the subject of the Vale best wishes in his studies, but since at Madeley College of Education where Mick is now studying, the girls outnumber the men three to one it is not best wishes he needs but discretion and stamina!

Valete 1969



J. Bloomfield
School Captain 1968. January 1968-September 1968. Captain School 2nd XI Football. Captain School lst IX Cricket. It was no surprise to the prefects when one morning, Jon, with a wide smile on his considerable features, entered the room with his habitual snort, and announced he was School Captain. Equally, it was no surprise to us that he carried out his duties in that post with great efficiency and unfailing, apish good humour. In his short term of captaincy, he was unable to initiate any great measure of reform; which left his Marxist/Bloomfeldian idealism somewhat frustrated.
As Cricket Captain, Boogseye not only enthused the team to win the Cricketer Cup but also earned himself the title Mr. Neurosis 1968, as he moved every fielder two inches after every ball. For two days before a match, the prefects' room would be filled with his concern whether to bat first or not, and for two days after he would demonstrate how he hit the opening bowler back over his head for four. The 2nd XI football also enjoyed a highly successful season under his captaincy, mainly because opponents would wilt under the blast of his voice screeching instructions, while we learnt to live with this built-in megaphone.
Jon was unusually perspicacious and a good judge of character, always ready to help those who approached him. The third form will long remember their association with him, and the C'hing Path will seem empty without Jon and Co. looking for fish in the muddy ditch. His list of many achievements, including passing his driving test first time (despite noisy send-offs and flag-waving from outside School at 4.05 on Tuesdays), the philistinic habit of watching Arsenal, and the infamous habit of suddenly starting thumping the back of his neck with the right hand, and exclaiming vociferously, which was, no doubt, the result of supporting Arsenal.
Academically, Bugsy more than deserved his place at Cambridge; even a certain gent in the history department acknowledged he was occasionally intelligent. We are all certain that in a few years time we will be seeing Jon reforming the world with his customary zeal. Well, fair enough!

S. Cook
At School 1960-68; Prefect 1966-67; School Captain 1967-68; Chairman of School Council; Captain of Spivey House; Captain of School Football 1965-67; lst XI 1964-68-colours; Essex 1966-67; School lst XI Cricket 1965-67-colours; London 1967; Walthamstow 1962-64; School lst Team Basketball 1965-68-half-colours; Walthamstow 1964; History Society; Economics Society; Geographical Society; Film Society.
No captain ever understood the School better than Steve. He tried constantly to bring about improvements particularly in staff/pupil and prefect/School relations. He always thought of how the lower school would feel about certain decisions, remembering how he felt and trying to make life easier and less restricted. He was and is a superb organiser, always to be seen with a list ofnames in his hand, some of which were understood by others only too well. It was this quality, his great fairness and feeling for the school which brought him respect from many of the most antisocial of its members.
To see how hard he worked at sport you need only leaf through the relevant pages in past "Monovians". He was a great sporting captain because of his organising ability, his encouragement to the lower school in many ways and his even-tempered nature. Academically Steve knew his limitations-a rare quality -and did enough work for half a dozen people, and it often emerged as the work of half a dozen people. Fortunately, he was no Saint, many interesting stories bearing witness to this, although at times he was irritatingly self-sacrificing and reliable.
Steve deserves more recognition than he will ever receive and if wealth was measured by the real quality of respect-rather than the ephemeral one of money-he would be a millionaire. Even if the so-rightly deserved university place eludes him, Steve will make a great teacher provided he does not allow his pupils to take advantage of his good nature.

N. Apostolides
At School 1961-68; Prefect 1967-68; School lst XI Football; School Athletics; House Gymnastics Captain; House swimming and basketball.
El Greco, or Nicky the Switchblade as he was affectionately known, was somebody you could not help but like. He rarely lost his temper and kept us amused for months with his problems and incredible stories of his countless relations and work in a Carnaby Street boutique. His main topic of conversation was how fast his Imp could do in 3rd, (anything was possible with Nick at the wheel) and the intricacies of the internal combustion engine would dominate the room for many periods. Most of us preferred reminiscing over the old Greekmobile which often came close to putting us in Whipps Cross, with its disconcerting habit of falling apart at the most inappropriate times. One could only marvel at Nick's rebuking of pedestrians whom he narrowly missed at 50 m.p.h. '
Nick took his work seriously and rarely let it slip, though his spells in the Walthamstow Reference Library often ended in a game of football with the little kids in Selborne park. He even took the trouble to teach us useful, everyday Greek words and give discourses on certain habits of the Turks.
Always willing and helpful to anybody Nick would turn out for the 2nd XI when he could play, in character, enthusiastically and erratically. Central Foundation's inside left will long remem ber him. He ended his football career at School with a blinding goal for the Prefects' team against the Staff.
In the prefect's room he will be missed for his buoyant bursts of enthusiasm, during which anything could happen and we hope he follows in his brother Cos's footsteps and he is able to keep it up.

C. C. Birch
At School 1966-68; Prefect 1967-68; School lst XI Football -full colours; School lst XI Cricket-half-colours; School athletics-half-colours.
Clive, who had the distinction of being the only prefect 6ft. 11.75 ins. tall with size 7 feet, entered the School in the 6th form but it was not long before he had overwhelmed us with his stories and jokes, which more often than not he would repeat a hundred times. When abusively admonished for this he would sometimes turn grumpy and object to anybody taking the Mick, but his cheerful nature greatly added to the prefects' room atmosphere. His popularity, which earned him his many nicknames, was unfailing, even when mysterious writings somehow appeared on the ceiling, much to the chagrin of the person under attack. Owing to this rather novel form of graffiti, the ceiling was repainted.
In his two years at the school, Clive gained regular places in the School football, cricket and athletics teams. He will never live down the Evening Standard report which referred to him as "Beefy", despite the fact that he would always fall over when tackled. His cricket was characterised by having only one stroke, but it brought him many runs for the l st and 2nd XI's. Ollie's greatest ability was as a sprinter, which he used to great effect on the right wing of the l st XI and he was even able to overtake his own M.G.1100.
After receiving countless offers from Universities, Clive did his best to scrape in, which he duly did; Salford will long regret giving a place to a "bit of a dicky". We all wish Bernie the best for the future and for his career; the next time we see him, we hope he has some new stories.

M. J. H. Boyers
At School 1965-67; Prefect 1966-67; Deputy School Captain 1966-67; Captain of Morris House; Captain of School Cricket 1967; Vice-captain 1966-colours; England Schools 1966-67; Lon don Schools 1966-67; lst XI and 2nd XI Football-colours; School Athletics; Vice Chairman School Council; History Society; Geographical Society; Film Society; Literary Circle; Senior Circle.
Mick received praise from all quarters, perhaps he was made the right size for laurels. In his cricket he showed what happens when talent is worked upon and practised with until it reaches its logical conclusion; for Mick that was England Schools Cricket XI; what it will be only the oracle could say. Happily, Mick can easily find a cap to fit him.
His sport gave him a great deal to live up to in School. Academically he was lazy with not quite enough flair to get away with it-but he has gained a place in Loughborough Training College to study for a career in teaching. Mick is a temperamental extrovert-demanding that everyone should laugh when he laughs and share in his tears. However, over the past year he has sorted himself out-he is not the 'Ragamuffin child' he once identified himself with-but more the tame, almost respectable(?) English gent.
A great lover of poetry and the spoken word, Mick would talk coffee-pot philosophy with the rest of us for hours, his originality of thought only occasionally spoiled by his unconsciously squeezing out of virtually unaltered thoughts absorbed from others. The most glaring flaw in his character was his capacity to write esoteric and very rude valetes (witness the most esoteric and rude valete in the last but one issue). There are stories that could be told about Mick and his experiences with Judo, bad eggs, and thin women. . . .
Of his future; well, with trophies on his fingers and medals on his toes, Mick will hear acclaim wherever he goes. We all wish him the success he is bound to have at sport, teaching and Parker keeping.

C. P. Chiverell
At School 1965-68; Prefect 1967-68; School and Essex Table Tennis; Waltham Forest Film Society; Science Society.
Chris, for much of the time, was a quiet member of the prefects' room, working very hard for his A-levels. However, in his final terms at School, he entered into the spirit of the prefects' rooms, as well as continuing to work hard. It was during this period that Chris became extremely popular with his fellow prefects, interesting several in stereo, his main hobby.
Although Chris was not a very active sportsman, he was an outstanding member of the table tennis team, having played for his county. Otherwise, an occasional role in one of the many prefects' room sports was his only form of physical exercise.
Chris was a keen and efficient prefect who took his duties seriously and performed them well-in fact, he was always willing to lend a hand. We wish Chris all the best in his university career at Swansea.

A. D. Clark
At School 1961-68; Prefect 1967-68; Captain School Football 1967-68-Fu11 colours; 2nd XI Cricket; School Athletics; School Gymnastics.
In the prefects' room, it was A1 who provided the lunacy, and laughter was often surpassed by sheer amazement as Groucho Marx, Popeye, Olive Oil or a goose would be conjured up before us. This endless stream of lunacy was successfully channelled for the Rag Concert, and A1 wrote half the script for the prefects' sketch.
A1 was unique in the timetable he employed and none of us, let alone the staff, managed to work it out or guess when he would be seen next. Academically A1 could be brilliant but he had an artistic mind which did not take to work. He was not helped by the lack of incentive from his university offer. After Christmas he went existentialist and became even lazier, though his scope of reading improved.
As Captain of Football A1 took each game seriously and the training but there was not enough overall application. Despite this he led the lst XI to the semi-finals of two cups, and often played with verve and occasional flashes of brilliance. A fine athlete and all-rounder, it is a pity he did not employ his talents more widely. However he combined his acute sense of balance and utter madness to become champion wall-racer in the prefects' room, with a circuit in eight seconds. The furniture has still not recovered.
Always cheerful and ready for a joke, A1 was very popular in the lower school though not always appreciated by those attempting to work in the prefects' room. To the masters in Room 10 there often seemed to be a farmyard next door. We all wish A1 the best and hope he uses his considerable talents to more purpose.

M. Cook
At School 1961-68; Prefect 1967-68; School Council; Social Services Committee; Science Society; Computing Society; Film Society.
Mick became a prefect after an adventurous career as the longest-serving Form Captain on record (he was in his fifth glorious year in that capacity when torn away). Known as Giraffe by the lower school, Mick was always both a popular and conscientious prefect, and was reputed to be the only one whose head could be seen over the top of the lectern from the sixth row from the back of the hall. He often placed himself in the Tuckshop, and was usually to be seen endeavouring to freeze a sodden copy of the Times, in order to cure its owner of his anti-social habits.
His manners and appearance were usually impeccable, and his personality quiet, although once he was seen behind a Private Eye, laughing in solitary glory: we still have not recovered from this amazing sight. His calm efficiency made the Suppers at which he was Head Waiter and Chief Organiser, great successes. He was also a keen member of the Social Services group, and could achieve much with a roll of wallpaper.
His stature alone made him an opponent to be respected on the tennis court, and his other interests ranged to the Chingford Aquary Society to that which could be found only in the Town Hall.
We shall miss Mick very much as he takes up a sandwich course with a Courtauld's Scholarship at Exeter University, and wish him every success.

L. R. Hollingbery
At School 1961-68; Prefect 1968; Chemistry Lab. Assistant; Christian Union; Science Society; School Cross Country; Vice Capt. Morris Cross-Country; Secretary Monoux Venture Scout Unit.
Les's stature and quiet nature give no indication of his true character. Les proved to be a great modifying influence on the more high spirited members of the Prefectorial Body. His great determination earned him distinction in many spheres.
Within the last year, he has been awarded the Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award; and we all wish him well in his attempt at the Gold Award. Naturally enough, Les became a driving force in the Venture Scout Unit and the members of the Unit will do well to emulate Les's fine example.
Apart from scouting, Les found enjoyment in many other activities, but it was at swimming that he became most proficient. He was awarded the Gold A.S.A. Survival Certificate and the Bronze Life Saving Badge.
Les also possessed great academic potential and perseverence, since he was often to be seen working under the most trying circumstances in the prefects' room, yet somehow the deserved A level success eluded him. This was especially true with the introduction of the 'Monoux Wall Game', which, happily, has now died a natural death, but which, nevertheless, was responsible for the mysterious disappearance of a number of door handles. This perseverence should ensure success in his future career in Pharmacy.

B. T. Lynch
At School 1959-68; Prefect 1967-68; Secretary Railway Society; Committee T.B.L. Society; Teamaker by appointment; Secretary History Society; Geographical Society.
B: T. was an individualist, or a Philistine, depending how you saw the situation: everything about him was different in its conventionalism. He read the Manchester Guardian, was an ardent ferroequentologist, a connoisseur of motor-coaches, and an exceptional lover of Beds. He supported Luton Town F.C., and had, so he claimed, no Welsh ancestry, and was a master of the noble art of the creaking pun; but his anti-feminism was too outspoken to be credible. He also liked flowers.
Few realised how much he did for the School. For four years he prepared football and cricket teas, giving up Wednesdays and Saturdays. He organised the Railway Society, and the Prefects' Room; he was always willing to take over duties, do a voluntary patrol (as well as giving frequent impromptu lectures on the beauties of Dunstable), and one day, he cleaned out the Tuckshop fridge.
Brian was Senior Monovian being in his ninth glorious year when he left. He emerged with good A-level grades, and secured a fourth pass whilst teaching at a Leyton junior school last summer. We know that his sincerity and pertinacity (copyright reserved) will ensure his success, despite Luton and his downward incline, and reckon that whilst he has already converted Leicester College to trackbed-walking, eventually it will change him.

W. Meade
At School 1966-68; Prefect 1967-68; Geographical Society; Christian Union; Film Society.
The time: 8.55 a.m.-a murky December Monday morning; the place-the Monoux Prefects' Room in all its dubious glory, and the glory of the one remaining 40 watt electric lamp shedding its wan light on the proceedings:-Rog, absent, being damned by twenty prefects frustrated by the lack of the duty list. The scene is particularly memorable because it was about the only time Rog failed us. He was one of those prefects that are taken for granted, who work consistently and unobtrusively, and probably without much thanks.
Although the mighty Midget was generally a quiet personality, he could occasionally be as deranged and schizophrenic as the rest of us, especially when one less stable questioned the logic of his duty rotas, or when he was addressed as "my son" by a certain philistine. On the field courses, Baldy or Gnome as he was affectionately called when sporting his lederhosen, proved to be a most entertaining if not at times, embarrassing companion. I am sure the people of Locarno (in Switzerland) have never been as surprised, astonished or bewildered as when they saw the antics of our sun gnome down the length of their highly respectable main street. But we had some very serious discussions in the prefects' room at times, when Room 10 was empty, and then Rog's views on religion and life, carefully and somewhat reticently framed, impressed us all, even the heathens. For Rog, a sincere Christian, though he always entered into the minor excesses of P.R. life, practised foremost what he preached. Few of us could emulate his quiet confidence in his beliefs or his humility-perhaps we envied him. But just as they ensured his success in his social work and scouting, and in his prefecture, we are unanimously sure in knowing they will help him to complete his aims in teaching, and in helping others, and in this, we wish him all good fortune.

M. A. Pritchard
At School 1960-68; Prefect 1966-67; School Swimming Captain and colours; House Swimming Captain; Senior Circle; Folk Club; Waltham Forest Film Society; Royal Life Saving Society Bronze Medallion; Royal Life Saving Society Life Saving Instructor.
Mick was a fairly well known member of the prefectorial body. He was liked by his fellow prefects and was also popular with the members of the School who knew him well. However, he did not openly seek popularity and carried out his prefectorial duties efficiently, boasting the record number of detentions given at a Carol Service.
Mick was generally interested in all sports, but was most active in swimming. As School Swimming Captain, he tried to make sure that the members of the School took full advantage of the new pool and tried extremely hard to improve the standard of School swimming. It is a pity that the time Mick put into School swimming was not justly rewarded by the overall performances of the School team. Although less active in other sports, Mick was always willing to help out. However, he was very active in prefects' room games, being runner-up in the Golden Toss competition, and also acquiring the title of King Flush, as the result of another bit of light-hearted sport.
Mick was an extremely good prefect and a good member of the School. We wish him the best of luck at Queen Elizabth College, London.

P. C. Richardson
At School 1961-68; Prefect 1967-68; Captain Social Services (1967); Whittingham House Captain; School Athletics; School Cross-country; Science Society.
Those prefects whomsoever Who, who was generally a quiet personality, addressed, were usually instantly impressed; those who were doubters would rush into the room proclaiming "Who Can Speak!" and those who were not might think Who was quite a normal chap, really. But upon all those who thus patronised, Pete looked down with the resigned condescension of the thwarted scientist, And amicable contempt.
The fact was, Who was very seldom in the Room. There would occasionally be a copy of the Top People's Paper propped up on an armchair, with an anonymous pair of legs attached, like the undercarriage of some obsolete aircraft, which would retract when anyone tripped over them, accompanied by a desultory grunt from behind the Personal Column. At other times, Pete's face would be revealed, but this was rather a rare event, apt to be acclaimed with cheers from the who-knows-Who brigade.
Pete's Bible readings were popular, for he used to use the lectern as his audience, and anyone sitting further back than the second row found himself actually with an excuse for going to sleep.
Pete used to attend to his work with a latent enthusiasm, but this was more than enough to get his grades for University.
A sincere Christian, he worked well in the Social Services, and in his lower sixth, organised the activity well. He was a tireless athlete, and we all admired the figure we saw galloping round the track at six on a January evening.
We all wish Pete the greatest success at Southampton, apologise to him for our merciless taunting, and have every confidence that one day he will appear in the immortal pages of Who's Who.

M. B. Robbins
At School 1961-68; Prefect 1968; Literary Circle; Folk Society; 2nd XI Soccer; Allpass House Athletics; 123 Club Organising Committee; Christian Union.
Mick was the Prefects' Room No. 2 Bohemian, as a glimpse of him roaring down Brookscroft Road on his decaying scooter, clad in a camouflage-coloured anorak and with a crash-helmet perched gawkily on his long Greco-Chingfordian hair would prove. This casual appearance and attitude, together with his somewhat variable temperament, gained him the contempt of a certain member of the staff, who objected to the celebrated phrase 'a Henry James Nightmare' in one of Mick's long and rambling poems. However, Mick only rewarded contempt with more contempt.
A keen member of the 2nd XI and an avid supporter of Tottenham Hotspur, Mick's sporting interests were somewhat under-rated, as was his academic ability. He never seemed to make much effort at his work, and consequently was looked on as a somewhat desultory worker, but in fact, his ability showed through in occasional brilliant essays, and he gained a place at the University of Sussex where we have no doubt, his desertboots will stand him in good stead.
A sincere, and, some said, over-sincere, Christian, Mick organised the 123 Club and was to be seen in the annals of the Christian Union. We will long remember his guitar-,playing, his dissertations on the nature of spontaneous art, and wish him well in the future.

D. Stoker
At School 1961-68; Prefect 1967-68; Librarian; Secretary Science Society; Computing Society.
Brian was a scientist, which in the prefects' room tradition, should have been enough to damn him. Moreover, his ancestry was Irish. But he was no run-of-the-mill scientist, and the more
flamboyant Arts prefects were somewhat at a loss to know what to do with him when he usurped the privilege retained by the proud elite, of reading the "Times" in the Room. One of the most moving sights was to see the B.D.S. and his journal unperturbed during a simultaneous clangour of chair-testing, wall-racing, pref-room football, and the now deceased art of yokelbaiting.
But occasionally, sanctions were taken, and it found itself soaked in Pepsi-Cola, and freezing in the tuckshop fridge, or being roasted on a Bunsen in the Chemistry Lab. Upon a11 this Brian looked with disdain, and cheerful resignation.
Newspapers apart, B.D. was a most conscientious prefect. He was always willing to help out, on play nights and open days, as well as in the tuckshop or at milk duty. He organised the Science Society so that it flourished while the more pretentious Arts Societies floundered.
It is pointless to wish Brian well, for we all know his quiet determination, and his diligence will ensure for him in everybody he meets as great a regard as we bore him ourselves.

L. J. Thurston
At School 1960-68; Prefect 1967-68; Secretary Geographical Society; Jazz Society; Committee Railway Society; Committee Railway Society; Committee T.B.L. Society; 2nd XI Football; lst XI Cricket; Librarian 1966-68; Mallinson Soccer Captain.
Les was a popular choice as prefect, and when appointed in September 1967 settled down quickly to P.R. life. He was probably so popular because of his many interests, that were combined with an affable and willing personality, which meant he could talk with authority on everything from Rhythm and Blues, the niceties of inswingers or Bullied pacifics to a certain prefect's love for Beds. He was also an expert in such widely diverse matters as mountaineering and the anthropology of the Loughton area.
He was a great lover of the now happily-deceased diurnal mammary-fluid-of-the-bovine-quadruped-graffing sessions, and was greatly detested by the unfortunate beings who had been given the task of clearing up the debris. A great tuckshop wall-scrawler, he was also renowned for his other wall decorations, with which the Room was once adorned. His humour never failed, and he possessed an excellent sarcastic invective which he saved for those on whom he poured good-hearted contempt. One excellent example was delivered when he was dangling from the outriders of a viaduct in Muswell Hill, about fifty feet above the ground, which at least shows both his versatility and constancy.
Academically, Les worked well within the limitations he knew himself to have, and achieved his object: entry to the B.R. Management Apprenticeship Scheme in which we all congratulate him and bid him take care of his screwdriver (which we never did borrow).

A. D. F. Wilkes
At School 1966-68; Prefect 1967-68; Vice Captain School Football 1967-68-full colours; lst XI Cricket-full colours; Lor.. don Schools Cricket; House basket ball, athletics, swimming.
Whatever Andy did, he would do it casually, for nothing could disturb or rush him. In the same manner, he aired his opinions tersely and somewhat colloquically, leaving no room for speculation as to his feelings. Although he entered the School in the Sixth form, he was well-known and liked in the school. owing to his willingness to carry out duties and do them cheerfully. Many junior boys will remember him as the golliwog on sale for 6d. in the tuck shop.
In football and cricket it was Andy who provided the teams with class; he made everything look so easy. Although one of the most effective players on the field, he would hardly be noticed until another opponent would bite the dust and his golliwog-like hair would be seen nearby. Above all, he was supreme in batting, caressing the ball to the boundary with the minimum of effort. And everybody (apart from a particular cricketing personality from Yorkshire) loved to see him standing in the outfield, chewing a blade of grass, the ball at his feet and with his hands behind his back, as though daring the batsmen to take 'one for the throw'.
Though often quiet and sedate, wading through old maths. exam papers, Andy made himself felt in the prefects' room with his skill with a frido in the close confines of the room which was not only sadistic but destructive, which did not help to placate the guardian of thc. School premises.
In our Solo school, he made his mark by inventing a new bid, the "Wilkes' Mis", which provided us with great entertainment. Andy also had the unpopular job of collecting room-fund but he took revenge by absconding with the balance of 30/- at the end of the year; we will have it back, please!
His sporting skill gave him a certain place at Goldsmith's College and we are bound to hear more of his run-scoring in the future. When he plays down in Bristol we hope he has a good knock.

A. J. Wilson
At School 1960-68; Prefect 1966-67-68; Spivey House viceCaptain; Secretary and Spivey House representative of School Council; Chairman of Social Services Committee; Senior Circle; Geographical Society; Film Society; One meeting of the History Society; School Orchestra; Spivey House Football and Cricket; School 2nd XI Cricket; Cricket Umpire; Essex County F.A. Referee.
As can be seen from the above list, Andy's range of activities was a wide one. As a prefect, he successfully undertook any duty required of him and he did, in fact, work very hard for the School, and for other people. As a result, the School Council and Social Services Committee in particular, and the School in general, gained considerably.
Although Andy did not possess the obvious build for a sporting personality, he did, nevertheless, take a great deal of interest in School sport, particularly football and cricket. He was always willing to referee or umpire a junior game and played cricket, of his own peculiar brand, for the 2nd XI, his most memorable shot being a tennis-like shot to a full-toss several feet above his head. Unfortunately Andy hit the ball straight into the hands of a fielder who preferred to catch the ball rather than to hit it back.
Some people might remember Andy for the long so-called "two minutes" Bible reading which he inflicted upon them during assembly one morning. Others might remember him for his hard work towards improving the 123 Club, the revolutionary idea of inviting young ladies from Walthamstow to every meeting being his. Many will remember him as the rugby player/narrator in the Rag Concert and a few Monovians will remember that he consumed rather a lot of their food. However, his closest colleagues will remember above all, Wilson's role in 'The Murder in the Rue Morgue'.
With the departure of Andy, the school has lost a willing and hard-working servant. We wish him every success in his future career.

R. P. Winter
At School 1960-67; Prefect 1966-67; Captain of Allpass House; lst XI Football 1965-67-colours; Essex 1966-67; School lst XI Cricket 1966-67 School lst Team Basketball; School Swimming-half colours; School Athletics; Economics Society; History Society; Film Society.
Roger collected a variety of nicknames during his school career starting off as 'Barrel'-he should, perhaps, have ended as 'Keg'-but no, Percy he is and will always remain. During his sixth form life and particularly as a prefect, Perce opened out a great deal. He began to speak and found that he had something to say. In any of the lengthy non-debates we had he would push his point relentlessly until either the opposition was won over or he had to admit defeat.
However, he was not the forceful, violent type, for despite his unequalled prowess in the prefects' room brawls, he was the Gentle Giant who only rarely lost his temper. With the same equanimity of spirit he bore the achievements he gained in sport, (e.g. Essex Schools goalkeeper). Perce also developed as a great lover of the arts, though he found that thinking creatively was easier than being creative.
Being moderately hard working and reliable, (though very easily swayed by those less so-at least this is his excuse), he was lumbered with managing the Tuck Shop which under his economist's eye somehow made a profit. He will be remembered by many for his remarkably lifelike portrayal of Jack's Mother in one Rag Concert, by a few for his impersonations of Belisha beacons, but by all for his great sense of humour. He is a perfect Taurus-broad shouldered (understatement) bearer of hope-slow to rise (understatement) but enduring.
As for his future-well if your tax was wrongly assessed this year it was Percv's fault. However, it will be all right next year for in September Perce goes to Newcastle University, (sighs of relief from all taxpayers), to study Economics and put the country's troubles to right. (groans from all workers-mass emigration, etc.).

VALETE 1970 


C. C. Pond
At School 1961-9; Prefect 1967-9; School Captain 1968; Chief Librarian 1967-9; Chairman School Council; Secretary Railway Society; Editor "Monovian" 1967-8; Editor "Oracle" 1967-8; Chairman Literary Circle; Chairman T.B.L. Ferroequenological Society; Chairman South West Essex Ferroequenological Society; Scorer lst XI Cricket.
As the sun sets behind the nearby sidings, a senatorial figure can be seen trolling down the railway track; the sun disappears and he heads for the nearest refreshment house for a jar of C'olne's Spring (made from pure sewage). The scene could equally be the Wood Street sidings at one o'clock in the morning; wherever it is, you can be sure it is that fervent member of the Ferroequenological Society, Chris Pond. Monoux's answer to John Betjeman, Chris could rarely be found away from a railway track, local or in the Midlands.
As the school captain faced with the new major problems, the Drinks Machine and, to a lesser extent, the new comprehensive situation, Stag rarely lost his unflappability. The notable exceptions were when his restraining hand was needed in the prefects' room; and it is only due to his rebukes that the prefects' room still exists as an institution with four walls and a roof over its head. It was his sense of responsibility and impeccable knowledge for all situations that enabled the smooth running of the school.
Not only did he carry the responsibility of School Captain but also continued with the post of Chief Librarian, which is a tiresome job at any time, yet he even found time for a new classification and reorganisation. When C.C. was not in the Library, he would be found grunting his way through a game of charades in the Prefect's Room or, frequently, he disappeared on mysterious trips, to where nobody has yet found out. Whipps Cross?
Chris had the dubious distinction of being the guardian of the key of the Machine That Rules Our Lives, the scourge of the prefects, and had it not been for his perseverence with the new tin god, it would have died an unmourned death long ago. Chris's main impact on the school was with his fire and brimstone readings in Assembly. Blasting the school like a revivalist, he was sure of waking up any unsuspecting daydreamer, and the first ten rows visibly wilted under the tirades.
Having sailed undisturbed through his "A" levels, nearly being shipwrecked over Latin "O" level, Chris had little difficulty in harbouring in Cambridge, which is not likely to be a Hardy prospect for him. We all (except the owner of a particular German newspaper) wish him the best up there and if you happen to see a shadowy figure trolling through Cambridge railway sidings one dark evening. . . .

T. H. Bloomfield
At School 1961-69; Prefect 1968; Senior Circle; Spivey House; School and District Athletics; Laboratory Steward.
Big Tom, or Long Tom, as he was sometimes known by certain prefects was a certain force for the rest of the shy, retiring mortals who dwelt in the Broom Cupboard to reckon with. His strength was sometimes put to good use on the more illiberal members of the prefectorial body, and the strength of a highly caustic, threatening sarcasm on the mumbling herd which Tom reckoned constituted the majority of the school. He will long be famous for the importation into the Prefects' Room of one lab-coat in the later stages of putrefaction, and several trays of partially dissected entrails. The former was ritually burnt: I should think the stink, notwithstanding, remains as Tom's epitaph at Monoux.
Tom was a dedicated athlete in the summer, when he would go about the field clutching his pole (some said he spent so long practising the pole became attached to him!) and working out the best technique for vaulting. He represented the Town at this in the County Schools Championships.
A bland sort of chap, Tom; rather introspective, sometimes moody-we all grew to like him, though; even if the prefects' room chairs did not. We wish him all the best-if he sometimes caused friction in our midst, it had a purging effect afterwards in his medical career.

S. J. Breame
At School 1961-69; Prefect 1968-69; Librarian 1967-69; Literary Circle; Sub-Editor "Oracle" and "Monovian"; School Music.
If you are one of those people whose greatest ideal is quiet contentment, then you will envy Steve Breame and his sojourn in the Monoux Prefects' Room. To see that worthy ambling along to or from school, seated in an armchair, or with eyes fixed on an oeuvre of some half heard-of composer, would evoke the muses in the hardest heart. This, however, is how Steve sometimes appeared. On other occasions, at 10.25 a.m. you might see an old Ford rolling up the school drive, and at 10.27 back down again. This; exceptionally, provided a school day for the S.J.B.
However, on most days, you would see him in the least mangy of the P.R. chairs-sometimes with a cocoa-stained book of French exercises (his main requisite for happiness was a gill of cocoa from the tin god) or, now and then with a book of doorless P.R. lockers. We envied him his placidity, which was ruffled only by the prospect of assembly Bible-reading. When rostered for this duty, Steve would develop the mysterious infection of some malignant gremlin, and not be seen until at least 9.30! His composure was also severely disturbed when the word 'games' was mentioned (it might here be stated this refers to the school-official-variety only).
Steve gained a well merited 'A' level distinction in English Literature but success at first in French was not his. This was promptly remedied. A good prefect and a great companion, we have every confidence he will do well in his unconditional place at Exeter University.

A. M. Bretman
At School 1961-68; Prefect 1967-68; Joint Chief Librarian 1967-68; secretary of School Council; Member of History Society, Dramatic Society and many others.
Alan, Albi or Psycho, as he was variously known was a well-known figure in the Prefects' Room, where he could be found at a11 hours of 'the day_ Indeed throughout the whole school he was a person of significance before he ever reached such a summit. Memorials to him are innumerable; a fitting one is to be found on the West Wall of the Tuckshop (another of A1bi's favourite haunts), written in his own hand: "Alan Bretman known affectionately(?) as AN, 1961-?"
Perhaps to the school, AN was known best for his acting. His skilful characterisations of pompous, smug characters in the school productions of "Waiting for Godet", "Arms and the Man"
and "The Royal Pardon" brought him more than one well-earned dramatics prize. In the Prefects' Room, -too, he put his histrionic ability into play. Famous there is his charade of "Gilly-gilly-ostanpfeffer-castenella-bogan-by-the-sea". Olivier has not tackled such a task.
As joint chief librarian he was rather over-shadowed by his colleague, the well-known Christopher Pond, whose technique of innovation at any cost and ruthless bureaucratic efficiency was more effective than Albi's passive approach. This rivalry developed into a running battle, which enlivened the Prefects' Room quite often.
Always a capable academic, Albi excelled at history, although the Staff did not always agree. His individuality of style, though not always approved, won him a place at Fitzwilliam College Cambridge, and then an Open Exhibition. We congratulate him upon this deserved success and wish him luck.
One may say in conclusion that he was always an interesting character to have around. Although not aggressive, he knew how to make his weight felt: as many initiates to the Sacred Mysteries of the Prefects' Room will know. His slightly unpredictable character kept prefects on their toes, or else on their stomachs. On walls and desk-tops, in Monoux witticisms and in memorials in gold, his name will remain a tradition of the school. We wish him well.

P. R. Good
At School 1961-9: Prefect 1967-9, Deputy School Captain, 1968-9; Mallinson House Captain; Swimming Captain; School lst. and 2nd Soccer; 2nd XI Cricket (Captain); School Council; Senior Circle; History Society.
Peter, a certain gentleman once observed, did everything he shouldn't and a little of what he should, but usually made a good job of it. He certainly went through things with enthusiasm, as is shown by the results gained by the football, cricket and swimming teams he captained. His cricket Second Eleven (perm any 11 from 43) lost to no other B team a11 season, and his football eleven was said to have 'had equivalent success, though we suspect at times it was rather hard on the referee. And to see Peter press-ganging, or selecting, as' he called it, on a Friday afternoon, usually aiding his train of thought by wielding furiously a broken stump and aiming it at innocent bystanders-even the third form came in for this treatment-was a sight unparalleled in the glorious history of the Monoux Grammar School.
Doody, ~through his sport and usual equanimity, was one of the best liked prefects, just as right from the day in 1961, when his nickname made an appearance on room 3's radiator, he had been the most tyrannical despot. As deputy school captain he was always the source of good advice, even when this took the form of a waterfilled ballon on the captain himself.
He was always in his element in that orifice known as the Prefects' room. At one period, he had a small corner to himself, which he decorated in his usual Tory-baroque-libertine (retd.) style.
The tuck shop was his next favourite haunt, and although he regretted that the beverages dispensed therein were not manufactured by Messrs. Mann, Crossman and Paulin, he made an excellent, and successful proprietor.
Scholastically, he was consistently good throughout the school, and although it was disappointment to some of us that he did not seriously try for Oxford again, we all respected his feelings on the
matter, and wish him well at Sussex University where he will probably overcome just as successfully many a sticky wicket.

A. Weedy.
At School 1961-9; Prefect 1967-9; Chairman of Historical Society 1969; Vice-Chairman Economics Society; School Council; Film Society.
With his name, Al was sure to go far and so the Cambridge Entrance Examinations proved only a minor hinderance. What were 'A' Levels anyway? He well deserved his success for the work he put in; a great change from his days in the lower school as a juvenile delinquent.
Al was one of the more politically-minded prefects, fighting to uphold the ethics of the Socialist Party of Great Britain in the prefects' room, and capitalism wilted under his arguments. Not surprisingly some were prepared to listen to him but unfortunately stagnant conservatism still received fillips during the year.
Though he could work wonders with a football boot and a shinpad, Al was never a sportsman, but proved active in many fields. In the prefects' room, Footsy (A1 was Footsy champion), charades and specialised fights flourished for many moons under his guidance. His main claims to fame were his delightful "Stripper" joke which would always get us going, and his Mini. Although incredibly ignorant of what was under its bonnet, he was not deterred from glorifying it endlessly. Musically; A1 preferred traditional folk songs but he remained ever a great fan of Ginger Baker's.
We await the great socialist revolution in Cambridge in a couple of years time and if it succeeds, A1 will well deserve a pat on the back. It is understood that when his historical studies are finished he is assured of a career in Weedex fertilizers.

T. W. Hutchings At School 1966-69; Prefect 1968-69; Librarian 1967; Folk, Society; Literary Circle.
None of us would have said Terry was a successful prefect; latterly, Terry would not himself admit to trying to gain that end. But we shall remember the Terry of 4X days, the enthusiast for everything, the writer of rambling and intelligent essays, of poetry of religious discussions, and the originator of much of the form room humour and a contributor in no small way to the good atmosphere of the lower-sixth.