The Sports were held on Saturday, April 30th, when we were blessed with excellent weather. The afternoon was marked by the brilliant performance of A.E. Gibbins, who won seven open events and carried off the "Victor Ludorum" Cup.

The Inter-Schools Sports were run off this year at Gidea Park. It cannot be said that the Monoux team was particularly successful, though J.S. Eastwell, who won for us the 100 Yards under 17; V.B. Gardiner, who was third in the Under 17 Half-mile; and E.W. Smith, who came third in both the 100 Yards and the Quarter-mile under 17, and was prominent in the Relay Race, must be congratulated on their performances. Nor did the sports as a whole provide us with anything of outstanding interest, except the finish of the Mile under 17, which was really magnificent, and the fight between Ilford, who eventually won the Cup, and Romford, last year's winners, for the first place. The adventure of being conveyed to Gidea Park in private 'buses, however, brightened the day for us considerably.

On March 12th, the Essex Inter-Schools Cross Country Race was run over our senior course at Chingford. In spite of the difficulty and strangeness of the course, King Edward VI. School, Chelmsford, won easily, with Monoux secondfor the fifth time-and Ilford County High School third.
The School Team was: A. E. Gibbins (Captain), H. C. Greaves, V. I-I. Hawthorn, D. J. Lodder, E. M. Sopwith, C. V. Taylor, E. S. Williams, and J. C. Woodruff.


Thirty-ninth Athletic Meeting.-May 13th.
Though not ideal, the weather during the afternoon was, by contrast with the unpromising conditions that had prevailed in the morning, satisfactory. This year an obvious effort had been made to make the meeting worthy of the School. The preparations had been careful and detailed, and on the day the program of events was carried out most efficiently. The serving of teas in a marquee on the grounds instead of in the not too congenial manual-room; the use of a public address outfit to replace the apparently out-of-date megaphone; the introduction of rules, strictly enforced, controlling more precisely the dress and the deportment of the competitors; and such small but essential things as distinguishing caps provided for the starters, all helped to make the meeting, considered strictly as a meeting, an outstanding success. Even the young lady who dispensed free large quantities of a famous medicinal liquid food to an alarming number of victims of nervous fatigue contributed to the same end.
Considered as an athletic contest the meeting was just as successful. In addition to the new record, 26 mins. 21 4/5 secs., returned in the Cross Country Run Open, no fewer than seven new records were set up on the day. The Relay, 4x 220 Yards Open, was won in 3.5 sec. less than the previous record; and in the case of the Relay, 4 x 220 Yards, the Relay, 4 x 440 Yards, the High Jump, and the 440 Yards, all under 15, the previous records were beaten by 6 4/5 sees., 10 secs., 1.75 ins., and 3.4 sees. respectively.
As for the Old Boys' events, the times for the Mile and the Relay, 4 x 220 Yards, were 7.6 sees. and 2.4 secs. respectively inside the previous records. Further, the records for the 100 Yards Open (10.4 sees.) and the 100 Yards under 15 (11.4 sees.) were both equalled by this year's competitors.
The events, besides being of a high athletic standard, were all interesting, not to say exciting, to watch. Three races attracted particular attention: the 880 Yards Open, won on the tape by E.E.W.S. Thompson after D.J. Lodder (second) or D.F. Webber (third) had appeared bound to win; the Mile Medley Relay Open, an innovation which, though it did not by any means provide us with a thrilling struggle, was still very interesting; and the Old Boys' Mile, won from scratch in clever style by H. Shipway, without whose annual presence the Sports would be incomplete.
At the end of the meeting the medals and trophies were distributed by Alderman Mrs. M. Norrish. The House Shield was won by Morris with 191 points, followed by Mallinson with 130, Higham with 100, Allpass with 97.5, Whittingham with 92.5, and Spivey with 40. Thus the run of successes which Allpass had enjoyed from 1928 was finally interrupted. An important feature of the list of trophies was the absence of the Victor Ludorum Cup, abolished on account of the excessive strain it sometimes persuades competitors to undergo.
On behalf of the School, the Headmaster thanked Alderman Mrs. Norrish for her kindness in presenting the prizes, and he also thanked all those who had helped to make the afternoon so remarkably successful. He congratulated Mr. Ninnim on his first appearance as Master in charge of the Sports and asked him to convey the thanks of the boys to Mrs. Ninnim for giving up so much of her time to making rosettes, flags, etc. for the meeting.


Taking the season all round we may say that we are making headway, and perhaps we can be satisfied with our results at the Annual Sports and in the Club Competitions. In the "Champion Russell" Competition for Essex we managed to secure second place. The Cambridge Contest proved very useful from an instructional point of view, and our senior team obtained much useful track knowledge both in practice and from hints given to them by the members of the Cambridge team; while the junior teams brought to light much undiscovered talent. The Schools Invitation Match was keenly contested with encouraging results. We managed to maintain a leading position during the first half of the programme, but our running in the longer distances constituted a very weak spot in our team. The winners' times were in most cases satisfactory, some individual performances, indeed, being good. H.F. Bailey's jump of 5ft. 4ins. established a new record for the School, the previous one being made by L. Snaith in 1926 with a jump of 5ft. 1in.
Lack of serious training, however, was very obvious in all but the few. A good four weeks' to six weeks' practice is essential in athletics, and if this fact is borne in mind, our results will be still more worthy of us. Again, it is not in the best interests of School Athletics to have the same few boys competing in both House and Match events. Everyone who is physically capable should enter for at least two or three events (Otherwise the Sports merely tend to encourage "pot hunting" by those who stand a strong chance of winning. What is needed is more training and more entries.
Accordingly, eight new events were introduced into the School Sports this year: for the Juniors over 13 and under 15 years, two relays, the Flash Relay and Medley Relay, were instituted; for the Juniors under 13 years, two new sections were created, the group being divided according to age and height. This had the desired result, for large numbers of boys in their first or second year entered and went into training. These two new groups gave many commendable performances, especially in the High and Long Jumps.
We entered for many invitation races and did particularly well at the Southgate Athletic Club's Meeting, for we secured first, second, and third in almost every event. At the Woodford A.C. Meeting we took several firsts. In July last the School Athletic Clubs became affiliated to the A.A.A. and the Walthamstow Schools' Athletic Association. Shortly afterwards we were invited to take an active share in the County Sports held at West Ham, the standard of this contest being above that of the average school sports. K.W. Corder ran very well in the 440 Yards, winning his race for the Walthamstow Schools, and was selected to represent the County at the National Games held at Blackpool.
A party of some thirty boys visited the White City on the occasion of the All England A.A.A. Championships. This visit was greatly appreciated, for we saw the class athlete in action and at his best, and so obtained many valuable hints. We trust that this visit will be repeated each year.
High jumping and long jumping are now decidedly improving, the junior groups A and B under 13 returning 4ft. 3.3ins. for the former and 13ft. 10ins. for the latter. We are now the proud possessors of two really fine jumping pits. This should give every encouragement to boys to practise and develop their type of activity.
The following boys are worthy of special commendation for their consistently good running for the School throughout the season:--R. P. Towndrow (capt.), R. O. Lane, H. F. Bailey, D. Vicary, R.E. Rose, S.D.H. Cozens, E.E.W.S. Thompson, D.W. Field, H.J.W. Wilmshurst, K.W. Corder, L.S. Pontin, W.D. White, G.H. Scott, J.T. Manders, D.H. Stoker, R.J. Clark, and T. Bevan.
The Monovian, report of the 1933 Four-Cornered Athletic Contest, the first of its kind in the history of the School, recorded that; "The hope was expressed that the meeting would be repeated next year." Thanks to the hard work of Mr. Ninnim and the willing co-operation of the other schools, this hope materialised on Tuesday, July 3rd. Leyton County High School and Tottenham Grammar School were again represented, while the place of the Chelmsford school was taken by Wanstead High School.
The most outstanding feature of the meeting was undoubtedly the excellent long-distance running of the Wanstead team. The team owed its first place mainly to its wins in the 440 and 880 Yards, the Mile and the Relays, where again long distance running made itself felt. Nevertheless, Tottenham ran a close second in the 4 x 220 Yards Relay (under 18), which ended in an exciting finish on the tape. Tottenham also did very well in the Junior High Jump, reaching a height of 4ft. 11ins. New ground records were set up in Bailey's (Monoux) 5ft. 5ins. in the Senior High Jump, and Dyall's (Wanstead) time of 4 mins. 54 secs. in the Mile.

School Sports
The fortieth Annual Athletic Meeting was held on the School ground on Saturday, July 21st. The proceedings were interrupted several times by downpours of rain, but Mr. Ninnim, together with a large staff of officials and helpers, was determined to make the meeting a success in spite of the elements. And beyond all dispute it was the most successful the School has ever held. The number of the spectators was certainly a record, while among the officials were such distinguished local figures as the Mayor of Walthamstow (Councillor G.R. Lowtor., J.P.), Mr. P. Astins, E.C.C., and Mr. J. Hewett, E.C.C. The Mayor was accompanied by the Mayoress (Mrs. Lowton), and there were also present Councillor V. L. McEntee, M.P. for West Walthamstow, and Alderman Mrs. C. McEntee, J.P. The amplifying apparatus for announcing was, for the first time, really worthy of the occasion. Every announcement was heard distinctly all over the field. But perhaps the most satisfactory aspect of the meeting was the efficiency and the punctuality with which the programme was carried out, a tribute to the hard work which Mr. Ninnim and his helpers had put into the organisation.
Before the day new records had been set up by Lane and Francis in the Open and Junior Cross Country Races; and although only two further records were broken during the afternoon, in the Open High Jump and the Old Boys' Invitation Relay, there were, a number of very good times, notably Cozens' 10 4/5ths secs. in the 100 Yards. Bailey provided a fitting climax to his season's successes by beating the previous record in the High Jump by 4 inches.
The medals and trophies were presented to the winners by Alderman Mrs. McEntee, who is one of the School Governors.


After three years it has become almost platitudinous to write in the Monovian that "the efficiency of Mr. Ninnim's organisation once again ensured the success of the School Sports." Nevertheless, few people realise how much work really goes into the organising of Sports Day, how many months of apparently thankless toil in carrying through the preparations and directing the training annually precede the day of the exhibition.
On June 1st the annual conflict between Mr. Ninnim's determination and the malice of the Clerk of the Weather resulted for a third time in a decisive victory for Mr. Ninnim. In spite of a very wet morning, the afternoon's meeting was carried out to time, and moreover, the standard of the performance was very gratifying. Mr. West, at the microphone, added an entirely novel diversion to the proceedings by interspersing his announcements with topical advertisements for the Fete. The catering arrangements for the large and enthusiastic crowd of spectators were admirably carried out by the Ladies' Committee of the Parents' Association. Nor can we omit to mention here the unprecedented keenness of the boys in training for the Sports, and the excellent work of E.E.W.S. Thompson as Athletics Captain.
The number of entries was exceptionally high this year, 399. The competition was keen, and many very fine finishes were seen. Most of all, the distinct improvement in style, particularly in the running over shorter distances, and the fact that no less than eight School records were broken, give cause for renewed optimism concerning the future of Monoux Athletics.
For the first time the House Shield went to Spivey House. J. Farnworth, the Spivey Captain, is to be congratulated both on his own fine performances, and on the enthusiasm and the splendid team spirit he had been able to inspire in the competitors from his House. Allpass House, which has probably the finest record of any in Athletics, was a good second.
The Challenge Cups were awarded as follows:-The " Lady Leucha Warner" Cup ('Half-Mile Senior), to E.E.W.S. Thompson; the "Ladies" Cup (Quarter-Mile Senior), to J. Farnworth; the "Old Monovians" Cup (One Mile Senior), also to J. Farnworth; the "Stewart Hatfield" Cup (Cross Country Senior), to D.R. Vicary. The trophies were presented at the close of the meeting by Mrs. L.M. Anderton, E.C.C., a Governor of the School.

The result of the House Championship was as follows:
1. Spivey House, 141 points
2. Allpass House, 121 points
3. Whittingham House, 107 points
4. Mallinson House, 86 points
5. Morris House, 83 points
6. Higham House, 78 points

The School Relay Team this season has consisted of (1) E.E.W.S. Thompson, (2) K.W. Corder, (3) H.J.W. Wilmshurst, and (4) R.J. Clark or G.H. Scott.
Wilmshurst, Clark, and Scott, although all three were under 15, have put up a splendid performance.
We were placed second in the Invitation Medley Relay Race at Chelmsford early in the year, and fourth in the 220 Yards Invitation Relay at Leyton County High School Sports. We also won the Invitation Medley Relay Race at Leyton Technical College Sports on July 4th, the team on this occasion consisting of: Farnworth (440 yds.), Clark (220 yds.), Wilmshurst. (220 yds.), and Thompson (880 yds.). Thompson gained 3rd place in the 440 Yards Invitation Race for the Malcolm Cup at the Royal Liberty Sports at Romford.
Athletics Colours are now awarded for points: 40 points entitle a runner to his Colours and these can be re-awarded each year. Under this system Corder and Wilmshurst have been awarded their colours, and Thompson has regained his for 1935.


The year's athletics did not prove as successful as we had hoped. One of the reason, for this was a certain lack of enthusiasm in the senior part of the School. However, as the term drew to a close, much of this apathy vanished, and Sports Day, in spite of the scarcity of spectators, due no doubt to the weather, was a great a success as usual.
The first meeting in which the School participatcd was the Competition for the Champion Russell Cup. The meeting was held at Wanstead during the Easter holidays, and consequently few of our boys competed. There was a noticeable luck of seniors and we finished near the bottom of the competing schools. We gained places in the long jump, javelin, 880 and 660 yards, but in the relays and sprints we failed badly. The Cup was presented by S.C.Wooderson to Wanstead County High School.

This was the second meeting of the season and did much to efface the unhappy memories of the first, for it was here that our juniors showed their mettle. We saw the results of intensive training when our boys carried off the two cups for which they were eligible. Our efficiency in the "change-overs" enabled us to win all the relays.
The following boys obtained first place in their events: Agass, Bowker, Eagle, Eastoe, Harris, Insole, Lacey, Litwin. Quirk, Steward, Turner, Ward and Wrigley.

In this competition, too, we were reasonably successful. This was a competition for field events only, and we were handicapped in being unable to compete in the pole vault. However we did extremely well to gain fourth place. Notable successes were: Harris (high jump), Booth (high jump), Woods (high jump), Ind (long jump), Insole (long jump), Quirk (discus), Huntingford (discus), Smith (javelin), Russel (javelin), James (shot), Orris (shot). Wrigley (hurdles), Barth (hurdles) and Black (hop, step and jump).

The climax of the year's athletics was the School Sports Meeting, organised by Mr. Ninnim. The competition for the. House Cup gave us a duel between Higham and Spivey, which was decided only by the last event, Spivey winning by 214 points to 212.
Three School records were broken. Wanstead beat the interschools relay record of 1 min. 40.2 sees. by 1..8 secs.; Trett threw the javelin 12ft. 10.5in. further than the School record; Insole jumped magnificently, beating the School intermediate record by 9.5in. and the best senior jump by an inch. It will be most unfortunate if, as seems likely, Insole's illness prevents him from competing next year.
The following cups were presented at the end of the meeting by the Mayoress, Mrs. Bottomley:--
The Linda Cup (House cup)......................to Spivey House
The Old Monovians' Cup (one mile)............to F. B. Fairman
The Lady Leucha Warner Cup (_.-mile) .......to E. B. Fairman
The Ladies' Cup (1-mile) ....................... to S. J. Barker
The Ron Williams Cup (220 yards) ........... .to J. W. F. Trett
The Stewart Hatfield Cup (100 yards) .........to J. W. F. Trett
The Philpott Cup (javelin) .......................to J. W. F. Trett
The Midgley Cup (high jump)...................to J. C. Woods
The Ron Williams Cup was presented for the first time in memory of R H Williams, killed on active service.
Colours were awarded to: Barth, Fairman, Huntingford, Orris Thompson, Trett and Woods.
Half Colours were awarded to: Bangs, Black. B., Black. S., Bowker, Eastoe, Harris, Insole, James, Lacey, Millard and Quirk


The 1947 season has without doubt produced the most encouraging results since the resumption of athletics in 1945, and we can confidently assume that the near future will see a revival of pre-war standards.
However, while we have every reason to congratulate ourselves on the year's work, the apathy towards athletics displayed in the Senior School has not fully disappeared and the Junior and Middle Schools were again the back-bone of all the teams.
Nevertheless, signs of real teamwork are now very apparent, and this more than any other factor has contributed to our considerable successes. Mr. Ninnim is to be congratulated on the way in which he has furthered this essential spirit.
This, our first competition of the season, was probably our most satisfactory display. Our position as second was a great improvement on the low result of last year.
A marked improvement in technique enabled the School to gain places in five of the six relay races. In the sprints our boys gained many successess, and in the field events we more than held our own, but onr results in the middle distance races were extremely poor, owing to the lack of enthusiastic Seniors.
The final order for the Cup was as follows : 1. Wanstead, 2. Monoux, 3. Buckhurst Hill, 4. Barking Abbey, 5, Leytont, 6, Romford, 7. Ilford, 8. East Ham, 9. Dagenham, 10, Chingford.
For the "Bressey Cup," awarded by handicap on the same results, the leading positions were : 1. Wanstead, 2. Barking Abbey, 3 .Monoux.

At the second annual meeting since the war of the Walthamstaw School Sports, held on July 26th, onr boys repeated their fine performance of last year, to retain both the Senior and Junior Cups. Although our teams won by a substantial margin of points, the competition was always fierely contested, and at no time did it appear to be a foregone conclusion. Again it was in the relays that our boys really showed their superiority, excellent technique and an admirable understanding gaining the School first place in three of the four relays and second in the other. It would be difficult to single out any one of our competitors for special mention for our boys were in every sense of the word a team.

Twelve Essex secondary schools participated in this competition, which is composed solely of field events. The School with 72 points obtained third place to Wanstead with 101 and Leyton with 78 points.
Although Wanstead early held the commanding position, sufficient to ensure their retaining the Cup, second place was keenly contested and decided only by the final events.
Handicapped by lack of practice at pole vaulting, the equipment for this event is still to be installed at the School we can regard this as a satisfactory result. We did not, however, forfeit all the points of the pole vaulting events, for two of our senior competitors, Barth and James, gamely entered, to gain 2nd and 3rd places respectively, truly remarkable achievements.

The 48th Annual Athletics Meeting of the School was held on Saturday, 19th July.
Thee great event seemed doomed to cancellation as torrents of rain fell incessantly throughout the morning; but fortunately the weather improved later and the meeting was held three quarters of an hour late.
With clouds threatening to break at any moment the events were completed with amazing rapidity, and the meeting finished at the scheduled time.
Although the ground was treacherous there were many fine performances, six new records being established. The high and long jumps were cancelled owing to the condition of the pits.
The Team Cup, introduced this year and awarded to the House winning most points in all team events, ensured even fiercer competition. The team mile, one of the many team events, succeeded in bringing out the very best in our Seniors, 24 starting and finishing.
The School wishes to thank Mrs Redhead for presenting the trophies; Mr. Ninnim for his capable organisation; the many members of the Staff and of the Old Boys' and Parents' Association for acting as officials; and Mr. Philpott for his hard work in preparing the track.


The School won by fourteen points from their old rivals William Morris, mainly due to some excellent baton changing in the relays, which concluded a long programme. We won three out of four relays, and these wins changed a deficit in points to a clear majority. Had the competition been run on the same lines as in previous years we should probably have won by a wider margin. This year instead of two cups being awarded for separate groups they were assigned to the first and second in the whole competition. The cup won by the School was the "Rego Trophy."
Running a very fine race B. Eagle won the 14-15 years 880 yards in 2 mins. 22 secs. He waited until the final bend before he sprinted home to win by a handsome margin.
The 100 yards was run down rather a big slope and therefore the times were good. Boys who excelled themselves in this event were F.C. Smith in the 14-15 group and Ralph Thackway in the fourth year group.
With the object of stimulating interest in field events Mr. Ninnim was asked by the organising committee to take a team of boys from School to give a demonstration. The technique of putting the shot, throwing the javelin and throwing the discus was very aptly demonstrated by the team. A lot of special training had been put in by the boys, and the aim of the display was to help other schools in the district should these events be included in future Walthamstow Schools' Sports.
When the prizes were given out, Max Ward handed to Miss D. Wrigley, the Mayor of Walthamstow, who presented them, a small present from the School.
The individual prizes were in the form of medals.
School Winners
100 yards, 14-15: F.C. Smith.
100 yards, 4th year: R.C. Thackway,
880 yards, 14-15: B.A. Eagle. 2 min. 22 secs.
75 yards hurdles, 14-15: C.D. Risby. 12 secs.
Long jump, 13-14: B. Horder. 14ft. 6in.
High jump, 14-15: N.S. Davis. 5ft.
Relay, under 13.
Relay, 13-14.
Relay, 14-15.
Sports Day is the outcome of arduous preparation throughout the year. All boys are trained in all the events, this being a special feature to encourage the weaker boy to participate actively.
One thousand eight hundred and twenty competitor entries passed through the preliminary heats, and this had the effect of spreading the interest throughout the athletic season.
The pole vault was an innovation which had appeared in the 1939 programme, but which was postponed because of the War. The poster competition for the sports brought forth much work of outstanding merit, and the winners of the competition were: Seniors, Ind; Juniors, Rippin.
As the last events ran their course, spectators closed in on the table where the cups were displayed. The Mayoress, Mrs. Crosier (whose son, an Old Monovian, was killed on active flying service) distributed the prizes.
After the prize distribution, officials and helpers adjourned to the dining hall for refreshments, which were in the hands of Mrs. Ninnim.
In the evening Mr. Ninnim sponsored a very successful Old Time dance in the School Hall, and the Swimming Pool Fund gained to the extent of over nine pounds.


'This year has, I think, seen a great recovery in the standard of athletics in the School. Perhaps the most pleasing aspect of the year's athletics has been the improvement in the senior part of the School, always previously our greatest single weakness in inter-school competitions.
But whilst we have more than held our own in competition this year, we have no cause for complete satisfaction. That the School has sufficient boys of ability is obvious, but we still lack the enthusiasm so essential to a winning team.
Mr. Ninnim and his assistant, Mr. Crispin, are to be congratulated on the success of their intensive training plan, in this they were aided by several of the more experienced seniors, among whom Fairman, Booth and Bowker were prominent. Only with the full appreciation of the value of progressive training and the desire to improve one's performance will this apathy towards athletic training disappear.
In this, our most important athletic fixture of the season, the School gained third place, twelve Essex Grammar and County High Schools competing. Wanstead again won the trophy but did not, as in previous years, monopolise first places, and the competition was keen throughout.
We were rather unfortunate in two relays: in one we were first home but disqualified for a faulty change-over; in the other a dropped baton cost us a likely place. It was obvious that our boys had not trained to the extent of many of our rival competitors, and we gained only two first places, in the Under 15 440 Yards. (N. S. Davis) and in the Under 16 Relay: hardly a laudable effort for our team, which has so many boys of real ability.
At this sports meeting we meet the best of junior athletes in Essex, and we cannot hope to oust Wanstead from her position until our boys become more conscientious in their training.

At this sports meeting, which consists solely of field events, our team gave their finest display in gaining 2nd place with 81 points to Wanstead's 96. We were in fact the only challengers to Wanstead, as the third place was gained by Ilford with 51 points. It was most pleasing to see our team gain three places in the four pole vault events, as this is an event only recently introduced to our boys.
Final position: 2nd.
Wanstead 96.5 points, Monoux 81 points, Buckhurst Hill 57 points.

Although these championships we held during the holidays, the School was well represented at the meeting and with our 8 competitors we gained three first places and three second places, our other two competitors being unplaced, but gaining Essex standard. Our entrants really pulled out their best and Bowker, winning the 220 Yds. in 24.5 sees., Davis 2nd in the High Jump at 5ft. 2 in. and Booth, 2nd in the 120 Yds. Hurdles in 16.4 sees., all returned better performances than existing School records. In addition, Turner was first in the Youths' Hurdles, and Sivell and Ind won first and second places in the Javelin Throwing. Finally, Booth is to be especially congratulated on reaching the Southern Counties' Standard in both Hurdles and High jump.

For the third year in succession the School won this competition, but it was noticeable that the other schools competing had reached a far higher standard than in previous years and certainly made our boys extend themselves fully to retain the trophy. It was in the Relay Events that our boys showed a marked superiority, and it was in winning three of the four Relay Races and gaining fourth place in the other that our team built up their winning margin.
Final position: 1st.

In the first annual competition for the Campbell Trophy, a sports meeting for relay and team events only, the School tied for first place with two other schools. Our team gave a really grand display and earned success by their consistency; for, although we did not win many races, there were only a few in which we did not gain places.
This new competition is a welcome one, and one in which the School teams, with their usual success in Relay Racing, should do consistently well.

Saturday, 9th July, saw the School Sports held in fine weather. Thc meeting was a great success, and the keenness with which the Houses competed for the Linda and Team Cups kept the spectators' interest alive throughout-indeed, it was not until the final races that the result was decided, Higham overhauling Spivey House, which had started with such an advantage in keenness points. Certainly there was more enthusiasm shown among competitors in this inter House competition than had previously been shown in School athletic meetings; twelve records were broken.
Thanks are due to Mrs. Redhead for presenting the trophies; to Mr. Ninnim for his very capable organisation; to the members of Staff, Parents and Old Boys for acting as officials; to the House captains and "whips" for their work in compiling the teams; and to Mr. Philpott for his work in preparing the track.

Lady Leucha Warner Cup (880 yds. Senior): E. B. Fairman.
Ladies Cup (440 yds. Senior): A. Bowker.
Old Monovians Cup (1 Mile Senior): E. B. Fairman.
Midgley Cup (High Jump Senior): A. M. Booth.
Stewart Hatfield Cup (100 yds. Senior): A. Bowker;
Ron Williams Cup (220 yds. Senior): B. Black.
Linda Cup (House points): Higham House.
Philpott Cup (Javelin, Open): Sivell.
Team Cup: Higham House.


The 52nd Athletic Meeting was held on July 14th. This year we enjoyed fine, warm weather. Even if the sun was a little too powerful for the comfort of the competitors, it certainly made for a brilliant gathering, and the meeting was well supported by parents, friends, and O.M.s The whole of the Staff gave their active support as officials.
The Sports were preceded as usual by the preliminary heats, team standard contests, house relays, and a number of other events which have to be run off before the day to avoid strain and fatigue on the part of the competitors.
Team standard contests have now been organised for the past nine years and have done much to raise the standard of the field events. Moreover, they have encouraged the weaker boys to take an active interest in Athletics and those knocked out of their heats to continue their training.
Considering the fine condition of the ground and the fact that there was a strong head wind, the winners' times should have been much better. Some individual performances were indeed good. The same remark does not, however, apply to the majority of the competitors: Lack of serious training was very obvious in all but a few, and those few were often the favourites. Staggered starts were re-introduced this year in the 220, 440, and House Relays. These have not been used since 1938. Their re-introduction added interest to these events.
At the beginning of the summer a training plan was prepared for the whole of the School. An after-school training schedule was drawn up which covered a twelve weeks' course. Training record sheets were available, together with the advice of a coach, and weekly training hints were published in the School Bulletin.
Only a very few boys took advantage of these facilities and in consequence we were defeated in every major athletic event in which we took part during the year.
It is hoped that 1952 will see many more boys taking an active and keen interest, for only by effort and really intelligent training will the satisfaction of first class achievement in Athletics be reached and enjoyed.
Once again the School Sports were conducted with customary efficiency, and reflected well-deserved credit on the whole School. There was keen rivalry throughout the competition, and the result was in doubt until the final event, which gave Higham victory. The weather was favourable, and this added greatly to the enjoyment of the occasion.
The German boys, who were visiting the School, took part in several events, including a relay with a School team.
The Cups were presented to the winners by the Mayoress, Lady McEntee, who was in turn given a magnificent bouquet by the School Athletics Captain.


After much arduous preparation, which showed signs of a revival of the keenness to do well, the athletic season culminated in another most successful Sports Day. Again the sports were most efficiently organised by Mr. Ninnim, and all events ran true to programme. The standard of running was again high; indeed, no fewer than six new records were set up. In all, one can safely say that Sports Day went off with all its customary sparkle and enjoyment.
Under the new arrangement one lesson a week was given to general training, but in addition Mr. Ninnim ran a training course for House leaders who afterwards acted as his assistants after school hours. It was very disappointing to find that so few Intermediate and Senior boys supported this training scheme, with the consequent poor placings in the Russell Cup and the Bickersteth Cup meetings. However, the junior section gave every support to after-school coaching which resulted in the welcome return to the School of the Walthamstow Schools' Athletic Cup after an absence of three years. It is only when we are prepared to train that we will regain our old position in first class competitions.
Colours for their work throughout the season were awarded to Barron and Keeler; Wyton was appointed athletics captain at the beginning of the season.

We can look back on last year's Athletics with considerable satisfaction, because not only did the School attain a new level of achievement in the School Sports and especially in athletic meetings in which it competed, a reflection of the untiring work of Mr. Ninnim and Mr. Crispin, but for once it did not rain on Sports Day. In fact, the day was calm under a clear sky, which led to nine new records being established. The complete success of Sports Day was due once again to the high degree of organisation achieved by Mr. Ninnim.
The School was 3rd in the Bickersteth Cup, 3rd in the Walthamstow Schools' Sports, and 9th in the Champion Russell Cup, and in the Essex Sports, Walthamstow was represented by many Monoux boys. The following boys were successful in gaining places. Horlock, who was undoubtedly the School's best athlete last year, was first in the intermediate 100 yards in 10.7 seconds, Grimley was second in the intermediate long jump with 19 feet 1 inch, McColgan was placed second in the senior shot with 41 feet 2 inches, and Black was cheated of second place in the javelin by three inches with a fine throw of 158 feet 5 inches.
The prospects for next season look promising, and with the introduction next year of a scheme where seniors will train juniors in one particular event, and with winter athletic training organised by Mr. Crispin, our athletics should be even better.


We can look back on last year's Athletics with considerable satisfaction, because not only did the School attain a new level of achievement in the School Sports and especially in athletic meetings in which it competed, a reflection of the untiring work of Mr. Ninnim and Mr. Crispin, but for once it did not rain on Sports Day. In fact, the day was calm under a clear sky, which led to nine new records being established. The complete success of Sports Day was due once again to the high degree of organisation achieved by Mr. Ninnim.
The School was 3rd in the Bickersteth Cup, 3rd in the Walthamstow Schools' Sports, and 9th in the Champion Russell Cup, and in the Essex Sports, Walthamstow was represented by many Monoux boys. The following boys were successful in gaining places. Horlock, who was undoubtedly the School's best athlete last year, was first in the intermediate 100 yards in 10.7 seconds, Grimley was second in the intermediate long jump with 19 feet 1 inch, McColgan was placed second in the senior shot with 41 feet 2 inches, and Black was cheated of second place in the javelin by three inches with a fine throw of 158 feet 5 inches.
The prospects for next season look promising, and with the introduction next year of a scheme where seniors will train juniors in one particular event, and with winter athletic training organised by Mr. Crispin, our athletics should be even better.


The fifty-ninth annual Sports was held on Saturday, May 17. As usual the weather was unsettled, with cold winds and fine rain increasing towards the end of the meeting. However, the meeting ran smoothly to its conclusion and an afternoon of keenly contested events was enjoyed, eight new records being established and a number of "A" and "B" standards gained in all age-groups. The meeting was again most efficiently organised by Mr. Ninnim and he is to be congratulated on the fact that this year's Sports Day was the twenty-fifth that he has been responsible for at the School.
The most outstanding event proved to be the Inter-House Team Mile, for which every House turned out a complete team, the result being a most exciting race. Allpass House set up a new record.
This year the School was more than delighted to welcome Mrs. V.J. Stirrup as our Guest of Honour to make the presentation of the trophies to the winners at the end of the meeting. Owing to the poor weather the ceremony had to take place in the School Hall. A happy and unexpected incident at the conclusion of the distribution of awards was the presentation by Mr. A.F. Ninnim to Miss Joan Stirrup of a fully dressed doll in Monoux athletic kit complete with colours and badges.
The School wishes to thank Mr. C.E. Crispin for running training classes in athletics throughout the winter and spring terms. This coaching proved to be a great success and was most encouraging as it was supported by a number of boys from all age-groups. This training was continued to the end of the athletics season. Thanks are also due to Mr. Tunks for his assistance. The results of this training, together with that given by Mr. Ninnim, can be seen in the results below.
In all matters connected with the Sports the School appreciates the keen support of the Staff, not only for their work on the day itself, when they act as officials both on and off the field, but also for their help in organising the House trials.


This year has seen an inconsistent and irregular improvement of standards in the School. It is indisputable, however, that the field events have eclipsed those on the track in general standards even if not in individual brilliance. It does seem that the intensive coaching of junior and intermediates in field event technique by Mr. Ninnim and Mr. Crispin is now paying dividends. As a result, our field event team can more than hold its own with all but a few of the Grammar Schools in Essex. The track squad, however, is considerably below standard, and had it not been for a few outstanding individuals, the School would have attained considerably inferior results.
Basically the remedy is simple, as our weakness is not due to a lack of talent, for in the Lower and Middle School there are boys of considerable ability in both the sprints and the middle distances. But to reach their full potential, they must work, and work hard. There must be a greater appreciation of the value of progressive training, and a realisation that the foundation of success on the track in summer, for both sprinter and middle distance runner, is laid during the winter months.
In this, the most important track fixture of the year, the School could hardly fail to improve upon our twelfth and last position in 1958. Improve upon this we certainly did, but our final placing left much to be desired. In the 23 events that comprise the meeting, we had only eight finalists, but owing to some fine running, especially from the Third Form, we had four first places. The lack of depth in the School can be seen from the fact that we had only one relay team qualifying for a final out of the six relay events.

In this competition, which is confined to field events, the School was always among the leaders throughout the long and arduous programme. The finishing order was in doubt almost to the last event, and the School can congratulate itself upon what is a truly first-class performance, and one which is a striking testimonial to the hard work put in by Mr. Ninnim and Mr. Crispin in coaching the field events, and to the hard training done by many of the boys.

The School team had high hopes of winning this trophy, but it soon became apparent that this was not to be. Several people, of whom there was greater expectation, ran well below their best form, and although our teams ran consistently for third and fourth places in most events, we could still do no better than place fifth overall.

The School was badly represented at these championships, and the consolation must be that those who did compete put up some respectable performances. In future years many of the fourth and fifth forms should make use of the Youths' Champion-ships in order to gain the valuable competitive experience which all but a few lack.
J. Maxwell also ran in the Woodford Green A.C. relay team which won the county youths' 4 x 110 yds. title. Of the Old Monovians competing at the Championships, the most prominent was Brian Rider, who annexed the Senior 440 yds. title in 50.8 secs., and ran in the winning Woodford Green A.C. 4 x 440 yds. relay team.
The School provided a large proportion of the Walthamstow and District team for these championships. Unfortunately, few were at their best, and only A. J. Maxwell, who was second in the Senior Mile in 4 mins. 39.8 sees., was placed.

Saturday., July 19, saw the Schools Sports held in fine weather which was, perhaps, if anything a little too hot. The meeting was a great success, and it was a pity that the final result was in little doubt throughout the afternoon. As a result of Sports Day being held later in the term than for some years previously, it was possible to reintroduce field event team competitions for juniors and intermediates. This caused a great revival of interest in the lower part of the School, as it enabled a greater number of boys to compete for their houses. Indeed, it is to be hoped that the School never reverts to an early Sports Day again.
Another feature of the Sports was the presentation of a new trophy, the "Chaplin" Cup for the Senior Team Mile, and we are indebted to Alderman and Mrs. S. N. Chaplin for the award.
Suitably enough, Spivey took the cup for its inaugural presentation, when winning the event for the fifth successive year.
Thanks are due to Mrs. Chaplin for presenting the trophies, to Mr. Ninnim for his capable organisation, to the Parents who provided the teas, to members of Staff, Parents, and Old Monovians for acting as officials, and to Mr. Ames and his assistant who prepared the track and throwing areas.


Not even the most dismal member of the school team could say that this year was anything but reasonably successful. Much is still to be desired, but weaknesses proved to be less of a handicap than was feared, whilst several new stalwarts appeared to bolster up the team. The biggest improvement has been in the middle distances. Several previously unobtrusive runners realised what was to be gained by training regularly, and made a surprising and very commendable break-through. The great weakness of the season on the track was in the senior sprinting. A relay team containing two milers, needs no further indictment.
Inexplicably, performances in the field events were below the standard of the previous year; there was no real reason for this. Perhaps the greatest single complaint should be that many of the intermediates and seniors thought that after 1959's comparative successes, they could take things easily. They received a severe jolt, and they should heed the warning. Mr. Ninnim and Mr. Crispin gave their usual unremitting sterling services, and. our thanks must also go to the other members of staff who gave of their time and services. Mention must also be made of Mr. Ames, who had the track ready for use earlier than for many years, and maintained the lane markings throughout the season.
Once again this competition proved to be the least successful of the three inter-school competitions. The team's morale was at zero before the start, and it remained there. The only competition so far as the School was concerned was to avoid being last, which we did by one point. This utterly disastrous performance must remain as a warning to those who think the season begins with this competition. June is more the time to begin training for the following (rather than the current) year. Until this is realised we shall be last regularly. Inter-school athletics is now the most highly competitive of all sports, and the members of the School must realise it and support all attempts made to increase their athletes" fitness.
The following named obtained places in the finals.
100 yards under 16: 3rd Bailey, P. R.
880 yards under 16: 4th Smith, L.
440 yards under 16: 4th Freemantle.
Relay Under 16: 3rd
Position in competition: 1lth.

At the beginning of the autumn term the Cross Country Club was formed with twenty-five enthusiastic members of all ages. Its first competition was the Smeed Trophy in December when the school team was placed seventh out of twenty schools. In the H. W. Payne Cup the school junior team was placed fifteenth.
The school entered the Junior and Intermediate races in the Walthamstow Championships in January and gained first and third places with Wotton and Vernon-Smith respectively.
The Club hopes that the standard of track-running in summer competitions will greatly improve as a result of this regular winter training.

Once again we supported the Walthantstow Schools in the Essex County Championship held at Harlow New Town.
Some of our athletes were selected to represent Walthamstow.
Obtaining places in the competition:
Junior Long Jump: D. C. Jolly, 3rd.
Intermediate High Jump: D. Drew, 2nd.
Senior Pole Vault: J. Palethorpe, 3rd.
We should like to record this year Mr. Tunks undertook the duties of Walthamstow District and we wish him every success in his work.

This Trophy, held in July is late enough for the summer's athletes to emerge from hibernation, and show what they can do when they try. This must surely become one of the most coveted trophies in time, now that the entry has been increased to over a dozen schools. It must prove stimulating to hold the meeting in conjunction with the Vancouver Trophy, and the schoolboy athletes must take some inspiration from the numerous internationals who compete at this meeting, which is one of the major inter-club events.
The School showed what it is capable of, for every one of the teams reached the final of its event. The height of the afternoon's competitions came when the Senior Mile team won their event with a display of courageous team-running. It is a sobering thought, that had one team not been disqualified, and the medley team not withdrawn owing to being one runner short, we might have won this competition.

Surprisingly the School dropped five places to ninth this year, out of twenty-three competing schools. It is difficult to assess the reason accurately. Probably it is largely due to the laziness of a very few. Performances were hardly inferior than previously, but just sufficiently to cause a fall of a few places, as several schools were within a few points of each other. So long as the warning is heeded that there must be no complacency, then this year's result will be most gratifying.

Under 14 High Jump: 1st Wenham 4 ft. 10 ins.
Over 17 High Jump: 3rd Drew 5 ft. 5 ins.
Under IS Long Jump: 4th Jolly 16 ft. 6 1/2 ins.
Under 14 Triple Jump: 3rd Wenham 35 ft. 1 1/2_ins.
Over 17 Pole Vault: 3rd Palethorpe 9 ft. 0 ins.
Under 16 Pole Vault: 2nd Young 9 ft. 6 ins.
Under 16 Hurdles: 3rd Freemantle -
Under 16 Javelin: 2nd Westley 133 ft. 9 ins.
Under 14 Discus: 4th Ridge 94 ft. 6 ins.

Once again we managed to obtain a marginal second place at this meeting. Our failure year after year to win this competition is not due to the lack of capable athletes in the School but may be attributed entirely to lack of willingness to undergo hard, regular training. Our strength in competitions outside the School is therefore weakened.
General training as part of the curriculum is supported every day after four o'clock by special coaching and it is significant that only a few keen athletes take advantage of the opportunity. It is astounding that even boys selected to represent us fail to turn out for any regular form of daily training. It should be the responsibility of every member of a team, whether School or House, to plan a training time-table and to adhere to it whatever the cost. Only by hard work can we acquit ourselves as well as we should.

The School Sports were, for the second successive year, held in fine weather, which must be a record in itself. The inter-house competition proved to be one of the closest for some years, and interest was maintained to the last event.
Two more trophies were given their inaugural presentation on Sports Day, and the School is indebted to the donors, Mr. and Mrs. Fortey for the 'David Fortey' Cup for Putting the Shot, Senior, and Mr. and Mrs. Tillyer for the 'Desmond Tillyer' Cup for Hop, Step, and Jump, Senior.
Our thanks are also due to Mrs. Chaplin for presenting the trophies, to the Parents who provided the teas, to the Members of Staff, Parents, and Old Monovians who acted as officials, and to Mr. Ames and his assistant for preparing the track and throwing areas, while we must congratulate Mr. Ninnim on his superb organisation.


This was undoubtedly one of the School's most successful seasons for several years. It has certainly shown that if a determined effort is made by all our athletes next year our achievements could be quite outstanding. Those boys, such as Maxwell, Drew, and Wootton, who trained hard from the very beginning of the season met with considerable success in the various competitions arranged by the District and yet it is certain that there are many others who could reach a similar level of attainment if they were to take their training seriously, make use of the equipment and facilities in the new gymnasium, and take advantage of the after school coaching so generously provided by Mr. Ninnim and Mr. Crispin.
Cross-country running proved to be valuable winter training and it is to be recommended not only for middle-distance runners but also for sprinters. Early training is especially necessary for competitors in field events and it should he remembered that there are several local athletic clubs who are willing and anxious to extend their training facilities to schoolboys who would benefit from the additional competition provided for them.
Behind all the training sessions, good performances, well-run meetings, and happy athletic occasions are many organisers who give many hours of their leisure to the sport. At Monoux we are especially grateful to Mr. Ninnim and Mr. Crispin for their consistently sound advice and perseverance. Mr. Tunks and other members of the Staff have encouraged and guided the athletes throughout the year and to them we are very grateful. Perhaps part of their reward comes when a race is won or a new record established or a struggling competitor runs himself out to gain a place for the School: nevertheless, they should know that their services, so freely given, are deeply appreciated. Mr. Ames, too, and his assistant have both contributed to, a successful season as they have marked out the track and maintained it in good condition.
The School was unable to be represented at the meeting this year because of an important event at Monoux, the opening of the new pavilion. This ceremony fell on the same day as the Campbell Trophy meeting and all our athletes were taking, part in the display of gymnastics which was reported in the last edition of The Monovian.
Our final position of eighth this year was an improvement on our performance last year but there is no cause for satisfaction to be found here. Several of our relay teams just failed to gain places mainly because of their lack of practice in baton-changing.
We gained four 4th places, four 3rd places, and Wootton came second in the Under-17 Mile event.
A number of our athletes were selected to join the rapidly improving Walthamstow team that competes in these sports. Monovians had considerable success in that D. Drew won the Senior High Jump, J. Maxwell won the 200 Yards Low Hurdles, and G. Wootton gained fourth place in the Intermediate Mile.
Twenty schools took part and Monoux gained fifth position. This is encouraging, perhaps, but we should do better next year if those who expect to take part in the throwing events make use
of the weight-lifting equipment that the School has acquired recently.
Once again we gained only second place to William Morris School in this competition. There is little doubt that our team could win easily if a greater number of boys, particularly in the lower school, would train hard for the lesser-known events - the hurdles, for example - instead of leaving all the work to a few 'stars'.

Although we thought that the tradition of wet sports days had been broken after two years of fine weather, once again this year rain was with us and a thunderstorm held up the sports for half an hour. Nevertheless, the meeting provided both competitors and spectators with an interesting and exciting afternoon of athletics with the result of the Inter-House Championship in doubt until the actual presentation of the Cup.
Two new trophies were presented at the end of the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chazalon, the parents of the School Captain, have given to the School a handsome cup to be known as The David Chazalan Cup for Senior Discus, and the Parents' Association have donated a Cup to be presented to the winner of the Long Jump. This gesture by the Parents' Association was made to mark the last sports programme organised by Mr. A.F. Ninnim while on the Staff of Monoux. It should be recalled here that he has organised twenty-nine such events. It was in 1933 that he introduced field events into the sports activities of the School and by 1935 all the major field competitions had been established in the programme. The presentation of these cups now means that there is a trophy for every senior event and every competitor has the opportunity to hold a cup for one year.
In a speech that was filled with happy memories and good advice the Mayor of Walthamstow, Alderman Redhead, reminded the School that the pleasure that came from athletics came from competing rather than from winning although he did not undervalue the joy that coming first in an event afforded. The Headmaster, Mr. Stirrup, welcomed our guests of the afternoon, amongst whom were the Mayoress, Mrs. Redhead, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Chaplin, and Mrs. Potter. He paid tribute to Mr. Ninnim and his organisation of the School's sports not only in 1961 but through the years that he has served. He stressed the efficiency and the attention to detail that Mr. Ninnim had shown in whatever he had undertaken.
In a brief but sincerely moving reply Mr. Ninnim said that he had tried to show the boys whom he had taught the value of discipline in the formation of character. His work, he admitted, would not have been so pleasurable without the willing cooperation of his colleagues on the Staff and the help of friends, Old Monovians, and teachers from other schools who had contributed to the success of this sports day and the many that had gone before it.
The Mayoress, Mrs. Redhead, then presented the trophies. The victors gained their reward and the vanquished applauded their conquerors. In spite of the weather the afternoon had been a success. The Parents' Association and Mrs. Lee had provided tea with their customary efficiency and good humour, the organisation had run smoothly, new records had been set up, and with the congratulations of the visitors still resounding m his ears Mr. Ninnim must have smiled as the defeated thunderstorm lashed its way angrily towards Epping Forest to spend its last fury.


This year undoubtedly fulfilled in many ways much of last season's promise, for there was a great improvement in the School team as a whole. The most marked improvement however, was in the middle and long distance departments of the School team, which significantly coincided with the advent of serious cross-country in the School. The added strength which winter cross-country running gave to our runners was apparent to all, and it is just that the three boys who trained hardest during the winter, Wootton, Miller and Vernon Smith, were the most successful of the School's athletes.
Although the team did not have a particularly successful start to the season, with a rather lowly position in the Russell Cup Competition, it was soon to show its potential with victories in invitation events at the White City and also in the Wadham Trophy, Junior Section. It is the first year that this latter event has been held, and it is hoped that the trophy will remain at Monoux for many years to come.
This season, for the first time in many years, the School won the Walthamstow School Sports, both track and field sections, and this win, together with the Wadham Trophy victory, seem to bode well for the future, for both of these meetings involve only the junior section of the School team. Towards the end of the season the School took part in the Bickersteth Cup and came fourth, quite an achievement considering there were over twenty schools in the competition.
The School Sports, despite being threatened by a heavy downpour of rain went off with the impression of efficiency and high achievement that one has come to expect of a Monoux Sports Day. The success of Sports Day was mainly due to Mr. Crispin's splendid organisation, and his enthusiasm was relayed to everyone taking part, and for this the School is extremely grateful.
If more boys take advantage of the facilities offered by the School, and if they take advantage of the daily circuit-training sessions and cross-country running, the School can look forward to a highly successful season next year.


Judging by results, this year's season has been a good one. It is still a fair criticism to say that serious training on the part of some athletes would have produced even better results, but this would probably still be true if all competitions had been won.
Our relay teams produced some very fine running and exciting races in both the Campbell and Wadham trophies -though the baton changing left room for improvement. In the Campbell, we emerged from the heats level with Leyton and favourites, but a disqualification of one team and another being unable to compete prevented us from finishing better than third. In the Wadham Trophy, a disqualification in the final race brought the Junior Team from first to third place and the Senior Team finished second.
In the Russell Cup the relay teams, backed up by good support in the senior sprints and long distance, brought us in second place for the first time in many years. In this we were partly helped by the change of scoring which now gives points for all places in the finals.
In the Walthamstow Sports the Junior Team won both field and track trophies and the Senior Team brought home the Guardian Trophy-awarded for the first time this year.
In the Bickersteth Cup for field events, in which nearly thirty Essex schools took part, we came a good second to Southend. This, again, is the first time we have been so close to the top.
This year we held two triangular matches, with Beaconsfield and George Mitchell Schools. We won both of these, but more important, they were so enjoyable, that we hope we may repeat these next year and extend our fixture list.
Although only a minority of the Senior School take athletics seriously, those that do, prove that they are top. In particular Miller A. I. (who took Maxwell's mile record this year) has, by his successful example, encouraged others to join clubs and follow club training methods. We won the 880 yards this year in the Middlesex Championships, and reached the finals of the Southern Counties in this event. Roger Johnson, who put in much hard training, and Alec Cohen have both had good seasons, and next year will form the core of a good middle distance team. Phil Bailey, Vice-Captain, has long been training in a club relay team, in which this year he has gained firsts in the Essex Club Championships. In the Essex Schools 220 yds. after a poor start (with which he has trouble!) he gained on the whole field to finish second after lying fifth at the bend. He has also beaten the school 100 yards record which has been standing since 1949. Peter Jackson, a sprinter, and Glyde, first in the pole vault at Walthamstow and the Bickersteth, earned their half colours. In the fourth form, Williamson and Church are versatile athletes, taking three standards each at the Bickersteth, and Whitehurst's performance at hurdling has been outstanding. The Junior School has some very fine athletes whose performances do them great credit.


If the number of school records broken is any indication, the school undoubtedly had a successful season, although in inter-school competition, it was, perhaps, not up to the very high standard of last year. These continued successes were, in part, the direct results of much hard work during the previous winter, especially in respect of cross-country. Indeed, the sooner the school realises that athletes are made during the winter (and that there is far more to athletics than a pleasant summer recreation) the quicker will rise the general standard of athletics within the school. In reply to anguished cries of protest from sprinters, I would merely ask how many of them can last a quarter-mile, or even a 220 without coasting at some stages. For field-events men, this is the time to build up strength, not during the season, at the expense of speed.
With both the Campbell Trophy and the Russell Cup competitions hotly pursuing the Easter holidays, a triangular match with Buckhurst Hill and Hackney Downs was arranged as a warm up. Winning both the senior and junior competitions and coming second in the intermediate age-group, the school won convincingly overall.
The benefit of this match was realised in the later competitions: in the Campbell Trophy, the school finished equal second, a long way behind Leyton, while in the Russell Cup we came third, again to Leyton, with Beal second. The stars of the former competition were the winning senior mile medley (i.e. 220, 220, 440, 880) team in which A.I.Miller took over in the lead and managed to hold off Essex Schools' Champion, M. Green (Chingford), over the last half-mile. The "Russell" served to illustrate not so much the few outstanding competitors, but rather, the great depth of athletic ability in the school.
As we have come to expect, the school did well in the final Walthamstow Schools' Sports, the intermediates being placed second behind William Morris, while the juniors carried off two cups, which augurs well for the future. Nineteen athletes from the school represented Walthamstow in the Essex Schools' Championships. Worthy of mention in respect of this competition are two pole-vaulters, Clark and Glyde, the former winning the junior competition and the latter raising the external school record to 10' 3"; Murphy excelled in the junior mile in which he came third with a time of 4 minutes 59.9 seconds.
This year, the school had a much fuller athletics programme which included several late-season matches; a pentathlon with Ilford and Buckhurst Hill resulted in our taking third place, R.Jolly claiming the individual honours in second position; the Wadham Trophy, a great test of a school's depth, returned to Monoux on this occasion defying the attempts of both Leyton and William Morris; a junior triangular match against William Morris and George Mitchell confirmed the result of the Walthamstow Schools' competition with a win for the school.
The Bickersteth Cup competition, rather later in the season than usual, again found Glyde in excellent form. He won the pole-vault competition with a vault of 10' 6", three inches higher than his previous school record, and helped the school to finish in fourth place, out of nine schools.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity of thanking, on behalf of the team, all masters who officiated at home matches, especially Mr. Crispin and Mr. Lord, who so generously gave of their spare time organise the school's athletics meetings.
Full Colours have been awarded to: Bryson, Clyde, Jackson , and R.N.Johnson, and re-awarded to A.I.Miller.
R. N. Johnson, 6A Sci.


Following a fairly lean cross country season, I think the general feeling was that the athletic season would continue in similar vein. However, this view proved to be a false one, and this is much to the credit of the entire team; the school won a high proportion of the competitions for which it entered, not through the efforts of a few talented individuals (although we have a few of these) but by the general backing-up of the vast majority.
I have only one complaint, and that was lack of time, which meant that many fixtures had to be cancelled and others hurriedly rearranged.
The Russell Cup was the season's first competition and we were not disappointed with our fourth place out of twelve competing schools as we tied with Leyton C.H.S. who had been winners the three preceding years. Our only winner was R. Wilson, in the U.16 440 yds., in a competition which demanded a very high standard of individual performance.
The Waltham Forest Championships closely followed and was probably our crowning achievement of the season: we gained 19 first places in all age-groups, winning the Junior and Senior competitions, and placing third in the Intermediates. Incidentally the Intermediates did very well with a team of fourth year boys (and one fifth former) in that age group. Outstanding in this competition were C. Glyde, who cleared 11' 6" in the senior pole vault, and D. Gibson, who, in winning the intermediate walk, beat all the Seniors as well.
There followed a number of smaller competitions: the Fairlop Trophy won by Fairlop with Monoux a good second; a pentathlon which aroused great interest among Monovians; and a lower school competition versus George Mitchell School in which the first and second year combined team reached the unusual result of a tie, while the third and fourths won comfortably.
A large number of Monovians represented Waltham Forest in the Essex Schools' Championships. The district seemed to gain numerous second places but received only one cup. A. Childs won the Senior 1 mile walk, and J. Evans, in winning the Intermediate pole-vault, was selected to represent Essex in the National Championships. C. Glyde was unable to vault in the Senior competition through injury but also gained selection by reason of his performance at the district level.
Later competitions resulted in wins for the first and second years, and third and fourths in a field events match against Leyton C.H.S. and Wanstead C.H.S., and again in a curtailed programme versus William Morris Technical School and Norlington School. In the Wadham Trophy we were placed first in the Junior section and second in the Senior, while the "Bickersteth" was perhaps a little disappointing as we finished only third.
We should congratulate J. Evans on his third place in the National Schools Championships and C. Glyde on his eighth place. Finally, I would like to thank all members of staff and boys who assisted during this season, especially Messrs. Crispin and Lord who gave unceasingly of their time and energy, and A. I. Miller whose advice and enthusiasm was invaluable.
R. N. Johnson (formerly VI A. Sc.).


At first sight, the athletics results this year were good, if a little erratic. However, a school of our size can scarcely fail to contain sufficient talent for a reasonable athletics team in any year. Thus, the school's performance this year was not, as a whole, outstanding, by our standards.
This is not to say that the school did not possess in 1966 as many potentially excellent athletes as it has in previous years, but, unfortunately, more of these than usual remained only potentially excellent. The reason for this is not hard to see; the amount of athletics training done at this school has never been as great as is should be, but this year only a very small number indeed seemed to do any serious training at all. A number of relay teams even threw away valuable points because their baton changes, which could have been perfected by only an hour or so's work, had been practised insufficiently. This school has training facilities unequalled in this area, and it is a great pity that more advantage is not taken of these, both during the summer and during the winter. The standard of athletics at Monoux will never reach its full potential until more training is undertaken; ability alone is not enough.
In the Champion Russell Cup competition for track events, the school came seventh out of twelve schools competing, gaining only one third of the winners' points total; last year we came equal fourth, with two thirds of the winners' points total. Once again, R. Wilson was our only individual winner in this competition, winning the U.17 440 yards.
The Campbell Trophy is a competition (for track team events) with a very high standard; even so our final placing of eighth out of ten was rather disappointing.
The school fared rather better in the Waltham Forest Secondary School Sports, gaining first place in the Junior section once more, second place in the Senior section, which we won last year, and second place in the Intermediate section, in which we finished third last year with a very similar team.
The Wadham Lodge Inter-Schools meeting (another team event) is a great test of depth, since each competitor may enter only one event. Here the school did improve on last year, by winning the Intermediate as well as the Junior section.
The Bickersteth Cup competition, for field events, ended with school in sixth position, admittedly with a considerably weakened team.