School Notes

Taken from the Monovian


Since writing the account of the School Fete, we have learnt the result of the Balloon Race. The prize is shared by Mr. Chapman of 55, Abbotsford Gardens, Woodford Green, and Mr. Pluck of 8, Evesham Road, Walthamstow, whose balloons were picked up within a short distance of each other in the North of France, one hundred and forty miles from the School. The first balloon was found by Etienne Deschamps, of Cysoing, Nord, on July 27th, and the other by Machu Noel, of Lille Nord. They have each received a ten-franc note as a reward.
The School wishes to convey its very sincere thanks to Mr. A.E.Sibley of Chelsea, an uncle of J.A.Stevens of Form 1L, for the gift of a number of stuffed birds. The collection will be of great value to the School art classes, and in particular to the Art Club.

G. B. Shaw's romance, Pygmalion, was performed by the Park Players at the Church Hall, Highams Park, on Saturday, October 5th. Roy Davidson, the producer, and the six Old Monovians in the cast bore evidence once again to the splendid training in dramatics which they received at the School. Many Monovians were present and thoroughly enjoyed the performance.

At long last the Lecture Room has assumed an appearance worthy of its name.
The desks are now arranged in tiers by means of wide steps, which rise towards the back of the room. This arrangement is of great benefit to Masters and boys alike, since it enables each boy to observe clearly experiments carried out at the lecturer's bench, and obviates the craning of necks and standing on desks which hitherto have been characteristic of lessons in that room.
We also notice that the piano in the Hall is now elevated on a platform. It is to be hoped that the "altitude", which the grand piano has attained, will prevent its suffering the same fate as the two other pianos, which often require tuning owing to the fact that they are frequently "propelled" round the School by none too gentle hands!

On October 16th and 23rd, two parties of boys from the Upper school paid visits to the Lea Bridge Water Works and were conducted round by the manager.
We were both interested and astonished on learning of the many precautions taken to ensure a perfectly pure supply of water, and our guide assailed us with masses of figures telling us of the daily intake and output of the filter beds. The examination of the pumping machinery proved equally interesting, and we were allowed to inspect minutely the mechanism of the old and cumbrous beam-engines as well as the modern plant.
While the first party was away from the School, Mr. Jennings gave a very interesting lecture on the question of smoke abatement.

The School Ju-Jitsu Team has had a great deal of publicity this term. Photographs depicting the members of the team in divers attitudes, and in many cases wearing expressions demonstrative of the last stages of human anguish and despair, have appeared in newspapers, national as well as local. The boys have attained to the rank of film-stars, for the Universal Talking-News Company made a film of the team in action which was shown, accompanied by a somewhat irrelevant commentary, at two local cinemas.
Mr. Ninnim is to be congratulated on the very high standard of work shown.
This publicity has had a very gratifying result. Photographs of the team were seen by Mr. Gordon Morum of Guernsey, and on Wednesday, November 20th, he visited the School, and after watching a display of ju-jitsu, Swedish drill, and vaulting, presented a cup to be known as The "John Morum" Cup, in memory of his brother; this cup is to be contested annually by the various Houses at the Gymnastic Competition. Ever since this competition was introduced, it has been felt that the existence of a trophy for the winning House would give rise to even greater enthusiasm than has been displayed already. As all who have witnessed the Gymnastic Competition will declare, tremendous enthusiasm is displayed and excellent results obtained in this branch of School activities, and we can only wish that Mr. Morum could be present in order to see for himself how the Houses will vie with one another to be the first to have the honour of holding the trophy he has been instrumental in obtaining for us. As it is, we can do no less than place on record our very sincere thanks for his generosity, and assure him that the next time he visits London, the Monoux School will be only too pleased to be "at home" to him.

At the time of writing, the members of the Courtauld-Sargent Concert Club have attended two of this season's concerts.
The first was given by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by the famous Austrian musician, Georg Szell, with G. Thalben Ball as soloist. After a spirited performance of Rossini's Sinfonia, La Scala di Sieta, a very pleasant little work for a small combination of instruments, the full orchestra gave a very satisfactory rendering of Mendelssohn's celebrated Italian Symphony. After the interval G. Thalben Ball, one of the greatest English organists, played Handel's delicately beautiful Concerto in F with orchestral accompaniment. The programme ended with Beethoven's Second Symphony.
At the second concert, on November 11th, the most outstanding item was the first performance in London of Sir Donald Tovey's Concerto in C major for Violoncello and Orchestra. The performance was conducted by the composer and the soloist was Pau Casals. Although this composition is of great length, never for one moment did the soloist allow interest to flag, and we were particularly struck by the lyric beauty of the Intermezzo which is, incidentally, the shortest movement in the work. The remainder of the programme, which consisted of Brahms' Academic Festival Overture and the First Symphony of Sibelius, was conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent in his usual brisk manner.

Through the kindness of Mr. Chittock a small party of boys led by Mr. Brobyn was able to visit the Gaumont-British Film Studios at Shepherd's Bush on Monday, November 25th.
Our guide conducted us through a maze of passages to the block of studios where we saw a hotel corridor constructed entirely of plywood and plaster in the course of construction, and a luxury train rapidly taking shape under the carpenters' hands. In another studio we were fortunate enough to witness rehearsals being carried out for The Secret Agent, under the direction of Alfred Hitchcock, a noted Gaumont-British producer. The set in use represented the foyer of a Swiss hotel, and was complete down to the smallest detail. Reception desk, glass swing-doors, flights of stairs, "marble" pillars, all were reproduced with the greatest accuracy in plywood, glass, plaster, and wall-paper. Batteries of flood-lights suspended from the ceiling made the scene as light as day. A body of secretaries, scene-shifters, camera-men, and electricians hurried to and fro for no apparent reason at all, while bored-looking "stars" and "extras" lounged in armchairs whiling away the time as best they could.
After spending some time here our guide conducted us through the wardrobes, make-up departments, property store-rooms, the carpenters' shops, the two theatres, and so on to the most important part of all, the cutting and editing departments.
In compiling the various shots into a logical sequence of scenes, considerable powers of imagination and sound judgment are essential. Scenery, acting, photography, all definitely contribute towards making a successful picture, but the work done in these departments is always subsidiary to that of the producer and editor. Theirs is "the art of combining the arts of others into one creation"; the balancing of the "values contributed by those other arts so that none of them is out of proportion to the true symmetry of the whole."
It is hoped that other small parties from the School Dramatic Society will be able to make a similar trip.

Speech Day has been fixed for Thursday, December 12th. In the afternoon the speaker will be the Right Rev. Mgr. William O'Grady, V. G., who will also present the prizes. The speaker at the evening meeting will be W.G.Masefield, Esq., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., and Mrs. Masefield has consented to present the prizes. Mr. P.Astins, Chairman of the Governors, will take the chair on both occasions.

Once again we thank Mr. W.R.Williams for his courtesy in allowing us to reproduce one of his photographs in the Monovian. Our thanks are also due to the Essex Publishing Company for granting us permission to reproduce the photographs of the cast of As You Like It.


On Thursday, February 13th, a small party from the Sixth Form was present at one of the lecture concerts which are given in the Baths Hall for elementary school children of Walthamstow..
The programmes are arranged by Walter Mudie, the Borough Director of Music, who conducts the orchestra at these concerts. On this occasion the works being performed were the overture to Der Freischutz by Weber, Tchaikowsky's Nutcracker Suite, the overture to The Flying Dutchman by Wagner, and the Hungarian March from Faust by Berlioz.
Before the performance of each work Mr. Mudie spoke briefly, and in the simplest terms, on its significance, and made individual instruments play the tunes which formed the ground work of the composition. The works had each been selected as illustrating the range, the tone, and the dramatic possibilities of some instrument or, section of the orchestra. Thus the Weber overture was chosen principally as offering two striking examples of the use of the French horns, while the Nutcracker Suite, as well as affording examples of the use of trumpets, flutes, and harp, contained a typical Russian Trepak. The Hungarian March contained an easily recognised and understood instance of the dramatic use of the trombone and the percussion section of the orchestra.
We feel that other boys of this School would enjoy these lecture concerts and would derive from them considerable benefit.
On Tuesday, March 10th, Alderman Miss E. M. Pracy, B.Sc., visited the School and gave the Fifth and Sixth Forms a lecture on the impressions she had gained during a visit to Russia last year.
During the lecture Miss Pracy emphasised the complete freedom enjoyed by tourists in Russia, and exploded the idea so common in this country that the Soviet Government allows foreigners to see only those parts of Russia and Russian life it thinks fit. Miss Pracy briefly described the housing conditions she saw in Leningrad, Moscow, Kiev, and Kharkov. She said that although the conditions at present are not on the whole good, overcrowding being prevalent, especially in Moscow, the exploitation of natural resources for building materials, the increasing supply of skilled labour, and the growing amount of money allocated to housing by the Government are all helping to remove the pre-revolutionary slums and also the hastily-constructed flats of the days immediately following the revolution.
The workers, she explained, do not regard the Five Year Plans as schemes prepared by a governing class in which they have no interest, but as a definite stage in the Great Revolution in which each individual has a part to play. Miss Pracy also spoke of the thirst for knowledge which is common to all types of workers, and said that only the shortage of paper peventcd the printing of more books.
A few boys stayed behind after the lecture, and Miss Pracy explained in greater detail some of the points which had arisen and also answered many questions.

The third Courtauld-Sargent Concert of the season held on December 9th, was devoted to works for chamber orchestra. The concert started with a Symphony in B flat by Dr. William Boyce, the eighteenth century English composer. Then came Weber's Concerto in F minor for clarinet and orchestra, the soloist being Mr.Reginald Kell. The soloist in the Bach violin Concerto, that in E major, which followed was Paul Beard, the celebrated leader of the London Philharmonic Orchestra. The concert ended with a Serenade for Thirteen Wind Instruments by Mozart and a performance of Schubert's Fifth Symphony.
The conductor at the next concert, which took place on February 10th was Fritz Stiedry, the famous Austrian conductor of the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra. This was his first appearance in England. Although conductor and orchestra did not seem to work together very well at first, the performance of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony was worthy of praise. The most important item was the first concert performance in England of a Symphony by Hindemith entitled Mathis, der Maler. The work was in three movements: 1, Concert of Angels; 2, Sepulture; 3, Temptation of Saint Anthony; these being the titles of three paintings by Matthias Grunewald, the great sixteenth century German artist, with which the moverrtents are emotionally associated. The other work performed was Symphony No. 38 in D, by Mozart.
The fifth concert was devoted to choral works. First there was the noted Stabat Mater for double chorus unaccompanied, by Palestrina, and then Berlioz' L'Enfance du Christ. The outstanding soloists in the latter work were Isobel Bailie, Roy Henderson, and Harold Williams. The conductor was Dr, Malcolm Sargent.

The short morning recitals of music have been continued this term principally by Mr. Hyde. He has played many of the shorter and simpler works of Grieg, Chopin, Brahms, Mendelsohn, Beethoven, and J.S.Bach. Besides these performances, Mr. Skinner has sung songs by Schubert, Schumann, Beethoven, and Purcell; Carpenter has played Wedding Song by Grieg; Lempriere has played Csardas by V.Montie; and Manning, another of the talented violinists the School has been fortunate in possessing of late, has played Bolero by W. ten Have.
So great has been the enthusiasm over some of the performances that the School has temporarily ignored instructions and has applauded loudly. While not wishing to acquiesce in the breaking of a rule, we would venture to suggest that this is evidence that these short recitals are achieving their aim, the popularising of good music.

It has been brought to our notice that a boy in one of the lower forms closed a letter to his parents advertising The Piratess of Penzance thus: "The orchestra will be directed by Mr. Belchambers, so it will he a comic, opera."
Extract from a detention essay on War in Africa: "The King of Italy has had his wedding-ring melted down, as well as the lower classes."

Speaking at one of the meetings of the British Associatioa which were held at Norwich recently, Mr. P.H.B.Lyon, the Headtmaster of Rugby, gave vent to his feelings on "crooners " thus:
"It is a queer world when a sleek, silky-voiced lounge-lizard can perpetrate a few quatrains of noxious slush to the tawdry and temporary affections seeking satisfaction, and be forthwith accepted by the toleration of the whole of a manly generation, while the great spirits of the world, building immortal verse out of their hearts' stuff, in poverty, in blindness, in despair, sing to them in vain."
We print this in the hope that it may provoke some jazz enthusiast or budding crooner to reply to Mr. Lyon through the pages of the Monovian.

There is now no excuse for any boy who does not know what is "on" at School, or what school our XI's are playing. Neat calendars in still neater red and black cases are provided at the modest price of 4.5d.

During the term, a Flower and Tree Competition was held; prizes were offered for the most numerous and best arranged collection of specimens of flowers and foliage. The winner of the Flower Section, D.H.Bayes, had collected three hundred different specimens. Entries were so good that two consolation prizes were given in addition to those offered.

On Friday, Nov. 6th, Mr. Bekhor, a friend of Mr. Chittock (a parent), gave a cinematograph show to an appreciative audience. The programme included athletic and interest films, a drama, a comedy, and an experimental colour film. The show was excellent, and we feel that those who were absent missed a splendid evening. The performance was given entirely free, and the proceeds were handed to the Sports Fund. Our best thanks are due to Mr. Bekhor and to Mr. Chittock.

We wish to record our thanks for the space and consideration given us by the local press. No Monoux boy or parent or Old Boy need be ignorant of the "Activities of the Monoux School."

On Monday, July 20th, a large party went to Winchester to view the famous school founded by Wm. de Wykeham, and the cathedral, thence to Eastleigh for a most interesting though quite deafening tour of the Southern Railway's works (which included the inspection of engines), and finally to Southampton
for tea and a distant view of the Queen Mary. The trip was most enjoyable and, we hope, as instructive to others as it was to us. We thank Mr. Arthur for arranging this second visit, which we hope will be one of many.

We have been privileged to hear two lectures during this term from experts on widely divergent subjects.
Mr. J. C. Leslie, M.A., B.Sc.(Agr.), Principal of the Agricultural Institute at Chelmsford, came to give us some firsthand information on the prospects for secondary school boys in the various spheres of farming. After giving a brief outline of the geology of Essex, he explained the particular types of crops or cattle for which the various areas were suited.
He then described in some detail modern methods of farming, and the need for experts. Finally, he told us that there were required not only men with university degrees but also boys with the General School Certificate and an average amount of common sense. No boy, he said, could pass through the Institute at Chelmsford and find himself without a post "unless he is a first-class dud!"

Mr. P.J.Noel-Baker, M,P,, who was speaking in Walthamstow during the term, gave us a most interesting and live lecture on the work of The League of Nations. He said that nowadays, when radio had brought races into intimate contact, and aircraft had brought Australia (to-day) nearer to London than Scotland was 100 years ago, the need for international co-operation and law is greater than ever before. Indeed, without them, civilisation would be wiped out.
As examples of the League's powers, Mr. Noel-Baker cited the Graeco-Bulgarian dispute of 1920, and the League Commission, of which he himself was a member, for the release of prisoners in Russia during the years after the Great War. Over half a million were freed in a comparatively short time. If only the Powers would support the League and not merely criticise it, he felt sure that greater things than those would be achieved. Governments were afraid of one another, but the vast majority of the peoples wanted peace.
Referring to the horrors of aerial warfare, Mr. Noel-Baker quoted the words of a war-pilot:
" I tell you diplomats that the pilots I fought with in the last war do not want to fight and bomb cities."
The lecturer closed with an appeal to boys to place their faith in the League, and to support it.
We hope that the prolonged applause meant determination to take to heart what had been said.


Great curiosity has been evinced this term in a glass cupboard, which stands in the top corridor outside the Staff Room. It provides the best excuse yet conceived for small boys who are reluctant to descend the stairs during break. This, however, was not its original purpose. It was instituted as a historical museum, and already contains many well-made models. There is a very realistic galleon, a Greek theatre, various ancient dwellings, an aeroplane, and, finally, a model of a Sumerian Ziggurat, which more closely resembles a Sumerian Ziggurat than anything we have ever seen, except, perhaps, a Sumerian Ziggurat! Models must have some connection with History, and should be given to Mr. Watson or Mr. Ellis.
Sincere congratulations are due to R.C.Jennings, who, by winning an Exhibition to Emmanuel College, Cambridge, persuaded the Governors to award a day's holiday on the Tuesday following the mid-term holiday.

Certain members of the Sixth Form, who have shown great interest in the Spanish Civil War since the beginning, gave practical proof of their concern during the term. After persuading the Headmaster that their motives were non-political, they appealed for money and food for the unfortunate Spanish capitals. Two gigantic posters in the lobbies and a moving extempore address by Cluff had good effect in the School, and a substantial collection of money and foodstuffs was included in the provisions taken to Spain in Earl Kinnoull's trawler.

A visit to Portsmouth on March 23rd has been arranged by Mr. Arthur, and over 150 boys are included in the party. In addition, about 20 parents are accompanying them. Judging from the enjoyment derived from previous excursions of this type, we are sure the visit will be an unqualified success.

Rehearsals have begun for a play to be produced by Mr. Hyde,The Farmer's Wife, by Eden Philpotts.

On February 3rd and 10th, Mr. Hammer used the periods preceding Senior School games most profitably and entertainingly with a lecture on present-day Germany. Actually, it had been given before at a meeting of the League of Nations Union, but we feel sure that Mr. Hammer's apologies to those who had heard it before were unnecessary. On the former date, he dealt with Germany's attitude to Hitler's regime, and said, in effect, that the regime has achieved great things, for Germany and is welcomed for its efforts towards equality, but that the forced hypocrisy of much of its pomp is unpopular, as also are most of Hitler's sateilites. In the second lecture, Mr. Hammer illustrated very amusingly the growth of political jokes, but added that all criticism of the arts is prohibited, while constructive criticism, as opposed to destructive, is countenanced. The universities and churches object, he said, to the rigour of the non Aryan ban, and the Roman Catholics are a stabilizing force in Germany to-day. With regard to her foreign policy, he remarked especially that she does not want to split with England, as was demonstrated by the frantic welcome accorded to the party who visited Germany last year.

No boy may now plead ignorance of the periods and work of the greatest composers from Bach to Debussy. Well chosen selections have been played by Mr. Hyde on the piano; Mr. Skinner's more frequent songs are widely appreciated; while J.F.Manning and N.S.Lempriere have occasionally played violin solos. We note with gratitude that attention is being paid not so much to brilliance as to accuracy and simplicity. The radio-gramophone has begun to provide other than monorhrome music. The notes on the composers read to the School by the Headmaster are useful. We hope that this pleasant system of musical instruction will be permanent, and to all those who work so hard and so constantly to provide the items we give our heartiest thanks.

At the time of going to press, fervent rehearsals for the Mikado are in progress. This Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera will be produced in the School Hall on March 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th. In conjunction with this production, a competition was organised for the best poster to advertise it, but the results are not yet known. Though the performance is, as yet, but an eagerly-awaited event, judging from the enthusiasm of Mr. Belchambers, the choir, the orchestra, and the poster artists not forgetting the creator of the effigy affixed to the School gates, we predict it will be a great success. A critique of the Mikado will appear in next term's Monovian.

The contents of the School Library were recently greatly augmented by the purchase of some three thousand books, the erstwhile property of the library of Chingford old Church. The herculean task of indexing and labelling the volumes will soon be completed, and the Library so much the richer. A collection was made in the School in order to defray part cost of the books.

On Monday, 7th December, our party enjoyed the third concert of the Courtauld-Sargent season at Queen's Hall. Egon Petri, a pupil of Busoni, was soloist in two pianoforte concerti. His playing was distinguished by thought and clarity; he indulged in no dramatic effects at the keyboard, but gave a crystal-clear and incisive interpretation. It was a special joy to hear Liszt's rarely performed Concerto No. 2 in A, which was played with precision and sureness. This does not mean that his playing lacks feeling or emotion, but merely that he eschews extravagance. Beside Mozart's Coronation Concerto, the programme included Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique, a musical autobiography, and an early example of programme music, full of romantic sadness and grandeur.
The fourth concert, on Feb. 8th, opened with the Alceste Overture by Gluck, with a concert-ending by Weingartner. Beethoven's Mass in D followed. From the first thrilling opening of the Kyrie Eleison to the last passionate Dona nobis pacem, the work was one of beauty and nobility. This Mass contains in the opinion of many critics the most difficult choral passages in existence, and, indeed, the chorus-work was not without blemish. Heddle Nash, the tenor, was perhaps the most effective of the soloists, the other soloists being Isobel Baillie, Mary Jarred, and Keith Faulkner. To hear this work is an ennobling experience.
In each concert the London Philharmonic Orchestra was conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent.

Form IIg has shown great industry and ingenuity in producing this term's Form Magazine, entitled, appropriately enough, The Form IIg Magazine. It should be explained that a similar magazine was produced last term, but no copy reached us. Poems abound in this edition, but, sad to say, they are of
rather erratic metre. Three of the five articles appear to have originated in the pages of text-books. Ancient Egypt is liberally bejewelled with Egyptian names, but it is doubtful if many boys will appreciate the mysteries of the Eighteenth Dynasty. The first paragraph of The First Ships is apparently copied from an encyclopaedia, but the second is in much lighter vein, explaining very convincingly the reason for the invention of boats. We hope that the next instalment will be in the same strain as the latter paragraph. "Racefan " has written an impression of motor racing, in which he seems doubtful as to the danger involved in the sport, and "Goalie" seems very satisfied with his experiments as Form Football Captain. It is a pity that it was thought necessary to entitle every joke, "Joke," and that a ruler was not used in drawing the cover, but the magazine contains several promising features, including caricatures and a crossword puzzle, and the form is to be congratulated on its enterprise.


The Wednesday lectures for the Fifth and Sixth Forms have been continued with great success. The value of these for essaywork and for broadening the general outlook cannot be over estimated, since the general knowledge of many matriculants has been found in the past to be seriously deficient.
Lectures have been given on the Government of Colonies, Modern Developments in Farming, The Power of the Press, Place.Names, Cricket, and the causes leading to the Rise of the Nazi Regime in Germany.
The morning recitals of music have been continued by Mr. Hyde, Manning, and Lempriere, with several members of the Orchestra supplying excerpts from the works of Haydn and Mozart in quartet arrangements with piano accompaniment, Legg, of Form I.L., has also sung. Marches and stirring music have accompanied the School as it left Assembly, in an attempt to dispel the morning gloom.
We echo the Headmaster's appeal to the unknown musicians of the School to come forward and fill the places of those, notably Lempriere and Manning, who are leaving at the end of this term. We feel that so valuable an institution should not be allowed to fail through lack of performers; and, knowing the great amount of practice required on the part of one person to play for five mornings a week, we cannot expect Mr. Hyde to carry on unaided.
The welcome installation of a refrigerator for the storing of ice-cream coincided with a minor heat wave and the beginning of the General School Examination. Its popularity was a foregone conclusion, and we wonder whether there was a hidden purpose in its arrival, namely the cooling of the Fifth Formers' heated Brains!


The Wednesday lectures for the Fifth and Sixth Forms have been continued with great success this term. These talks should be extremely valuable to matriculants in their quest for general knowledge.
Lectures have been given on Vivisection, Drugs, the Economic System and Aims of Germany, and the causes leading to the rise of the Nazi Regime in Germany.

At the time of going to press fervent rehearsals for Laburnum Grove are in progress under the direction of Mr. Hyde.

The date of the School- Garden Fete has now been fixed: July 15th.
The morning music recitals have continued this term. Our thanks are especially due to Mr. Hyde, who has given us so much pleasure with his piano solos. Mr. Belchambers and Mills have occasionally played piano solos and Paton violin solos. Several members of the Orchestra have supplied excerpts from the works of well-known composers in quartet arrangements with piano accompaniment. Legg has also sung.

Form IIIg has shown considerable enterprise in producing a form magazine called The IIIg Rag. Jokes and rhymes help to swell the pages of the magazine which is, for boys of a Third Form, slightly disappointing. P.C. O'Donnel, a serial murder story, and Silver Flash, a serial yarn of considerable merit but, we fear, little originality, are the chief features. Although we have not been able to complete the crossword puzzle, we do not hesitate to congratulate its creator. Ii only the production had had a little more originality, it would have been much more praiseworthy.



Monoux Club
The evening Club at the Friends' Hall has been continued throughout this term. It is still well attended, although, with the exception of table tennis and billiards, the games provided attract little attention. Nevertheless, there is the magazine library, the new, but well-stocked and very popular Penguin library, the spare tables for working or reading, and the system of chocolate distribution to keep one interested.
Now that the Institute has kindly loaned us too rooms for Saturday evening, the Club has been opening six nights a week. One of these Institute rooms is for the Chess Club, the other for table tennis and other games. This arrangement has solved a pressing problem.
Baptist Church Bible Society
Mrs. Smith, wife of the Rev. A. Smith, minister at the Baptist Church, Etnam Street, is conducting a Bible Society solely for Monoux boys an Sunday afternoons. It is, we understand, well attended by our boys. We congratulate her on the success of this class, and thank her for providing somewhere for the boys to go in their free time.

Pleasant Wednesday Afternoons
A new form of punishment, the work detention, has been introduced this year. It is held concurrently with the conduct detention, the only difference being that in the former the culprit is, as the name suggests, expected to work. The time of detention has been altered from 2.15 to 2.30, the better to make the punishment fit the crime!

Ab Origine.
Last year Mr. Hayes took on the backbreaking job of creating an allotment from virgin soil. He was very successful, to say the least. He had outsize carrots and beautiful peas, and, in fact, did well with everything except onions, which evidently did not like the soil. With the turf he had taken from the top he built a rectangular tump and it was in this that he grew his prize specimen, a marrow plant, It exceeded all his wildest dreams, and from this one plant he got no less than 45 marrows! A record!

School Houses Revived.
The House system has been re-introduced in the School, but owing to our attenuated numbers it was found necessary to reduce the number of Houses from six to four. These are Higham, Mallinson, Morris and Spivey. This reduction was in some cases unfortunate, as boys were put into new Houses even if their old House still existed. In spite of this, the re-introduction of the system has done much to arouse the competitive spirit, and sporting competitions are now in progress.

Morning Milk.
Milk is now supplied six mornings a week instead of only the three mornings at the Grammar School. On the "off-days" the milk is distributed from the Friends' Hall, which consequently becomes rather congested at break. Many of the boys now have their milk more regularly in response to the Headmaster's appeal that it should be paid for once a term. Our only regret is that so many of the people who have paid for milk forget to go and fetch it, or take it at some time after break without notifying the prefects.

New School Societies.
The renewal of the School Societies was in every way welcome. We again have the familiar Dramatic Society and the Chess and Stamp Clubs, but a variety of new interests are catered for in the Agricultural and Architectural Societies and the Vaudeville Club. They have all been great successes, but we would like to see every boy in the School in at least one and prepared to attend its meetings regularly.

School Pianists
When Law left the school at Christmas the office of morning pianist was temporarily taken over by Dr. Whitt, who retained an unenviable position until succeeded by Brown of Va. The succession of pianists proves that it is the piano that is sometimes wrong.

Music While You Work.
Preparation has been continued between six and eight o'clock in the evenings and is now available for all forms of the School. Although the average attendance has been fairly small, an added attraction has been the music provided by the Leominster Girls' Club, which holds nightly gatherings in the School Hall. Even "Waltzing in the Clouds" is poor compensation for the torture of wrestling with a knotty problem in algebra or a particularly idiomatic French prose!

Time Table.
The hours of school have changed so often since we came to Leominster that everyone has his own idea of what they are. Early last term they were arranged to dovetail with those of Leominster Grammar School. When the Grammar School changed from 9.30 to 9.00, the Monoux followed suit and the final times were: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9.5 to 12.35 and 2.00 to 4.40; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 8.55 to 12.35.

Both at Christmas and at Easter most of the boys went home in spite of appeals from the Ministry of Health. As nearly all of these went by the 7.5 a.m. train from Leominster, a special coach was reserved for them right through to Paddington each time. Various activities were arranged for the handful that stayed in Leominster, notably the Christmas Tea.

Office Furniture.
During last term the furniture in the "office" underwent considerable re-arrangement. Miss Fortescue's desk, formerly beneath the window, has been shifted to face the door to avoid the draught caused by the continual opening, of the window.

Mid Term.
The mid-term holiday last term was Saturday morning, February 21st. There was also another Saturday morning holiday three weeks later on March. l4th owing to the entrance examination for the Leominster Grammar School.

Our Contemporaries.
We acknowledge with thinks the receipt of the following magazines:
Leyton School Magazine, C.H.S.I. Chronicles.


School Reopening
The School building re-opened on May 17th, one week later than expected. Sufficient classrooms had been prepared, although the hall and the library were not in use. Until mid-term assemblies were held on the old tennis court at the side of the School. The Army occupied one wing until the beginning of the current term
Gift to Leominster
At the end of the Spring Term a gift of £10 from the boys, parents, and staff of the School was presented to the Leominster Grammar School to endow a games trophy. The presentation was made by Milner, acting School Captain, at the Grammar School's final assembly. At this function, which was attended by Mr Elam and Mr Emery, Mr Green, Headmaster of the Leominster School, said that naturally there were always two points of view on evacuation and one was liable to see matters from the wrong angle. Nevertheless, we had found safety, and it was remarkable how efficiently the two schools had worked together. He hoped that we should carry away some happy memories of our stay, of the Grange, for example. He concluded by offering his best wishes for the School's future.
Replying, Mr. Elam thanked Mr. Green and all the people of the town for the kindness and tolerance with which we had been treated although, as he said, there were many occasions when we had undoubtedly been a nuisance. It had been a great privilege for him to work with the staff of the Grammar School, especially with the Head. Naturally we should have many and various happy memories of the School, of the town, of the countryside, of architecture, of the fried fish shop, and of the "swish of skirts" about the School.
Sixth Form Party.
Members of the VIth Form held a private party at the Tudor Cafe, Leominster, on the night before the end of their last term there. Each boy brought a partner and Miss Fortescue was the guest of honour. No details are offered save that the party went with a swing and the evening was a memorable one.

Packing Up.
We think it is the truth to say that however unpleasant a task it may have been for the staff, the boys thoroughly enjoyed packing, up the School stock and furniture. Human chains threw miles of books from the stock rooms to the waiting road-rail containers with surprisingly little damage. The only serious casualty, apart from one leg of the old typewriter now in the staff-room, was Mrs. Elam's bottled fruit, which, after being thrown heavily across a container, had to he removed before the start of the journey.

"New Boys"
At the beginning of the Summer Term, we welcomed to our ranks the Monoux boys who had been attending the Leyton, Chingford, and other centres, not including those who were working for their General School Examination this year. Many of these newcomers had never been in the School before, but have now settled down quite contentedly.

School Dinners.
School dinners were begun a fortnight before Whitsun. MrsE.Pearson, County Canteen Organiser, came down to help at the beginning, and in spite of the lack of accommodation for the large number of boys staying to lunch, everything so far has gone off without a hitch. It has been possible to serve a meal at the pre-war price of sixpence, and, it appears, of the pre-war standard, no mean achievement these days.

During the time we have been back we have had two lectures, one on the Navy, the second on the Army. The Navy talk was given by Lieut. Sharpe, an old boy of the School, who was mentioned in our last issue as having received the D.S.O. His talk was as gripping as any novel, giving as it did an account of the Dieppe raid, in which Lieut. Sharpe played a prominent part. Not less instructive was Major Woollcomber's account of the methods of the modern army. Both speakers gave interviews to interested boys after their talks.


On February 9th the whole School attended a service at St Mary's Church to commemorate the four hundredth anniversary of the death of our founder. The service, which was of a non denominational character, consisted of hymns, prayers read by Canon Oakley, an address by the Headmaster, and a sermon by the Bishop of Barking, who is a member of our Board of Governors. Mr.Emery read the lesson and Mr. Hyde played the organ.
The substance of the Headmaster's address is printed elsewhere in this magazine.
Monoux Bulletin.
A School newspaper, the Bulletin, was founded at the beginning of this year, and has appeared weekly except during the period of intensive enemy air attack. Its aim, as declared in its first issue, is "to supplement the Monovian, but in a less serious vein." We wish our new contemporary the best of luck.

Some controversy was caused at the end of last term by a suggestion that the present School Song was unsatisfactory and that a. new one should be composed. The proposal, which originated at a meeting of the School Council, was hotly debated, and a number of letters, some in favour of and some against the proposal, were published in the Monoux Bulletin. The subject was finally allowed to lapse when it was pointed out that many Old Boys were at present unable to make their opinions known.

The dance, which was held at the School last April, was a conspicuous success, and a second dance, arranged for the evening of Sports Day, was cancelled only because of flying-bomb attacks. It is of interest to note that John Dankworth, whose band provided the music for the dance, has now left the School to study clarinet playing. Mr. Ninnim was the efficient Master of Ceremonies.

The School Harvest Cantp held this year was, if possible, au even greater success than last year's, largely owing to the efforts of Mr. Rayner and Mr. Brobyn and those other members of the Staff who helped them. For a full report on it we refer our readers to the account published in this magazine.

The Headmaster is endeavouring to obtain a complete set of back numbers. He still needs the following issues:-
No. 5 (Summer 1927), No. 13 (Easter, 1930), and all issues prior toEaster 1927.
Will any Old Boys or others able to supply these numbers please write to the Headmaster at the School?


Mr. Durrant, whose article appears on another page, is a member of the War Office Personnel Selection Staff. He worked for eighteen months as a Sergeant Tester in the North of England giving Intelligence Tests to new recruits.
For the past year he has been employed at the War Office in connection with the production of official books and pamphlets relating to this work. These books have been illustrated by Mr. Durrant. Drawing has always been a hobby of his, and it is pleasant to hear that he has been able to use his talent in his war job.
We welcomed to the School last term a new mistress-Miss Appleby, who teaches English and Geography. More about her follows in this magazine.

During the Spring term newspaper reports concerning enemy activity over Southern England highly commended the great work done by Dennis Haines and Stephen Taylor in rescuing three people from the wreckage of bombed houses, and then continuing to give them aid under orders from the Heavy Rescue Squad. We of the School are proud to have such gallant fellow-pupils, and offer them our sincere congratulations.

Mr. West has received a letter from the County of Essex War Agricultural Executive Committee concerning last summer's harvest camp at Stone Quay. A few quotations, perhaps, will suffice to show the general trend of the letter, your boys did extremely good work and kept up the reputation they made the year before when camping at St Lawrence Rectory
I would like to make special comment on the way in which the equipment was used and left for collection and I hope you will consent to hold another harvest camp in Essex during 1945

The School was visited twice last term by distinguished musical artistes, whose performances were greatly appreciated. Miss Esther Salaman's programme consisted largely of folk songs, but those of us who had hoped that the songs chosen would be on a higher plane were fully compensated by Miss Helen Pyke's interpretation of a Mozart Sonata, in which she displayed all the virtuosity of a solo artiste. Towards the end of term Squadron-Leader Bernard Shore, who was before the war principal viola of the B.B.C. Symphony Orchestra, came to the School to speak to the senior boys on methods of entry to the Royal Air Force. His offer to play for the School was accepted, and the following week he gave us a short and informal lecture on the viola and played several works, including some by Vaughan Williams, Delius, Mozart and Haydn.

Parties from the School have attended concerts at the Assembly Hall given by the London Philharmonic and the London Symphony Orchestras. Arrangements for the continuation of reduced prices for the official School party in the future have been made.

A small party of sixth-formers was present at a conference organised by the Council for Education in World Citizenship, which took place at the Central Hall, Westminster, last January. A report on the conference is printed in this magazine.

Much to the dismay of the sixth, form and to the delight of the staff, firewatching at the School ended last term. The last night was to have been celebrated by a "Firewatchers' Reunion Party" but owing to the damage inflicted on the School building by enemy activity this was cancelled.

The Dramatic Society has given this term two performances of A.A.Milnes The Fourth Wall. A review and criticism of the play is to he found later in this magazine.

Several art exhibitions have been held recently at Leytonstone Library and fairly large groups of boys from the School have attended.

£160 4s. 3d. was collected by the School in aid of the Red Cross during the period from December, 1943, to the 8th of June, 1945, that is, two weeks before Red Cross collections officially came to an end. This total was reached mainly through the untiring efforts of Mr. Hyde, in spite of the upsetting of organisation due to enemy air attacks.


One of the outstanding events since the last issue of the Monovian has been a visit by the whole School to the Carlton Cinema, Walthamstow, to see the film of Shakespeare's Henry V. This, besides providing a very enjoyable break from the normal routine, one junior was heard to remark that "it's better than Robin Hood", had the unique effect of making the whole School discuss Shakespeare and enjoy doing so.
We should like to claim that patriotic zeal was the cause of the stopping of the heating system during last January's coldest weather: historical accuracy, however, compels us to admit that the true reason was a burst pipe. As a result, boys with "colds or incipient colds" were allowed to take two days' unofficial holiday. One of the School's few warm spots was the Library, where a huge fire was lit to allow Sixth Forms to continue their studies, and rumour has it that at least one Prefect was seen toasting buns during break.
Presumably the break-down of the heating system did not worry our handy members of this small but flourishing School society, for we are informed that they have continued their regular dips throughout the winter. We congratulate but do not envy them.
That august body, the Prefects, demonstrated their versatility recently when, with assistance from Mr. Ames, they entirely redecorated the Prefects' Room. It is now a pleasant green and white, relieved by orange curtains. Their latest artistic activity is, we understand, to attempt to design a special Prefects' Tie, and we await the result with awe and wonder.
Fairly large School parties have been present at many of the excellent orchestral concerts at the Walthamstow Assembly Hall, and, even when it has been impossible to arrange for an official party
at reduced rates, many boys have made a point of going individually. Perhaps the mid-morning periods, so often criticised by the School Council, are having a good effect.
That "abstract and brief chronicle of our time," the Monoux Bulletin has continued its existence despite the unfortunate loss of its first printer, Mr. Horton, although its appearances have now become more erratic. It seems to have earned its place as a School institution, for, although nearly everyone has complaints about it, most boys continue to buy it.
This ever-popular feature was revived again last Christmas, and. as usual, among the mass of third-rate sketches were a few outstanding items, notably the satires on the Staff by Vs and on the Prefects by
one of the Second Forms, and a musical item by a group of Sixth Formers, which was produced in a remarkably short time.
Owing to the great demand for School dinners, which far exceeds the number possible at the moment, it has been necessary during the past two terms for a number of boys to go to the Technical College
each day for their dinner. It is hoped that this will become unnecessary when a new dining hall can be built in the School grounds.
At the moment it is still very difficult to obtain football shirts, and we have been asked to appeal to any Old Boys who have unwanted First or Second XI shirts in good condition to send them for the benefit of the School teams.
Mr. Ninnim is, we understand, running a most successful "Old-Time" Dancing Class for members of the Parents' Association.
The Boys of Form 2 M deserve a special mention this term for their work in organising a bazaar and film show for the benefit of the School swimming pool fund. We congratulate them on their excellent effort.
The Red Cross Penny-a-Week Fund, which was so ably organised in the School by Mr. Hyde, has now come to an end, but collections are still being taken with the intention of endowing a bed in the Connaught Hospital. We hope to be able to give further information about this in out next issue.

Since the last appearance of the Monovian P.B.Browne has been appointed Captain and P.Selwood Vice-Captain of the School. K.Brooks, J.E.Knowles, K.J.Schrouder and B.A.Williams were appointed Monitors, and these, together with E.M.Baker, S.J.Barker and G.W.Ribbans (who has now left) have since been made Prefects.
Mr. T.V.N.Fortescue, M.A. (Cantab.), brother of the School Sccretary, who was in Hong Kong throughout the Japanese occupation, visited the School last term and gave a talk to the Upper School on the fall of the island and conditions in a Japanese internment camp. At the end of his very interesting lecture, Mr. Fortescue answered a number of questions.
At the end of last term Mr. Hyde, together with an Old Boy, P.A. Timberlake (violin), and Miss Delys Nash ('cello), gave a recital m the School Hall. The performance, which included a Haydn trio and a number of other trio movements, was very well received, especially as Mr. Timberlake introduced the pieces with a few explanatory remarks.

The School held its celebrations on June 7th. A very full programme was arranged. In the afternoon Mr. Ninnim offered us "crazy" sports, and judging by some of the antics, this was rather an understatement. To follow this, there was a really good tea for the whole School, and in the circumstances the amount of food was amazing. The day closed with a stage show of a very high standard. Thanks are due to all who took part in this, and to those who worked so hard to make the day a success.

This is due to all those who produced and appeared in the one-act plays last Christmas. Mention of these was omitted in the last number of the Monovian, and we apologise for this oversight. On the afternoon of Monday 17th December, 1945, three short plays were performed. The first act of St. Joan by G. B. Shaw, produced by Dr. Warschauer, took pride of place; the second was Queer Street by J.D.Kelly, and this was produced bv Mr. J.S.Durrant; the third, around which a shroud of mystery was cast until the actual performance, was Allison's Lad, produced by Mr. H.J.Hyde. The three were very well received, and the work put into them was fully rewarded.

The School was honoured to have Miss Natasha Litvin (Mrs. Stephen Spender) give a piano recital in the Hall on the 19th March. She played first four short pieces, and followed these with the Sonata in A flat by Weber. The programme ended, or was to have ended. with a performance of the Etudes Symphoniques by Schumann; but the reception accorded to the recital was so enthusiastic that two encores were played by Miss Litvin. These were the Scherzo in E minor by Mendelssohn and the Golliwog's Cake Walk by Debussy.
To continue the musical vein, it is worthy of note that the concerts at the Walthamstow Assembly Hall are still well attended, and more boys than ever in the School are becoming interested in serious music. With regard to this, the news that the School may become associated with the SW.Essex Music Club is very welcome.

With increasing wonder and conjecture we witness the growth of the new dining hall. It is rumoured that this will be completed by the end of term. As yet, nobody has attempted to use this structure as a hiding place during the mid-morning periods!

A small group of VIth formers attended a lecture given by Professor Lavrin (Professor of Slavonic Languages, Nottingham University) on the famous Russian novelist. He talked of various aspects of the Russian mind and how these affected the famous novelist. Most of the School party, who had never attempted to read Dostoievsky (there were one or two exceptions). were prompted to dive into the public libraries and borrow any books of his they could find.

Colonel Cair (author of The Responsible Citizen) gave a very interesting talk on the various aspects of the United Nations Organisation. He explained the functions of the committees and commissions that have been set up in the last few months.
In the United Nations Week held a short time ago several boys from the School acted as flag-bearers in a procession which look place in the town.

At last the milk arrives in third-pint bottles. Peace must surely be with us, when a Ministry fulfils its pledge so promptly.

We should like to thank Mlle. Lucienne Pieuchot for the article and poem which she has contributed to the current issue. We intend to encourage this contributor, for articles from abroad give us new and fresh views of many subjects.

It is with great regret that we announce the disappearance of the Monoux Bulletin. The appearances became more and more erratic and now we shall see no more of this interesting, if at times, lugubrious news-sheet.

This has re-commenced, and, as before, the class is held Monday evening after school. Mr. Smith and Mr. Ninnim once again in charge, and many boys are taking advantage this opportunity to learn to dance.

The School Unit has, we regret, been disbanded. During it, existence it reflected great credit on the School in the winning of pennants. Mr. Ninnim worked extremely hard to keep interest alive in the unit, and thanks are due both to him and to the various other members of the Staff who assisted him.

This is worthy of note if only because of the fact that the caretaker, Mr. Ames, appeared on the Staff side. Not particularly noteworthy? Well, it was his 54th birthday!

S.J.Barker has now been appointed School Captain in place of P.Selwood, who has left. Monitors elected since our last issue are: K.C.Tamplin, A.G.Hellman, F.G.Claridee, E.B.Fairman, J.A.Bastin, E.B.Granshaw, and K.J.Bridge. We apologise for the omission of K.L.Lewis from the list in the Eastcr number.


The Sixth-form heard a very interesting talk on Africa by Captain D.H.Barber, the future Conservative candidate for East Walthamstow. He refuted the conceptions many people have of Africans, for, he said, they are intelligent, have a sense of responsibility, and are far from savage. Missionary work was all-important and Captain Barber concluded by saying that the way to solve the African problem was to treat the Africans as equals, as younger brothers striving to establish themselves.
The Headmaster has varied the mid-morning fare provided for the School with talks on architecture, illustrated with the aid of the epidiascope.

Dining Hall.
Comment by ungrateful schoolboy:
' The thing itself is rough and crudely done,
Cut in coarse stone, spitefully placed aside
As merest lumber, where the light is worst,
Near a back staircase . . .

Lights Out.
The School has been without lights during the recent electricity cuts, but apart from extreme gloom in the vestibule, not much inconvenience has been caused.

Up the Ten Men.
Reading the last issue of the Monovian, it may have occurred to many that according to the team criticisms of the 1946 Cricket XI, we played all the season with only ten men. This impression was due to the unfortunate omission of B.A.Williams from the team list.We offer our apologies and can only say that he was a very valuable player.

At Assembly recently the Headmaster explained that the pictures now appearing in the School were reproductions of lithographs specially designed for exhibition in schools. The advantage these had over
reproductions of oil and water-colour paintings was that they corresponded in every detail with the originals. If wood could be obtained for frames, it would be possible to have many more. Being rather "modern," several have drawn very varied comments, and the Headmaster has asked boys to let him have their opinions. One such criticism is reproduced later in the magazine.

Rag Concert.
This was performed as usual at the end of the Autumn Term, and a review and criticism is to be found later in this issue.

The Bassoon.
A rather unusual solo instrument was played by Mr.W.J.Bennett before the whole School last term. Between items he talked of the construction and development of the instrument.

One-Act Plays.
Owing to unforeseen circumstances, it was impossible to give an account of the Christmas one-act plays in the last number of the Monovian. We have pleasure in including it in this issue.

School Play.
Caesar and Cleopatra, by G. B. Shaw, chosen as the School Play this year, was performed at Lloyd Park Pavilion during the Walthamstow Drama Festival, and three times at the School. Some change was necessitated in the cast, B.Chaplin playing Caesar in place of F.G.Claridge, who was unable to take the part owing to the vagaries of the Ministry of Labour and National Service.

Three new monitors, R.Monday, P.Bentley, and N.Huntingford, have been elected by the School Council and have received the Headmaster's approval. Last term's monitors are now prefects.


Taking a tip, no doubt, from the Monovian review of Laurence Olivier's Hamlet, the Upper School went en masse to see it at the Marble Arch Pavilion. It was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Congratulations to Chaplin and Gunton on having their photographs in the local paper. We are, incidentally, still trying to find a "Mr. MacRayner" on the Staff.

Mr. Hyde: "If you want to talk you can go outside and talk to your heart's content."
Sixth-former: "What's she doing here?"

The fields beyond the School railings, whence friendly land-girls used to present worms to keen biology students, have now been taken over for the School's use, and the football pitches put completely out of bounds. Mr. Philpott says his meadow has never felt better.

After an intensive campaign by the Headmaster, boys taking School dinners have learnt to swab down those tables in a gentlemanly manner.

Scott of the Antarctic
This film was the subject of another School visit towards the end of the Spring term.

Held December last, it was quite high in standard as Rag Concerts go. We'd advise the lower forms to leave out jokes on Jane Russell and crude burlesques on sex. Some much funnier material is quite near at hand.

Wolfit's King Lear and Much Ado About Nothing at the Bedford Theatre, Camden Town, were visited by the Sixth Forms with Mr. Miles. Gunton was just telling two strangers in the row behind him how he was captain of the Monoux School when they said theyd never heard of it. Obviously they'd never been to India's strand.

One of the features of the Spring term was the successful renascence of the weekly news-sheet, The Bulletin, under the editorship of a committee of prefects. It has been continuing steadily since its inception: the ninth issue was double-size (for the usual price of one penny) to commemorate the end of the Spring term. This new Bulletin has been without the lugubriousness of its forerunner, although its Bullets have been definitely inferior, and it suffers from curious conscientiousness that seems to oblige it to record even the unimportant and uninteresting football matches (to the considerable annoyance of most of its readers). Nevertheless the newspaper is far more representative of the whole School than it was in past: it carries a flourishing Readers' Letters column, and it certainly has had the journalistic merit of being highly controversial.

Leslie Burford is spending two months in Oviedo in the North of Spain with a Spanish family. We understand that he is having a most interesting and delightful time there and beginning to speak the language well. He has gone to Spain on an exchange visit and his opposite number, Sr. Don José Arturo Marquinez Pico is staying with the Burfords. This exchange was arranged privately by the two families concerned and we have to thank an Old Boy, Geoffrey Ribbans, for giving us the name and address of Sr. Marquinez, in the first place, and telling us of the latter's desire to visit England. Burford did nearly all the rest himself, with the Headmaster and Mr. Durrant hovering helpfully in the background; the exchange letters between Woodford and Oviedo reached an unprecedented level and the steps of the Spanish Embassy were worn thin by the tread of the indefatigable Leslie. Now he is happily settled in Oviedo and, in having achieved this successful culmination of his efforts, he has made history, for it is the first time that an exchange of Spanish and English students has taken place in the School.

Six boys from the 5th and 6th Forms were members of a party, organised under the patronage of the Essex Education Committee, which visited Paris during the Easter recess. They did attend a special school, but the visit was really a holiday in disguise. Some impressions gained as a result of this visit are published elsewhere.

"If life is to remain human then life must remain individual.
There must remain a perpetual protest against regimentation."
B.Ifor Evans, The Shop on King's Road


Appleby and Hackworthy have been commended by Scotland Yard for giving information leading to the apprehension of some criminals. While praising their public-spirited action we cannot
help echoing the awful warning, "Remember what happened to Nicky the Nark!"
Would someone please tell the Editors what on earth they meant by the crack about the economics candidates being issued with a new pair of boots? [Please ask Mr. Couch: he knows, he knows!]

The School has been troubled of late by a spate of terrorists armed with Jolliboy water pistols (140 squirts per refill) until rounded up by what we may euphemistically call the Sheriff's posse, who confiscated the weapons with suspicious eagerness.

Would anyone care to solve the mystery of the footprints on the Prefects' Room ceiling?

Still doggedly seeking after culture, even members of the Science Sixth went to see Twelfth Night at the Old Vic. There is to be another visit to Bartholomew Fair: it's a pity the Old Vic. aren't doing The Alchemist.

During the Summer Term Mallinson House won the Cricket Championship, the Athletic Sports, and the Workman Cup for School Work for the year. Congratulations!

At the end of the Summer Term the School saw Michael Redgrave, Emlyn Williams and Margaret Lockwood in The Stars Look Down. The performance not what it might have been owing to the poor acoustics of the Hall, but the new sound board should vastly improve reception at Christmas of Bush Christmas.

Those who have paused to wonder at the knot of boys on the front lawn at five to nine may like to know that they were watching a contingent of 1s,1g,or 2c geography set, taking meteorological readings. Daily records of rainfall, wind and temperature have been kept since the 1st October. Such great keenness has been awakened that other forms are likely to participate.

Colin Steers of St, Whitehall Gardens, Chiugford, now in FormVI, was notified last term by London University that he had won the Arthur Simmons Memorial Prize. The prize fund, administered by the University of London, is in memory of an Inspector of Secondary Schools for the University and provides two prizes annually. These are awarded to the boy and the girl who submit the best work in Geography at the Midsummer General School Examination. As between 19,000 and 20,000 candidates take the Geography paper at that examination, Steers's achievement is a remarkable one.

Yet another series of Bulletins has begun to appear, this time under the editorship of Turner and Silvester. Journalistically it is (if rather less controversial) rather better than its forerunners, though deficient in witty Bullets. It carries a flourishing Readers' Letters column, always a sigu of readers' interest, and has appeared very regularly.

Four German schoolboys spent part of last term in Walthamstow as the guests of Clark, Collins, Patterson, and Whiting. They attended School each day and took part in the general activities. They returned to Germany in October much impressed and pleased by their stay with us.

As we go to press we learn that R.E.Durgnat has just obtained an Open Scholarship in English at Pembroke College, Cambridge. This fine achievement rounds off in excellent fashion an outstandiug School career, which included Distinctions in both French and English at the Higher School Certificate Examination in the summer. The initials R.E.D. at the end of many contributions, including much sound dramatic and film criticism, will be very familiar to readers of the Monovian. May we see them later in journals of greater repute and wider sphere!

Last Summer members of the Geography VIth attended a Field Course at Juniper Hall, near Dorking, in Surrey.
Juniper Hall, one of the centres of the Council for the Promotion of Field studies, is pleasantly situated on the edge of the Box Hill National Trust property and is excellently sited for geographical and associated studies of the Wealden area.
The party was privileged to have as its leader, Mr.C.G.Fagg, an acknowledged expert on Wealden geography. Under his guidance a strenuous and most instructive week was spent. It is to be hoped that this Field Course will become a regular feature of VIth Form Geography.

The Sixth Form has continued its programme of theatre visits under the efficient stewardship of Mr. Miles, who sets about collecting everyone's money twice over with unparalleled enthusiasm. Recent outings were to Electra and Henry V.

A slow but steady improvement is observable in Prefects' Room literature. Once we had the Times, the Daily Mail, the News Chronicle and Lilliput. No one read the Times (however much awe and respect it got us at the newsagent's) which was used chiefly as wadding by those who forgot their football pads. A general reshuffle brought us the Daily Mail, Lilliput, Argosy, Reader's Digest and R*v**ll*. Now of these only the first (on account of Flook) and the last remain.

We have been trying to think of funny remarks about the Meteorological Society, one member of which may be seen slipping out on to the lawn every morning to look at the rain gauge with all the enthusiasm of an explorer discovering the North Pole or of a biologist on the scent of a corpse pickled in alcohol; but all have been appropriated for describing the B.B.C. Weather Reports. Readers are. however, asked to imagine Mr. Howden dashing out to his beloved rain gauge, disciples racing after his wind-billowed cloak like a troop of chickens after their mother.

From England's Shore to --
We are asked to note Scates's and Durgnat's hitch-hike trip to Rome last year: down to Rome and back to Paris for £10 each. The trip lasted a month.

We quote front a very interesting letter to the Old Monovians Section of the last issue: "Paris certainly is a wonderful city but I would not go into such rhapsodies over it as the chaps from School who were there last year. I still remember I am a Londoner." We can assure the author that the implied rebuke and example are duly noted and have been appreciated to the full.

Pickets are urging the installation of turnstiles every ten yards in the corridors to ensure single file.

We heartily congratulate D. P. Scott on the splendid achievement of becoming schoolboy champion of England in the 10st. 8lb. Clas. He began boxing four years ago at the Chingford Boxing Club, and won the Club's All-Round Cup for one year. Of the eight contests up to the final Scott won five by a knock-out and three on points.


The end-of-term film show included Good-bye, Mr. Chips. We hope this will be an example to the Staff. Mr. Hyde was heard to remark at the end of the film that he hoped that, when he retired,
He would have hair as long and beautiful as Mr. Chips's! We can assure him that already he is on the way to fulfilment of his ambition, and we shall watch his future efforts with awe and wonder.

Master : "There is a theory that Poetry can only be properly appreciated when read in certain positions. For example, J-- how do you react when reading poetry with your mouth open?"
Boy: "I dribble, sir."

"Nevertheless, I think Mrs. Burford as the adolescent, 'Pussy,' was best in a good cast. She swung her legs . . . ."-Our dramatic critic.
At last we know the secret of the popularity of the Monoux productions of Shakespeare. She parts are played by boy actors who all wear tights!

"Of course, between productions, they use the stage as a gymnasium mother."

At the end of last term Mr. Durrant, the Spanish Master, took a party of boys to Spain, where they spent an interesting month. An account of their stay from the pen of Mr. Durrant appears later in the magazine.

The Hispanic Council holds an annual examination for Spanish pupils in schools throughout the British Isles and offers a number of prizes for successful candidates in three different age groups. The examination for senior pupils comprises unseen translation into Spanish, translation from Spanish into English and a free composition.
In the the senior age group there are four first prizes of five guineas and we offer our hearty congratulations to A.W.Morley who has won a first prize for the second year running. The prize money has to be spent on books and is thus of particular value for an advancedstudent.

The School Dramatic Society with that of the Wanstead County High School was chosen by Miss Cobby, the Essex County Drama Adviser, to illustrate the work done in drama in English schools at an international drama festival. This festival, a full account of which appears later in the magazine, was held at Weilburg in Germany under the auspices of the German Ministry of Education.

The School had two days holiday towards the end of last term on March 15th and 16th, when the Walthamstow Educational Fellowship used the building for a Refresher Course for the teachers of Walthamstow. Lectures were given by eminent educationists, including Sir Fred Clarke, Dr. W. P. Alexander, P. Wilson. Esq.. H.M.I., and E. R. Hamilton, Esq., and there were in addition exhibitions of books and audio and visual aids, a film show and a party dance.


The Bulletin has continued to be a regular weekly feature of School life. Price one penny, the paper maintains a fairly constant sale of three hundred copies each week and a small profit is made. This has been used to advantage this year, notably in helping to finance the Pre-Higher Dance and in providing refreshments for the discussion with the German guests. Two-sheet editions have occasionally been produced and sold for three halfpence.
Despite our entreaties there still remains a notable lack of contributions from the Lower School, although they constitute our most eager public. On the whole the correspondence columns have remained lively and varied in interest and some of the proposals put forward have been seriously discussed and introduced. The control of the paper is now in the hands of four members of the Sixth Form, Barnes, Moss, Stokes and Tamplin, and we hope to maintain the standard set by our predecessors.
Finally we would like to express our thanks to Mrs. Wright for her patient typing of the sheets and to Mrs. Wilkinson for her tolerance during our printing endeavours.
The School now possesses a printing press. It had hardly been installed before a group of fifth and sixth form boys, under the direction of Mr. Wood, and helped and encouraged by Mr. Piercy and Mr. Newby, set about the arduous task of printing the athletics programme. None of the boys, or the masters for that matter, had any previous knowledge of printing. Despite this and many other great hardships they did a grand job in turning out the programme.
Plans have been made to print a School diary, a much needed item, and it is proposed to print the Christmas cards as well.
It is also planned to form a printing society. Unfortunately this must be restricted to the fifth and sixth forms only. Details have not yet been worked out, but boys of either the fifth or sixth forms interested in printing are asked to find out details. Those who know something about printing are particularly welcome as there is a lot to learn!


The purpose of holidays organised by the School is not generally understood. However, announcements made in Assembly before last year's visit to Switzerland and again before this year's trip to the Lake District clarify the position: " There will be a training walk starting from the Royal Forest Hotel."

The School may rightly be proud of the record that during the summer the energetic meteorologists of the First Form apparently made only one mistake. But the result was disastrous: the kitchen staff served salad and cold meat instead of stew on a swelteringly hot day.

During the summer a group of boys has been at work under the guidance of the history staff making models of historical interest. It is ultimately intended to build up an historical museum, but on the last day of the summer term the group staged an exhibition in the Library. There was an impressive model of the Globe Theatre with a section removed to reveal details of the stage and accommodation for spectators. Probably the most noteworthy exhibit was a model of old London Bridge; other models included Watt's steam engine, ships of historic interest, the Tower of London, and a loom that weaves real fabric. Accompanying them were drawings to illustrate architecture and dress, and remarkably learned papers by members of the Lower School on such subjects as the theatre and inventors.

Mr. Miles says he intends to instruct the Sixth Form in the glories of Twi, a language set by London University for the General Certificate of Education. Distinctions guaranteed. All enquiries should be addressed to Mr. Miles at the Monoux Cricket Club, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope.

There has long been a feeling that the essential brilliance of Sports Day with all its coloured flags and bands should be extended to the albino competitors. Happily, this year has witnessed the acquisition of rich wine-tinted track suits. Maybe it is a psychological move to refresh competitors, or maybe it is because the white ones show the dirt.

The number of typographical errors in the Bulletin has noticeably decreased since a certain member of the staff agreed to buy the copy of the first boy in his class to spot a spelling mistake.

During the School Council discussion about weeding the main drive, the proposer remarked that "every time I pass the main drive I see a weed." We wonder how far this is a coincidence, but feel certain of the truth of the statement that "people going along in 'buses do not have their eyes glued to the ground:"

Three Monovians, A.R. Norris, J.R. Luff, and C.R. Nunn are spending a fortnight in Germany at Weilburg during August. The visit is under the auspices of the Essex County Council, and members of the party are being drawn from a number of schools to give musical concerts. The visit is similar to that of the Dramatic Society last year.

Prefects lead selfless lives devoted entirely to the well-being of the School, as the new Fire Drill reminds us. "On the sound of a whistle it shall be the duty of the Deputy School Captain to go to Rooms 25 and 26.... Prefects should be directing duties at buckets and fire appliances until such time as the building is empty, after which they will leave their posts and join the School."
Please note that the prefects will hold private investigations into fires suspiciously started.

"His two years' study of the language began in zeal and have ended with hope. . . ." A staff comment on one of your Editors.

"For my pains in pressing this part of the argument, I have met with . . . inane remarks. . . . (Tamplin writing on the teaching of Russian.)

"In an amusing and witty speech, Mr. -- said the modern Grammar School boy had unparalleled opportunities. . . ." (Statement in a local School Magazine.)

O Tempora ...
Overheard in the Prefects' Room: "I wish you'd take your case out of the prefects' Room."
- Why ? "
" It gets in the way of our bowling."

... O Mores
We have it from a usually reliable source that K ... k and W . . . . r are planning to have a haircut (each) before the New Yea.r.

A recent playbill outside the Technical School bore the strikingly apt legend: " This Way to the Tomb."

The School very gratefully acknowledges the following gifts:
(1) A map of Walthamstow dated 1865 from Mr. Mr. Young, aged ninety and the oldest Old Monovian. We have now to record with deep regret that Mr. Young died on August 15th of this year, and we extend to his surviving relatives the School's deep sympathy.
(2) The sum of £25 from Mrs. Reynolds whose husband, William Howe Reynolds, was a former Head Boy of the School and whose brother, Stanley Farmer; is an Old Monovian. This sum is given in memory of Mrs. Reynolds's father, Mr. Alexander Farmer, and is to be invested and the interest used annually to purchase an art prize to be known as the "Alexander Farmer Prizc."
(3) The sum of £15 from Mr, E. Tacagni, father of one of the editors of the Monovian, in gratitude for the happy time his son spent at Monoux and all the benefit he obtained as he prograssed through the School. The money is to be used for the purchase of books for the Library.

The School offers its hearty congratulations and best wishes to Mr. Couch of the Staff on his marriage, on the 22nd of December last, to Miss H. Hartley-Baileff at St. Mary's Church, Walthamstow. Mr. Couch is a very active member of the Old Monovians' Association, and another member, Derek Curl, acted as best man. Boys and masters, were represented at the Church and some of the latter were present at the reception held afterwards at the "Lord Brooke." Mr. Couch received presents from both boys and Staff, his colleagues' gift being handed to him on the last day of term by Dr. Whitt with a few well-chosen and felicitous remarks.
Among the numerous plays visited by the Sixth Form this year are Tamburlaine, The Clandestine Marriage, Othello and The Winter's Tale. The number of those allowed to go on these visits is unfortunately limited: as Mr. Miles remarked to the Sixth Form, "We are restricting this visit to the Staff, the Sixth Form and their wives."
"The Festival of Britain," said a recent edition of the Bulletin, in a fine flurry of patriotic zeal, "has received only one honourable mention in the School Magazine." On looking through the proofs, the Editors have failed to find even one "honourable mention." So, just for the record, here it is: Three cheers for the Festival!
Said an eminent authority speaking on the small life-saving class for swimmers recently set up by Mr. Ninnim: "Let us, hope that this first small trickle will soon grow to a tide, and ultimately become a great flood which will sweep through the whole School..." By that time we shall need some life-savers.
On October 4th the School was honoured bv a visit from Sir Reader Blillard, an Old Monovian who has attained considerable diplomatic distinction. Among his posts was that of Ambassador to Persia. Sir Reader spoke to the Seniors on the Persian problem.
We have great sympathy for the innocent Second-Former who, confusing his French and Latin literature, translated: "He threw his amour over his shoulder and marched triumphantly into battle."
It has been suggested that special training should be given to the library staff so that they may know whether the offender talking in the corner is a master giving a lesson.
A gentleman who used to distribute a dozen detentions every period now informs us that he prefers to rule by his personality.... Surely someone could buy him a new pen for Christmas.
This year five boys from the School were chosen to join the British contingent going to Bad Ischl, Austria, for the Seventh Scout World Jamboree. Bullar, Freeman, Reeve and Steers were representatives of Essex, and Martin represented London. It is hoped that in 1955 a patrol from the School troop will be chosen to go to the jamboree.
THE Bulletin
The Bulletin is now in its second consecutive year after a lapse of some time. Its success is due entirely to F.J.Silvester, and the present editors hope that they can maintain the high standard that he set. This year we have reverted to the old system of a Bulletin committee, and now six members of the Sixth Form, Haley, Stanley, Steers, Stokes, Tamplin and Walker, are responsible for its publication.
We hope the Bulletin will continue to be an organ of public opinion in the School through its editorials and letters as well as a faithful reporter of School events, sports and societies. Testimony of its success is that about three hundred copies are sold every week. In the near future we hope to aim at a double page copy. The many questions it has discussed range from the School Council to the house and tutorial systems, and from the library to the need for a School history. The essence of the Bulletin must be topicality and we believe that in this way we can supplement the Monovinn although of course we cannot rival its high literary standard.
The Headmaster is anxious to trace any copies of the Monovian before the Volume 2, 1926, issue. He has Volume I, Nos. 5 and 3, and those for 1919 and Easter 1920, but he would be grateful if Old Boys having copies of other issues could spare them for binding.

As we go to press we learn that D.W.Anderson has been awarded an Exhibition in Natural Sciences at Queens' College, Cambridge; and that J.M. Barron has been accepted for admission to Christ's College, Cambridge. We offer them our heartiest congratulations.
Another gratifying success, of a different order, is that of fifteen year old Michael Freeman of Chingford, who has gained the King's Scout Badge, one of the highest awards a scout can obtain. Last year he was one of the local scouts who attended the seventh World Scout Jamboree in Austria. He hopes to receive his badge from the Chief Scout at Eton College in April. Well done!


It will be noticed that the Monovian still appears in its old dress, as no-one has yet submitted a design for a new cover. May we make an appeal for the third time for an artist or artists to come forward with suggestions for a change that is long overdue?
The editors would like to put on record the fact that more articles were received than could be published in this edition. Long may this happy state of affairs continue! In the Literary Section we have included contributions from boys in the Third and Fourth Forms, and we hope that articles from the Middle and Lower Schools will be regular features in the magazine. The Monovian should not be the exclusive preserve of the Sixth Form.

The School's weekly organ has continued to be published throughout the term, providing up-to-date comments, football results and reports, interesting articles, society reports and jokes. This year the President of the Editorial Board is F.M.L.Smith, assisted by D.Jarvis and T.Laugharne of the Sixth, and D.Ashton and R.Marks of the Third Form. Profit from this, probably the most lucrative of school institutions, goes towards much philanthropic work. Last year, for instance, The Bulletin subsidised teas for Cricket Week, and for Debating Society Refreshments; it subsidised the School Dance and presented books to the Library. Circulation, however, is only 250 copies per week, less than half the school.

The past two terms have seen a revival of interest in music throughout the school. The choir, under the direction of Mr. Sergeant, has led the singing in the Assembly in the mornings, and has enriched the service with anthems by Purcell, Bach, and Shaw. The well-known Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, by Bach, was so successful that it was repeated again in Assembly and also on Speech Day. Shaw's Worship was sung at our Memorial Service just before the laying of wreaths. Mention must be made of the Choir's seating accommodation in the hall. We are greatly indebted to Mr. Brobyn and those who have worked with him to provide a platform and benches for the choir. The platform has enabled the voices of the singers to be heard in all parts of the hall, and was invaluable on Speech Day when it was necessary that the singers should be able to see Mr. Sergeant's agile conducting. A word about Speech Day itself is essential: the choir sang five pieces, at both afternoon and evening ceremonies. After the Headmaster's report, Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring and Spring Comes Laughing were sung: and after the verse speaking, three sea-shanties arranged by Dr. Ralph Vaughan Williams: Sailing at Dawn, Spanish Ladies (solo parts by F.M.L.Smith of the Sixth Form) and The Gentlemen of England.
These items were extremely successful, and were acclaimed by all those present. The choir, after several weeks of preparation, certainly enjoyed singing them. There is much more preparation to be done in the future, too, for the choir is to sing St. John's Passion by Handel, at the end of Lent, 1955.
Beauty has been added to the Assembly, not only by the choir, but also by pieces of music played on the piano by Mr. Sergeant. The selected piece of music is played each morning for a week, in order that the listeners may get to know it, and catch some of its rhythm.
Another great event in our musical world was the formation of a Madrigal Group with the Walthamstow County High School for Girls, where meetings are held every Monday. Our boys sing the tenor and bass parts, and the girls sing soprano and contralto. The group have learnt Never Weather Beaten Sail, Diaphenia Like the Daffadowndilly, April is in my Mistress's Face, and 0 Nata Lux de Lumine, As the titles indicate, many of the madrigals are on the theme of love. Some of these madrigals were sung at a meeting of the South-West Eessex Music Club in the Technical College on November 23.
The School is glad to welcome back Mr. Newstone, who is again teaching violin classes. Readers of The Monovian will remember that an appreciation of his work was given in the last issue. Mr. Newstone is making a name for himself in the professional world as conductor of the Haydn Orchestra, and we are sure that our boys are greatly benefiting from his expert tuition.

The following members of last year's Sixth Form have gained places, either immediately or after National Service, at universities:
Oxford: M.I.Cash University College: A. Chambers, St. John's College: J. Thackway, Corpus Christi College; D.Laugharne, Jesus College.
Cambridge: I.Glogowsky, Gonville and Caius College; T.Cann, Christ's College.
London: J. Gordon. King's College; J. Hall, Imperial College: P.E.Chapman. Westminster Training College.
Birmingham: J.I.Pritchard, I.Martin.
Leeds : A.Rumsey, R.T.Mold.
Sheffield: A.McIntosh.
Bristol: D.Golding
Reading: K.H.Carter.
Nottingham : S.Draper.
During the Autumn Term, 1954, members of Staff and boys from the Fifth and Sixth Forms saw the following plays at the Old Vic: Love's Labours Lost, Macbeth and The Taming of the Shrew. This
year's distinguished company includes Ann Todd, Virginia McKenna and Paul Rogers. The high attendances have continued to show the enthusiasm which exists in the School.
Last November, the Classical scholars visited East Ham Grammar School to see a presentation by the Attic Players of The Choephori of Aechylus and of The Clouds of Aristophanes.

In October we welcomed the Stuttgart Drama Group, who performed the medieval morality play, Jedermann (the German rendering of Everyman). The players, students of Stuttgart, stayed as guests of Monoux and the Woodford County High School during their visit to this part of London. Following a performance of their play to local students of German, the visitors were entertained to tea in the School dining hall.

A group of seniors attended the Council's Autumn Term Conference, which took the form of a progress report on the 'Colombo Plan.' All who went will always remember a most entertaining speaker, Mr. Maung Maung Ji, who proved that the Burmese Embassy must be the happiest in London. A few weeks later, Mr. Ji was reported to have addressed Mr, Clement Attlee as 'uncle.' a term of respect in Burma.

The whole of ROOM 26 has been divided into three parts by means of thin, strawboard partitions. This has been a great help to members of Staff, who, because the walls transmit sound fairly audibly, can teach both the Upper and the Lover Sixth at the same time.
Ever since an attempt on Guy Fawkes' Night to blow up room 26, the Sixth Form Anti-partitionist Group has been outlawed (in the interest, of Security).

Our diplomatic correspondent reports that a copy of The Monovian has gone on a cultural mission to Moscow. The Magazine was such a success that recently an undergrad in Leningrad, after drinking too much vodka, was heard singing:
" Known far and wide without a fault,
From Leningrad's gaolhouse to Siberia's salt,
A monument of....." at this point in the song he was arrested.

Would the athletic individual who left his footprints nine feet up the wall in room 27 please report to the Gym Club as soon as possible?

" And round about him lay on every side
Great heaps of gold that never could be spent."
-Edmund Spencer

"Some day I shall think this a happy day.
And this mood by the name of melancholy,
Shall no more blackened and obscured be."
--Edward Thomas.

D...LY M..R.R
" Have I crazcd myself over their horrible infidel writings ?
O yes,
For these are the new dark ages, you see, of the popular press."
"To buy, or not to buy. That is the economic question"
" This author has disturbed the Whigs 'liberally ' throughout the whole volume."
"Some bright spark decided to set fire to the House of Commons."

To Bath Buns, Anon, Uncle Harold, Hamish MacTaggart, all of The Bulletin correspondence club.
To the Fourth Formers who gave up a half-term holiday to dig out a new jumping pit.
To the economist who said that horror comics, a luxury today, would be a necessity in the future.
To all the brave form captains who, in the event of a fire, have to stay behind and close the windows.

"The price is not too high, neither is the quality", an advertisement for The Bulletin.


The Monovian
At last The Monovian has come out in its new dress and has been almost unanimously acclaimed. It is understandable that there are those who cherish a familiar institution and dislike a change, however small. But it is quite remarkable how few were the criticisms when last Summer's issue appeared; a much greater storm of protest was anticipated. The great majority, who were delighted with the cover, will wish to congratulate Michael Twyman on his very attractive design.
The Bulletin
The Bulletin resumed regular weekly publication again during the Autumn term. The new editors, Norman, Magnus, Steel, and the sub-editor, McColgan, are anxious that the news-sheet should widen its appeal throughout the School; but plans of this nature are dependent upon large numbers of contributors. There is always a danger that The Bulletin will represent only a few viewpoints, and therefore we were pleased when contributions began to appear from the Lower School. Conversely, that part of the School from which we expect the best support, the first-year Sixth Form, has so far produced nothing, despite their great numbers this year.
A Bulletin Literary Supplement was published with the ordinary edition on November 24, 1955. The idea of printing original literary works on a separate sheet, together with letters and book reviews, is an innovation in the history of The Bulletin, and again your support would be requested to make such a new venture a success.

On Wednesday, October 26, 1955, the rebuilt Monoux Almshouses and Schoolroom were officially opened by Colonel Sir Stuart Mallinson, C.B.E., D.S.O., D.L., J.P. A party consisting of the Headmaster, the School Captain and Vice-Captain and all Form Captains, was among a large crowd that was privileged to attend the ceremony.
After he had been introduced by Councillor M. Sharland, Chairman of the Walthamstow Parochial Charity Trustees, Sir Stuart cut the tape and declared the Almshouses open. The guests then climbed the wide staircase to the Schoolroom where the formal speeches were made by Sir Stuart and the Mayor, Alderman Lady McEntee; the vote of thanks was proposed by Alderman Fitt. When the Rural Dean, the Rev. H. K. Druit, had bestowed his blessing on the building, Sir Stuart presented the tenants with the keys of their new homes.
Tea was then served; and the guests subsequently took the opportunity of looking over the Almshouses. The architects have endeavoured to make the building as much like the original as possible. In order to do this they used hand-made bricks of a specially small size and retained a considerable number of the old tiles and beams. The new flats are pleasant, compact but not cramped, and tastefully decorated in pale cream and green.
One fine gesture was made by the girls of the Walthamstow C.H.S., who have always taken a great interest in the Almshouses; in each of the new homes they left a small potted plant, a packet of tea, and a message of welcome to the future residents. But the School has also made its contribution. On either side of the main doorway is a crest; one of Monoux, the other of Walthamstow. These were painted by N. J. Pritchard, of the present Fifth Form.
Anyone who was present at the ceremony and who saw, as we did, the joy on the faces of the old people as they looked around their bright new homes, will agree that the building is worth every- moment of the time and every penny of the money that has been spent on it.

On Tuesday, September 27, a party of Sixth Form economists spent a valuable day at the Annual Schools' Economics Conference which was held at the London School of Economics. As the age and knowledge of the students varied to such a degree, the organisers must have encountered extreme difficulty in arranging a suitable programme; but they solved the problem by selecting subjects of general and topical interest.
The conference began promptly at ten o'clock with an address of welcome by Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders, who then introduced Professor E. Phelps-Brown, the first speaker. The Professor's topic was the controversial problem of Wage Differentials, and he began by relating this to the then recent strike of railway workers and gradually expanded the subject into more general terms. "The anxiety of the drivers is that the lessening differential between the pay of the guards and their own, will blur the distinction between skilled and unskilled labour," he said, developing the point. He went on to speak of the social status of each of the workers, and of the revolution that general education has produced, resulting in "a universal desire to be equal to one's employer."
The high standard of speaking continued when Mr. Graham Hutton, the celebrated economist and broadcaster, presided over a discussion between a T.U.C. official, a member of the British Employers' Confederation, and an official of the Industrial Relations Department of the Ministry of Labour, on the problem of "Wage Negotiations in Practice ". Arguments were heated and Mr. Hutton frequently had to intervene to restore order.
After a very welcome break for lunch, delegates returned to their places in the hall, which was packed to capacity. The members of the "Brains Trust" panel were introduced to the audience by Mr.J.J.McLoughlin, the industrialist. The panel consisted of a Socialist M.P., a Conservative M.P., an industrial research economist, and a university tutor. As soon as the Labour member began to answer a question about the Government's economic policy, it became apparent that it was going to be a very lively session. All the members of the panel joined in the full spirit of the arguments. Questions ranged from political to religious topics, and they were all informatively and wittily answered.
Finally, Mr.G.J.Edwards, B.Sc. (Econ.), attempted to sum up the main points that had arisen during the day, and so brought the conference to a close. It was an enlightening and most decidedly entertaining experience for all who had the pleasure of attending. We offer our sincere thanks to Mr. Couch for making all the arrangements.

Theatre visits in the Autumn Term commenced with a visit to the Old Vic's production of The Merry Wives of Windsor. A large party from the School attended and enjoyed a colourful production from a cast headed by Paul Rogers; criticism however was mixed. Subsequent visits were made to A Winter's Tale and Henry V; the latter play saw the welcome return of Richard Burton to the Old Vic.
A School party also visited the production of Hamlet at the Phoenix Theatre. This production was one of outstanding quality as the cast was headed by Paul Schofield, and included such well known actresses as Mary Ure as Ophelia and Diana Wynyard as Gertrude. At the end of November the company was in Moscow, where it was received with extraordinary enthusiasm, taking thirteen curtain-calls on the first night. As Hamlet is one of the set texts for the Advanced Level English examination, the production was of especial interest and importance to the Sixth Form.

Two successful visits were made to the Sadler's Wells Opera in the Autumn Term. The first, on October 7, was to see Verdi's Rigoletto, and the second, on October 20, was to Mozart's Magic Flute. Both operas gave immense pleasure to the boys who saw them.
The proximity and relatively easy accessibility of Sadler's Wells, together with the reduction in prices for block bookings, have done much to introduce to many boys operas which they might not have gone to see by their own initiative. The large support has shown that interest is increasing; a good sign, since these visits are as important a part of a good education as academic training.

During October, five Sixth-Formers attended the Geographical Field Course at Juniper Hall, near Dorking, Surrey. In spite of the persistent rainfall, daily excursions were made to Box Hill, the Mole Valley, Leith Hill and the Headley Valley. This practical application of geographical principles hitherto limited to text-books, and often only half-believed, is an extremely important aspect of the geographer's work. Individual practical land surveys were made on transect lines, the results of which give a clearer understanding of such features as dry valleys, valley terraces, and other aspects of geographical study.
In many ways the highlight of the trip was the " trans-Weald " excursion. This trip from juniper Hall, Redhill, to East Grinstead, Brighton and Lewes, showed clearly the diversity of scenery in the twenty-five mile strip so much dependent on the geology of the area
The course was attended by sixth-form grammar school pupils from many different areas of England and Wales.

On October 25 a dozen or so senior boys attended the London District Council's Autumn Term meeting at St. Pancras Town Hall. The meeting took the form of a survey of the work of United Nations' specialised agencies. Two films were shown: the first, Workshop for Peace, took us on a tour around the United Nations building in New York; the second, dealing with the irrigation of a central American valley, was an illustration of some of the practical work done by United Nations in backward countries. The assembly of some one thousand grammar school pupils in the London area was addressed by an official from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, who gave a very colourful talk on the many ways in which United Nations is helping to increase agricultural productivity in the under-developed parts of the world.

The following scholarships and funds are available locally to help boys who wish to continue full time education after leaving school. The Monoux Foundation makes grants annually to boys from Sir George Monoux Grammar School and girls from Walthamstow High School. Applicants must have been in attendance at either of the above schools for not less than two years and must be resident in the Ancient Parish of Walthamstow. Applications should be made to the Clerk to the Governors, Town Hall, Walthamstow, E.17, at the beginning of May of each year.
The Ozler Trust, Walthamstow, makes grants annually to candidates resident in the "ancient borough of Walthamstow" and who have attended a "public elementary school" for not less than two years. Applications to the Borough Education Officer, Town Hall, Walthamstow, E.17 round about May of each year.
The Ozler Trust, Leyton, makes grants annually to candidates resident in the parish of "Low Leyton" and who have attended a "public elementary school" for not less than two years. Applications to the Borough Education Officer, Leyton Education Offices, Leytonstone, E.11 round about May of each year.
The Sir William Mallinson Scholarship Trust. Candidates must have attended a school in the Borough of Walthamstow for five years in their school life and must have been five years resident in Walthamstow immediately prior to the application for a scholarship. Applications to F. M. Wright, Esq., 306 Hoe Street, Walthamstow, E.17 at the beginning of May of each year.
The Monaux Educational Foundation. Before the last War as a result of a Garden Party organised by the Old Boys, the Parents and the School, the sum of approximately £300 was raised and money can now be applied for in the form of a loan, free of interest, to be repaid when the borrower is in employment. Further information can be obtained from the Headmaster of the School.

The Monovian has always supported that school of thought which holds that schoolboys should attain what they want by their own efforts. For this reason we find ourselves compelled to extend our appreciative thanks to that determined scholar who considered the library to be a dull and stuffy place, and thought to provide us with an air-hole by pushing his foot through the ceiling while the French oral examination was in progress.
However, having found the room a trifle chilly after the experiment, we must sympathise with the equally determined authority which quickly refilled the gap.

The latest wily effort to dislodge some of the fifty members of the first-year Sixth found expression in a display of careers pamphlets in one of their form rooms.
But alas, on surveying the staunch ranks, the Careers Master found his form undiminished; and he is now compelled to continue the abhorred habit of making up his register every morning.

Whilst browsing through the Library shelves the other day we found a book entitled Tennis for Girls which was given to the Library in 1938.
This School certainly has a very interesting history.

French Master (on seeing a certain Sixth Former) : "Ah ! Bonjour, Monsieur B. Comment allez-vous? " SixthFormer (undergoing mental contortions in an effort to translate) : "Er ... Au room twenty-eight, Monsieur."

"France was undergoing the first stages of an industrial revolution, and handworkers were being thrown out of work by machinery." A master in Sixth-Form History.

A letter which recently appeared in The Bulletin began:
" I am most indignant at your publication of the poem, not so much at its publication ......."
We can only add that we are indignant at the publication of the letter, not so much at its publication, as at the fact that the genius signed himself as "Times Literary Supplement".

" I like work: it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours. I love to keep it by me; the idea of getting rid of it nearly breaks my heart. "- Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men in a Boat.


The Bulletin.
Since the beginning of the school year, The Bulletin has had various changes, most notable being one of chief editorship. A.E.Steel, who for so long provided the driving power for the paper in the face of competition from The Junior Outlook and diminishing sales, resigned his position as Editor-in-chief, and handed over the many duties associated with the office to R.J.Dean. G.R.Wilson, a very industrious editor, resigned his post at the same time, much to the astonishment of the other editors.
J.Allison adopted the post vacated by Dean, and with J.Webster and R.Heath The Bulletin staff, helped as always by the invaluable services of Mrs. Wright, began a new lease of life.
The end of the Spring Term was marked by the unprecedented publication of a three-page, six-sided issue. As The Bulletin stands, sales are rising from week to week, and even more gratifying, contributions for publication become more numerous. The new corner, 'Air Your Grouse', has been a tremendous success, but after arousing much enthusiasm Mr. Hyde's limerick competition, Hyde 'Park' Corner, received little support and had to be terminated.
Since September twenty-three issues of The Bulletin have been printed, and it is the aim of the editorial staff to produce thirty-six issues before the end of the school year.
The Junior Outlook.
This popular fortnightly juniors' paper, with the highest circulation of any School paper, has included among articles for all tastes, money prizes for lucky numbers, and competitions. The "Do You Know Your Masters?" competition replaced for a time the press conferences with masters; over twelve, including the Headmaster, have kindly taken part in them, thus providing some amusing reading matter.
Owing to staff changes this winter, the editors now are: Smy (Editor), Hubbard and Martin (second form) and Collier (first form), and all junior forms are represented. Many thanks are due to the Office staff, without whom The Outlook could not be printed.
The first Junior Outlook Literary Supplement appeared in the Spring Term, taking the form of a debating supplement and containing reports on the inter-house debate semi-finals and other related articles. "This," writes the Editor, "opened up a new field of journalism and the editors will be only too anxious to increase it."
In January, ten Sixth Formers attended the C.E.W.C. Christmas Holiday Lectures at the Central Hall, Westminster. This year the topic for discussion during the four days was 'North America, Continent without frontiers'. Once again the lectures and discussions were split up into four handy subsections, cultural, political, social, and economic. In the cultural section aspects such as the common language of Britain, Canada and the U.S.A., " Rock 'n roll," and the French cultural contribution to Canada were studied. The political section posed such questions as the linking of British and American foreign policies, Canada's position in relation to the U.S.A., and the value of organisations such as N.A.T.O, and S.E.A.T.O. Social studies included a survey of education and of the colour problem in America. The economic section dealt with American aid to Europe and with British investment in Canada.
The most valuable parts of the course were the lectures. Delivered by people eminently suited to make general surveys of the American Continent and its people, these lectures helped to erase from our minds many of the misconceptions and prejudices frequently held by British people about the Americans. The programme in the mornings consisted of two lectures each day, one on Canada and one on the U.S.A. Particularly interest ing was a survey of the rival claims of Britain and of the U.S.A. on Canada's allegiance, aptly entitled 'The Wasp and the Wolf', and delivered by Professor Gerald Graham of London University. Other lectures included accounts of the pioneering days in the U.S.A. and of the development of Canada's northern territories. Afternoons were taken up with discussions and with concerts of American music.

During the two winter terms visits to the Old Vic have continued with excellent support from the Fifth and Sixth forms. Reception of the three plays, The Merchant of Venice, Two Gentlemen of Verona, and Antony and Cleopatra was distinctly varied.
For many, Robert Helpmann's performance as Shylock in The Merchant suffered in effect from being a caricature of uneven texture and depth. Barbara Jefford as Portia received a well deserved ovation: she is one of the best young actresses to grace the stage of the Old Vic for many years.
Two Gentlemen of Verona admirably provided proof that it is fatal for actors to compete on the stage with animals, this time Launce's dog companion.
Keith Mitchell joined the company for Antony and Cleopatra. With Margaret Whitney as Cleopatra the production was the best of the season. John Fraser gave good account as Eros.
We look forward to Robert Helpmann as Richard III.


The Headmaster writes:
It. is always easy to be wise after the event, but since the present buildings were occupied in 1927 many generations of how, must have wondered why changing rooms for games were not built when labour was available and building was cheap. However, no good purpose will be served by recriminations. The fact remains that we have neither changing rooms nor showers. For nearly ten years I have tried without success to persuade the authorities to remedy a state of affairs which I consider to be deplorable.
Consider the position,
On 4 days in the week we have 3 forms, approximately 100 boys, changing for games, on Wednesdays the number is even higher, and this large number is swollen when we have School matches at home and have to accommodate visiting teams.
Our boys change in the cloakrooms. Underclothing as well as jackets and trousers have to be hung on the same peg as a raincoat, frequently wet. After the game the teams leave the field, try to remove some of the mud in the hand basins, drv and dress in a restricted space, on a muddv floor, while non games boys are retrieving raincoats from neighbouring pegs. Under the best weather conditions the position is bad enough, but when the weather is bad the position is chaotic. Mothers, in particular, must have been almost in despair at the state of some of the clothes.
The Staff position is even worse. Masters in charge of games change in the staff common room and have the same sort of hand basins as the boys in which to wash. How can we preach decent standards of personal cleanliness and hygiene in such conditions?
These considerations led me to decide that we must not wait until an improved financial position enabled the Local Education Authority to build what we need. If it has not been possible in the last 30 years I could see no prospect of the money being available in the foreseeable future. Visits were made to the Royal Liberty School at Romford where the courtesy of the Headmaster enabled us to examine the changing facilities which that school has acquired by combined efforts. After consultation with the Chairman of Governors and the Borough Education Officer, I decided in July to launch an appeal to all friends of the School to help us to raise the money for the necessary building.
Support was promised by the Parents' Association and the Old Monovians, and the Parents' Association started the fund with £250, most of which had remained from the bazaar in 1954.
The School entered enthusiastically into the scheme. Old Boys and friends have subscribed and promised donations and the volume of support has illustrated beyond doubt not only the sympathy which is felt for the objective but the loyalty and affection in which the School is held. We hear of enormous sums being donated by Old Boys of the Public Schools for the benefit of their successors. Our own Old Boys are showing that this feeling of loyalty is not restricted to the Public Schools.
In four months we have raised £1,260. The bazaar on December 7th which was organised by the Parents' Association resulted in a profit of £450, which was made up to £500 by the generous gift of a friend of the School.
The School is deeply indebted to the Court of the Drapers' Company, which most generously promised us £100 when it heard of our need, and to the Legal and General Assurance Co. (with whom the School has had close links through W.A,Workman), which sent a cheque for £50. I do not want this to be an effort which is to go an indefinitely. I have set a limit of 2 years in which to raise £5,000. This means we must raise about £5 per year for every boy in the School, surely a target well within our reach.
Other donations so far received are
School collections ... .. ..............................160..0 ...0
Old Monovians (individual) .......................100..12..0
Old Monovians' Association ........................3 ..9 ..0
Old Monovians' F.C. ... ............................... 23..10..1
Indicidual Parents ...............................11..12...0
Staff and Headmaster ... ............................... 9...2...7
Hitchman's Dairies ...............................5...5.....0
Norman Trevor -- ... .................................. 10... 0... 0
Miscellaneous ...................................23..15....0
In July last, Sir Stuart S. Mallinson, C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., D.L„ J.P., Chairman of Wm. Mallinson & Sons, spoke to me of the great service done to education by the Federation of British Industries in instituting a fund to help the independent schools to provide science facilities which otherwise they would not be able to afford. Sir Stuart said that he was sure that local firms which were not in the Federation felt the same desire to help individual schools but naturally their resources are much more limited. His own firm had decided annually to set aside a sum of money to benefit boys from certain schools (of which Monoux is one) by means of a Deed of Covenant.
We acknowledge with gratitude this evidence not only of the public spirit of the company but also the practical display of the friendship which the firm, and particularly Sir Stuart Mallinson, feels for the School.

At the beginning of the Autumn Term a Young German student reading law at the University of Goettingen came to see the School and some Masters he knew. He was staying, as he had done several times before, with the parents of an Old Monovian with whom he had been in close contact ever since he had come to this country on an exchange visit. When had that been? In 1950.
We were fortunate this year to have a comparatively strong group of twelve boys of the fourth and sixth forms who undertook exchange visits with Germany, accepting a German boy into their family for three weeks and then going to Weilberg (near Frankfurt) with him for another three weeks. Some of
them had been on exchange before. We would like to thank all those who contributed to the success of the exchange: the parents concerned, and particularly those who took in a German boarder, not on behalf of their own son, but to make possible the exchange of another English boy; the ladies in the office; and the organisers on the German side, Dr. Mainzer. Mrs. Kirsch and Mr. Glockner. Our particular thanks are due to Mrs.J.Moore of Woodford Green, who co-ordinated the arrangements for the various English groups (our School was not the only one to take part in the exchange), who looked after them on their journey and in Weilberg, and whose untiring efforts can be appreciated only by those who knew the extent of the work to be done.
There was a reception at the School for the German boys by the School Captain, the Prefects (and the Skiffle Group!). During their stay in London the German guests visited Woburn Abbey, St, Albans, Oxford and Canterbury. From Weilberg our boys made excursions to Bonn, Cologne, Frankfurt, Wiesbaden and Rudesheim. Some of them took the opportunity of visiting Weilberg Grammar School and getting an idea of the differences between the educational systems of the two countries. All of them can record a happy experience of having a foreign guest as well as being one.
The German student said in September:
" My friendship with the Monoux boy introduced me to a new world. I shall always be grateful to have had the opportunity of getting into such close contact with people outside my country."
There may be among this year's exchange boys, some who think the same now.

This year The Bulletin has got off to a flying start under the chief editorship of R.J.Dean, whose guiding hand has been responsible for the production of a near maximum number of editions. In his work he has been nobly assisted by R.W.Ram, R.B.Marks and A.J.Maxwell.
Sales have risen, but to be frank the editors have to admit that this may be partially due to the apparent confusion in the journalistic circles of the Lower School.
Although The Bulletin is at the moment thriving, there is one factor which is of concern to the editorial staff and that is the seeming unwillingness of the School to contribute to its own paper. If the paper is to achieve maximum success this situation must be altered and reverted to the position of last year when the contributions were many.
Once again The Bulletin staff has the privilege of thanking Mrs.Wright for all the painstaking and invaluable work which she undertakes for the paper.

A new junior paper, The Junior Gen, has been introduced to the School. It has a quiz, crossword puzzle, stamp news, book reviews, riddles, and other articles. The editors are John Ansell and John Kuhns. R.C.Honey is the sports editor, and the cartoonist is R.G.Hamer.
All the editions have sold successfully, the profit going to the Pavilion Fund.

The annual Schools' Conference of the Economics Association was held on Tuesday, September 24, at the London School of Economics. As usual, a select band of Monovians attended the conference; an assortment of sixth-form economists and upper-fifth formers under the leadership of Mr. Couch.
The packed house was welcomed by Sir Arnold Plant, who then had to depart to sit on a Government Committee. The morning lecture was given by Mr. G.D.N.Worswick, of Oxford University, who delivered a meticulous exposition on "The Distribution of the National Income and its Problems." This was familiar ground for most of the Monovians present, and there was general agreement among them that the subject was not an ideal choice for such an occasion.
A forum on pensions, which followed the lecture, was rather more interesting, for the speakers' personalities were as widely separated as their fields of specialisation. Their differing points of view, clearly expressed, proved very informative, although no real conclusions were drawn.
Traditionally the most popular item. the 'Brains' Trust' followed the adjournment for lunch. The 'panel' did not contain staunch retainers of the two main political parties as in previous years, but nevertheless the session was the liveliest for some time. George Schwartz animated the 'panel' and endeared himself to the conference by his unorthodox views. Mrs. Shirley Williams, of the Financial Times, who unfortunately had to leave a little early, Mr. Healey, an Oxford agricultural economist, and Dr.A.J.M.McIntosh, of the City of London College, completed the 'panel' which stimulated unusual enthusiasm and comment on the floor. It was a pleasant climax to an eventful day.

L.T.Baxter, who left in 1942, and is now living in Victoria, Australia, recently nominated the School for membership of the Australian Geographical Society. We receive each month a copy of the journal Walkabout and some other Publications of that Society.
We are grateful to Baxter for a welcome addition to literature on Australia. Baxter writes that he is in contact with B.C.Pegram and they were able to meet Jim Lewis when he was in Australia with the English Olympic Football team.

We recall how few took seriously the excuse from the person responsible for that controversial dining room mural, but sigh with relief that this "symbol of the surge forward of the scientists at Monoux towards art" was no true portent of the future.

"The important thing about approximate answers is that they should be right AS FAR AS THEY GO."-Arithmetic textbook.

The powers-that-be think it inadvisable to put a swear-box by the hall lectern in aid of the Pavilion Fund.

"It is very difficult to say which of these 2 poems is the better: it depends to a certain extent on the effect of the two on the individual reader." - Sixth-Form essay.

Wha negroid holiday makes free
With such priapic revelry?
What songs? Wha gongs? What nameless rites?
Aldous Huxley.

Sixth-form scientists officially deny that Monoux is to launch a space satellite. "We have not yet completed our nuclear reactor," explained a spokesman.

Since the Pavilion Fund was opened in September of last year the sum of £1,700 has been collected. During the Spring Term we had no major effort and the increase in the fund has been due to a large number of small events.
I wish to pay particular tribute to boys of the Sixth Form who ran a Jazz Band Ball in February and raised nearly £33, and to other members of the Sixth Form who are running a series of Whist Drives, to Mr. Sergeant and his helpers who are selling plants raised from seed, to the Staff, the Parents, Old Boys and to the following local firms
Austinsuites ... ... £10 10 0
Micanite ... .............10 10 0
Boots Drug Stores.............3...3..0
Kingfisher Press .............10 0 0
Henry Taylor & Co. ..........10..0..0
Warners Estates ..............50. 0. 0
Fuller Electric..................25..0.. 0
Saville Pianos .....................10...6
Houghton & Co.................3...3...0
The Essex Education Committee has included in its main building programme for 1959-60 plans for building a new gymnasium and, subject to Ministry approval, work should start in the financial year 1959-60. It is important that the physical training block should be completed as a whole, and I therefore want to make sure that every effort is maintained to raise the sum of money we need by the time the building is planned.
The School Captain is organising a Garden Party and Fete on July 19, when we shall have various activities of interest to all, whether Parents, Old Boys or children, and we hope that we shall have a large attendance and a day of great financial success to round off our first year's efforts.
As I wrote in the last issue of The Monoaian, Wm. Maliinson & Sons Ltd., through its Chairman, Sir Stuart S. Mallinson, C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., D.L., J.P., expressed a wish to enter into a Covenant in order to provide funds to help individual members of the School. Arrangements have now been completed and as a result of the agreement the School will receive £87 annually for the next seven years. The money will be used to augment the prize fund and to help individual boys going for interview to University who find the financial burden excessively heavy.
All Monovians will know of the Allpass Awards for Courage and Endeavour and for Declamation. These awards were made by Mr. Allpass in a Deed of Covenant which expired last year. He has now most generously renewed his Covenant for a further seven years so that the Allpass Awards may continue as before.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Payling have completed an agreement whereby they have covenanted to give to the School a sufficient amount of money to provide for the establishment of special prizes for History.
To all these good friends the School offers its most sincere thanks.

The Bulletin
No change has occurred in the staff which started the paper in its present year of publication, except that D. Holm has replaced A.J.Maxwell as an editor. There were eleven publications during the term, almost one a week, culminating in a two-page end-of-term edition. A point of particular interest which appears when one glances through last term's complete output is the apparent inability of anonymous writers to write anonymously; they insisted on pseudonyms constructed in moments of imaginative inspiration.
Take this conclusion to a letter enquiring about the genuineness of a School notice-board:
Yours faithfully,
Eurydice St. Clair Schmuff,
Society for the Prevention of Sacred Relics
and Monkish Fables.
Evidently readers and editors are rarely without something to uphold their sometimes blase efforts. Again, The Bulletin extends thanks for the help from the Office staff in publication.

The Junior Outlook
For the past two terms the appearances of this periodical have been, at best, periodic. Circulation figures have not been as high as expected; apathy has greeted our competitions; there have been
frequent pleas for contributions. Yet the quality of the material has been of a high standard and thanks are due to regular contributors. The Outlook should soon make fairly regular appearances on the School scene. And, though so far unable to donate to the Pavilion Fund, we hope to do so as soon as possible.

Monoux Writing
This new magazine was launched, with Mr. Chapman's help, at the end of the Spring Term. It was designed to provide an outlet for the literary genius, serious or humorous, of the middle and senior School. Contributions were received in good quantity from all save the "lit." side of the Sixth Form. We hope they are saving their efforts for the second edition. The first one was very successful, and support came up to the wildest hopes of the editors. 150 copies were printed, published on April 30, and soon sold. Thanks are due to all who have helped with the magazine which awaits their support for the second edition, to appear soon after the summer examinations.

The Junior World
This new paper, now in its second volume, has hit the Lower School with its fresh style. It is edited by Richard Raymond in association with Peter Quilley and Roger Meadows. It is the only School paper to print across the page and it gives more Club reports than its older contemporaries. It perhaps has not had the support it deserves, but it is going strong nevertheless.
It owes much to Mrs. Wilkinson, who is always more than willing to give assistance and advice.

On Saturday, March 29, a motley group was to be seen collecting beneath the "Johnny Walker" sign on Waterloo Station. After many anxious glances at the clock and the growing queue for the Swanage train, the party, consisting of first and second year Sixth geology and geography students, was led to the barrier by Mr. Salmond. Soon we were being rushed along on the efficient Southern Railway. Much to the delight of Mr. Salmond, an admirer of British Railways, and to the disgust of other members of the party, the train drew into Swanage ten minutes early. We found and settled into our comfortable hotel, appearing some time later in colourful hiking gear.
Our first field study was carried out in the afternoon. We walked along the sea shore to study the rock structure and formation of Swanage Bay. The party returned successfully laden with fossils and rock specimens. After a large dinner, with numerous second helpings (even thirds and fourths by one member), we spent the evening by note-taking and discussion directed by Mr. Salmond.
This pattern was followed throughout the week. The party visited all the places of geological interest in the area which includes Durlston Bay, Chapman's Pool, Lulworth Cove and Studland Bay.
Walks were usually short and at an easy pace over firm grass in good weather. The week was most enjoyable. We covered everything of interest in the Isle of Purbeck and learned much. The value in the practical work was shown clearly by such questions as "What is a Frome, sir?" and "Why are the North Downs here, sir?" (These howlers were not repeated after the field study.) The party wishes to thank Mr. Salmond for his leadership and guidance, especially with complicated details of the area, for his arrangement and help with travel and accommodation, and for devoting a week of his own holiday to us.

By the time somebody reads this article, if anyone does read it, the 'bus strike will have faded into the misty past. But, writing this in the middle of the stoppage, it seemed faintly incongruous to say we travelled to Westminster.... Most of that journey was serene and effortless with no thumbing or walking, but the last twenty minutes were spent in fighting to get through endless hordes of Daily Worker sellers. These people had nothing directly to do with the actual lectures, organised in the holiday by the Council for Education in World Citizenship, under the auspices of the U.N.A. The subject was "Britain's place in a changing world".
On December 30 at 10.30, Lord Hailsham ascended the platform to the ringing of a large handbell. His professional, political harangue could have been interpreted to mean almost anything and was, at least in the case of the above-mentioned journal. The Hon. C.M.Woodhouse lectured on: "The nature of change in the world", discussing the rise of important Asian and African countries which he compared with the comparatively stable two thousand years' old civilisation of Ancient Egypt. Next, Professor Asa Brigg talked about "The nature of change in Britain". He explored the paradox of the apparent apathy and the startling progress of the British in the last fifty years.
On the second day that champion of the rights of scientists, Dr. J.Bronowski, asked: "How great is Britain?" He stated that Britain's greatness was decreasing and Russia's increasing because in the latter country the average person was acquainted with the basic facts about heredity and nuclear science and why things fall down and not up. He said it was as important to know the difference between a proton and a neutron as it was to be able to recite Gray's "Elegy" (Dr. Bronowski can, of course, do both). He was followed by Mr. John Pinder on "Britain in Western Europe". In the afternoon Mr. Lindsay Anderson, sporting a red cloth tie (a rather angry young man, one thought), tub-thumped happily and made some interesting observations. This gentleman (if he approve the term) is a documentary film maker and was thrown amid the lectures for light relief. He presented film excerpts showing Chris Barber's Band, an interview with what has lately come to be known as a Teddy-Boy and a half-hour at Piccadilly Circus.
On Thursday Professor Goodhart of London University, talking on "Britain in NATO", made the significant and memorable remark that "the greatest contribution which Mr. Dulles could make to world peace would be to resign"; this was wildly applauded. Mr. Colin Jackson, in a brilliant piece of jingoism about Britain and the U.N., spoke of our abilities as "moral leader of the world". Mr. Gaitskell, introduced as the future Prime Minister (mixed reception), closed the lectures, favourably comparing with his Lordship as regards verbal contortions.
Questions were excellent and answers provoking. The discussion groups came up with some good comments amid the hot air. The Daily Worker (by the way) by printing photographs and reports of the meeting, sold an extra 1,500 copies to those present. The twelve boys who went had nothing but praise for the lectures and we got our fares back from the authorities. Next year the theme will be: "Asia and the West".

This year, it is decreed, sensitive chests must not be protected by high-necked pullovers. Liberty bodices, however, may be worn, provided they are in the School colours.

An expert on astronautics, Mr. Arthur C. Clarke, at the Festival Hall recently, said that a shilling a head per week was enough for a space programme. Not that we want to discourage the Headmaster....

Physics master to Sixth form: "At the last place where I worked they had twelve little cells."

We congratulate Mr. Colgate on his appointment as Headmaster at the London Nautical School: a colleague there tells us at break in the staff-room, rum is drunk instead of tea.

If it is true that an enterprising record company proposes to preserve for posterity intriguing conversations between Sixth-formers and a member of Staff which take place each morning before assembly on the balcony, it would seem that we have at last reached the reductio ad absurdurn of summit talks.

Owing to apathy the membership of one School society at least appears to be diminishing in ever decreasing senior circles.

Accumulation of litter behind a large cupboard outside room 23 shows definite geological strata, but Mr. Salmond is not yet welcoming offers for an expedition to the site.

Mr. Purkis (March 31) : "We expect to lose about £10 on Twelfth Night."
Bulletin (April 1, of course): "The Pavilion fund will greatly benefit from the profits of Twelfth Night:"

The growth of the School during the last ten years, particularly the growth of the Sixth Form, has exposed the total inadequacy of the gymnasium to cater for the large number of young men who are scheduled to use it. A review has therefore been undertaken of the needs of the School under modern conditions. As a result of this it has been recommended that considerable re-modelling will be necessary and among other alterations a new gymnasium is planned. Originally this was expected to be started during the 1959-60 financial year and I therefore aimed to produce the money for our new changing rooms to be ready at the same time. However, certain alterations in timing have resulted in the programme being brought into the current (1958-59) financial year. This means that our efforts must be increased in order to have the money for our project in time (say by the end of 1959). In my appeal to the School and Old Boys I suggested that the money could easily be raised if we all put aside one shilling per week for two years. I would very much like to have a message from all who are doing this so that I can gauge the extent of support to be expected and so estimate what extra efforts (if any) we must make to achieve our needs.
The name "Pavilion Fund" is a convenient one, but of course the main rooms will be for changing and showers. During the next few weeks I hope to have a plan available to show exactly what is in my mind.
The School has worked magnificently and has raised £969 by its own efforts. The Parents' Association, by two bazaars, has made available £750 and friends and some local firms have provided £351; Old Boys to date have given £208. Total £2,278.
I appeal now for the utmost efforts on the part of all members of the Monoux family so that we can complete and furnish the Pavilion in a manner worthy of the School. If everybody will make the little effort necessary to complete a donation of £5 during the next twelve months we can all feel that we have played our part in bringing to fruition a worthy enterprise.
We have, since our last issue, received a donation from A. Boake Roberts of ten guineas, and a personal gift from Sir L.P.B. Merriam, M.C., Managing Director of The British Xylonite Co. Ltd.
The Bulletin
During the Summer Term The Bulletin lost the services of the chief editor, R.J. Dean, and one of the editors, R.W. Ram, owing to the pressure of work before the examinations. Dean was responsible for the publication of no fewer than twenty editions during the Autumn and Spring Terms, and The Bulletin offers him sincere thanks for the guidance and direction which he gave to the production of the paper at this time.
For the length of the Summer Term the paper ran with continued efficiency and seven editions were published. The editorial body consisted of R.B. Marks, acting chief editor, D. Holm, H. Marcovitch and D.B. Tillyer. For part of the term Holm was absent in Germany, but this was not a disadvantage since the editors received from him, and were able to publish, interesting and stimulating reports of German life both at home and at school.
Once more the editors find it necessary to appeal for contributions. Their quality has improved, but what material is given in usually comes from members of the Sixth Form. The Bulletin is not only a Sixth Form paper, but one that is produced for the whole School and it cannot be fully representative unless material is received from all sections of the School.
The editors also express their sincere thanks to Mrs. Wright for all the hard work she does to see that The Bulletin appears week by week. Without her efforts the paper could not be published regularly.

If the present "bulge" continues, not only will the gym, library and Scout Hut have to be used as form-rooms, but also the pavilion.

Extract from a fifth form essay : ". . . there is nothing wrong with the continuation of the manufacture of atomic weapons, providing they are used for peaceful purposes."

Perhaps one day we shall like to remember even these things. -Virgil, Aeneid I, 203.

The discovery of a hoard of board rubbers, inscribed "P.S.C.," has been reported from Room 27. This has been variously translated as: Please Send Cash; Post Servitium Gelaturn; Place Safely in Cupboard; Passed Staff College.

"Latin says what it means." Well, that's something to get on with.

Where is Clicky Bar?

The Editors are considering a change of cover for The Monovian as the present one has been in use for several years. Designs from boys of the School or Old Monovians may be submitted at any time.

The exchange visits between the Gymnasium Philippinum in Weilburg (near Frankfurt) and a group of grammar schools in North-East London took place from July 11th to August 31st.
As in previous years, the German party came over first and stayed here for about three weeks to take the English group to Weilburg for the same length of time. There were, as has been usual before, coach trips for the guests from abroad in both countries, and this year the party also visited the Brussels Exhibition on their way to Germany.
The group from Monoux consisted of thirteen boys. Four of them (two last year) were other than German-set boys; six had been on that exchange last summer, and three went for the third time. These figures speak for themselves. It is no exaggeration to say that our boys enjoyed themselves. When we see them come back enthusiastic about their experience, we are sorry that not many more boys avail themselves of an opportunity which they are unlikely to have in later years.
Our thanks are due, in the first place, to Mrs. J. Moore, of Woodford Green, whose prodigious efforts made these exchange visits possible, and to the patient and unfailing co-operation of the members of staff of the Weilburg School, Mrs. Kirsch, Mr. Glockner and Mr. Rubsam. Last but not least, the parents concerned, on both sides of the Channel, must be sincerely thanked for their hospitality.

A term's study in Germany.
From April 15th to July 9th, David Holm, of 6 B Lit., was in Russelsheim, near Frankfurt, Germany, where he attended a German school as a member of a group of English boys and girls sent over by the Educational Interchange Council, London. It was, as far as we know, the first venture of this kind at our School, and we would like to thank the Council for their efforts to make it possible.


With this copy of the magazine you can see the architect's impression of what our Pavilion will look like. I hope that its appearance will please and its publication give renewed energy to the last phase of our appeal.
I had hoped that the building would have been started by the time this magazine appears. The delay is not due in any way to consultations about the Gymnasium or Pavilion. A considerable re-planning of the School is under examination and only when the whole plan has been approved will it be possible to go ahead with the gymnasium scheme.
The present position of the Fund is that we have £3,100 of new money with £500 promised by the Essex Education Committee. Two major money-raising events are being planned: (1) the School Garden Party and Fete on Saturday, July 25, and (2) the Parents' Association Bazaar on Saturday, December 5. We hope for the full support of all friends of the School for both of these functions. If our experience of last time is repeated we shall make £250 on the Fete and £500 on the Bazaar, and thus must raise £650 by other efforts. This means that we must raise about £350 in each of the next two terms, 10/- for every boy in the School in each term. I am trying to encourage the boys to accept this responsibility either by their weekly donations or by some form of work for which payment will come into the Pavilion Fund. During the summer holidays I shall again be issuing work cards.
Needless to say I am very proud of the way the School and Parents' Association are working to raise this money and I am quite sure that we shall all feel the greatest satisfaction when we can say we have bought and paid for our own changing rooms and pavilion.
We have, since our last issue, received donations from Alderman S.N.Chaplin, Henry Taylor & Sons, Mr. V.C.Cosier, the Old Monovians' Football Club, various parents and Old Monovians, and a sum of £250 from the Parents' Association Jumble Sale and Toy Fair.
The Bulletin
There have been sweeping changes in the staff since the last Monovian report of Summer, 1958. R.J.Dean left Monoux and R.B.Marks became chief Editor, assisted by H.Marcovitch, D.Nyman, D.B.Tillyer and C.J.Warbis. The Bulletin was published regularly throughout the Autumn term, anonymous letters of a controversial nature being prominent in the paper.
However, at the beginning of the Spring term, R.B.Marks had to resign owing to pressure of work and H.Marcovitch and D.B.Tillyer became chief co-Editors. Unfortunately, after only a few weeks, H.Marcovitch had to resign also because of work and D.B.Tillyer took over as chief Editor. He immediately undertook a revolutionary move in the organisation of the paper and, besides having Nyman and Warbis as editors, appointed a further eleven junior editors.
The result is that The Bulletin has been published regularly and the variety of contributions has increased tremendously. Once again The Bulletin extends grateful thanks to Mrs. Wright who, the editors secretly confess, really does all the work.

The debating competition can only be described as apathetic from several points of view.
The School in general was apathetic about the competition, the largest number present at any one of the rounds being 16, a truly miserable figure. The houses were apathetic and did not turn out in force to support their teams and heckle the other side with ticklish questions during the general debating. This naturally led to the speakers being rather disappointed (there is nothing more depressing than pouring out one's soul to row upon row of vacant seats and a couple of bored-looking schoolboys with equally vacant expressions), and consequently on the whole the speeches were dull and uninteresting.
In the first round Mallinson and Morris had a bye, Spivey beat Whittingham on the motion that "Future generations will be unable to read a book without pictures," and Allpass beat Higham on the motion that "Industrial civilisation inevitably destroys the character and initiative of the ordinary worker."
In the second round Mallinson beat Spivey on the motion that "This house deplores the discovery of America," and Morris beat Allpass on the motion that "The lesson of history is that men never learn."
In the final Morris proposed and Mallinson opposed the motion that "Britain is a land where reward is based on merit." Also, Wrench of Spivey and Ashton of Allpass were placed in the finals as individual speakers.
Miss King, of Chingford County High School, who adjudicated in the final, judged Mallinson the winners of the Debating Cup and awarded Ashton the prize for the best individual speech.
Also, thanks are due to Messrs. Chapman, Couch and Marshall for their adjudication in the rounds.

"Come and join the unemployed workmen's club!"--One private student to another in the vestibule.

We were disappointed not to witness the culmination of the age-long boxing challenge between Basher Perry and Slasher Smith in the Gym Display. No doubt Mr. Ninnim also wisely decided not to have Bruce in "Before and After" tableaux.

Master in R.I. period : "I suppose my dogma's as good as anybody else's."

Perhaps those still wondering where their Valete has gone would be kind enough to send in the usual details.

"Words are like leaves; and where they most abound,
Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found."
-Pope, Essay on Criticism.


Congratulations! It hardly seems possible that only two years ago we embarked on the enterprise of raising £5,000 in two years. The School has raised £2,192 in under 100 school weeks, an average of more than £20 per week. Enthusiasm in initiating money-making activities and determination in carrying them through have carried the fund steadily forward after the initial grant of £250 from the Parents' Association to a final magnificent figure of £4,814 to which the Essex Education Committee have promised to add £500.
By the time this magazine is in print the fields will be in the hands of the builders and I hope that we shall see the building rise steadily during the next few months.
I am quite sure that the generations of boys coming through the School will have good cause to be grateful to parents, old boys, staff, friends of the School and present scholars who have worked so magnificently.
During the next twelve months we shall be besieged by builders and shall see many changes.
In addition to the new gymnasium, changing rooms and pavilion we shall have a small hall attached to Room 1. This will be capable of seating about 100 people and will be fitted with projection room and a screen and will become the School music room. On the north side of the School we shall have a new block consisting of two workshops, one for woodwork and the other for metalwork. The present gymnasium changing rooms will become additional cloakrooms and the gymnasium will be used as temporary classrooms until further developments take place in a few years' time. We are going to have two small Sixth Form rooms in the front of the School to be formed by cutting off a portion of the present cloakrooms, and the library is to be extended by the incorporation of much of Room 19. The present totally inadequate accomniodation for staff is to be extended and Room 17 will be converted into a medical inspection room and a study for the deputy headmaster.

The Christmas Bazaar was opened by the Worshipful the Mayor of Walthamstow, Ald. S. N. Chaplin, J.P., on December 5th, 1959. It gave the last boost to the Pavilion Fund. As a result of the effort, the profit was approximately £480, more than was hoped for. The £5,000 target was reached and the Fund has come to a tremendous climax.
The Bazaar was organised by the Parents' Association, led by Mr. K.O.Downing, ably assisted by Messrs. Girard, Birks and Curl. Mr. Brobyn planned the arrangement of stalls and Mrs. Cox enthusiastically led a noble band of lady helpers in the kitchen. Parents ran many excellent stalls, as well as first-class raffles and similar items. Boys ran a toy-stall, a gift-stall, a stamp-stall and a bookstall, in addition to many side-shows and a lucky-dip. The Scouts loyally looked after refreshments. To use an original phrase, it was "a great success".

In May the Staff put on an excellent concert in aid of the Pavilion Fund. The items ranged from musical contributions to amusing sketches, and included A.A.Mi1ne's One Act Play The Ugly Duckling, with an all-boy cast, and produced by Messrs. Couch and Brown. The programme included:
"Duets" from Mozart's Marriage of Figaro and Don Giovanni, with Miss Margaret Hastings and Mr. Sergeant.
W.W.Jacobs' The Warming Pan, in which appeared the same male cast as in the first production at Monoux 25 years previously: Messrs. Brobyn, Durrant and Hyde.
Messrs. Sergeant and Tunks appeared in a scene from Don Giovanni and delighted us with splendid singing.
The Pearl, by Eric Williams and Conrad Carter, featured Messrs. Couch, Crispin, Durrant, Hyde, Marshall and Wood. This was a most amusing sketch and (like The Warming Pan above) displayed the finest acting ability.
On the Saturday Malcolm Harvey played the violin, accompanied by Julie Clarke.
The Staff Concert was a welcome and most enjoyable episode in School life, enjoyed by all. It is many years since the masters have put on something as fine as this entertainment and it is sincerely hoped that they will do so again, frequently and soon.

The Monovian
In the last issue but one of the magazine, readers were invited to submit designs for a new cover. Not one design has been received during the past twelve months. Does this mean that boys in the School who are good at art and Old Monovians who have continued their training at art schools are so uninterested that they would not like to see one of their own designs in print? Surely not. May we therefore appeal once again for cover designs to be sent to the editors for consideration not later than Easter.
1We have at last given way to the inevitable and introduced a certain number of advertisements. It is one way of meeting the ever-increasing bills for the printing of the magazine. We hope to limit advertisements as far as possible to matters affecting the careers of school leavers.

The Bulletin
D. B. Tillyer, after his appointment by H. Marcovitch, continued as chief editor of The Bulletin throughout the Summer Term and during the Autumn Term until mid-October when he resigned after some "cabinet reshuffles", and was succeeded by D. J. Holm.
During his editorship, Tillyer increased the sales by over half. Now nearly 300 copies are sold every week. This success was due to three factors: firstly, The Bulletin was produced with great regularity once a week, an achievement that had not been equalled for several years; the articles have been lively and amusing and a Form Captains' Competition for the highest sales, inaugurated by the previous editor, H. Marcovitch, has also kept the School interested in the paper. The third and most important reason, however, has been the controversial editorials and articles. "This controversial nature was nurtured in its columns not merely to increase sales," writes the Editor, "but also to embarrass the smug and self-righteous within the School. Often an editorial was condemned or abused, but the interesting feature is that none was condemned as untrue but merely as inconvenient. The controversy around The Bulletin reached a peak when we published a lengthy editorial during the School election criticising each political party standing. The editorial spared no-one, but unfortunately for the circumspect one party weathered the storm better than the others because it was much less open to exposure than the others."
"This led to a violent attack on The Bulletin editors from all sections of the School with possible irreparable harm being cast upon the editors by the aspersions," as someone put it.
Needless to say The Bulletin looks forward to another exciting and controversial year.

The Junior World
Editor: R. Raymond
This magazine is coming more and more into its own. It now gives even better value for money with two sheets for a penny. However, with so much space available, the editor accumulates the articles over a month so as to give a wider variety to his reading public. It played a large part in the School election with a well timed issue two days before election day.
It has done away with editorials and now has "headlines". It has really up-to-date club reports, house football tables and reports on outstanding matches, is patronised by a section of the School prefects (including the School Captain), who have had several political arguments from edition to edition, has a very good dictionary of jokes and is always up-to-date with interesting pieces of gossip. The circulation averages around a hundred and if it keeps up its present rate of improvement we hope it will become the best junior magazine the School has ever had.

The exchange visit with Weilburg (near Frankfurt) took place, as usual, in July and August, the German party coining over first and taking their English hosts with them to Germany afterwards. This arrangement is due to the fact that the summer holidays begin earlier in Germany (namely in the first days of July) than in this country, but it is very convenient to our boys and parents who thus can meet the stranger on their own ground.
Seventeen boys, the highest number so far, took part in the exchange. The bulk of the newcomers was from the 4th Form German Set which must be congratulated on this achievement, and they seem to have enjoyed the venture. Their parents, who perhaps have an even larger share in this success, also appear to have enjoyed the experience of housing, and looking after, a stranger. Some of the older boys of our group went to Weilburg for the second time. Two of them were literally "farmed out" and liked life on a farm and at a village near Weilburb very much. Incidentally, two Old Monovians, at present at the University, who had been at Weilburg repeatedly, also took part in the exchange this year.
Our boys saw a good deal of the German country, on organised excursions to Frankfurt, to Bonn, and to the Rhine as well as on private car outings; one of them got as far south as Stuttgart. They all will remember with pleasure the warm welcome extended to them at Weilburg generally and the care shown by the German parents in particular.
Our thanks are due to Mrs. Kirsch and Mr. Ruebsam, of Weilburg, who brought over the German party and went back together with the English group; and, of course; to Mrs. J. Moore, of Woodford Green, whose warm-hearted efficiency in planning, organising and keeping together so many young people (our group was one of five grammar schools taking part in the exchange) is mainly responsible for the success of the event.
A full account of the visit appears in the Literary Section; we hope it may induce an appreciable number of our boys to take the plunge next time.


At the beginning of October the Swimming Pool Fund stood at a total of £827. This included the money collected by Mr. Ninnim same years ago and a contribution from the School of £504.
A bazaar organised by the Parents' Association was held on Saturday, 9th December, in aid of the. Fund, with the support of all the friends of Monoux. The total raised will be announced in our next issue.
The editors are gratified that the response to pleas for material has been so enthusiastic. Reduced in the past to frantic declamations alleging apathy, neutrality and perverseness rampant, they have for this issue been inundated with articles. The poets amongst us have not been so prolific as the prose-writers, or perhaps they are more reticent about springing into print. It has been admirably demonstrated recently how much latent poetic talent is evident amongst the juniors. Why do they not submit the fruits of their labours to us? We have proved that we are prepared to consider work submitted to us with sympathy. We like to publish poetry from the junior members of Monoux.
University Letters as a section has proved a popular feature of our recent editions. Monovians who are at the university, however, seem reluctant to write. The anecdotes of our members at the universities in the Midlands fascinate their friends and no doubt would interest present Monovians as well as Old Boys. Please write to us.
We have spent many weary hours, albeit interesting ones, typing out copy that has come to us in a form that makes the work of the printer particularly trying. It would help the editors immeasurably if contributors would type their work (double spacing) or write very clearly on one side of the paper only.
Finally we should like to thank all who have contributed to this issue and we hope that their delight in seeing their work in The Monovian is as great as ours in publishing it.
The editors of The Monovian gratefully acknowledge the receipt of the following school magazines from their contemporaries: The Barkabbeyan, The Brentwoodian, The Chelmsfordian, The Chronicles, The Calcestrian, The Ealonian, The Heroin, The Leytonian, The Parmiterian, The Review The Romford County Technical School Magazine, The Royal Liberty School Magazine, The Sinjun.
In addition we have been delighted to receive Spektrum, die Schulzeitung am Gymnasium Philippinum, Weilburg.

At the beginning of the Autumn Term, the Bulletin said goodbye to L.A.Smy, one of the best known 'characters' who has ever haunted its editorial precincts. R.J.Yorke entered his second year of office as Chief Editor, and J.Boulter continued as Assistant Editor. As a result of some editorial changes early in the term, the board of sub-editors now consists of A.R.Fersht (Alan, of course, is a nationally-known chess player, and he now regularly teases readers of the Bulletin with his chess problems), S.G.Jennings, R.A.Ludlow (who reports lst XI football matches), C.J.Martin, G.J.Offord, T.Tombs, S.Townson (who handles School Rugby, which is rapidly increasing in popularity), P.W.Ward and D.L.Wigston (who, as a lively and well-known member of the School Council, is able to provide us with lucid and entertaining reports of the meetings of this animated gathering).
Armed with such talent, the Bulletin marched forward with a sparkling double-sheeted first edition, maintaining its usual high standard of quality into yet another year as reporter and commentator upon the affairs of the school, which role it has performed without serious challenge since 1944.


A Cause for Involvement
It is often said that the young people of today lack causes, or even one cause in which they can put their enthusiasm and spirit. In Britain the wars against unemployment and grinding poverty have been fought and, with a few glaring and anachronistic exceptions, won. On the international front, some of the older generation look back on the Spanish Civil War as the last occasion when right and wrong came out into the open and the individual could make up his mind to become involved or not, and choose to fight the clear foe of Fascism in a definite and positive fashion. Now the lines have become hazy, the issues befogged, the option of involvement virtually non-existent. The 'reasonable' man has taken the place of the 'believing' man; 'seeing both sides of the argument' is held as the prime aim of civilisation. Fence-sitting has developed from an occupation for the timid into a national pastime, and never has bravery, both personal and national, been so hedged by argument, discussion, committees, and buck-passing.
Yet there is a cause, a clear, demanding cause; a cause which cries out for all the enthusiasm and vigour that can be given it; a cause which overrides all other considerations because it is basic and primary, at the root of life itself. The cause is 'Freedom from Hunger'. Perhaps hunger does not have the theatrical appeal of a Nurenburg or Red Square, or the possibility of action as did Madrid or Guernica. Its blazon is a shrivelled face and bone-thin legs; its standard the crying child and despairing mother; its battlefields the pavements and shacks of Hong Kong and Rio, Calcutta and Algeria. It is, however, more evil, more dangerous, more worth fighting than any ideology. Ideologies change and alter as time passes: hunger prevents change. Ideologies can be argued with: hunger is deaf. Ideologies can be tempered by good: hunger is always evil. A man can comprehend an ideology, can come to grips with it, and see it in his own terms: hunger is vast, insidious, and embraces hundreds of millions.
Here then is the challenge, we in the comfortable West, must, before it is too late, face up to the overriding necessity of feeding millions. Until this is achieved, world peace is a mirage, development hollow, politics air, and progress a mockery. There are so many ways in which everyone can help, contributing to appeals, collecting for appeals, organising methods of raising money, learning as much as possible about the problem, giving service to organisations concerned, and for the student or graduate the field is even wider. To eliminate, hunger education is the prime weapon, and the pre-university students and graduates can go to all parts of the world to teach, guide and help. Food parcels are only the tactical means in the battle. The overall strategy must be to eliminate the ignorance which is at the root of starvation. Better agricultural methods, better seed and fertilizer, distribution and storeage, better balance in diet, better hygiene are the basic problems to face. Only by raising educational standards will hunger be eliminated, and in this way help can be given personally, directly and usefully.
The cause is there; the possibility for involvement is there: the reward is service to others. All the requirements for a crusade are to hand. Let it not be said that this generation was too complacent, too idle, too selfish to face up to a challenge. Previous generations had theirs, faced it, and won. So can this.
An enthusiastic collection for the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief this term raised the magnificent sum of £56-10s., all of which was sent to a Tibetan refugee camp. On the recommendation of The School Council the headmaster readily agreed that money should be collected for 'Oxfam', as it has become known throughout the School, until the end of the Spring Term.

At the end of the Spring Term the total of £1,761 had been raised. The School has collected £1,432 and the money raised by Mr. Ninnim amounts to £329.

The editors would like to express their sincere thanks to all contributors to this edition of the magazine, and more particularly, to those whose articles appear in the Literary Section. The fact that this section is much shorter than in the Christmas edition must be attributed only to the financial necessity for an 'economy-sized' edition and not in any way to apathy. At long last this perennial ghost seems laid, although the editors still wish that rather less reliance could be placed on their own cadging, cajoling and coercion, and rather more on the spontaneous desire to write.
Our thanks are also due to those old boys now studying at the universities who have responded to our appeals for university letters: but whilst we can usually count on contributions from Oxbridge, O.M.'s at other universities tend to hide their lights and the lights of their fellows under a bushel. We know of old boys at Durham, Liverpool, London, St. Andrews, Hull, Birmingham, Keele, Southampton, Nottingham, Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield, Reading, to say nothing of various training colleges and other institutes of higher education; please write to us and let your contemporaries and friends at school know how you are getting on.
We are also extremely indebted to those Old Monovians who responded to our appeal for information in connection with the series of articles As We See Ourselves. Such information is always welcome and always proves to be most interesting and useful.
The Head Master has kindly lent us certain old records of the School which C. Levicki has used as the basis of an article appearing later in this edition. We feel this article should prove of particular interest to the real 'old-timers' of the Old Monovians' Association and to the historically minded generally.
Finally, a note of farewell. In signing off this article, I bring to an end an association of over two years standing with The Monavian; my fellow-editor, Tony Gable, has already disappeared into the Gallic wilds. We should both like to thank contributors, captains of teams, secretaries of societies, members of staff and the rest of the Monovian public for their help and tolerance throughout our period of office, and for their generous and literate, if often eleventh-hour, responses to our appeals for material. Our thanks in particular go to Mr. Miles and Mr. Banks for their helpful guidance and devoted labour in the preparation and production of the magazine, and their patience in the face of editorial whims and idiosyncrasies, in spite of which they still remain the unsung heroes of The Monovian, no tribute ever being paid within the pages of the magazine to their efforts. We thank too, our assistant editors, G.C.Casey and A.J.Moore, for much loyal and fruitful co-operation. The editorship of the magazine now passes into their experienced and capable hands and we are sure that they, together with the new assistant editors, B.Hayhow and H.Morgan, will maintain the high standards from which The Monovian has rarely departed.